예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a FBX file into a temp scene representation (which may already contain meshes and materials, don't care)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_FileName">The name of the FBX file to load</param>
        /// <param name="_Scene">The cirrus scene into which we should store the data</param>
        /// <param name="_ScaleFactor">The scale factor to apply to the entire scene
        /// By default, internal MAX units can be considered as centimeters so if you create a scene whose dimensions of a one meter box are 100x100x100, you
        /// will want to use a scale factor of 0.01.
        /// FBX offers the possibility of scaling but does a shitty job at it as it doesn't even rescale other dimensions like near/far clips or ranges for lights
        ///  and camera, which plain sucks.</param>
        /// <param name="_Materials">An optional materials database containing informations about materials required by the scene</param>
        public void     Load(FileInfo _FileName, FBX.Scene.Scene _Scene, float _ScaleFactor, MaterialsDatabase _Materials)
            if (_FileName == null)
                throw new Exception("Invalid file name!");
            if (!_FileName.Exists)
                throw new Exception("Scene file \"" + _FileName + "\" does not exist!");
            if (_Scene == null)
                throw new Exception("Invalid Scene to load into!");

            m_Scene = _Scene;
            m_ScaleFactor       = _ScaleFactor;
            m_MaterialsDatabase = _Materials;

            FBXImporter.Scene FBXScene = null;
                FBXScene = new FBXImporter.Scene();

                // Process materials

                // Process the scene nodes
                RecurseProcessNode(FBXScene.RootNode, null);

                // Attach camera & light targets

                // Build actual optimized and consolidated meshes

                // Propagate state once so Local2World matrices are up to date
            catch (Exception _e)
                throw new Exception("An error occurred while importing the FBX file \"" + _FileName + "\"!", _e);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert from FBX
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_Scene"></param>
        public Scene(FBX.Scene.Scene _Scene)
            // Create materials
            FBX.Scene.Materials.MaterialParameters[] SourceMaterials = _Scene.MaterialParameters;
            foreach (FBX.Scene.Materials.MaterialParameters SourceMaterial in SourceMaterials)
                m_Materials.Add(new Material(SourceMaterial, MapMaterial));

            // Create nodes
            if (_Scene.RootNode != null)
                m_RootNode = new Node(this, _Scene.RootNode);
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a FBX file into a temp scene representation (which may already contain meshes and materials, don't care)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_FileName">The name of the FBX file to load</param>
        /// <param name="_Scene">The cirrus scene into which we should store the data</param>
        /// <param name="_ScaleFactor">The scale factor to apply to the entire scene
        /// By default, internal MAX units can be considered as centimeters so if you create a scene whose dimensions of a one meter box are 100x100x100, you
        /// will want to use a scale factor of 0.01.
        /// FBX offers the possibility of scaling but does a shitty job at it as it doesn't even rescale other dimensions like near/far clips or ranges for lights
        ///  and camera, which plain sucks.</param>
        /// <param name="_Materials">An optional materials database containing informations about materials required by the scene</param>
        public void Load( FileInfo _FileName, FBX.Scene.Scene _Scene, float _ScaleFactor, MaterialsDatabase _Materials )
            if ( _FileName == null )
                throw new Exception( "Invalid file name!" );
            if ( !_FileName.Exists )
                throw new Exception( "Scene file \"" + _FileName + "\" does not exist!" );
            if ( _Scene == null )
                throw new Exception( "Invalid Scene to load into!" );

            m_Scene = _Scene;
            m_ScaleFactor = _ScaleFactor;
            m_MaterialsDatabase = _Materials;

            FBXImporter.Scene	FBXScene = null;
                FBXScene = new FBXImporter.Scene();
                FBXScene.Load( _FileName.FullName );

                // Process materials
                ProcessMaterials( FBXScene.Materials );

                // Process the scene nodes
                RecurseProcessNode( FBXScene.RootNode, null );

                // Attach camera & light targets
                PostProcessNodes( m_Scene.RootNode );

                // Build actual optimized and consolidated meshes

                // Propagate state once so Local2World matrices are up to date
            catch ( Exception _e )
                throw new Exception( "An error occurred while importing the FBX file \"" + _FileName + "\"!", _e );
예제 #4
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: Patapom/GodComplex
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a FBX scene and converts it (in the same folder) into its GCX equivalent
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_File"></param>
        public void LoadScene( FileInfo _SourceFile, FileInfo _TargetFile )
            FBX.SceneLoader.SceneLoader	Loader = new FBX.SceneLoader.SceneLoader();

            FBX.SceneLoader.MaterialsDatabase	Materials = new FBX.SceneLoader.MaterialsDatabase();
            //			Materials.BuildFromM2( new DirectoryInfo( @"D:\Workspaces\Arkane\m2" ) );

