예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures add-on (community provided) filters.
        /// </summary>
        private void ConfigureAddOns(XmlElement RootElem)
            XmlNodeList Filters = RootElem["Filters"].GetElementsByTagName("Filter");

            foreach (XmlNode TheFilter in Filters)
                XmlAttribute TypeName  = TheFilter.Attributes["Name"];
                XmlAttribute Enabled   = TheFilter.Attributes["Enabled"];
                XmlAttribute IconName  = TheFilter.Attributes["Icon"];
                XmlAttribute Template  = TheFilter.Attributes["Template"];
                XmlAttribute ShortDesc = TheFilter.Attributes["Desc"];
                XmlAttribute Prompt    = TheFilter.Attributes["Prompt"];
                XmlAttribute AssyName  = TheFilter.Attributes["AssyName"];

                if (Enabled.Value.ToLower() == "true")
                    // Create a command specification object:

                    string AssyPath = AssyFolder + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
                                      "PlugIns" + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + AssyName.Value;
                    CmdSpecs.AddNonCoreSpec(TypeName.Value, IconName.Value,
                                            Template.Value, Prompt.Value, ShortDesc.Value, AssyPath);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads all core filters into the engine.
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadCoreFilters()
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.AddValues", "gtk-execute", "[n...] /In /Wn /Dn /S", "[<char pos>...] /I<ins pos> /W<width> /D<decimals> /S", "adds two or more numbers found in each input line", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.AppendStr", "gtk-execute", "s /P", "<string> /P", "concatenates the supplied string to the end of each line of the input text", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.BaseToDec", "gtk-execute", "n /In /Sn /Wn /Z", "<radix> /I<ins char pos> /S<scan char pos> /W<width> /Z", "converts numbers of the given base found in the input text to decimal", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.BottomLines", "gtk-execute", "n", "<no of lines>", "outputs the given number of lines from the end of the text", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.Call", "gtk-execute", "s", "<pipe file name> [<arg>...]", "calls a pipe from the currently executing pipe", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.CenterText", "gtk-execute", "n", "<field width>", "centers the input text in a field of the given character width", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.ColumnOrder", "gtk-execute", "n n", "<no of rows> <no of columns>", "a pre-filter to the JoinLines filter which allows columns to be ordered down instead of across", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.CountChars", "gtk-execute", "/In /L /Wn /Z", "/I<char pos> /L /W<width> /Z", "outputs the number of characters", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.CountLines", "gtk-execute", "/Wn /Z", "/W<width> /Z", "outputs the number of lines", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.CullLines", "gtk-execute", "s s /A /I /R", "<begin string> <end string> /A /I /R", "removes groups of lines encountered in the input text", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.DecToBase", "gtk-execute", "n /In /Sn /Wn /Z", "<radix> /I<ins char pos> /S<scan char pos> /W<width> /Z", "converts decimal numbers found in the input text to another base", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.DelBlankLines", "gtk-execute", "", "", "removes blank lines from output", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.DelChars", "gtk-execute", "n n [n n...]", "<char pos> <no of chars> [<char pos> <no of chars>...]", "deletes characters from each line at specified character positions", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.DelCharsToStr", "gtk-execute", "s /I /Nn /R", "<string> /I /N<count> /R", "deletes characters until string is encountered", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.DelDuplLines", "gtk-execute", "[n n] /A /Ds /F /I", "[<char pos> <char pos>] /A /D<delimiter> /F /I", "acts on sorted lists removing all duplicate lines", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.DelExtraBlankLines", "gtk-execute", "", "", "removes extraneous blank lines", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.DelExtraBlanks", "gtk-execute", "", "", "removes extraneous blanks from each line", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.DivValues", "gtk-execute", "n n /In /Wn /Dn /S", "<char pos> <char pos> /I<ins char pos> /W<width> /D<decimals> /S", "performs division with two numbers in the input text", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.EndIsolate", "gtk-execute", "", "", "used along with IsolateLines to constrain pipe commands to isolated block of text", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.ExclLines", "gtk-execute", "s [n n] /I /R", "<string> [<begin char pos> <end char pos>] /I /R", "excludes all lines from output that contain the specified string", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.ExtractLines", "gtk-execute", "s s /A /I /R", "<begin string> <end string> /A /I /R", "extracts groups of lines encountered in the input text", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.FoldLines", "gtk-execute", "[n n] /Ds /E /I /Jn /Wn /Z", "[<char pos> <char pos>] /D<delimiter> /E /I /J<join opt> /W<width> /Z", "acts on sorted lists folding duplicate lines", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.GroupLines", "gtk-execute", "s [n n] /I /R", "<string> [<begin char pos> <end char pos>] /I /R", "groups lines together that contain a string", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.InclLines", "gtk-execute", "s [n n] /I /R", "<string> [<begin char pos> <end char pos>] /I /R", "includes all lines in the output that contain the specified string", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.InsLineNo", "gtk-execute", "/Ln /In /Pn /Sn /Wn /Z", "/L<init no> /I<incr> /P<ins pos> /S<no of lines> /W<width> /Z", "inserts a line number at the specified character position of each line", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.InsStr", "gtk-execute", "n s [n s...]", "<char pos> <string> [<char pos> <string>...]", "inserts character strings into each line at specified character positions", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.IsolateLines", "gtk-execute", "s [n n] /Es /I /R", "<string> [<begin char pos> <end char pos>] /Es /I /R", "used