예제 #1
        public async Task <List <PostMiniDto> > GetPostsMiniAsync()
            List <PostMiniDto> list = new List <PostMiniDto>();
            await Context1.Find(post => true).SortByDescending(post => post.Date).ForEachAsync(post => list.Add(new PostMiniDto()
                Date        = post.Date,
                Title       = post.Title,
                Tags        = post.Tags,
                Views       = post.Views,
                Comments    = post.Comments.HierarchyCount(),
                Likes       = post.Likes.LongCount(),
                Descreption = post.Descreption,
                Id          = post.Id


            return(await Context1.AsQueryable().Select(post => new PostMiniDto()
                Date = post.Date,
                Title = post.Title,
                Tags = post.Tags,
                Views = post.Views,
                Comments = post.Comments.HierarchyCount(),
                Likes = post.Likes.LongCount(),
                Descreption = post.Descreption,
                Id = post.Id
예제 #2
        public async Task <List <PostDto> > GetPostsSearchAsync(string text)
            List <PostDto> list = new List <PostDto>();

            var AllPost = await Context1.AsQueryable().ToListAsync();

            var  QueryTuple = AllPost.Select(x => (x.Id, x.Descreption ?? "")).ToList();
            var  Ids        = JolijoberExtensions.FuzzySearchLinq(text, QueryTuple, 0.7).Select(x => x.Item1);
            bool ifff       = Ids.Any();

            list = AllPost.Where(x => ifff?Ids.Contains(x.Id): x.Descreption?.Contains(text) ?? false).OrderByDescending(post => post.Date).Select(post => new PostDto()
                Id             = post.Id,
                Date           = post.Date,
                Title          = post.Title,
                Tags           = post.Tags,
                Views          = post.Views,
                AccountId      = post.AccountId,
                PostType       = post.PostType,
                AccountName    = post.AccountName,
                AccountType    = post.AccountType,
                Availabilty    = post.Availabilty,
                Categories     = post.Categories,
                Comments       = post.Comments,
                Descreption    = post.Descreption,
                Hours          = post.Hours,
                KindPay        = post.KindPay,
                Likes          = post.Likes,
                Region         = post.Region,
                Sallaries      = post.Sallaries,
                Skills         = post.Skills,
                Specifications = post.Specifications
예제 #3
        public async Task <List <PostDto> > GetPostsAsync(bool IsJob = true, bool IsProject = true)
            List <PostDto> list          = new List <PostDto>();
            var            filterBuilder = Builders <Post> .Filter;

            var filter = IsJob && IsProject?((filterBuilder.Eq(x => x.PostType, PostTypes.Job) | filterBuilder.Eq(x => x.PostType, PostTypes.Project)))
                :(IsJob? filterBuilder.Eq(x => x.PostType, PostTypes.Job): filterBuilder.Eq(x => x.PostType, PostTypes.Project));

            await Context1.Find(filter)
            .SortByDescending(post => post.Date).ForEachAsync(post => list.Add(new PostDto()
                Id             = post.Id,
                Date           = post.Date,
                Title          = post.Title,
                Tags           = post.Tags,
                Views          = post.Views,
                AccountId      = post.AccountId,
                PostType       = post.PostType,
                AccountName    = post.AccountName,
                AccountType    = post.AccountType,
                Availabilty    = post.Availabilty,
                Categories     = post.Categories,
                Comments       = post.Comments,
                Descreption    = post.Descreption,
                Hours          = post.Hours,
                KindPay        = post.KindPay,
                Likes          = post.Likes,
                Region         = post.Region,
                Sallaries      = post.Sallaries,
                Skills         = post.Skills,
                Specifications = post.Specifications

예제 #4
        public static void TestExpression(LambdaExpression source)
            var random = new Random();
            int u;
            var Context1 = new Context1 {
                A     = random.Next(),
                B     = random.Next(),
                C     = (u = random.Next(0, 2)) == 0 ? null : (int?)u,
                Array = new[] { random.Next() },
                Func  = () => u

            //var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings();
            //settings.Converters.Add(new ExpressionJsonConverter(
            //    Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof (ExpressionJsonSerializerTest))

            //var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(source, settings);
            //var target = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<LambdaExpression>(json, settings);

            //    ExpressionResult(source, Context1),
            //    ExpressionResult(target, Context1)
예제 #5
        public void TestGetBytes()
            var result1 = Context1.GetBytes();
            var result2 = Context2.GetBytes();

            // The length of the array should be sector size.
예제 #6
 public override void drawHouse(int centerPointX, int centerPointY, int width, int height)
     Context1.SetSourceRGB(0.9, 0.0, 0.0);
     Context1.Rectangle(centerPointX - width / 2, centerPointY - height / 2, width, height);
     Context1.MoveTo(centerPointX - width / 1.2, centerPointY - height / 2);
     Context1.LineTo(centerPointX + width / 1.2, centerPointY - height / 2);
     Context1.LineTo(centerPointX, centerPointY - height);
예제 #7
        public static void Add(Unit one, UnitCarrier other)
            if (contexts1 == null)
                contexts1 = new List <Context1>();
            Context1 context = new Context1();

            context.Self  = one;
            context.Other = other;
예제 #8
    protected void saveHabit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var Id = Request.QueryString["Id"];

