예제 #1
 string scaleAndFormatData()
     if (DataScaler != null)
     if (DataFormatter != null)
         return(DataFormatter.FormatData(this, false));
         if (ScaledFloatData != null)
예제 #2
        /*When the import button is clicked*/
        private void import_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Declare variable to hold scaled data set for faster plotting
            MappedData[,] scaledData;

            //Show the user that we are importing
            TextLabel.Content = "Importing...";

            //Open the file dialog
            OpenFileDialog fopen = new OpenFileDialog();

            fopen.RestoreDirectory = true;
            fopen.Filter           = "dt1 files (*.dt1)|*.dt1";

            //When the file is selected
            if (fopen.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                    //Read the file
                    FileReader reader = new FileReader(fopen.FileName);
                    reader.read(out data);

                    //Map data to the matrix
                    DataMapper mapper = new DataMapper(data);

                    // Scale the data as desired, by default half the points taken
                    DataScaler scaler = new DataScaler(mapper.map());
                    scaledData = scaler.scale(DEFAULT_SCALE_FACTOR); // Scale about half resolution (or about half the points in the file)
                catch (Exception error)
                    //Show the user any error that has occured
                    System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("File is invalid. Aborting Import.");
                    TextLabel.Content = "Please select Import or Export";
                TextLabel.Content = "Please select Import or Export";

            // Retrieve size of scaled data
            int longiNum = scaledData.GetLength(0);
            int latiNum  = scaledData.GetLength(1);

            int size = longiNum * latiNum;

            double[] x = new double[size]; // 'x' is distance eastward
            double[] y = new double[size]; // 'y' is distance northward
            double[] z = new double[size]; // 'z' is elevation

            int counter = 0;               // Counter to place elevation in proper order

            cData = new CartesianData(scaledData);

            CartesianPoint[,] pts = cData.getCartesianData();

            // Iterate from left to right on grid
            for (int i = 0; i < longiNum; ++i)
                // Iterate from bottom to top on grid
                for (int j = 0; j < latiNum; ++j)
                    //z[counter] = scaledData[i, j].Elevation;
                    x[counter] = pts[i, j].X;
                    y[counter] = pts[i, j].Y;
                    z[counter] = pts[i, j].Z;

            //Setup grid size and sampling
            GnuPlot.Set("dgrid3d 45, 45, 2");
            GnuPlot.Set("isosamples 30");

            //set the range for the x,y,z axis and plot (using pm3d to map height to color)

             * GnuPlot.Set("xrange[" + x.Min().ToString() + ":" + x.Max().ToString() + "]",
             * "yrange[" + y.Min().ToString() + ":" + y.Max().ToString()  + "]",
             * "zrange[" + z.Min().ToString() + ":" + z.Max().ToString() + "]");
            //GnuPlot.SPlot(x, y, z); // Don't think this does what I think it does. :/
            GnuPlot.SPlot(scaledData.GetLength(1), z);

            // Enable exporting and update status
            export.IsEnabled  = true;
            TextLabel.Content = "File Loaded";