public void ReceiverProperty_ConstructorWithParameters_ReturnsGivenValues(ECode code, int receiverValue) { var result = new ReceiverProperty(code, receiverValue); Assert.AreEqual(result.Code, code); Assert.AreEqual(result.ReceiverValue, receiverValue); }
public FailException(ECode code, string msg, object data = null) : base(msg) { this.code = code; this.msg = msg; = data; }
/// <summary> /// Builder Internal Orders /// </summary> /// <param name="numberOrder">Number order</param> /// <param name="nameDevice">Code the devices</param> /// <param name="eTypeDevice">Type the devices</param> /// <param name="countDevice">Count the devices</param> public InternalOrder(int numberOrder, ECode nameDevice, EType eTypeDevice, int countDevice) { this.numberOrder = numberOrder; this.nameDevice = nameDevice; this.eTypeDevice = eTypeDevice; this.countDevice = countDevice; }
/// <summary> /// 基础数据类型 /// </summary> /// <param name="code">ECode</param> /// <param name="data">泛型</param> public BasicsResponse(ECode code, T data) { Code = code; Message = code.Desc(); if (data == null) { data = default(T); } Data = data; }
public Boss[] GetBossTable(out ECode ec) { Boss[] obj = null; ec = ECode.None; try { obj = DBCon.QueryBossTable(); } catch (DatabaseException ex) { ec = ex.ErrorCode; } return(obj); }
public int GetBossCount(out ECode ec) { int count = -1; ec = ECode.None; try { count = DBCon.QueryBossCount(); } catch (DatabaseException ex) { ec = ex.ErrorCode; } return(count); }
public Boss GetBoss(int id, out ECode ec) { Boss obj = null; ec = ECode.None; try { obj = DBCon.QueryBoss(id); } catch (DatabaseException ex) { ec = ex.ErrorCode; } return(obj); }
public Hero GetHero(int id, out ECode ec) { Hero obj = null; ec = ECode.None; try { obj = DBCon.QueryHero(id); } catch (DatabaseException ex) { ec = ex.ErrorCode; } return(obj); }
public User GetUser(int id, out ECode ec) { User obj = null; ec = ECode.None; try { obj = DBCon.QueryUser(id); } catch (DatabaseException ex) { ec = ex.ErrorCode; } return(obj); }
public int GetUserId(string username, out ECode ec) { int id = -1; ec = ECode.None; try { id = DBCon.QueryUserId(username); } catch (DatabaseException ex) { ec = ex.ErrorCode; } return(id); }
public string[] QueryFriends(string token, out ECode ec) { ec = ECode.None; string[] result = null; try { UserSession session = (UserSession)UserRegistry.GetClientSession(token); result = session.UserData.Friends; } catch (NullReferenceException) { ec = ECode.QueryError; } return(result); }
public PlayerListing QueryPlayerListing(string userToken, out ECode ec) { ec = ECode.None; PlayerListing playerListing = null; if (PlayerRegistry.IsClientRegistered(userToken)) { playerListing = GetPlayerListing(); } else { ec = ECode.AuthenticationFail; } return(playerListing); }
public GameListing QueryGameServers(string token, out ECode ec) { ec = ECode.None; GameListing gsl = null; if (UserRegistry.IsClientRegistered(token)) { gsl = GenerateGameServerListing(); } else { ec = ECode.AuthenticationFail; } return(gsl); }
public bool JoinGameServer(string userPuid, string userToken, out ECode ec) { ec = ECode.None; bool success = false; IGameServerController_Callback callbackChannel // Get player callback object to store = OperationContext.Current.GetCallbackChannel <IGameServerController_Callback>(); try { if (PlayerRegistry.GetCount() >= MAX_PLAYERS) { ec = ECode.ServerFull; Console.WriteLine("> Rejected Player Join: @username:{" + userPuid + "} token:{" + userToken + "}"); } else if (PlayerRegistry.IsClientRegistered(userToken)) { ((PlayerSession)PlayerRegistry.GetClientSession(userToken)).CallbackChannel = callbackChannel; // update callback channel success = true; Console.WriteLine("> Old Player Join: @username:{" + userPuid + "} token:{" + userToken + "}"); } else if (GPSConnection.IsUserTokenVaild(userToken)) { // Register Player // PlayerSession ps = new PlayerSession(userPuid, "", PLAYER_LIFESPAN, callbackChannel, null); PlayerRegistry.RegisterClient(userToken, ps); success = true; Console.WriteLine("> New Player Join: @username:{" + userPuid + "} token:{" + userToken + "}"); // Notify others of event // AdvertiseToPortal_UserJoin(userPuid); //BroadcastToPlayers_PlayerStatus(userPuid); if (Game != null && Game.HasGameStarted() == false) { // Notify players if this will change game state BroadcastToPlayers_GameReady(Game.ArePlayersAllowedToEnterGame()); } } else { Console.WriteLine("> Invalid Player Join: @username:{" + userPuid + "} token:{" + userToken + "}"); } } catch (ServerConnectionException ex) { ec = ex.ErrorCode; Console.WriteLine("> Failed Player Join: @username:{" + userPuid + "} token:{" + userToken + "}"); } return(success); }
public void GenerateRandomValue() { code = (ECode)ran.Next(Enum.GetNames(typeof(ECode)).Length); // Codes if (code == ECode.CODE_DIGITAL) { value = GetRandomValue() % 2; } else if (code == ECode.CODE_ANALOG) { value = GetRandomValue() + 1000; } else if (code == ECode.CODE_CONSUMER) { value = GetRandomValue() + 2000; } else if (code == ECode.CODE_CUSTOM) { value = GetRandomValue() + 3000; } else if (code == ECode.CODE_LIMITSET) { value = GetRandomValue() + 4000; } else if (code == ECode.CODE_MULTIPLENODE) { value = GetRandomValue() + 5000; } else if (code == ECode.CODE_SINGLENODE) { value = GetRandomValue() + 6000; } else //if (code == Code.CODE_SOURCE) { value = GetRandomValue() + 7000; } }
public int AuthenticateCredentials(string username, string password, out ECode ec) { int id = -1; ec = ECode.None; try { id = DBCon.QueryUserId(username); if (id != -1 && !DBCon.QueryUserPassword(id).Equals(password)) { id = -1; } } catch (DatabaseException ex) { ec = ex.ErrorCode; } return(id); }
public void ReadDataFromDataBase() { try { ReplicatorDbContext _context = new ReplicatorDbContext(); string dateFrom = "2020-06-13 16:58:02.347"; string dateTo = "2020-06-13 16:58:02.677"; Reader.Reader reader = new Reader.Reader(1); ECode c = ECode.CODE_ANALOG; int datasetID = 1; reader.service.ReadDataFromDataBase(c, datasetID, _context, dateFrom, dateTo); c = ECode.CODE_DIGITAL; reader.service.ReadDataFromDataBase(c, datasetID, _context, dateFrom, dateTo); c = ECode.CODE_CUSTOM; datasetID = 2; reader.service.ReadDataFromDataBase(c, datasetID, _context, dateFrom, dateTo); c = ECode.CODE_LIMITSET; reader.service.ReadDataFromDataBase(c, datasetID, _context, dateFrom, dateTo); c = ECode.CODE_SINGLENODE; datasetID = 3; reader.service.ReadDataFromDataBase(c, datasetID, _context, dateFrom, dateTo); c = ECode.CODE_MULTIPLENODE; reader.service.ReadDataFromDataBase(c, datasetID, _context, dateFrom, dateTo); c = ECode.CODE_CONSUMER; datasetID = 4; reader.service.ReadDataFromDataBase(c, datasetID, _context, dateFrom, dateTo); c = ECode.CODE_SOURCE; reader.service.ReadDataFromDataBase(c, datasetID, _context, dateFrom, dateTo); } catch (Exception) { Assert.Fail(); } Assert.Pass(); }
public void SubmitPlayerMove(string userToken, PlayerMove move, out ECode ec) { ec = ECode.None; if (PlayerRegistry.IsClientRegistered(userToken)) { PlayerSession ps = (PlayerSession)PlayerRegistry.GetClientSession(userToken); try { ps.Move = move; } catch (NullReferenceException) { ec = ECode.QueryError; } } else { ec = ECode.AuthenticationFail; } }
/* returns null if: * - already logged in * - database connection failed * - database authentication failed * - user data is null * - username is null */ public string Login(string address, string username, string password, out ECode ec) { ec = ECode.None; string token = null; IUserPortalServerController_Callback callbackChannel = OperationContext.Current.GetCallbackChannel <IUserPortalServerController_Callback>(); try { // Check credentials against database // int id = DSConnection.AuthenticateCredentials(username, password); if (id != -1) // valid { // Check if already logged in // if (UserRegistry.IsPuidRegistered(username) == false) { // Log in User // User user = DSConnection.GetUser(id); UserSession session = new