        Habit1             = Context1.Habits.First(p => p.Id.ToString() == Id);
        Habit1.Name        = habitName.Text;
        Habit1.HabitTime   = (int.Parse(habitTime.Text.Split(':')[0])) * 60 + (int.Parse(habitTime.Text.Split(':')[1]));
        Habit1.Image       = habitImage.Text;
        Habit1.Description = description.Text;
        Response.Redirect("HabitShow.aspx?Id=" + Habit1.Id);
        // add 10-DATA every reqest
        private async Task Seed()
            List <SimpleModel> list = new List <SimpleModel>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                list.Add(new SimpleModel()
                    Simple = i.ToString() + "$" + Guid.NewGuid()
            await Context1.InsertManyAsync(list);
        public async Task <object> GetSimplesAsync()
            //will throw eception until pass true or   MongoDBRepository<SimpleModel,Foo> , Foo should inherent BaeEntity
            //var data = await Context<Foo>(true).AsQueryable().ToListAsync();

            // create and use fine  , out of  MongoDBRepository<SimpleModel>
            var data = await Context <Foo>(true).AsQueryable().ToListAsync();

            await Seed();

            // two way to use
            // await Context<SimpleModel>().Find(s => true).ToListAsync();
            return(await Context1.Find(s => true).ToListAsync());
예제 #11
        public async Task <PostMiniDto> GetPostByIdMiniAsync(string id)
            var post = await Context1.Find(post => post.Id == id).SingleOrDefaultAsync <Post>();

            return(new PostMiniDto()
                Date = post.Date,
                Title = post.Title,
                Tags = post.Tags,
                Views = post.Views,
                Likes = post.Likes.LongCount(),
                Descreption = post.Descreption,
                Id = post.Id,
                Comments = post.Comments.LongCount(),
예제 #12
        public override void drawStar(int centerPointX, int centerPointY, int outerRadius, int innerRadius)
            int[,] points = { {   0 + centerPointX,  85 + centerPointY }, {  75 + centerPointX,  75 + centerPointY }, { 100 + centerPointX,  10 + centerPointY },
                              { 125 + centerPointX,  75 + centerPointY }, { 200 + centerPointX,  85 + centerPointY }, { 150 + centerPointX, 125 + centerPointY },
                              { 160 + centerPointX, 190 + centerPointY }, { 100 + centerPointX, 150 + centerPointY }, {  40 + centerPointX, 190 + centerPointY },
                              {  50 + centerPointX, 125 + centerPointY }, {   0 + centerPointX,  85 + centerPointY } };

            Context1.SetSourceRGB(0.9, 0.0, 0.0);
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                Context1.LineTo(points[i, 0], points[i, 1]);
예제 #13
        public async Task <List <PostDto> > GetPostsFilterAsync(FilterDto filter)
            List <PostDto> list          = new List <PostDto>();
            var            filterBuilder = Builders <Post> .Filter;

            var exfilter = filterBuilder.Eq(x => x.PostType, PostTypes.Job);

            var exfilterd =
                (filterBuilder.Eq(x => x.Title, filter.Title) | filterBuilder.ElemMatch(x => x.Tags, filter.Tag) |
                 filterBuilder.Eq(x => x.Region, filter.Region) | filterBuilder.ElemMatch(x => x.Specifications, filter.Specification)
                 | filterBuilder.Eq(x => x.Sallaries, new MinMax(filter.Min, filter.Max)) | filterBuilder.Eq(x => x.Availabilty, filter.Availabilty));

            await Context1.Find(exfilter)
            .SortByDescending(post => post.Date).ForEachAsync(post => list.Add(new PostDto()
                Id             = post.Id,
                Date           = post.Date,
                Title          = post.Title,
                Tags           = post.Tags,
                Views          = post.Views,
                AccountId      = post.AccountId,
                PostType       = post.PostType,
                AccountName    = post.AccountName,
                AccountType    = post.AccountType,
                Availabilty    = post.Availabilty,
                Categories     = post.Categories,
                Comments       = post.Comments,
                Descreption    = post.Descreption,
                Hours          = post.Hours,
                KindPay        = post.KindPay,
                Likes          = post.Likes,
                Region         = post.Region,
                Sallaries      = post.Sallaries,
                Skills         = post.Skills,
                Specifications = post.Specifications

            list = list.Where(x => x.Availabilty == filter.Availabilty &&
                              x.Title.Contains(filter.Title ?? "")).ToList();

예제 #14
 public void Run()
     using (DbConnection connection = GetConnection())
         using (var context = new Context1(connection))
         using (var context = new Context2(connection))
             context.MyEntities.Where(_ => _.Description2.Contains("a")).Count();
         using (var context = new Context2(connection))
             context.MyEntities.Where(_ => _.Description2.Contains("a")).Count();
예제 #15
        public async Task <PostDto> AddPostAsync(PostDto post)
            string Id = httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);

            var Account = await Context2.Find(x => x.SecurId == Id).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

