public Actor(PortraitPackage myPackage, Emotion myEmotion, int mySlot,Vector2[] myActorPositions, Boolean myIsSpeaker) { actorPositions = myActorPositions; portraitPackage = myPackage; emotion = myEmotion; isSpeaker = myIsSpeaker; slot = mySlot; position = actorPositions[slot]; //if (mySlot == 0) //{ // slot = ChatSlot.Left; //} //else if(mySlot == 1) //{ // slot = ChatSlot.LeftCenter; //} //else if (mySlot == 2) //{ // slot = ChatSlot.RightCenter; //} //else //{ // slot = ChatSlot.Right; //} }
public VideoFrame(DateTime time, string emotion, float emotionIntensity, string valence, float valenceIntensity) { this.time = time; this.emotion = Constants.ParseEmotion(emotion); this.emotionIntensity = emotionIntensity; this.valence = Constants.ParseValence(valence); this.valenceIntensity = valenceIntensity; }
//Deserialization constructor. public VideoFrame(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext ctxt) { //Get the values from info and assign them to the appropriate properties time = (DateTime)info.GetValue("time", typeof(DateTime)); emotion = (Emotion)info.GetValue("emotion", typeof(Emotion)); emotionIntensity = (float)info.GetValue("emotionIntensity", typeof(float)); valence = (Valence)info.GetValue("valence", typeof(Valence)); valenceIntensity = (float)info.GetValue("valenceIntensity", typeof(float)); }
public override void SetEmo( Emotion emo ) { base.SetEmo( emo ); if( emo == Emotion.Colere ) { //arbre en feu avec particules } else { //arbre de base } }
public Texture2D GetTexture(Emotion myEmotion, int myLeftOrRight) { if (textures.ContainsKey(myEmotion)) { return textures[myEmotion][myLeftOrRight]; } else { //Woah! You better handle that null, bro! return missingTextureTexture; } }
public RegularLine(XmlElement element, LineCatalogue catalogue, Conversation conversation) : base(element, catalogue, conversation) { text = element.GetAttribute("text"); speakerName = element.GetAttribute("speaker"); if (speakerName.Equals("")){ speakerName = "Abby"; } prerequisite = new Prerequisite(element.GetAttribute("prerequisite"), speakerName, conversation); consequence = new Consequence(element.GetAttribute("consequence"), speakerName, conversation); cameraAngle = CameraAngle.GetCameraAngle(element.GetAttribute("camera_angle")); emotion = Emotion.GetEmotion(element.GetAttribute("expression")); id = element.GetAttribute("id"); }
public void SetEmo( Emotion emo ) { base.SetEmo( emo ); if( emo == Emotion.Colere ) { //Ronces } else if( emo == Emotion.Euphorie ) { //Lierre fleurie } else { //Lierre } }
public GameObject SpawnNPC(SpawnPoint spawnPoint, Emotion emotion, string phrase, NPCController.CollidedWithPlayerAction collidedListener) { GameObject npcObject = spawnNPC(spawnPoint); NPCController npc = npcObject.GetComponent<NPCController>(); npc.Emotion = emotion; if (emotion == Emotion.Mad) { npc.SetConflictPhrase(phrase); } else { npc.Phrase = phrase; } npc.OnCollidedWithPlayer += collidedListener; return npcObject; }
private void DrawEmotionsSettings() { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(EditorStyles.helpBox); EditorGUI.indentLevel++; foldOutEmotions = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(foldOutEmotions, new GUIContent("Emotions settings")); EditorGUI.indentLevel++; if (foldOutEmotions) { currentEmotionDisplay = (Emotion)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(new GUIContent("Emotion", "The emotion you want to edit."), currentEmotionDisplay); BSFacePose pose = poseDisplayer.Draw(lipSync.GetPoseFor(currentEmotionDisplay), lipSync); lipSync.SetEmotionPose(currentEmotionDisplay, pose); } EditorGUI.indentLevel -= 2; EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); }
