예제 #1
        public void TestReverseMappingDoNothing()
            var sut = new ComponentCollectionAssociation <Foo, Baz, Bar, Qux>(_ => _.Bazes, _ => _.Quxes);

            var foo = new Foo();

            var bar = new Bar
                Quxes = new[] { new Qux(), new Qux() }

            CreateWriter(sut)(bar, foo);

        public void TestReverseMappingDoNothing()
            var sut = CreateSut();

            var foo = new Foo();

            var bar = new Bar
                Names = new[] { "a", "b" }

            CreateWriter(sut)(bar, foo);

예제 #3
        public void TestStringToIntDefaultMapping()
            Foo foo;
            Bar bar;

            var sut = new PropertyToPropertyWithConversionAssociation <Foo, int, Bar, string>(_ => _.Id, _ => _.ToString(), _ => _.Name, _ => int.Parse(_));

            foo = new Foo {
                Id = 123
            bar = new Bar {
                Name = string.Empty
            CreateWriter(sut)(bar, foo);
        public void TestMappingAssignsDefaultValue()
            var sut       = new ComponentToComponentAssociation <Foo, Baz, Bar, Qux>(_ => _.Component, _ => _.Component);
            var component = new PropertyToPropertyAssociation <Baz, Qux, int>(_ => _.Id, _ => _.Id);

            var foo = new Foo();
            var bar = CreateReader(sut, component)(foo);


            foo = new Foo {
                Component = new Baz()
            bar = new Bar();
            CreateWriter(sut, component)(bar, foo);
        public void TestInverseMappingAssignsOnWrite()
            var foo = new Foo {
                Component = new Baz()

            var bar = new Bar {
                Id = 11

            Expression <Func <Foo, int> > source = _ => _.Component.Id;

            var sut = new ExpressionToPropertyAssociation <Foo, Bar, int>(source, _ => _.Id);


            CreateWriter(sut)(bar, foo);

        public void TestInverseMappingAppliesMapper()
            var foo = new Foo {
                Component = new Baz {
                    Id = 15
            var bar = new Bar {
                Component = new Qux {
                    Id = 16

            var sut       = new ComponentToComponentAssociation <Foo, Baz, Bar, Qux>(_ => _.Component, _ => _.Component);
            var component = new PropertyToPropertyAssociation <Baz, Qux, int>(_ => _.Id, _ => _.Id);

            CreateWriter(sut, component)(bar, foo);

        public void TestInverseMappingLeavesExisitingTarget()
            var foo = new Foo {
                Component = new Baz {
                    Id = 15
            var bar = new Bar {
                Component = new Qux {
                    Id = 16

            var before = foo.Component;

            var sut = new ComponentToComponentAssociation <Foo, Baz, Bar, Qux>(_ => _.Component, _ => _.Component);

            CreateWriter(sut)(bar, foo);

예제 #8
        public void TestIntToStringMapping()
            Foo foo;
            Bar bar;

            var sut = new PropertyToPropertyWithConversionAssociation <Foo, int, Bar, string>(_ => _.Id, _ => _.ToString(), _ => _.Name, _ => int.Parse(_));

            foo = new Foo {
                Id = 123
            bar = CreateReader(sut)(foo);

            foo = new Foo {
                Id = 123
            bar = new Bar {
                Name = "555"
            CreateWriter(sut)(bar, foo);
예제 #9
        public void TestStringMapping()
            Foo foo;
            Bar bar;

            var sut = new PropertyToPropertyAssociation <Foo, Bar, string>(_ => _.Name, _ => _.Name);

            foo = new Foo {
                Name = "aaa"
            bar = CreateReader(sut)(foo);

            foo = new Foo {
                Name = "aaa"
            bar = new Bar {
                Name = "bbb"
            CreateWriter(sut)(bar, foo);
예제 #10
        public void TestIntMapping()
            Foo foo;
            Bar bar;

            var sut = new PropertyToPropertyAssociation <Foo, Bar, int>(_ => _.Id, _ => _.Id);

            foo = new Foo {
                Id = 5
            bar = CreateReader(sut)(foo);

            foo = new Foo {
                Id = 5
            bar = new Bar {
                Id = 6
            CreateWriter(sut)(bar, foo);
예제 #11
 public TeamCityFlowWriter([NotNull] IFlowServiceMessageProcessor target, [NotNull] CreateWriter closeBlock, [NotNull] IDisposable disposableHander)
     : base(target, disposableHander)
     if (target == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(target));
     if (closeBlock == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(closeBlock));
     if (disposableHander == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(disposableHander));
     _closeBlock = closeBlock;
예제 #12
    public static void Write(OutputModel outputModel, DatabasePlan databasePlan, PartitionPlan partitionPlan)
        var s = $@"
namespace {databasePlan.Namespace};

public class {partitionPlan.ClassName} : Cosmogenesis.Core.DbPartitionBase
    protected virtual {databasePlan.Namespace}.{databasePlan.DbClassName} {databasePlan.DbClassName} {{ get; }} = default!;