            Account = Account ?? new Identity();
            var set = new Post()
                Date  = post.Date,
                Title = post.Title,
                Tags  = post.Tags,
                Views = post.Views,

                AccountId   = Account.Id,
                AccountName = Account.FisrtName + " " + Account.SureName,
                AccountType = Account.Type,

                PostType       = post.PostType,
                Availabilty    = post.Availabilty,
                Categories     = post.Categories,
                Comments       = post.Comments,
                Descreption    = post.Descreption,
                Hours          = post.Hours,
                KindPay        = post.KindPay,
                Likes          = post.Likes,
                Region         = post.Region,
                Sallaries      = post.Sallaries,
                Skills         = post.Skills,
                Specifications = post.Specifications
            await Context1.InsertOneAsync(set);

            post.Id = set.Id;
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// The PostBack
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dlmsg">The dlmsg<see cref="DownloadMessage"/></param>
        /// <param name="ctx1A">The ctx1A<see cref="Context1"/></param>
        /// <param name="status">The status<see cref="HttpStatusCode"/></param>
        /// <param name="excp1">The excp1<see cref="Exception"/></param>
        private static void PostBack(DownloadMessage dlmsg, Context1 ctx1A, HttpStatusCode status, Exception excp1)
            var failmsg = new DownloadedMessage(dlmsg, ctx1A.DownloadMessage.TargetPath, status, excp1);

예제 #17
 public override void dispose()
예제 #18
 private static string ExpressionResult(LambdaExpression expr, Context1 Context1)
예제 #19
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var db = new Context1();

예제 #20
         * bool DownloadPage(DownloadMessage msg)
         * {
         *  var origmsg = msg;
         *  var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<GotContentMessage>();
         *  var gotMsg = new GotContentMessage(msg);
         *  Client.GetAsync(msg.DownloadUri,HttpCompletionOption.ResponseContentRead)
         *      .ContinueWith((response, origmsg2) => { response.Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
         *  return tcs.Task;
         *      })
         *      .ContinueWith(t2=> DoResponse(t2))
         *      .PipeTo(Self);
         *      return true;                                        // show ActorSystem we handled message [expect next one immediately!]
         * }
        /// <summary>
        ///     process incoming DownloadMessage
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">incoming msg<see cref="DownloadMessage"/></param>
        /// <returns>true to state that message has been accepted</returns>
        internal bool DownloadPage(DownloadMessage msg)
            var uri = msg.DownloadUri;

            SysDiag.Debug.Assert(uri.IsAbsoluteUri, $"DownloadActor.DownloadPage({uri}) called with non-absolute Url");
            var fs = msg.TargetPath;
            var fi = new FileInfo(fs);
            var dn = fi.DirectoryName;              // string representing the directory's full path

            if (Directory.Exists(dn))
                if (msg.EnumDisposition == DownloadMessage.E_FileDisposition.LeaveIfExists &&
                    var failmsg = new DownloadedMessage(msg, fs, HttpStatusCode.NotModified);
                _Log.Info("DownloadPage creating directory {0} for {1}.{2}", dn, fi.Name, fi.Extension);

            // preserve volatile state now (before t1 that starts hot) for use by subsequent completion
            var ctx1 = new Context1(Sender, msg);
            var t1   = Client.GetAsync(uri, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead);  // returns Task<HttpResponseMessage>
            var t2A  = t1.ContinueWith((req, state) =>
                var ctx1A  = state as Context1;                             // recover entry context
                var dlmsg  = ctx1A.DownloadMessage;
                var status = req.Result.StatusCode;
                if (req.IsFaulted)
                    var s = "";
                    PostBack(dlmsg, ctx1A, status, req.Exception);
                    var hrm = req.Result;
                        hrm.EnsureSuccessStatusCode();                      // throw if !IsSuccessStatusCode

                        // TODO: refine the destination filename.extn from the response

                        // TODO: decide if file already exists and if overwrite/transform

#pragma warning disable GCop302                                          // Since '{0}' implements IDisposable, wrap it in a using() statement
                        var outfs = new FileStream(fs, FileMode.Create); // open stream to write file. Disposed later !
#pragma warning restore GCop302                                          // Since '{0}' implements IDisposable, wrap it in a using() statement
                        _Log.Info($"DownloadActor.DownloadPage({msg.Url} => {fs}) started");
                    catch (Exception excp1)
                        PostBack(dlmsg, ctx1A, status, excp1);
            }, ctx1);
            var t2 = t1.ContinueWith(GetStuff,
                                     TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion); // happy path (no cancel/fault)

            var t2F = t1.ContinueWith((req2, state) =>
                var ctx1f = (Context1)state;
            var t3 = t2.ContinueWith(t_gotContent)
                     .PipeTo(Self);                              // Task

            return(true);                                        // show ActorSystem we handled message [expect next one immediately!]