private void HandleEmotion(Emotion previousEmotion, Emotion emotion) { Debug.Log(emotion); if (Progress.instance.IsLevelLoading || GameManager.instance.gameEnded || GameManager.instance.gamePaused) { return; } //TODO: Handle emotion (if bored or neutral spawn extra wave) if (emotion.Equals(Emotion.Happy) || emotion.Equals(Emotion.Neutral) || emotion.Equals(Emotion.Relaxed) || emotion.Equals(Emotion.Tired)) { SpawnWave(); } }
public override void SetEmo( Emotion emo ) { base.SetEmo( emo ); if( emo == Emotion.Colere ) { //buisson de ronces } else { //buisson feuillu } if( _emo == Emotion.Angoisse ) { go.tag = "Action"; } else { go.tag = "Decor"; } }
private async void AnalyzePhoto(Stream photoStream) { var emotionRecognizition = await EmotionServiceClient.RecognizeAsync(photoStream); Emotion = new Emotion() { Anger = emotionRecognizition[0].Scores.Anger, Contempt = emotionRecognizition[0].Scores.Contempt, Disgust = emotionRecognizition[0].Scores.Disgust, Fear = emotionRecognizition[0].Scores.Fear, Happiness = emotionRecognizition[0].Scores.Happiness, Neutral = emotionRecognizition[0].Scores.Neutral, Sadness = emotionRecognizition[0].Scores.Sadness, Surprise = emotionRecognizition[0].Scores.Surprise }; }
public static KeyValuePair <string, double>[] EmotionToRankedList(Emotion emotion) { return(new KeyValuePair <string, double>[] { new KeyValuePair <string, double>("Anger", emotion.Anger), new KeyValuePair <string, double>("Contempt", emotion.Contempt), new KeyValuePair <string, double>("Disgust", emotion.Disgust), new KeyValuePair <string, double>("Fear", emotion.Fear), new KeyValuePair <string, double>("Happiness", emotion.Happiness), new KeyValuePair <string, double>("Neutral", emotion.Neutral), new KeyValuePair <string, double>("Sadness", emotion.Sadness), new KeyValuePair <string, double>("Surprise", emotion.Surprise) } .OrderByDescending(e => e.Value) .ToArray()); }
/// <summary> Function which submits a frame to the Emotion API. </summary> /// <param name="frame"> The video frame to submit. </param> /// <returns> A <see cref="Task{LiveCameraResult}"/> representing the asynchronous API call, /// and containing the emotions returned by the API. </returns> private async Task <LiveCameraResult> EmotionAnalysisFunction(VideoFrame frame) { // Encode image. var jpg = frame.Image.ToMemoryStream(".jpg", s_jpegParams); // Submit image to API. Emotion[] emotions = null; // See if we have local face detections for this image. var localFaces = (OpenCvSharp.Rect[])frame.UserData; if (localFaces == null) { // If localFaces is null, we're not performing local face detection. // Use Cognigitve Services to do the face detection. Properties.Settings.Default.EmotionAPICallCount++; emotions = await _emotionClient.RecognizeAsync(jpg); } else if (localFaces.Count() > 0) { // If we have local face detections, we can call the API with them. // First, convert the OpenCvSharp rectangles. var rects = localFaces.Select( f => new Microsoft.ProjectOxford.Common.Rectangle { Left = f.Left, Top = f.Top, Width = f.Width, Height = f.Height }); Properties.Settings.Default.EmotionAPICallCount++; emotions = await _emotionClient.RecognizeAsync(jpg, rects.ToArray()); } else { // Local face detection found no faces; don't call Cognitive Services. emotions = new Emotion[0]; } // Output. return(new LiveCameraResult { Faces = emotions.Select(e => CreateFace(e.FaceRectangle)).ToArray(), // Extract emotion scores from results. EmotionScores = emotions.Select(e => e.Scores).ToArray() }); }
