예제 #1
        // insert fragment
        internal static void InsertFragment(String cachedVaryKey, ControlCachedVary cachedVary,
                                            String fragmentKey, PartialCachingCacheEntry fragment,
                                            CacheDependency dependencies,
                                            DateTime absExp, TimeSpan slidingExp,
                                            String providerName)
            // if providerName is not null, find the provider in the collection.
            // if providerName is null, use default provider.
            // if the default provider is undefined or the fragment can't be inserted in the
            // provider, insert it in the internal cache.
            OutputCacheProvider provider = GetFragmentProvider(providerName);

            // ControlCachedVary and PartialCachingCacheEntry can be serialized

            bool useProvider = (provider != null);

            if (useProvider)
                bool canUseProvider = (slidingExp == Cache.NoSlidingExpiration &&
                                       (dependencies == null || dependencies.IsFileDependency()));

                if (useProvider && !canUseProvider)
                    throw new ProviderException(SR.GetString(SR.Provider_does_not_support_policy_for_fragments, providerName));

#if DBG
            bool cachedVaryPutInCache = (cachedVary != null);
            if (cachedVary != null)
                // Add the ControlCachedVary item so that a request will know
                // which varies are needed to issue another request.

                // Use the Add method so that we guarantee we only use
                // a single ControlCachedVary and don't overwrite existing ones.
                ControlCachedVary cachedVaryInCache;
                if (!useProvider)
                    cachedVaryInCache = OutputCache.UtcAdd(cachedVaryKey, cachedVary);
                    cachedVaryInCache = (ControlCachedVary)provider.Add(cachedVaryKey, cachedVary, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration);

                if (cachedVaryInCache != null)
                    if (!cachedVary.Equals(cachedVaryInCache))
                        // overwrite existing cached vary
                        if (!useProvider)
                            HttpRuntime.CacheInternal.UtcInsert(cachedVaryKey, cachedVary);
                            provider.Set(cachedVaryKey, cachedVary, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration);
                        cachedVary = cachedVaryInCache;
#if DBG
                        cachedVaryPutInCache = false;

                if (!useProvider)
                    AddCacheKeyToDependencies(ref dependencies, cachedVaryKey);

                // not all caches support cache key dependencies, but we can use a "change number" to associate
                // the ControlCachedVary and the PartialCachingCacheEntry
                fragment._cachedVaryId = cachedVary.CachedVaryId;

            // Now insert into the cache (use cache provider if possible, otherwise use internal cache)
            if (!useProvider)
                HttpRuntime.CacheInternal.UtcInsert(fragmentKey, fragment,
                                                    absExp, slidingExp,
                string depKey = null;
                if (dependencies != null)
                    depKey = OUTPUTCACHE_KEYPREFIX_DEPENDENCIES + dependencies.GetUniqueID();
                    fragment._dependenciesKey = depKey;
                    fragment._dependencies    = dependencies.GetFileDependencies();
                provider.Set(fragmentKey, fragment, absExp);
                if (dependencies != null)
                    // use Add and dispose dependencies if there's already one in the cache
                    Object d = HttpRuntime.CacheInternal.UtcAdd(depKey, new DependencyCacheEntry(fragmentKey, null, provider.Name),
                                                                absExp, Cache.NoSlidingExpiration,
                                                                CacheItemPriority.Normal, s_dependencyRemovedCallbackForFragment);
                    if (d != null)

#if DBG
            string cachedVaryType = (cachedVaryPutInCache) ? "ControlCachedVary" : "";
            string providerUsed   = (useProvider) ? provider.Name : "CacheInternal";
            Debug.Trace("OutputCache", "InsertFragment("
                        + cachedVaryKey + ", "
                        + cachedVaryType + ", "
                        + fragmentKey + ", PartialCachingCacheEntry, ...) -->"
                        + providerUsed);
예제 #2
        internal static void InsertFragment(string cachedVaryKey, ControlCachedVary cachedVary, string fragmentKey, PartialCachingCacheEntry fragment, CacheDependency dependencies, DateTime absExp, TimeSpan slidingExp, string providerName)
            OutputCacheProvider fragmentProvider = GetFragmentProvider(providerName);
            bool flag = fragmentProvider != null;

            if (flag)
                bool flag2 = (slidingExp == Cache.NoSlidingExpiration) && ((dependencies == null) || dependencies.IsFileDependency());
                if (flag && !flag2)
                    throw new ProviderException(System.Web.SR.GetString("Provider_does_not_support_policy_for_fragments", new object[] { providerName }));
            if (cachedVary != null)
                ControlCachedVary vary;
                if (!flag)
                    vary = UtcAdd(cachedVaryKey, cachedVary);
                    vary = (ControlCachedVary)fragmentProvider.Add(cachedVaryKey, cachedVary, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration);
                if (vary != null)
                    if (!cachedVary.Equals(vary))
                        if (!flag)
                            HttpRuntime.CacheInternal.UtcInsert(cachedVaryKey, cachedVary);
                            fragmentProvider.Set(cachedVaryKey, cachedVary, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration);
                        cachedVary = vary;
                if (!flag)
                    AddCacheKeyToDependencies(ref dependencies, cachedVaryKey);
                fragment._cachedVaryId = cachedVary.CachedVaryId;
            if (!flag)
                HttpRuntime.CacheInternal.UtcInsert(fragmentKey, fragment, dependencies, absExp, slidingExp, CacheItemPriority.Normal, null);
                string key = null;
                if (dependencies != null)
                    key = "aD" + dependencies.GetUniqueID();
                    fragment._dependenciesKey = key;
                    fragment._dependencies    = dependencies.GetFileDependencies();
                fragmentProvider.Set(fragmentKey, fragment, absExp);
                if ((dependencies != null) && (HttpRuntime.CacheInternal.UtcAdd(key, new DependencyCacheEntry(fragmentKey, null, fragmentProvider.Name), dependencies, absExp, Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.Normal, s_dependencyRemovedCallbackForFragment) != null))