public async Task <IActionResult> SendNotificationMobile(string userId, string message)
            // IActionResult OpmUserProvince = null;
            var mobileObj = _context.UserTokenMobiles
                            .Where(w => w.UserID == userId)

            foreach (var item in mobileObj)
                var p8privateKey = $"MIGTAgEAMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHBHkwdwIBAQQgpaXr/CZEsUSHeky8aQQ6teO4cDSsLwVq3j7PWdpr6wOgCgYIKoZIzj0DAQehRANCAAQe9meUPmcbinwleRVTxlolByUcfJjX9uxhYie57KxZJZZEfYrM4/U/IAcDu3EiWWBoKYmsVtDMTBGbFTfVCUvo";
                if (item.DeviceType == "ios")
                    using (var apn = new ApnSender(p8privateKey, "7D37LMN3C4", "RVLQ6T4Y33", "com.tot.inspec", ApnServerType.Production))
                        // await apn.SendAsync(item.Token,message );
                        await apn.SendAsync(new { alert = message }, item.Token);
                    using (var fcm = new FcmSender("AAAAzLUSLHk:APA91bEPP7_VRyQf7nFxKPTpZ6BYZ_yk7A0sXEWTOo--4i8kykZpmZnxzneKB5jdkRj8hJIPGu7Nfsvtu81YM2bZ3zFGOS8oTV_QGPWMcuUimytm8GOOjA9OT6_4nxLLQ1oPZOEep8Jb", "879211195513"))
                        await fcm.SendAsync(item.Token, message);

        //totake:את כל המחלקה

        public static async Task SendNotification(string title, string body, string userToken)
                using (var fcm = new FcmSender(GetFireBaseServerKey(), GetFireBaseSenderID()))
                    await fcm.SendAsync(userToken, new
                        notification = new
                            title = title,
                            body  = body,
                            //כל שאר הערכים רשות
                            vibrate = "[300, 100, 400, 100, 400, 100, 400]",
                            //todoever: להחליף לאייקון הולם יותר
                            icon = "",
                            tag  = "push demo",
                            data = new { url = "" }
            catch (Exception e)
        public async Task SendFirebaseNotificationAsync(string title, string body, IEnumerable <Device> devices, string externalUrl = "")
            var serverKey = _config["Firebase:ServerKey"];
            var senderId  = _config["Firebase:SenderId"];

            var data = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "notiTitle", title },
                { "notiBody", body },
                { "externalUrl", externalUrl },
                { "click_action", "FLUTTER_NOTIFICATION_CLICK" }

            foreach (var device in devices)
                using (var fcm = new FcmSender(serverKey, senderId))
                    Message message = new Message()
                        Notification = new Notification
                            Title = title,
                            Body  = body,
                            Sound = "default"
                        Data  = data,
                        Token = device.Token

                    var response = await fcm.SendAsync(device.Token, message);
예제 #4
        private async Task SendFirebaseNotificationAsync(string title, string body, IEnumerable <Device> devices)
            var serverKey = _config["Firebase:ServerKey"];
            var senderId  = _config["Firebase:SenderId"];

            foreach (var device in devices)
                using (var fcm = new FcmSender(serverKey, senderId))
                    Message message = new Message()
                        Notification = new Notification
                            Title = title,
                            Body  = body,
                        Token = device.Token
                        var response = await fcm.SendAsync(device.Token, message);
                    catch (Exception)
                        // TODO
예제 #5
        // GET: /<controller>/
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index()
            var         httpClient = new HttpClient();
            FcmSettings settings   = new FcmSettings();

            settings.SenderId  = "557535861881";
            settings.ServerKey = "AAAAgc-6HHk:APA91bGGjo4Xld7-Lg0vRTcORTZWKFIwZaTZnmw4fr21pgusvwobvSCjzUSjj7-7JlaIcQr2GDNptWZQKe5oWuopgkgpmH-aOHe9_Q9eKUHGgUIMhLPJhEtrq-jHPIyDpBLHmWp2tTf8";

            var fcm = new FcmSender(settings, httpClient);

            var notification = new GoogleNotification
                Data = new GoogleNotification.DataPayload
                    ExperienceId = "@choby/seekit24",
                    Message      = "安卓测试消息 🆚"
                Priority = "high"

            string deviceToken = "fQVPgfq8TZKrltAwHSB-WI:APA91bFWh5E5PKp_8fdjlkkeE7K6xjoA9CH9Dll-nJBvPwnKDcsNnH2Py5Gf5T7SMna4X0D35_tA8a32ytB29nApEei4Kx78pIsk7md6xfBh-_JffilmRZQSR179e2pc8pbZs4T78ocp";

            FcmResponse response = await fcm.SendAsync(deviceToken, notification);