private string GetEmotion(Emotion emotion) { string emotionType = string.Empty; double emotionValue = 0.0; if (emotion.Anger > emotionValue) { emotionValue = emotion.Anger; emotionType = "Anger"; } if (emotion.Contempt > emotionValue) { emotionValue = emotion.Contempt; emotionType = "Contempt"; } if (emotion.Disgust > emotionValue) { emotionValue = emotion.Disgust; emotionType = "Disgust"; } if (emotion.Fear > emotionValue) { emotionValue = emotion.Fear; emotionType = "Fear"; } if (emotion.Happiness > emotionValue) { emotionValue = emotion.Happiness; emotionType = "Happiness"; } if (emotion.Neutral > emotionValue) { emotionValue = emotion.Neutral; emotionType = "Neutral"; } if (emotion.Sadness > emotionValue) { emotionValue = emotion.Sadness; emotionType = "Sadness"; } if (emotion.Surprise > emotionValue) { emotionValue = emotion.Surprise; emotionType = "Surprise"; } return($"{emotionType}"); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { newEmotion = player.feeling; emotion = newEmotion; if (newEmotion == oldEmotion) //this is to prevent Unity from setting the same color to every object every update. { return; //An emotion change must occur for this to be called } if (newEmotion != oldEmotion) { switch (newEmotion) { case Emotion.Angry: Primary.color = Angry[P]; Secondary.color = Angry[S]; Accent.color = Angry[A]; break; case Emotion.Happy: Primary.color = Happy[P]; Secondary.color = Happy[S]; Accent.color = Happy[A]; break; case Emotion.Sad: Primary.color = Sad[P]; Secondary.color = Sad[S]; Accent.color = Sad[A]; break; case Emotion.Scared: Primary.color = Scared[P]; Secondary.color = Scared[S]; Accent.color = Scared[A]; break; case Emotion.Neutral: Primary.color = Neutral[P]; Secondary.color = Neutral[S]; Accent.color = Neutral[A]; break; } oldEmotion = newEmotion; } }
private static void AddEmotionValuesToDictionary(Emotion emotion, Dictionary <string, float> emotionDictionary) { const double THRESHOLD_FOR_ADDING = 0.6; var emotionType = emotion.Scores.GetType(); var propertyList = emotionType .GetProperties() .Select(property => new { Name = property.Name, Value = (float)property.GetValue(emotion.Scores) }) .Where(o => o.Value > THRESHOLD_FOR_ADDING) .OrderByDescending(o => o.Value) .ToList(); foreach (var property in propertyList) { emotionDictionary.Add(property.Name, property.Value); } }
public void SetEmotionIntensity(Emotion emotion, float intensity) { //Turn off other Emotions if (useSingleEmotion) { foreach (Emotion e in emotions) { if (e != emotion && e.intensity != 0) { e.SetIntensity(0, true); } } } //Set intensity emotion.intensity = intensity; }
public IEnumerator Animate(Emotion emotion, float fadeDuration, float target, bool delay = false) { // if(delay) yield return new WaitForSeconds(fadeDuration); float updatedPosition = emotion.intensity; var t = 0.0f; while (t < 1 && (Mathf.Abs(target - updatedPosition) > 0.01f)) { t += Time.deltaTime / fadeDuration; updatedPosition = Mathf.Lerp(updatedPosition, target, t); Debug.Log( + " " + updatedPosition); emotion.SetIntensity(updatedPosition, true); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } emotion.SetIntensity(target, true); }
public bool VerifyTurnOffEmotions(Emotion emotion, float fadeDuration) { bool hasEmotionOff = false; if (useSingleEmotion) { foreach (Emotion e in emotions) { if (e != emotion && e.intensity != 0) { StartCoroutine(Animate(e, fadeDuration, 0)); hasEmotionOff = true; } } } return(hasEmotionOff); }
private void refershEmotion(Emotion emotion) { Color[] colors = _face.beginEmotions(); _face.doEyeAction(colors, emotion.eye); if (isTalk_) { _face.doMouseAction(colors, talk_); } else { _face.doMouseAction(colors, emotion.mouse); } _face.doEyebrowAction(colors, emotion.eyebrow); _face.doEyelidAction(colors, blink_); _face.endEmotions(colors); }