UserSession(username, address, USER_LIFESPAN, callbackChannel, user); token = UserRegistry.RegisterClient(session); Console.WriteLine("> New Login: @username:{" + username + "} token:{" + token + "}"); } else { // Retrieve existing session token // token = UserRegistry.GetToken(username); ((UserSession)UserRegistry.GetClientSession(token)).CallbackChannel = callbackChannel; // update callback channel Console.WriteLine("> Old Login: @username:{" + username + "} token:{" + token + "}"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("> Failed Login: @username:{" + username + "}"); } } catch (DataServerException ex) { // occurs if any of the database queries fail ec = ex.ErrorCode; } catch (ArgumentNullException) { // occurs if username or user data is null ec = ECode.QueryError; } return(token); }
public string RegisterGameServer(string address, string serverName, out ECode ec) { ec = ECode.None; string token = null; bool collision = false; try { // Check for GameServer collisions // collision = (GameRegistry.IsPuidRegistered(serverName)); // Check if already registered if (collision == false) { // Check for server address collisions foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ClientSession> kvp in GameRegistry) { if (collision == false) // If no collision detected, check for collision { collision = (kvp.Value.ClientAddress == address); } } } if (collision) { ec = ECode.QueryError; Console.WriteLine("> GameServer registration collision: @ServerName:{" + serverName + "}"); } else { IGamePortalServerController_Callback callbackChannel = OperationContext.Current.GetCallbackChannel <IGamePortalServerController_Callback>(); GameSession session = new GameSession(serverName, address, GAME_LIFESPAN, callbackChannel); token = GameRegistry.RegisterClient(session); Console.WriteLine("> New GameServer registration: @ServerName:{" + serverName + "} token:{" + token + "}"); } } catch (ArgumentNullException) { // occurs if serverName or address is null ec = ECode.QueryError; } return(token); }
public void LeaveGameServer(string userPuid, string userToken) { ECode ec = ECode.None; try { Server.LeaveGameServer(userPuid, userToken, out ec); } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { throw new ServerConnectionException(ECode.ConnectionError, null, ERRMSG_CONNECTION, ex); } catch (CommunicationException ex) { throw new ServerConnectionException(ECode.ConnectionError, null, ERRMSG_CONNECTION, ex); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { throw new ServerConnectionException(ECode.ConnectionError, null, ERRMSG_CONNECTION, ex); } if (ec != ECode.None) { throw new GameServerException(ec, "Internal error occurred at: LeaveGameServer()"); } }
public void SubmitPlayerHero(string userToken, int heroId) { ECode ec = ECode.None; try { Server.SubmitPlayerHero(userToken, heroId, out ec); } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { throw new ServerConnectionException(ECode.ConnectionError, null, ERRMSG_CONNECTION, ex); } catch (CommunicationException ex) { throw new ServerConnectionException(ECode.ConnectionError, null, ERRMSG_CONNECTION, ex); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { throw new ServerConnectionException(ECode.ConnectionError, null, ERRMSG_CONNECTION, ex); } if (ec != ECode.None) { throw new GameServerException(ec, "Internal error occurred at: SubmitPlayerHero()"); } }
public void UnregisterGameServer(string token) { ECode ec = ECode.None; try { Server.UnregisterGameServer(token, out ec); } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { throw new ServerConnectionException(ECode.ConnectionError, null, ERRMSG_CONNECTION, ex); } catch (CommunicationException ex) { throw new ServerConnectionException(ECode.ConnectionError, null, ERRMSG_CONNECTION, ex); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { throw new ServerConnectionException(ECode.ConnectionError, null, ERRMSG_CONNECTION, ex); } if (ec != ECode.None) { throw new PortalServerException(ec, "Internal error occurred at: DeregisterGameServer()"); } }