            //  await fcm.SendAsync();

            return(Content($"android push result:"));//{response.IsSuccess().ToString()}
예제 #6
 public async Task SendAsync(string deviceToken, FcmPayloadNotification payload)
     using (var apn = new FcmSender(_appSettings.FCMServerKey, _appSettings.FCMSenderID))
         await apn.SendAsync(deviceToken, payload);
예제 #7
        public async static void Push(string deviceToken, int busId, NotificationDto notification)
            notification.Priority = priority;
            notification.Title    = appName;

            using var fcmClient = new FcmSender(firebaseApiKey, firebaseUser);
            await fcmClient.SendAsync(deviceToken, new { data = notification, busId = busId });
예제 #8
        public async Task SendToAllDeviceUsers(Guid userId, FcmPayloadNotification payload)
            var devices = _unitOfWork.DeviceRepository.Get(x => x.UserId == userId && x.IsActive && x.ExpiredAt > DateTime.UtcNow);

            using (var apn = new FcmSender(_appSettings.FCMServerKey, _appSettings.FCMSenderID))
                foreach (var device in devices)
                    await apn.SendAsync(device.DeviceToken, payload);
예제 #9
        public async Task SendFireBaseNotificationsAsync()
            var serverKey = _config["Firebase:ServerKey"];
            var senderId  = _config["Firebase:SenderId"];

            var tokens = await _uow.DeviceRepository.GetAllAsync();

            foreach (var device in tokens)
                using (var fcm = new FcmSender(serverKey, senderId))
                    //if (device.Type == Data.Entities.Enums.DeviceTypeEnum.ANDROID)
                    //var googleNot = new GoogleNotification();
                    //googleNot.Data = new GoogleNotification.DataPayload
                    //    Message = "Testing"

                    Message message = new Message()
                        Notification = new Notification
                            Title = "My push notification title",
                            Body  = "Content for this push notification"
                        //           Data = new Dictionary<string, string>()
                        //    { "AdditionalData1", "data 1" },
                        //    { "AdditionalData2", "data 2" },
                        //    { "AdditionalData3", "data 3" },
                        Token = device.Token

                    var response = await fcm.SendAsync(device.Token, message);

                    //    var appleNot = new AppleNotification();
                    //    appleNot.Aps = new AppleNotification.ApsPayload
                    //    {
                    //        AlertBody = "Testing"
                    //    };
                    //    await fcm.SendAsync(device.Token, appleNot);
예제 #10
        private async Task <FcmResponse> SendToPushProvider(PushMessage message)
            var fcm = new FcmSender("AAAAKquFIcw:APA91bGOmzRaHrhrJamb70K29-ecgflt8OZTYdQs8cSvB8kAYZME9TdeJlWDuYuEgXV7mF3fWyNVRka91so8ua-yzOgnVWNi7KuB-Ib8xSLQ_0MxzsL5QB5jxqOcme8Y8_NbDgcbnSUb", "183266255308");
            var res = await fcm.SendAsync(message.DeviceToken,
                notification = new
                    body = message.TextMessage

예제 #11
파일: Services.cs 프로젝트: hungcuuu/api
 public void sendMessageAsync()
     using (var fcm = new FcmSender("AAAAANIAdg4:APA91bHMu_e6u-n6LhobVUTHGT5AsGhRmp3y9nQSMTE3VPh-QUbwgX_8w8kA8b3BOT6mfaRRSATsGNqe7_az5clbXvS3j7xKfyuYXB0t6TGtjFlYavNmUi-Hwc2YR9wmgh99mHiv263q", "3523245582"))
             notification = new
                 title = "Test",
                 body  = "Yeah",
        private static async Task SendFcmNotificationAsync()
            var settings = new FcmSettings
                SenderId  = fcmSenderId,
                ServerKey = fcmServerKey

            var payload = new
                notification = new { body = "Hello World!" }

            var fcm      = new FcmSender(settings, new HttpClient());
            var response = await fcm.SendAsync(fcmReceiverToken, payload);
 public async Task SendPushNotificationAsync(IEnumerable <string> deviceTokens,
                                             Notification notification)
     using var fcm = new FcmSender(_firebaseNotification.ServerKey, _firebaseNotification.SenderId);
     foreach (string token in deviceTokens)
         FcmResponse fcmResponse = await fcm.SendAsync(token, new
             notification = new
                 title        = notification.Title,
                 body         = notification.Message,
                 click_action = notification.Url
예제 #14
        public async Task SendUserNotificationAsync(int loggedUser, int id, UserNotificationRequest notif)
            var user = await _uow.UserRepository.GetAsync(loggedUser);

            if (user.Role == RoleEnum.NORMAL)
                throw new NotAllowedException("User");
            var userToUpdate = await _uow.UserRepository.GetAll()
                               .Include(u => u.Devices)
                               .Where(u => u.Id == id)

            if (userToUpdate == null)
                throw new NotFoundException("User");
            var serverKey = _config["Firebase:ServerKey"];
            var senderId  = _config["Firebase:SenderId"];

            foreach (var dev in userToUpdate.Devices)
                using (var fcm = new FcmSender(serverKey, senderId))
                    Message message = new Message()
                        Notification = new Notification
                            Title = notif.Title,
                            Body  = notif.Body
                        Token = dev.Token
                        var response = await fcm.SendAsync(dev.Token, message);
                    catch (Exception)
예제 #15
        public async Task SendNotification(PushNotificationItem notification)
            var users = dbService.GetUsers();