EmotionEnum GetEmotion(Emotion emotion) { EmotionEnum maxEmotionEnum = EmotionEnum.Anger; double maxEmotionValue = 0.0; if (emotion.Contempt > maxEmotionValue) { maxEmotionValue = emotion.Contempt; maxEmotionEnum = EmotionEnum.Contempt; } if (emotion.Disgust > maxEmotionValue) { maxEmotionValue = emotion.Disgust; maxEmotionEnum = EmotionEnum.Disgust; } if (emotion.Fear > maxEmotionValue) { maxEmotionValue = emotion.Fear; maxEmotionEnum = EmotionEnum.Fear; } if (emotion.Happiness > maxEmotionValue) { maxEmotionValue = emotion.Happiness; maxEmotionEnum = EmotionEnum.Happiness; } if (emotion.Neutral > maxEmotionValue) { maxEmotionValue = emotion.Neutral; maxEmotionEnum = EmotionEnum.Neutral; } if (emotion.Sadness > maxEmotionValue) { maxEmotionValue = emotion.Sadness; maxEmotionEnum = EmotionEnum.Sadness; } if (emotion.Surprise > maxEmotionValue) { maxEmotionValue = emotion.Surprise; maxEmotionEnum = EmotionEnum.Surprise; } return(maxEmotionEnum); }
private void ApplyEmotion(Emotion emotion) { switch (emotion) { case Emotion.Normal: eye_blink.SetActive(false); eye_normalL.SetActive(true); eye_normalR.SetActive(true); eye_smileL.SetActive(false); eye_smileR.SetActive(false); break; case Emotion.Blink: case Emotion.Smile: eye_blink.SetActive(false); eye_normalL.SetActive(false); eye_normalR.SetActive(false); eye_smileL.SetActive(true); eye_smileR.SetActive(true); break; case Emotion.Crazy: eye_blink.SetActive(true); eye_normalL.SetActive(false); eye_normalR.SetActive(false); eye_smileL.SetActive(false); eye_smileR.SetActive(false); break; case Emotion.WinkLeft: eye_blink.SetActive(false); eye_normalL.SetActive(false); eye_normalR.SetActive(true); eye_smileL.SetActive(true); eye_smileR.SetActive(false); break; case Emotion.WinkRight: eye_blink.SetActive(false); eye_normalL.SetActive(true); eye_normalR.SetActive(false); eye_smileL.SetActive(false); eye_smileR.SetActive(true); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the emotion scores as list of strings. /// </summary> /// <returns>The emotion as string.</returns> /// <param name="emotion">Emotion.</param> public static List <string> GetEmotionScoresList(Emotion emotion) { List <string> alScores = new List <string>(); if (emotion == null || emotion.scores == null) { return(alScores); } Scores es = emotion.scores; if (es.anger >= 0.01f) { alScores.Add(string.Format("{0:F0}% angry", es.anger * 100f)); } if (es.contempt >= 0.01f) { alScores.Add(string.Format("{0:F0}% contemptuous", es.contempt * 100f)); } if (es.disgust >= 0.01f) { alScores.Add(string.Format("{0:F0}% disgusted,", es.disgust * 100f)); } if (es.fear >= 0.01f) { alScores.Add(string.Format("{0:F0}% scared", es.fear * 100f)); } if (es.happiness >= 0.01f) { alScores.Add(string.Format("{0:F0}% happy", es.happiness * 100f)); } if (es.neutral >= 0.01f) { alScores.Add(string.Format("{0:F0}% neutral", es.neutral * 100f)); } if (es.sadness >= 0.01f) { alScores.Add(string.Format("{0:F0}% sad", es.sadness * 100f)); } if (es.surprise >= 0.01f) { alScores.Add(string.Format("{0:F0}% surprised", es.surprise * 100f)); } return(alScores); }
public bool feels(Emotion em) { // if the emotion is on the negative side bool is_negative = (int)em < 0.0f; // Receive the binary emotion index int index = Mathf.Abs(((int)em)) - 1; if (is_negative) { return(emotion((BinaryEmotion)index).Value < 0.0f); } else { return(emotion((BinaryEmotion)index).Value > 0.0f); } }
public override void SetEmo( Emotion emo ) { base.SetEmo( emo ); if( emo == Emotion.Colere ) { //arbre en feu avec particules } else { //arbre de base } if( _emo == Emotion.Colere ) { go.tag = "Action"; } else { go.tag = "Decor"; } }