along with EndIsolate to constrain pipe commands to isolated block of text", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.JoinLines", "gtk-execute", "[n] /P", "[<no of lines>] /P", "joins every n lines of text into a single line of text", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.JustCharsLeft", "gtk-execute", "[n n]", "[<begin char pos> <end char pos>]", "left justifies characters", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.JustCharsRight", "gtk-execute", "[n n]", "[<begin char pos> <end char pos>]", "right justifies characters", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.LeftChars", "gtk-execute", "n", "<no of chars>", "returns the given number of characters from the beginning of each line of text", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.LinesByPos", "gtk-execute", "n n [n n...] /Sn", "<begin line> <end line> [<begin line> <end line>...] /S<no of sets>", "outputs lines according to their position", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.LowerCase", "gtk-execute", "", "", "converts uppercase characters to lowercase", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.MultValues", "gtk-execute", "[n...] /In /Wn /Dn /S", "[<char pos>...] /I<ins char pos> /W<width> /D<decimals> /S", "multiplies two or more numbers in the input text", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.OutDuplLines", "gtk-execute", "[n n] /Ds /I", "[<begin char pos> <end char pos>] /D<delimiter> /I", "outputs lines that are duplicated in the text", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.OverlayChars", "gtk-execute", "n s [n s...]", "<char pos> <string> [<char pos> <string>...]", "overlays each line with character strings at specified character positions", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.PadLinesLeft", "gtk-execute", "s /Wn /Sn", "<pad string> /W<pad width> /S<no of sets>", "pads each line on the left to the given character width with the given character string", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.PadLinesRight", "gtk-execute", "s /Wn /Sn", "<pad string> /W<pad width> /S<no of sets>", "pads each line on the right to the given character width with the given character string", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.ParseCSV", "gtk-execute", "/Qs /Ds", "/Q<quote> /D<delimiter>", "parses quoted, comma-delimited fields onto separate lines", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.ParseWords", "gtk-execute", "/Ds", "/D<delimiter>", "parses the text into individual words", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.QuoteLines", "gtk-execute", "n n [n n...] /B /Ds /On /Qs /Sn /U", "<begin line> <end line> [<begin line> <end line>...] /B /D<delimiter> /O<option> /Q<quote> /S<no of sets> /U", "surrounds lines with quotes", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.ReorderColumns", "gtk-execute", "n n [n n...] /C /Pn", "<char pos> <char pos> [<char pos> <char pos>...] /C /P<char pos>", "re-arranges the column order of each line", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.ReplStr", "gtk-execute", "s s [s s...] /Bn /Ds /En /I /Ps /R", "<find string> <replace string> [<find string> <replace string>...] /B<char pos> /D<delimiter> /E<char pos> /I /P<place holder> /R", "replaces character strings found in the text", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.ReverseChars", "gtk-execute", "[n n]", "[<begin char pos> <end char pos>]", "reverses each line of the input text", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.RightChars", "gtk-execute", "n", "<no of chars>", "returns the given number of characters from the end of each line of text", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.RotCharsLeft", "gtk-execute", "n", "<no of chars>", "rotates characters left given no of places", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.RotCharsRight", "gtk-execute", "n", "<no of chars>", "rotates characters right given no of places", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.RotCharsToStr", "gtk-execute", "s /I /Nn /R", "<string> /I /N<count> /R", "rotates each line until given string is at its beginning", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.SetDebugOn", "gtk-execute", "", "", "configures pipe debugging on", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.SetDebugOff", "gtk-execute", "", "", "configures pipe debugging off", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.ShiftChars", "gtk-execute", "n s [n s...] /I /R", "<char pos> <string> [<char pos> <string>...] /I /R", "shifts text into specified character positions", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.SortLines", "gtk-execute", "/Pn /R", "/P<char pos> /R", "sorts the text", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.SpliceFile", "gtk-execute", "s /Ds /M", "<file name> /D<delimiter> /M", "combines text from a text file to the input text", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.SplitLines", "gtk-execute", "n [n...]", "<char pos> [<char pos>...]", "splits each line at the given character position(s)", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.StripChars", "gtk-execute", "n", "<no of chars>", "removes a given number of characters from the end of each line of text", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.SubValues", "gtk-execute", "n n /In /Wn /Dn /S", "<char pos> <char pos> /I<ins char pos> /W<width> /D<decimals> /S", "subtracts two numbers found on each line of text", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.TopLines", "gtk-execute", "n", "<no of lines>", "outputs the given number of lines from the beginning of the input text", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.TotalColumns", "gtk-execute", "n [n...] /Wn /Dn /A /S", "<char pos> [<char pos>...] /W<width> /D<decimals> /A /S", "totals columns of numeric values", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.TrimLines", "gtk-execute", "", "", "removes leading and trailing white space from each line of text", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.TrimLinesLeft", "gtk-execute", "", "", "removes leading white space from each line of text", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.TrimLinesRight", "gtk-execute", "", "", "removes trailing white space from each line of text", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.UpperCase", "gtk-execute", "", "", "converts lowercase characters to uppercase", AssyPath);
            CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.WrapText", "gtk-execute", "n /Bs /Jn", "<char pos> /B<break chars> /J<% jag allowed>", "wraps text at given character position", AssyPath);

