This class represents a <d-component> element in the vocabulary, specified by the following DTD: <!ELEMENT d-component (d-method)*> <!ATTLIST d-component id NMTOKEN #REQUIRED source CDATA #IMPLIED how (append|cascade|replace) "replace" export (hidden|optional|required) "optional" maps-to CDATA #IMPLIED location CDATA #IMPLIED>
상속: UimlAttributes, IUimlElement
예제 #1
        public virtual object Clone()
            DComponent clone = new DComponent();
            clone.m_mapsTo = m_mapsTo;
            if(m_location != null)
                clone.m_location = (Location)m_location.Clone();

            if(m_children != null)
                clone.m_children = new ArrayList();
                for(int i = 0; i < m_children.Count; i++)
                    IUimlElement element = (IUimlElement)m_children[i];

            return clone;