public static KeyValuePair <string, double> GetDominantEmotion(Emotion scores) { return(new Dictionary <string, double>() { { "Anger", scores.Anger }, { "Contempt", scores.Contempt }, { "Disgust", scores.Disgust }, { "Fear", scores.Fear }, { "Happiness", scores.Happiness }, { "Neutral", scores.Neutral }, { "Sadness", scores.Sadness }, { "Surprise", scores.Surprise } } .OrderByDescending(kv => kv.Value) .ThenBy(kv => kv.Key) .First()); }
//METODO CHE ASSEGNA UN'EMOZIONE ALLA FACCIA CAMBIANDO I COMPONENTI DA CAMBIARE: OCCHI, SOPRACCIGLIA E BOCCA public void AssignEmotion(Emotion emotion) { this.emotion = emotion; mouth.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Avatar/Mouth/" + emotion.ToString()); eyebrow.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Avatar/Eyebrow/" + gender.ToString() + emotion.ToString()); if (emotion == Emotion.Disgusto) { eyes.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Avatar/Eyes/" + emotion.ToString()); eyesLight.SetActive(false); lashes.SetActive(false); } else { eyes.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Avatar/Eyes/Default"); eyesLight.SetActive(true); } }
private static string PrintEmotion(Emotion e) { var s = new[] { $"========== YOUR EMOTIONS SCORE ==========", $"Anger: {PrintFloat(e.Scores.Anger)}", $"Contempt: {PrintFloat(e.Scores.Contempt)}", $"Disgust: {PrintFloat(e.Scores.Disgust)}", $"Fear: {PrintFloat(e.Scores.Fear)}", $"Happiness: {PrintFloat(e.Scores.Happiness)}", $"Neutral: {PrintFloat(e.Scores.Neutral)}", $"Sadness: {PrintFloat(e.Scores.Sadness)}", $"Surprise: {PrintFloat(e.Scores.Surprise)}" }; return(String.Join("\n\r", s)); }
public Color getEmotionColor(Emotion index) { switch (index) { case Emotion.ANGER: return(anger); case Emotion.JOY: return(joy); case Emotion.SURPRISE: return(surprise); default: return(Color.white); } }
/// <summary> /// Asynchronously recognize emotions from a picture /// </summary> public async Task <EmotionScores> RecognizeEmotions(string imageUrl, FaceRectangle faceRectangle) { Emotion emotion = (await _emotionServiceClient.RecognizeAsync( UrlHelpers.Content(Global.Host, imageUrl), new[] { new Rectangle { Height = faceRectangle.Height, Left = faceRectangle.Left, Top = faceRectangle.Top, Width = faceRectangle.Width } })).FirstOrDefault(); return(emotion.ToEmotionScores()); }
public void Rejected(bool rejected) { if (rejected) { // if the player tryed to quit the game, the first emotion to talk will be Anger m_closeCount = 1; m_emotion = Emotion.ANGER; m_emotionPicked = true; } else { // pick an emotion between Joy and Surprise PickEmotion(1); } StartCoroutine(ChangeScene("Monologue")); }
public float get(Emotion em) { // if the emotion is on the negative side bool is_negative = (int)em < 0.0f; // Receive the binary emotion index int index = Mathf.Abs(((int)em)) - 1; if (is_negative) { return(emotion((BinaryEmotion)index).Negative); } else { return(emotion((BinaryEmotion)index).Positive); } }
public void set(Emotion em, float by) { // if the emotion is on the negative side bool is_negative = (int)em < 0.0f; // Receive the binary emotion index int index = Mathf.Abs(((int)em)) - 1; if (is_negative) { emotion((BinaryEmotion)index).Negative = by; } else { emotion((BinaryEmotion)index).Positive = by; } }
public void reset_timer(Emotion em) { // if the emotion is on the negative side bool is_negative = (int)em < 0.0f; // Receive the binary emotion index int index = Mathf.Abs(((int)em)) - 1; if (is_negative) { timers[(int)index].y = 0.0f; } else { timers[(int)index].x = 0.0f; } }
private void OnEmotionChange(Emotion lastEmotion, Emotion nextEmotion) { CurrentState = nextEmotion == Emotion.None ? State.Idle : State.Emotion; if (nextEmotion != Emotion.None) { PlayAnimation(nextEmotion.ToString()); } var e = EmotionChange; if (e != null) { e(lastEmotion, nextEmotion); } }