            FBX.Scene.Scene	Scene = new FBX.Scene.Scene();
            Loader.Load( _SourceFile, Scene, 1.0f, Materials );

            // Start writing
            //			FileInfo	Target = new FileInfo( Path.Combine( Path.GetDirectoryName( _SourceFile.FullName ), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( _SourceFile.FullName ) + ".gcx" ) );
            using ( FileStream S = _TargetFile.OpenWrite() )
                using ( BinaryWriter W = new BinaryWriter( S ) )
                    GCXFormat.Scene	GCX = new GCXFormat.Scene( Scene );
                    GCX.Save( W );

            // Write infos
            List<string>	Infos = new List<string>();
            Infos.Add( "Textures:" );
            foreach ( FBX.Scene.Materials.Texture2D Texture in Scene.Textures )
                Infos.Add( "ID #" + Texture.ID.ToString( "D3" ) + " URL=" + Texture.URL );
            Infos.Add( "" );

            // Here, I write an array mapping texture IDs to names, assuming textures have been converted to POM format using PNG2POM (or HDR2POM)
            // This way I can simply copy this "code friendly" list and paste it in my C++ code (e.g. const char* ppID2TextureName[] = { PasteHere }; )
            Infos.Add( "Texture Flat Names:" );
            Infos.Add( "" );
            string	DirectoryHeader = Path.GetDirectoryName( _SourceFile.ToString() );
            DirectoryHeader = DirectoryHeader.Replace( "\\", "\\\\" );	// Double antislashes
            foreach ( FBX.Scene.Materials.Texture2D Texture in Scene.Textures )
            //				Infos.Add( "ID #" + Texture.ID.ToString( "D3" ) + " URL=" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( Texture.URL ) );
                Infos.Add( "\"" + DirectoryHeader + @"\\TexturesPOM\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( Texture.URL ) + ".pom\"," );
            Infos.Add( "" );

            Infos.Add( "=============================" );
            Infos.Add( "Materials:" );
            foreach ( FBX.Scene.Materials.MaterialParameters Mat in Scene.MaterialParameters )
                Infos.Add( "ID #" + Mat.ID + " => " + Mat.Name + " (shader=" + Mat.ShaderURL + ")" );
            Infos.Add( "" );

            Infos.Add( "=============================" );
            Infos.Add( "Meshes:" );
            foreach ( FBX.Scene.Nodes.Mesh Mesh in Scene.Meshes )
                Infos.Add( "ID #" + Mesh.ID + " => " + Mesh.Name + " (primsCount=" + Mesh.PrimitivesCount + ")" );
            Infos.Add( "" );

            Infos.Add( "=============================" );
            Infos.Add( "Lights:" );
            foreach ( FBX.Scene.Nodes.Light Light in Scene.Lights )
                Infos.Add( "ID #" + Light.ID + " => " + Light.Name + " (type=" + Light.Type + ")" );
            Infos.Add( "" );

            Infos.Add( "=============================" );
            Infos.Add( "Cameras:" );
            foreach ( FBX.Scene.Nodes.Camera Camera in Scene.Cameras )
                Infos.Add( "ID #" + Camera.ID + " => " + Camera.Name + " (FOV=" + (Camera.FOV * 180.0f / Math.PI) + ")" );
            Infos.Add( "" );

            if ( Materials != null )
                FBX.SceneLoader.MaterialsDatabase.Material[]	QueriedMaterials = Materials.QueriedMaterials;

                List<string>	QueriedTextures = new List<string>();

                // Here I'm generating the XCOPY batch commands to copy original textures from a complex directory structure
                //	into a flattened directory where they'll further be converted into POM files using PNG2POM
                Infos.Add( "=============================" );
                Infos.Add( "Queried database materials:" );
                foreach ( FBX.SceneLoader.MaterialsDatabase.Material M in QueriedMaterials )
                    Infos.Add( M.Name );

                    if ( M.TextureDiffuse != null )
                        QueriedTextures.Add( "xcopy \"" + M.TextureDiffuse.Replace( '/', '\\' ) + "\" \"..\\POMTextures\\\" /Y/U/S" );
                    if ( M.TextureNormal != null )
                        QueriedTextures.Add( "xcopy \"" + M.TextureNormal.Replace( '/', '\\' ) + "\" \"..\\POMTextures\\\" /Y/U/S" );
                    if ( M.TextureSpecular != null )
                        QueriedTextures.Add( "xcopy \"" + M.TextureSpecular.Replace( '/', '\\' ) + "\" \"..\\POMTextures\\\" /Y/U/S" );
                Infos.Add( "" );