public void SubmitPlayerHero(string userToken, int heroId, out ECode ec) { ec = ECode.None; if (PlayerRegistry.IsClientRegistered(userToken)) { PlayerSession ps = (PlayerSession)PlayerRegistry.GetClientSession(userToken); try { ps.PlayerHero = DSConnection.GetHero(heroId); // Change to get Hero from local catched copy } catch (NullReferenceException) { ec = ECode.QueryError; } catch (DataServerException) { ec = ECode.QueryError; } } else { ec = ECode.AuthenticationFail; } }
public string[] QueryFriendsOnline(string token, out ECode ec) { ec = ECode.None; string[] result = null; string[] friends = QueryFriends(token, out ec); if (friends != null) { List <string> matches = new List <string>(); foreach (string username in friends) { if (UserRegistry.IsPuidRegistered(username)) { matches.Add(username); } } result = matches.ToArray(); } return(result); }
public Hero[] GetHeroTable(string token, out ECode ec) { ec = ECode.None; Hero[] heroes = null; if (UserRegistry.IsTokenRegistered(token)) { try { heroes = DSConnection.GetHeroTable(); } catch (ServerConnectionException) { ec = ECode.ConnectionError; } catch (DataServerException) { ec = ECode.QueryError; } } else { ec = ECode.AuthenticationFail; } return(heroes); }
public static int GetDatasetForCode(ECode code1, ECode code2) { if (code1 == ECode.CODE_ANALOG && code2 == ECode.CODE_DIGITAL) { return(1); } else if (code1 == ECode.CODE_CUSTOM && code2 == ECode.CODE_LIMITSET) { return(2); } else if (code1 == ECode.CODE_SINGLENODE && code2 == ECode.CODE_MULTIPLENODE) { return(3); } else if (code1 == ECode.CODE_CONSUMER && code2 == ECode.CODE_SOURCE) { return(4); } else { return(0); } }
////////////////////////////////////////////////// public string RegisterGameServer(string address, string serverName) { ECode ec = ECode.None; string value = null; try { value = Server.RegisterGameServer(address, serverName, out ec); } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { throw new ServerConnectionException(ECode.ConnectionError, address, ERRMSG_CONNECTION, ex); } catch (CommunicationException ex) { throw new ServerConnectionException(ECode.ConnectionError, address, ERRMSG_CONNECTION, ex); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { throw new ServerConnectionException(ECode.ConnectionError, address, ERRMSG_CONNECTION, ex); } if (ec != ECode.None) { throw new PortalServerException(ec, "Internal error occurred at: RegisterGameServer()"); } return(value); }
public GameListing QueryGameServers(string token) { ECode ec = ECode.None; GameListing value = null; try { value = Server.QueryGameServers(token, out ec); } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { throw new ServerConnectionException(ECode.ConnectionError, null, ERRMSG_CONNECTION, ex); } catch (CommunicationException ex) { throw new ServerConnectionException(ECode.ConnectionError, null, ERRMSG_CONNECTION, ex); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { throw new ServerConnectionException(ECode.ConnectionError, null, ERRMSG_CONNECTION, ex); } if (ec != ECode.None) { throw new PortalServerException(ec, "Internal error occurred at: QueryGameServers()"); } return(value); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////// public string Login(string address, string username, string password) { ECode ec = ECode.None; string value = null; try { value = Server.Login(address, username, password, out ec); } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { throw new ServerConnectionException(ECode.ConnectionError, address, ERRMSG_CONNECTION, ex); } catch (CommunicationException ex) { throw new ServerConnectionException(ECode.ConnectionError, address, ERRMSG_CONNECTION, ex); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { throw new ServerConnectionException(ECode.ConnectionError, address, ERRMSG_CONNECTION, ex); } if (ec != ECode.None) { throw new PortalServerException(ec, "Internal error occurred at: Login()"); } return(value); }