예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Document line factory for the compiler processing steps : create new version of a line by copy if necessary before an update
        /// </summary>
        protected object PrepareDocumentLineForUpdate(int index, object previousLineVersion, CompilationStep compilationStep)
            CodeElementsLine originalLine = (CodeElementsLine)previousLineVersion;

            // If the compilation step was not yet applied to this line, we don't need a new version of the line
            if (originalLine.CanStillBeUpdatedBy(compilationStep))
            // If the compilation step was previously applied to this line, we need to create a new version of the line
                CodeElementsLine newLinePreparedForUpdate = new CodeElementsLine(originalLine, compilationStep);
                compilationDocumentLines[index] = newLinePreparedForUpdate;
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Enumerator all Symbol from the CodeElementLines
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>An Enumerator on Symbols</returns>
 public IEnumerator <TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol> GetEnumerator()
     if (StartToken >= 0)
         TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol start_symbol = new TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol(StartToken, null);
         yield return(start_symbol);
     if (FirstCodeElements != null)
         foreach (CodeElement ce in FirstCodeElements)
             if (ce != null)
                 TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol symbol = new TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol(((int)ce.Type) + CS_CUP_START_TOKEN - 1, ce);
                 LastSymbol = symbol;
                 yield return(symbol);
     if (CodeElementsLines != null)
         int celCount = CodeElementsLines.Count;
         for (; m_CodeElementsLineIndex < celCount; m_CodeElementsLineIndex++)
             CodeElementsLine cel = CodeElementsLines[m_CodeElementsLineIndex];
             if (cel.CodeElements != null)
                 int ceCount = cel.CodeElements.Count;
                 for (; m_CodeElementIndex < ceCount; m_CodeElementIndex++)
                     CodeElement ce = cel.CodeElements[m_CodeElementIndex];
                     TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol symbol =
                         new TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol(((int)ce.Type) + CS_CUP_START_TOKEN - 1, ce);
                     LastSymbol = symbol;
                     yield return(symbol);
                 m_CodeElementIndex = 0;
     m_CodeElementsLineIndex = 0;
     yield return(EOF);
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the text lines of the document after a text change event.
        /// NOT thread-safe : this method can only be called from the owner thread.
        /// </summary>
        public void UpdateTextLines(TextChangedEvent textChangedEvent)
            // This method can only be called by the document owner thread
            if (documentOwnerThread == null)
                documentOwnerThread = Thread.CurrentThread;

            // Make sure we don't update the document while taking a snapshot
            DocumentChangedEvent <ICobolTextLine> documentChangedEvent = null;

            lock (lockObjectForDocumentLines)
                // Start perf measurement

                // Apply text changes to the compilation document
                IList <DocumentChange <ICobolTextLine> > documentChanges = new List <DocumentChange <ICobolTextLine> >(textChangedEvent.TextChanges.Count);
                foreach (TextChange textChange in textChangedEvent.TextChanges)
                    DocumentChange <ICobolTextLine> appliedChange = null;
                    CodeElementsLine newLine = null;
                    bool             encounteredCodeElement;
                    switch (textChange.Type)
                    case TextChangeType.DocumentCleared:
                        appliedChange = new DocumentChange <ICobolTextLine>(DocumentChangeType.DocumentCleared, 0, null);
                        // Ignore all previous document changes : they are meaningless now that the document was completely cleared

                    case TextChangeType.LineInserted:
                        newLine = CreateNewDocumentLine(textChange.NewLine, TextSourceInfo.ColumnsLayout);
                        compilationDocumentLines.Insert(textChange.LineIndex, newLine);

                        encounteredCodeElement = false;                                                       //Will allow to update allow line index without erasing all diagnostics after the first encountered line with CodeElements

                        foreach (var lineToUpdate in compilationDocumentLines.Skip(textChange.LineIndex + 1)) //Loop on every line that appears after added line
                            //Remove generated diagnostics for the line below the inserted line.
                            if (!encounteredCodeElement)
                                lineToUpdate.ResetDiagnostics();     //Reset diag when on the same zone

                            if (lineToUpdate.CodeElements != null)
                                encounteredCodeElement = true;

                        appliedChange = new DocumentChange <ICobolTextLine>(DocumentChangeType.LineInserted, textChange.LineIndex, newLine);

                    case TextChangeType.LineUpdated:
                        newLine = CreateNewDocumentLine(textChange.NewLine, TextSourceInfo.ColumnsLayout);
                        compilationDocumentLines[textChange.LineIndex] = newLine;
                        // Check to see if this change can be merged with a previous one
                        bool changeAlreadyApplied = false;
                        foreach (DocumentChange <ICobolTextLine> documentChangeToAdjust in documentChanges)
                            if (documentChangeToAdjust.LineIndex == textChange.LineIndex)
                                changeAlreadyApplied = true;
                        if (!changeAlreadyApplied)
                            appliedChange = new DocumentChange <ICobolTextLine>(DocumentChangeType.LineUpdated, textChange.LineIndex, newLine);
                        // Line indexes are not impacted

                    case TextChangeType.LineRemoved:
                        encounteredCodeElement = false;                                                   //Will allow to update allow line index without erasing all diagnostics after the first encountered line with CodeElements

                        foreach (var lineToUpdate in compilationDocumentLines.Skip(textChange.LineIndex)) //Loop on every line that appears after deleted line
                            //Remove generated diagnostics for the line below the deleted line.
                            if (!encounteredCodeElement)


                            if (lineToUpdate.CodeElements != null)
                                encounteredCodeElement = true;

                        appliedChange = new DocumentChange <ICobolTextLine>(DocumentChangeType.LineRemoved, textChange.LineIndex, null);
                        // Recompute the line indexes of all the changes prevously applied
                        IList <DocumentChange <ICobolTextLine> > documentChangesToRemove = null;
                        foreach (DocumentChange <ICobolTextLine> documentChangeToAdjust in documentChanges)
                            if (documentChangeToAdjust.LineIndex > textChange.LineIndex)
                                documentChangeToAdjust.LineIndex = documentChangeToAdjust.LineIndex - 1;
                            else if (documentChangeToAdjust.LineIndex == textChange.LineIndex)
                                if (documentChangesToRemove == null)
                                    documentChangesToRemove = new List <DocumentChange <ICobolTextLine> >(1);
                        // Ignore all previous changes applied to a line now removed
                        if (documentChangesToRemove != null)
                            foreach (DocumentChange <ICobolTextLine> documentChangeToRemove in documentChangesToRemove)
                    if (appliedChange != null)

                // Create a new version of the document to track these changes
                currentTextLinesVersion.changes = documentChanges;
                currentTextLinesVersion.next    = new DocumentVersion <ICobolTextLine>(currentTextLinesVersion);

                // Prepare an event to signal document change to all listeners
                documentChangedEvent    = new DocumentChangedEvent <ICobolTextLine>(currentTextLinesVersion, currentTextLinesVersion.next);
                currentTextLinesVersion = currentTextLinesVersion.next;

                // Stop perf measurement

            // Send events to all listeners
            EventHandler <DocumentChangedEvent <ICobolTextLine> > textLinesChanged = TextLinesChanged; // avoid race condition

            if (textLinesChanged != null)
                textLinesChanged(this, documentChangedEvent);