private bool LoadColourMap(SharpDX.Direct3D11.Device device, string colorMapFilename)
            Bitmap colourBitMap;

                // Open the color map file in binary.
                colourBitMap = new Bitmap(DSystemConfiguration.DataFilePath + colorMapFilename);

            // This check is optional.
            // Make sure the color map dimensions are the same as the terrain dimensions for easy 1 to 1 mapping.
            m_ColourMapWidth  = colourBitMap.Width;
            m_ColourMapHeight = colourBitMap.Height;
            if ((m_ColourMapWidth != m_TerrainWidth) || (m_ColourMapHeight != m_TerrainHeight))

            // Calculate the size of the bitmap image data.
            int colourImageSize = m_ColourMapWidth * m_ColourMapHeight * 3;

            // Read the image data into the color map portion of the height map structure.
            int index;

            for (int j = 0; j < m_ColourMapHeight; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < m_ColourMapWidth; i++)
                    index = (m_ColourMapHeight * j) + i;
                    DHeightMapType tempCopy = HeightMap[index];
                    tempCopy.r       = colourBitMap.GetPixel(i, j).R / 255.0f; // 117.75f; //// 0.678431392
                    tempCopy.g       = colourBitMap.GetPixel(i, j).G / 255.0f; //117.75f; // 0.619607866
                    tempCopy.b       = colourBitMap.GetPixel(i, j).B / 255.0f; // 117.75f; // 0.549019635
                    HeightMap[index] = tempCopy;

            // Release the bitmap image data.
            colourBitMap = null;

예제 #2
        private bool LoadMaterialMap(string materialMapFilename)
            Bitmap materialBitMap;

                // Open the color map file in binary.
                materialBitMap = new Bitmap(DSystemConfiguration.DataFilePath + materialMapFilename);

            // Make sure the material index map dimensions are the same as the terrain dimensions for 1 to 1 mapping.
            if ((materialBitMap.Width != m_TerrainWidth) || (materialBitMap.Height != m_TerrainHeight))

            // Initialize the position in the image data buffer so each vertice has an material index associated with it.
            // Read the material index data into the height map structure.
            int index;

            for (int j = 0; j < m_TerrainHeight; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < m_TerrainWidth; i++)
                    index = (m_TerrainHeight * j) + i;

                    DHeightMapType tempCopy = HeightMap[index];
                    tempCopy.rIndex  = (int)materialBitMap.GetPixel(i, j).R;
                    tempCopy.gIndex  = (int)materialBitMap.GetPixel(i, j).G;
                    tempCopy.bIndex  = (int)materialBitMap.GetPixel(i, j).B;
                    HeightMap[index] = tempCopy;

            // Release the bitmap image data.
            materialBitMap = null;

        private bool CalculateNormals()
            // Create a temporary array to hold the un-normalized normal vectors.
            int     index;
            float   length;
            Vector3 vertex1, vertex2, vertex3, vector1, vector2, sum;

            DVectorTypeShareNormal[] normals = new DVectorTypeShareNormal[(m_TerrainHeight - 1) * (m_TerrainWidth - 1)];

            // Go through all the faces in the mesh and calculate their normals.
            for (int j = 0; j < (m_TerrainHeight - 1); j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < (m_TerrainWidth - 1); i++)
                    int index1 = (j * m_TerrainHeight) + i;
                    int index2 = (j * m_TerrainHeight) + (i + 1);
                    int index3 = ((j + 1) * m_TerrainHeight) + i;

                    // Get three vertices from the face.
                    vertex1.X = HeightMap[index1].x;
                    vertex1.Y = HeightMap[index1].y;
                    vertex1.Z = HeightMap[index1].z;
                    vertex2.X = HeightMap[index2].x;
                    vertex2.Y = HeightMap[index2].y;
                    vertex2.Z = HeightMap[index2].z;
                    vertex3.X = HeightMap[index3].x;
                    vertex3.Y = HeightMap[index3].y;
                    vertex3.Z = HeightMap[index3].z;

                    // Calculate the two vectors for this face.
                    vector1 = vertex1 - vertex3;
                    vector2 = vertex3 - vertex2;

                    index = (j * (m_TerrainHeight - 1)) + i;

                    // Calculate the cross product of those two vectors to get the un-normalized value for this face normal.
                    Vector3 vecTestCrossProduct = Vector3.Cross(vector1, vector2);
                    normals[index].x = vecTestCrossProduct.X;
                    normals[index].y = vecTestCrossProduct.Y;
                    normals[index].z = vecTestCrossProduct.Z;

            // Now go through all the vertices and take an average of each face normal
            // that the vertex touches to get the averaged normal for that vertex.
            for (int j = 0; j < m_TerrainHeight; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < m_TerrainWidth; i++)
                    // Initialize the sum.
                    sum = Vector3.Zero;

                    // Initialize the count.
                    int count = 9;

                    // Bottom left face.
                    if (((i - 1) >= 0) && ((j - 1) >= 0))
                        index = ((j - 1) * (m_TerrainHeight - 1)) + (i - 1);

                        sum[0] += normals[index].x;
                        sum[1] += normals[index].y;
                        sum[2] += normals[index].z;
                    // Bottom right face.
                    if ((i < (m_TerrainWidth - 1)) && ((j - 1) >= 0))
                        index = ((j - 1) * (m_TerrainHeight - 1)) + i;

                        sum[0] += normals[index].x;
                        sum[1] += normals[index].y;
                        sum[2] += normals[index].z;
                    // Upper left face.
                    if (((i - 1) >= 0) && (j < (m_TerrainHeight - 1)))
                        index = (j * (m_TerrainHeight - 1)) + (i - 1);

                        sum[0] += normals[index].x;
                        sum[1] += normals[index].y;
                        sum[2] += normals[index].z;
                    // Upper right face.
                    if ((i < (m_TerrainWidth - 1)) && (j < (m_TerrainHeight - 1)))
                        index = (j * (m_TerrainHeight - 1)) + i;

                        sum.X += normals[index].x;
                        sum.Y += normals[index].y;
                        sum.Z += normals[index].z;

                    // Take the average of the faces touching this vertex.
                    sum.X = (sum.X / (float)count);
                    sum.Y = (sum.Y / (float)count);
                    sum.Z = (sum.Z / (float)count);

                    // Calculate the length of this normal.
                    length = (float)Math.Sqrt((sum.X * sum.X) + (sum.Y * sum.Y) + (sum.Z * sum.Z));

                    // Get an index to the vertex location in the height map array.
                    index = (j * m_TerrainHeight) + i;

                    // Normalize the final shared normal for this vertex and store it in the height map array.
                    DHeightMapType editHeightMap = HeightMap[index];
                    editHeightMap.nx = (sum.X / length);
                    editHeightMap.ny = (sum.Y / length);
           = (sum.Z / length);
                    HeightMap[index] = editHeightMap;

            // Release the temporary normals.
            normals = null;