            foreach (var token in users)
                using (var fcm = new FcmSender(_serverKey, token.UserName))
                    await fcm.SendAsync(token.Token,
                        notification = new
                            title = notification.Title,
                            body  = notification.Body
        public async Task SendNotification(NotificationItem notification)
            var users = _dbService.GetUsers();

            foreach (var user in users)
                using (var fcm = new FcmSender(_options.ServerKey, user.UserName))
                    await fcm.SendAsync(user.Token,
                        notification = new
                            title = notification.Title,
                            body  = notification.Body
예제 #17
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            var path = args.Length > 0 ? args[0] : Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "google.json");
            var json = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(path));

            var serverKey   = json["serverKey"].ToString();
            var senderId    = json["senderId"].ToString();
            var deviceToken = json["deviceToken"].ToString();

            var settings = new FcmSettings
                SenderId  = senderId,
                ServerKey = serverKey

            var notification = json["payload"].ToObject <GoogleNotification>();

            var fcm      = new FcmSender(settings, http);
            var response = await fcm.SendAsync(deviceToken, notification);

            Console.WriteLine($"Response: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response)}");
예제 #18
        private async Task SendNotificationsForDevices(List <Device> devices, string message, string type, Dictionary <string, string> payload)
            if (devices.Count == 0)

            var iosPayload = new AppleNotification
                Aps = new ApsPayload
                    Alert = message,
                Type   = type,
                Params = payload,

            var androidPayload = new FirebaseNotification
                Android = new FirebaseAndroidPayload
                    Notification = new FirebaseAndroidNotification
                        Body      = message,
                        ChannelId = "GENERAL"
                    Priority = 10,
                    Data     = new FirebasePayload
                        Type   = type,
                        Params = payload
                Notification = new FirebaseNotificationInfo
                    Body = message

            var iOSDevices = devices.Where(d => d.Platform == 1).ToList();

            using var apn = new ApnSender(

            await Task.WhenAll(iOSDevices.Select(device => Policy
                                                 .HandleResult <ApnsResponse>(r => !r.IsSuccess)
            }, (exception, timeSpan) =>
                var time = timeSpan.ToString("h'h 'm'm 's's'", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                Logger.LogWarning($"Failed to send iOS notification to device id {device.Token} in {time}: {exception?.Result?.Error?.Reason}");
                                                 .ExecuteAsync(() => apn.SendAsync(iosPayload, device.Token))

            var androidDevices = devices.Where(d => d.Platform == 2).ToList();

            using var fcm = new FcmSender(settings.Connection.FirebaseServerKey, settings.Connection.FirebaseSenderId);
            await Task.WhenAll(androidDevices.Select(device => Policy
                                                     .HandleResult <FcmResponse>(r => r.Failure > 0)
            }, (_, timeSpan) =>
                var time = timeSpan.ToString("h'h 'm'm 's's'", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                Logger.LogWarning($"Failed to send Android notification to device id {device.Token} in {time}");
                                                     .ExecuteAsync(() => fcm.SendAsync(device.Token, androidPayload))
예제 #19
        public async Task SendFireBaseNotificationsRemindersAsync()
            var serverKey = _config["Firebase:ServerKey"];
            var senderId  = _config["Firebase:SenderId"];

            var tomorrow          = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1);
            var usersWithoutPlans = await _uow.UserRepository.GetAll()
                                    .Include(u => u.Eats)
                                    .Include(u => u.Devices)
                                    .Include(u => u.UserSettings)
                                    .ThenInclude(s => s.Setting)
                                    .Where(u => !u.Eats.Any(e => e.CreatedAt.Date == tomorrow.Date))

            var reminder = await _uow.ReminderRepository.GetAll().Where(r => r.CodeName == RemindersConstants.NO_EAT_PLANNED_FOR_TOMORROW).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

            if (reminder != null)
                foreach (var us in usersWithoutPlans)
                    var lang     = us.UserSettings.Where(us => us.Setting.Name == SettingsConstants.LANGUAGE).FirstOrDefault();
                    var language = "";

                    if (lang == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lang.Value))
                        language = "ES";
                        language = lang.Value.ToUpper();

                    foreach (var device in us.Devices)
                        using (var fcm = new FcmSender(serverKey, senderId))
                            Message message = new Message()
                                Notification = new Notification
                                    Title = language == "EN" && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(reminder.TitleEN) ? reminder.TitleEN :
                                            (language == "IT" && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(reminder.TitleIT) ? reminder.TitleIT : reminder.Title),
                                    Body = language == "EN" && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(reminder.BodyEN) ? reminder.BodyEN :
                                           (language == "IT" && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(reminder.BodyIT) ? reminder.BodyIT : reminder.Body),
                                Token = device.Token
                                var response = await fcm.SendAsync(device.Token, message);
                            catch (Exception)

            //await RecurringJobSchedulerAsync();
예제 #20
 public async Task SendNotificationAsync(string message,
                                         CancellationToken ct = default)
     await _fcmSender.SendAsync(_token, message);