public void NamesAreConvertedToCamelCase(string input, string result)
            var resolver = new CustomPropertyNamesContractResolver();
            var name     = resolver.GetResolvedPropertyName(input);

            Assert.Equal(result, name);
        public async Task <ApplicationDetails> UpdateApplicationFeatureAsync <TFeatureValue>(
            ClientContext context, ApplicationDetails applicationDetails,
            Expression <Func <ApplicationFeatures, TFeatureValue> > feature, TFeatureValue value)
            await Configure.AwaitFalse();

            var member = feature.Body as MemberExpression;

            if (member == null)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Expression '{feature}' does not refer to a property.", nameof(feature));

            var property = member.Member as PropertyInfo;

            if (property == null)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Expression '{feature}' does not refer to a property.", nameof(feature));

            var originalValue = property.GetValue(applicationDetails.Features);

            if (value.Equals(originalValue))

            var jsonProperty = property.GetCustomAttribute <JsonPropertyAttribute>();
            var featureType  = jsonProperty?.PropertyName ?? _resolver.GetResolvedPropertyName(property.Name);
            var featureValue = typeof(TFeatureValue) == typeof(bool)
                ? ((bool)(object)value ? "yes" : "no")
                : value.ToString();

            var uriBuilder = new AppleDeveloperRequestUriBuilder(
                new RestUri(this.UrlProvider.UpdateApplicationUrl, new { platform = applicationDetails.Platform }));

            uriBuilder.AddQueryValues(new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "teamId", applicationDetails.TeamId },
                { "displayId", applicationDetails.Id },
                { "featureType", featureType },
                { "featureValue", featureValue }
            var request  = RestRequest.Post(uriBuilder.ToUri());
            var response = await this.SendAsync <Result <ApplicationDetails> >(context, request);


            property.SetValue(applicationDetails.Features, value);

 private static string ConvertName(string name)