예제 #1
 public ValidatedDatePicker(DBObjects.Column column) : base(column)
     datePicker = new CustomizableDatePicker()
         LayoutTransform = new ScaleTransform(scale, scale),
         Width           = 200 / scale,
예제 #2
        public ValidatedItem(DBObjects.Column column)
            Column = column;
            img    = new Image()
                Height = 40,
                Width  = 40,
                Margin = new System.Windows.Thickness(10, 0, 0, 0)

            IsValid      = Validation.Validate("", Column, out string errMessage);
            ErrorMessage = errMessage;
예제 #3
        public ValidatedTextbox(DBObjects.Column column) : base(column)
            tbx = new TextBox()
                MinWidth     = 200,
                MaxWidth     = 250,
                FontSize     = 24,
                Background   = null,
                TextWrapping = System.Windows.TextWrapping.Wrap,
                Foreground   = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(241, 241, 241)),
                CaretBrush   = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(241, 241, 241))
            if (Column.Constraints.Type == "int" || Column.Name.ToLower().Contains("phone"))
                tbx.PreviewTextInput += Tbx_OnlyAllowNumbers;

            isFKey = Column.Constraints.ForeignKey is not null;

            if (isFKey)
                Button b = new Button()
                    Content           = "?",
                    Width             = 20,
                    FontSize          = 24,
                    VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Top,
                    Margin            = new System.Windows.Thickness(10, 0, 0, 0)
                b.Click += BtnSelectFKey_Click;
예제 #4
        public static bool Validate(string str, DBObjects.Column col, out string errorMessage)
            bool isValid;
            bool patternReq = true;
            bool typeReq    = true;
            bool fKeyReq    = true;
            bool pKeyReq    = true;

            string patternError = "";
            // Check if the string meets a specific pattern
            string name = col.Name.ToLower();

            if (name.Contains("email"))
                patternReq   = PatternValidation.IsValidEmail(str);
                patternError = "Please enter a valid email address. ";
            else if (name.Contains("postcode"))
                patternReq   = PatternValidation.IsValidPostcode(str);
                patternError = "Please enter a valid postcode. ";
            else if (name.Contains("phone"))
                patternReq   = PatternValidation.IsValidPhoneNo(str);
                patternError = "Please enter a valid phone number. ";
            else if (name.Contains("dog gender"))
                patternReq   = PatternValidation.IsValidDogGender(str);
                patternError = "Please enter a valid dog gender. (M/F) ";

            if (col.Constraints.CanBeNull && str == "")
                isValid      = true;
                errorMessage = "";
            else if (!col.Constraints.CanBeNull && str == "")
                patternReq   = false;
                patternError = "This value cannot be left empty! ";

            // Checks if the data meets the requirements for the type of data it should be
            switch (col.Constraints.Type)
            case "int":
                typeReq = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) && int.TryParse(str, out _);

            case "date":
                typeReq = DateTime.TryParse(str, out DateTime d);
                typeReq = typeReq && d.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds == 0;

            case "time":
                typeReq = TimeSpan.TryParse(str, out TimeSpan t);
                typeReq = typeReq && t.TotalMinutes % 1.0 == 0;

            case "varchar":
                typeReq = str.Length <= col.Constraints.MaxSize;

            // Checks if the data meets foreign key requirements if needed
            if (col.Constraints.ForeignKey != null && typeReq)
                fKeyReq = DBMethods.MiscRequests.DoesMeetForeignKeyReq(col.Constraints.ForeignKey, str);

            // Checks if the data meets primary key requirements if needed
            if (col.Constraints.IsPrimaryKey && typeReq)
                pKeyReq = DBMethods.MiscRequests.IsPKeyFree(col.TableName, col.Name, str);
            // Note: No good way to validate names/addresses

            isValid = patternReq && typeReq && fKeyReq && pKeyReq;

            // If the current part is invalid, let the user know what the issue is.
            string instErr = "";

            if (!isValid)
                instErr = $"\n{col.Name}: ";
                if (!patternReq)
                    instErr += patternError;

                if (!typeReq)
                    switch (col.Constraints.Type)
                    case "int": instErr += "Please enter a number! "; break;

                    case "bit": instErr += "Please enter True/False/1/0! "; break;

                    case "date": instErr += "Please enter a valid date!"; break;

                    case "time": instErr += "Please enter a valid time! (hh:mm) "; break;

                    case "varchar": instErr += $"Input too long, it must be less than {col.Constraints.MaxSize} characters! "; break;

                if (!fKeyReq)
                    instErr += $"References a non-existent {col.Constraints.ForeignKey.ReferencedTable}. ";
                if (!pKeyReq)
                    instErr += "This ID is already taken! ";
            errorMessage = instErr;