                Infos.Add( "=============================" );
                Infos.Add( "Queried textures:" );
                Infos.AddRange( QueriedTextures );


            textBoxReport.Lines = Infos.ToArray();
예제 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads a FBX file into a temp scene representation (which may already contain meshes and materials, don't care)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_FileName">The name of the FBX file to load</param>
 /// <param name="_Scene">The cirrus scene into which we should store the data</param>
 public void     Load(FileInfo _FileName, FBX.Scene.Scene _Scene)
     Load(_FileName, _Scene, 1.0f, null);
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a FBX scene and converts it (in the same folder) into its GCX equivalent
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_File"></param>
        public void     LoadScene(FileInfo _SourceFile, FileInfo _TargetFile)
            FBX.SceneLoader.SceneLoader Loader = new FBX.SceneLoader.SceneLoader();

            FBX.SceneLoader.MaterialsDatabase Materials = new FBX.SceneLoader.MaterialsDatabase();
//			Materials.BuildFromM2( new DirectoryInfo( @"D:\Workspaces\Arkane\m2" ) );

            FBX.Scene.Scene Scene = new FBX.Scene.Scene();
            Loader.Load(_SourceFile, Scene, 1.0f, Materials);

            // Start writing
//			FileInfo	Target = new FileInfo( Path.Combine( Path.GetDirectoryName( _SourceFile.FullName ), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( _SourceFile.FullName ) + ".gcx" ) );
            using (FileStream S = _TargetFile.OpenWrite())
                using (BinaryWriter W = new BinaryWriter(S))
                    GCXFormat.Scene GCX = new GCXFormat.Scene(Scene);

            // Write infos
            List <string> Infos = new List <string>();

            foreach (FBX.Scene.Materials.Texture2D Texture in Scene.Textures)
                Infos.Add("ID #" + Texture.ID.ToString("D3") + " URL=" + Texture.URL);

            // Here, I write an array mapping texture IDs to names, assuming textures have been converted to POM format using PNG2POM (or HDR2POM)
            // This way I can simply copy this "code friendly" list and paste it in my C++ code (e.g. const char* ppID2TextureName[] = { PasteHere }; )
            Infos.Add("Texture Flat Names:");
            string DirectoryHeader = Path.GetDirectoryName(_SourceFile.ToString());

            DirectoryHeader = DirectoryHeader.Replace("\\", "\\\\");                    // Double antislashes
            foreach (FBX.Scene.Materials.Texture2D Texture in Scene.Textures)
//				Infos.Add( "ID #" + Texture.ID.ToString( "D3" ) + " URL=" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( Texture.URL ) );
                Infos.Add("\"" + DirectoryHeader + @"\\TexturesPOM\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Texture.URL) + ".pom\",");

            foreach (FBX.Scene.Materials.MaterialParameters Mat in Scene.MaterialParameters)
                Infos.Add("ID #" + Mat.ID + " => " + Mat.Name + " (shader=" + Mat.ShaderURL + ")");

            foreach (FBX.Scene.Nodes.Mesh Mesh in Scene.Meshes)
                Infos.Add("ID #" + Mesh.ID + " => " + Mesh.Name + " (primsCount=" + Mesh.PrimitivesCount + ")");

            foreach (FBX.Scene.Nodes.Light Light in Scene.Lights)
                Infos.Add("ID #" + Light.ID + " => " + Light.Name + " (type=" + Light.Type + ")");

            foreach (FBX.Scene.Nodes.Camera Camera in Scene.Cameras)
                Infos.Add("ID #" + Camera.ID + " => " + Camera.Name + " (FOV=" + (Camera.FOV * 180.0f / Math.PI) + ")");

            if (Materials != null)
                FBX.SceneLoader.MaterialsDatabase.Material[] QueriedMaterials = Materials.QueriedMaterials;

                List <string> QueriedTextures = new List <string>();

                // Here I'm generating the XCOPY batch commands to copy original textures from a complex directory structure
                //	into a flattened directory where they'll further be converted into POM files using PNG2POM
                Infos.Add("Queried database materials:");
                foreach (FBX.SceneLoader.MaterialsDatabase.Material M in QueriedMaterials)

                    if (M.TextureDiffuse != null)
                        QueriedTextures.Add("xcopy \"" + M.TextureDiffuse.Replace('/', '\\') + "\" \"..\\POMTextures\\\" /Y/U/S");
                    if (M.TextureNormal != null)
                        QueriedTextures.Add("xcopy \"" + M.TextureNormal.Replace('/', '\\') + "\" \"..\\POMTextures\\\" /Y/U/S");
                    if (M.TextureSpecular != null)
                        QueriedTextures.Add("xcopy \"" + M.TextureSpecular.Replace('/', '\\') + "\" \"..\\POMTextures\\\" /Y/U/S");

                Infos.Add("Queried textures:");

            textBoxReport.Lines = Infos.ToArray();