public int WriteRapport(Emotion emotion, int x, int y) { int rapport = 0; Console.SetCursorPosition(x, y); switch (emotion) { case Emotion.Fear: rapport = Rapport[3]; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray; Console.Write("Fear"); x += 4; break; case Emotion.Trust: rapport = Rapport[7]; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue; Console.Write("Trust"); x += 5; break; case Emotion.Joy: rapport = Rapport[4]; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.Write("Joy"); x += 3; break; case Emotion.Anticipation: rapport = Rapport[1]; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; Console.Write("Anticipation"); x += 12; break; case Emotion.Anger: rapport = Rapport[0]; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; Console.Write("Anger"); x += 5; break; case Emotion.Disgust: rapport = Rapport[2]; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta; Console.Write("Disgust"); x += 7; break; case Emotion.Sadness: rapport = Rapport[5]; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow; Console.Write("Sadness"); x += 7; break; case Emotion.Surprise: rapport = Rapport[6]; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.Write("Surprise"); x += 8; break; } Console.SetCursorPosition(x, y); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.Write(":"); x += 2; Console.SetCursorPosition(x, y); x += RapportString(rapport); return(x); }
/// <summary> /// Changes the emotion of the selected CaptionWord or words. /// </summary> /// <param name="e">The Emotion to set the Caption with.</param> public void ChangeEmotion(Emotion e) { //Determine MarkupType switch (CaptionTextBox.SelectionMode) { case CaptionTextBoxSelectionMode.NoSelection: throw new Exception("No selected caption to markup."); //Should not happen. case CaptionTextBoxSelectionMode.SingleWordSelection: SelectedCaptionWord.Emotion = e; if (e == Emotion.None || e == Emotion.Unknown) { ClearGB_Intensity(); GB_Intensity.Enabled = false; } else { SetGB_Intensity(SelectedCaptionWord.Intensity); } break; case CaptionTextBoxSelectionMode.MultiWordSelection: foreach (CaptionWord cw in SelectedCaption.Words) { if (cw.IsSelected) { cw.Emotion = e; } //Set emotion only if selected } //Clear the Intensity GB and enable/disable it based on emotion ClearGB_Intensity(); if (e == Emotion.None || e == Emotion.Unknown) { GB_Intensity.Enabled = false; } else { GB_Intensity.Enabled = true; } break; default: throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("e", e.GetHashCode(), typeof(Emotion)); } }
// GET: Attendance/Read/. Read the attendance history of the student public ActionResult Read(string id) { var CurrentId = DataSourceBackend.Instance.IdentityBackend.GetCurrentStudentID(HttpContext); if (DataSourceBackend.Instance.IdentityBackend.BlockExecptForRole(CurrentId, UserRoleEnum.TeacherUser)) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Admin")); } var myStudent = DataSourceBackend.Instance.StudentBackend.Read(id); if (myStudent == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Error", "Home")); } var myReturn = new StudentDisplayViewModel(myStudent); var attendanceListOrdered = myReturn.Attendance.OrderByDescending(m => m.In); //Deep copy Attendance list and convert time zone var myAttendanceModels = new List <AttendanceModel>(); foreach (var item in attendanceListOrdered) { var myAttendance = new AttendanceModel() { //deep copy the AttendanceModel and convert time zone In = UTCConversionsBackend.UtcToKioskTime(item.In), Out = UTCConversionsBackend.UtcToKioskTime(item.Out), Id = item.Id, StudentId = myStudent.Id, Emotion = item.Emotion, EmotionUri = Emotion.GetEmotionURI(item.Emotion) }; myAttendance.Id = item.Id; myAttendanceModels.Add(myAttendance); } myReturn.Attendance = myAttendanceModels; return(View(myReturn)); }