    /// <summary>Mocking constructor</summary>
    protected {partitionPlan.ClassName}() {{ }}

    internal protected {partitionPlan.ClassName}(
        {new[] { ConstructorClassParameter(databasePlan), ConstructorKeyParameter(partitionPlan) }.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).JoinNonEmpty()})
        : base(
            db: {databasePlan.DbClassNameArgument},
            partitionKey: {partitionPlan.GetPkPlan.FullMethodName}({partitionPlan.GetPkPlan.DocumentToParametersMapping("pkData")}),
            serializer: {databasePlan.Namespace}.{databasePlan.SerializerClassName}.Instance)
        this.{databasePlan.DbClassName} = {databasePlan.DbClassNameArgument} ?? throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof({databasePlan.DbClassNameArgument}));

    {databasePlan.Namespace}.{partitionPlan.QueryBuilderClassName}? queryBuilder;
    /// <summary>
    /// Methods to build queries for later execution.
    /// </summary>
    public virtual {databasePlan.Namespace}.{partitionPlan.QueryBuilderClassName} QueryBuilder => this.queryBuilder ??= new(
        {databasePlan.DbClassNameArgument}: this.{databasePlan.DbClassName},
        partitionKey: this.PartitionKey);

    {databasePlan.Namespace}.{partitionPlan.QueryClassName}? query;
    /// <summary>
    /// Methods to execute queries.
    /// </summary>
    public virtual {databasePlan.Namespace}.{partitionPlan.QueryClassName} Query => this.query ??= new(
        {databasePlan.DbClassNameArgument}: this.{databasePlan.DbClassName},
        {partitionPlan.QueryBuilderClassNameArgument}: this.QueryBuilder);

    /// <summary>
    /// A batch of operations to be executed atomically (or not at all) within a {partitionPlan.Name} in the {databasePlan.Name} database.
    /// </summary>
    public virtual {databasePlan.Namespace}.{partitionPlan.BatchClassName} CreateBatch() => new(
        transactionalBatch: this.CreateBatchForPartition(),
        partitionKey: this.PartitionKeyString,
        validateStateBeforeSave: this.{databasePlan.DbClassName}.ValidateStateBeforeSave,
        {partitionPlan.ClassNameArgument}: this);

    {databasePlan.Namespace}.{partitionPlan.ReadClassName}? read;
    /// <summary>
    /// Methods to read documents.
    /// </summary>
    public virtual {databasePlan.Namespace}.{partitionPlan.ReadClassName} Read => this.read ??= new(
        {databasePlan.DbClassNameArgument}: this.{databasePlan.DbClassName}, 
        partitionKey: this.PartitionKey);

    {databasePlan.Namespace}.{partitionPlan.ReadOrThrowClassName}? readOrThrow;
    /// <summary>
    /// Methods to read documents, or throw DbConflictException is they are not found.
    /// </summary>
    public virtual {databasePlan.Namespace}.{partitionPlan.ReadOrThrowClassName} ReadOrThrow => this.readOrThrow ??= new(
        {databasePlan.DbClassNameArgument}: this.{databasePlan.DbClassName}, 
        partitionKey: this.PartitionKey);

    {databasePlan.Namespace}.{partitionPlan.CreateClassName}? create;
    /// <summary>
    /// Methods to create documents.
    /// </summary>
    public virtual {databasePlan.Namespace}.{partitionPlan.CreateClassName} Create => this.create ??= new(this);

    {databasePlan.Namespace}.{partitionPlan.ReadOrCreateClassName}? readOrCreate;
    /// <summary>
    /// Methods to read documents, or create them if they did not yet exist.
    /// </summary>
    public virtual {databasePlan.Namespace}.{partitionPlan.ReadOrCreateClassName} ReadOrCreate => this.readOrCreate ??= new(this);

{ReadMany(databasePlan, partitionPlan)}
{CreateOrReplace(databasePlan, partitionPlan)}
{string.Concat(partitionPlan.Documents.Select(x => Create(partitionPlan, x)))}
{string.Concat(partitionPlan.Documents.Select(x => CreateOrReplace(partitionPlan, x)))}
{string.Concat(partitionPlan.Documents.Select(x => ReadOrCreate(partitionPlan, x)))}

        outputModel.Context.AddSource($"partition_{partitionPlan.ClassName}.cs", s);

        BatchWriter.Write(outputModel, databasePlan, partitionPlan);
        CreateWriter.Write(outputModel, databasePlan, partitionPlan);
        ReadOrCreateWriter.Write(outputModel, databasePlan, partitionPlan);
        CreateOrReplaceWriter.Write(outputModel, databasePlan, partitionPlan);
        ReadWriter.Write(outputModel, databasePlan, partitionPlan);
        ReadOrThrowWriter.Write(outputModel, databasePlan, partitionPlan);
        ReadManyWriter.Write(outputModel, databasePlan, partitionPlan);
        QueryBuilderWriter.Write(outputModel, databasePlan, partitionPlan);
        QueryWriter.Write(outputModel, databasePlan, partitionPlan);
 public TeamCityFlowWriter([NotNull] IFlowServiceMessageProcessor target, [NotNull] CreateWriter closeBlock, [NotNull] IDisposable disposableHander)
     : base(target, disposableHander)
     myCloseBlock = closeBlock;