            // Consider adding the following filters:

            //CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.LinesInRange", "gtk-execute", "s s /Pn", "<begin string> <end string> /P<char pos>", "includes all lines in the output that sort within a specified range", AssyPath);
            //CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.ProxLines", "gtk-execute", "s /Bn /An /C /I /R", "<string> /B<no of lines> /A<no of lines> /C /I /R", "extracts lines of text from the input stream that are near one another", AssyPath);

            // The following TEXTools filters are obsolete:

            //CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.Const", "", "s s [n n] /I /R", "<begin string> <end string> [<begin char pos> <end char pos>] /I /R", "alias for the Isolate command", AssyPath);
            //CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.EndConst", "", "", "", "alias for the EndIsolate command", AssyPath);
            //CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.GroupLinesByPos", "", "s n /I /R", "<string> <char pos> /I /R", "groups lines together that contain a given string at the character position specified", AssyPath);
            //CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.IsolateLinesByPos", "", "s n /I /R", "<string> <char pos> /I /R", "used with EndIsolate to constrain pipe commands to isolated block of text", AssyPath);
            //CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.IsolateLines", "", "s s [n n] /I /R", "<begin string> <end string> [<begin char pos> <end char pos>] /I /R", "used with EndIsolate to constrain pipe commands to isolated block of text", AssyPath);
            //CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.LinesInRange", "gtk-execute", "s s /Pn", "<begin string> <end string> /P<char pos>", "includes all lines in the output that sort within a specified range", AssyPath);
            //CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.OutUniqueLines", "", "[n n] /I", "[<begin char pos> <end char pos>] /I", "acts on sorted lists returning all unique lines", AssyPath);
            //CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.PadTextBottom", "gtk-execute", "n s", "<no of lines> <string>", "adds lines to the end of the text until the given number of lines is reached", AssyPath);
            //CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.RotCharsLeftStr", "", "n s [n n] /Nn /I /R /S /Qs", "<char pos> <string> [<begin char pos> <end char pos>] /N<count> /I /R /S /Q<quote>", "rotates characters left until text at character position matches string", AssyPath);
            //CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.RotCharsRightStr", "", "n s [n n] /Nn /I /R /S /Qs", "<char pos> <string> [<begin char pos> <end char pos>] /N<count> /I /R /S /Q<quote>", "rotates characters right until text at character position matches string", AssyPath);
            //CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.Ruler", "", "/Ln /E", "/L<length> /E", "displays a ruler", AssyPath);
            //CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.TrimTextBottom", "", "", "", "removes all trailing blank lines at the end of the input text", AssyPath);
            //CmdSpecs.AddCoreSpec("Firefly.PipeWrench.TrimTextTop", "", "", "", "removes all leading blank lines at the top of the input text", AssyPath);

            // The following filters are no longer compatible with TEXTools:

            // AppendStr:           no longer has a select switch and other supportive switches.
            // DelConsBlankLines:   renamed to DelExtraBlankLines.
            // DelConsBlanks:       renamed to DelExtraBlanks.  Note: unlike original filter, this one no longer removes ALL trailing blanks.
            // OutUniqueLines:      this filter is redundant and its functionality is handled by "DelDuplLines /A".
            // TrimTextBottom:      redundant - use "AppendStr '<eol>' | JoinLines | ReplStr ..."
            // TrimTextTop:         redundant - use "AppendStr '<eol>' | JoinLines | ReplStr ..."
            // RotCharsLeftStr:     obsolete - replaced by RotCharsToStr.
            // RotCharsRightStr:    obsolete - no longer supported.
            // Ruler:               redundant - use line, column indicators in status bar.
            // GroupLinesByPos:     redundant - use GroupLines with optional range of character positions.
            // Const:               obsolete - no longer supported alias of IsolateLines.
            // EndConst:            obsolete - no longer supported alias of EndIsolate.
            // RotCharsToStr:       The two original filters allowed rotating past or skipping over quoted strings.
            //                      This functionality--used only for working with CSV data--is no longer supported
            //                      and will have to be provided by an additional filter that allows you to "address"
            //                      fields in CSV data ("AddressColumn" or "AddressField").
            // DelCharsToStr:       Originally allowed rotating past or skipping over quoted strings.  This
            //                      functionality is no longer supported and will have to be provided by an
            //                      additional filter.
            // SubtractValues       renamed to SubValues.
            // DivideValues         renamed to DivValues.
            // MultiplyValues       renamed to MultValues.
            // SpliceFile           Any lines in the text file beyond the # of lines in the input text are ignored.
            // ParseWords           No longer has a /B filter and now has a /D filter.