/// <summary> /// Converts <see cref="Emotion"/> to <see cref="EmotionType"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="emotion">Emotion to convert</param> /// <returns></returns> public static EmotionType GetEmotionType(Emotion emotion) { EmotionType type = default(EmotionType); var scores = emotion.Scores; float max = 0; if (scores.Contempt > max) { max = scores.Contempt; type = EmotionType.Contempt; } if (scores.Disgust > max) { max = scores.Disgust; type = EmotionType.Disgust; } if (scores.Fear > max) { max = scores.Fear; type = EmotionType.Fear; } if (scores.Happiness > max) { max = scores.Happiness; type = EmotionType.Happiness; } if (scores.Neutral > max) { max = scores.Neutral; type = EmotionType.Neutral; } if (scores.Sadness > max) { max = scores.Sadness; type = EmotionType.Sadness; } if (scores.Surprise > max) { max = scores.Surprise; type = EmotionType.Surprise; } return(type); }
public override void SetEmo( Emotion emo ) { base.SetEmo( emo ); if( emo == Emotion.Tristesse ) { //l'ecureuil se cache AkSoundEngine.PostEvent("EVENT_SFX_Forest_Squirrel_Flee_Play", go ); } else { transform.animation.Play("Attack"); GameObject newProjectile =(GameObject) Instantiate(Projectile,Projectile.transform.position,Quaternion.identity); //newProjectile.GetComponentInChildren iTween.MoveTo(newProjectile ,Vector3.forward,3); //ecureuil qui caillasse } }
public static String PrintEmotion(Emotion emotion) { switch (emotion) { case Emotion.ANGER: return "Anger"; case Emotion.CONTEMPT: return "Contempt"; case Emotion.DISGUST: return "Disgust"; case Emotion.FEAR: return "Fear"; case Emotion.JOY: return "Joy"; case Emotion.SADNESS: return "Sadness"; case Emotion.SURPRISE: return "Suprise"; default: throw new Exception("Emotion '" + emotion + "' cannot be parsed"); } }
private string outputEmotionSentence(string studentID,string emotionWord, int pos, Emotion em, ArrayList wordList, string docid,double orientation) { //在HowNet情感词中存在,输出学号,情感词,文档编号,方向,前后取20个词 string tmp = studentID + "\t" + emotionWord + "\t" + em.ToString() + "\t" + docid + "\t"+string.Format("{0:0.000}",orientation)+"\t"; int start = pos - 10; if (start < 0) { start = 0; } int end = pos + 10; if (end > wordList.Count - 1) { end = wordList.Count - 1; } string content = ""; for (int j = start; j <= pos; j++) { content += ((SegWord)wordList[j]).szWord; } for (int j = pos + 1; j <= end; j++) { content += ((SegWord)wordList[j]).szWord; } tmp += content + "\r\n"; return tmp; }
public Word(string term, WordType wordtype,Emotion emotional, double confidential) { this.szTerm = term; this.szWordType = wordtype; this.Emotional = emotional; this.Confidential = confidential; }
public NewEmotionCreatedMessage(Emotion emotion, Agent agent) { Emotion = emotion; Agent = agent; }
public void SetEmotion(Emotion myEmotion) { emotion = myEmotion ; }
public void AddEmotionTexture(Emotion myEmotion, Texture2D[] myTextures) { textures.Add(myEmotion, myTextures); }
protected void InitAnimationInfo(string animationName, WrapMode wrapMode, Emotion.BodyParts emotionBodyParts) { if (animationName == null || animationName.Equals("")){ Debug.LogError("AbstractAction.InitAnimationInfo(): " + + ". Provide a name of the animation!"); } this.animationName = animationName; this.wrapMode = wrapMode; this.emotionBodyParts = emotionBodyParts; }
protected void StartAnimation(string animationName, WrapMode wrapMode, Emotion.BodyParts emotionBodyParts) { this.animationName = animationName; this.wrapMode = wrapMode; this.emotionBodyParts = emotionBodyParts; animator.StartAnimation(animationName, wrapMode, emotionBodyParts); }
/// Get Emotion data of the specified face and emotion. /// fid The face ID, zero-based /// eid The emotion identifier /// data The EmotionData data structure, to be returned public pxcmStatus QueryEmotionData(Int32 fid, Emotion eid, out EmotionData data) { return QueryEmotionDataINT(instance, fid, eid, out data); }
void handleNPCEncounter(Emotion emotion, string phrase, NPCController npc) { canvas.sortingOrder++; if (emotion == Emotion.None) { PhraseApprover.Instance.ToggleRejectButton(false); StepForwardInTutorial(); } else if (emotion == Emotion.Mad) { ShowCurrentSlide(); timedTickTutorial(5f); } }
protected virtual void OnEmotionChanged(Emotion old, Emotion @new) { EmotionChanged?.Invoke(this, new FacialExpressionEventArgs(old, @new)); }
public Phrase(string text, Emotion emotion) : this(text) { this.Emotion = emotion; }
void callNPCEncounterEvent(Emotion emotion, string phrase, NPCController npc) { if (OnNPCEncounter != null) { OnNPCEncounter(emotion, phrase, npc); } }
public virtual void SetEmo( Emotion emo) { _emo = emo; }
public void addEmotion(Emotion emotion, int p) { highSpace.addEmotion(emotion, p); }
public Mood CalculateMoodFromEmotion(Emotion InputEmotion) { Mood CalculatedMood = new Mood (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); //Emotions: JOY, DISTRESS, HOPE, FEAR, ANGER, PRIDE, ADMIRATION, GUILT, REPROACH, LIKING, DISLIKING, UNKNOWN if (InputEmotion.AppraisedEmotion == Emotion.EMOTIONS.JOY) { CalculatedMood = new Mood (0.4f, 0.2f, 0.1f); } else if (InputEmotion.AppraisedEmotion == Emotion.EMOTIONS.DISTRESS) { CalculatedMood = new Mood (-0.4f, -0.2f, -0.5f); } else if (InputEmotion.AppraisedEmotion == Emotion.EMOTIONS.HOPE) { CalculatedMood = new Mood (0.2f, 0.2f, -0.1f); } else if (InputEmotion.AppraisedEmotion == Emotion.EMOTIONS.FEAR) { CalculatedMood = new Mood (-0.64f, 0.60f, -0.43f); } else if (InputEmotion.AppraisedEmotion == Emotion.EMOTIONS.ANGER) { CalculatedMood = new Mood (-0.51f, 0.59f, 0.25f); } else if (InputEmotion.AppraisedEmotion == Emotion.EMOTIONS.PRIDE) { CalculatedMood = new Mood (0.4f, 0.3f, 0.3f); } else if (InputEmotion.AppraisedEmotion == Emotion.EMOTIONS.ADMIRATION) { CalculatedMood = new Mood (0.5f, 0.3f, -0.2f); } else if (InputEmotion.AppraisedEmotion == Emotion.EMOTIONS.SHAME) { CalculatedMood = new Mood (-0.3f, 0.1f, -0.6f); } else if (InputEmotion.AppraisedEmotion == Emotion.EMOTIONS.REPROACH) { CalculatedMood = new Mood (-0.3f, -0.1f, 0.4f); } else if (InputEmotion.AppraisedEmotion == Emotion.EMOTIONS.LIKING) { CalculatedMood = new Mood (0.40f, 0.16f, -0.24f); } else if (InputEmotion.AppraisedEmotion == Emotion.EMOTIONS.DISLIKING) { CalculatedMood = new Mood (-0.4f, 0.2f, 0.1f); } else if (InputEmotion.AppraisedEmotion == Emotion.EMOTIONS.RELIEF) { CalculatedMood = new Mood (0.2f, -0.3f, 0.4f); } else if (InputEmotion.AppraisedEmotion == Emotion.EMOTIONS.DISAPPOINTMENT) { CalculatedMood = new Mood (-0.3f, 0.1f, -0.4f); } else { CalculatedMood = new Mood (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } return CalculatedMood; }
public void AddEmotion(Emotion e) { this.emotions.Add(e); }
void scoreNPCEncounter(Emotion emotion, string phrase = null) { switch (emotion) { case Emotion.Mad: score.AngryEncounter(); break; default: break; } }
protected void Btn_Submit_Mood_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //Post Mood Emotion emotion = new Emotion(); emotion.Mood = (Mood) Enum.Parse(typeof(Mood), Dd_List_Mood.SelectedValue); emotion.Stress = (RelativeRating)Enum.Parse(typeof(Mood), Dd_List_Stress.SelectedValue); emotion.Wellbeing = (Wellbeing)Enum.Parse(typeof(Mood), Dd_List_Wellbeing.SelectedValue); emotion.CommonData.Note = Txt_Mood.Text; PersonInfo.SelectedRecord.NewItem(emotion); }