예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove any holidays form the date passed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pCustomerID">which customer</param>
        /// <param name="pDT">the date to remvoe from</param>
        /// <param name="pServiceTypeID">for which service type Id</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DateTime RemoveHolidayPeriodFromDate(long pCustomerID, DateTime pDT, int pServiceTypeID)
            // select all the usage lines order DESC so that the last record is the latest
            ClientUsageLinesTbl        _UsageDAL   = new ClientUsageLinesTbl();
            List <ClientUsageLinesTbl> _UsageLines = _UsageDAL.GetLast10UsageLines(pCustomerID);
            int _NumValues = 0;

            // For every holiday period int he last 6 remove the period from the data difference
            while ((_UsageLines.Count > _NumValues) && (_NumValues < 6))
                if (_UsageLines[_NumValues].ServiceTypeID != 0)
                    if ((_UsageLines[_NumValues].ServiceTypeID >= TrackerTools.CONST_SERVTYPE1WKHOLI) || (_UsageLines[_NumValues].ServiceTypeID <= TrackerTools.CONST_SERVTYPE2MTHHOLI))
                        pDT = pDT.AddMonths(DaysToRemoveFromDate(_UsageLines[_NumValues].ServiceTypeID));
                    else if (_UsageLines[_NumValues].ServiceTypeID == pServiceTypeID)
                        _NumValues = 6;

예제 #2
        // --- ALL Pure retrieval rotuines below, the do a simple Query and return the data, and a prefixed with Get

        /// <summary>
        /// Get the latest usage data from the client usage table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pCustomerID">which customer</param>
        /// <param name="pServiceTypeID">which service type of data , or "" for no service type</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public LineUsageData GetLatestUsageData(long pCustomerID, int pServiceTypeID)
            LineUsageData _LatestUsageData = new LineUsageData();

            ClientUsageLinesTbl _UsageData = new ClientUsageLinesTbl();

            _UsageData = _UsageData.GetLatestUsageData(pCustomerID, pServiceTypeID);

            if (_UsageData.CupCount > 0)
                _LatestUsageData.LastCount = _UsageData.CupCount;
                _LatestUsageData.LastQty   = _UsageData.Qty;
                _LatestUsageData.UsageDate = _UsageData.LineDate;

예제 #3
        ContactsUpdated CheckNoneCoffeeCustomer(ContactType pCustomer, ContactsUpdated pContact)
            // customer is a none coffee customer check if this is correct
            ClientUsageLinesTbl _LatestUsageData = new ClientUsageLinesTbl();
            ItemUsageTbl        _LatestItemData  = new ItemUsageTbl();
            // the client is set to not have coffee tracked but has taken coffee check if they have taken anything else
            List <ItemUsageTbl> _LatestCoffeeItems = _LatestItemData.GetLastItemsUsed(pCustomer.CustomerID, TrackerTools.CONST_SERVTYPECOFFEE);

            _LatestItemData = _LatestItemData.GetLastMaintenanceItem(pCustomer.CustomerID);
            if (_LatestCoffeeItems.Count > 0)
            { // they ordered coffee from us but are marked as a none coffee client
                DateTime _InstallDate = _LatestUsageData.GetCustomerInstallDate(pCustomer.CustomerID);
                if (_LatestUsageData.LineDate >= _InstallDate)
                    // there is only coffee for the installation date
                    if (_LatestItemData == null)
                        pContact.ContactTypeID = CustomerTypeTbl.CONST_INFO_ONLY; // they have no coffee or maint items so they are info only
                    // they have take coffee past the install date
                    if (_LatestItemData == null)
                        pContact.ContactTypeID = CustomerTypeTbl.CONST_COFFEE_ONLY; // they have no maint items so they are coffee only
                // else they should be set correctly
                if (_LatestItemData == null)
                    pContact.ContactTypeID = CustomerTypeTbl.CONST_INFO_ONLY; // they have no coffee or main items so they are info only

예제 #4
        ContactsUpdated CheckCoffeeCustomerIsOne(ContactType pCustomer, ContactsUpdated pContact)
            // if the customer type is set not to be reminded about coffee
            ClientUsageLinesTbl _LatestUsageData = new ClientUsageLinesTbl();
            ItemUsageTbl        _LatestItemData  = new ItemUsageTbl();
            DateTime            _InstallDate     = DateTime.MinValue;

            _LatestUsageData = _LatestUsageData.GetLatestUsageData(pCustomer.CustomerID, TrackerDotNet.classes.TrackerTools.CONST_SERVTYPECOFFEE);
            if (_LatestUsageData != null)
                _InstallDate = _LatestUsageData.GetCustomerInstallDate(pCustomer.CustomerID);
                if (_LatestUsageData.LineDate <= _InstallDate)
                    // they have not ordered since the first time, so are they a service client?
                    _LatestItemData = _LatestItemData.GetLastMaintenanceItem(pCustomer.CustomerID);
                    if (_LatestItemData == null)
                    { // they have not ordered since the first order so set prediction to disabled
                        pContact.ContactTypeID      = CustomerTypeTbl.CONST_INFO_ONLY;
                        pContact.PredictionDisabled = true;
                    else // they have ordered other stuff from us but not coffee
                        pContact.ContactTypeID = CustomerTypeTbl.CONST_SERVICE_ONLY; // set it to the first time of service ony client
                    // they have ordered coffee have they ordered anything else, and they have been a client for long enough?
                    if (_InstallDate.AddMonths(CONST_MINMONTHS) <= _LatestUsageData.LineDate)
                        // we have a client that has been ordering for a while if they have not ordered maint stuff then sert them as coffee only or green only
                        _LatestItemData = _LatestItemData.GetLastMaintenanceItem(pCustomer.CustomerID);
                        if (_LatestItemData == null)
                            pContact.ContactTypeID = CustomerTypeTbl.CONST_COFFEE_ONLY;
                        { // they have ordered other stuff if they are set to coffee only set them to something else
                            if (pContact.ContactTypeID == CustomerTypeTbl.CONST_COFFEE_ONLY)
                                pContact.ContactTypeID = CustomerTypeTbl.CONST_COFFEEANDMAINT; // not they will be reminded of maintenance too
                // they have no coffee in thier list are they a none coffee client?
                _LatestItemData = _LatestItemData.GetLastMaintenanceItem(pCustomer.CustomerID);
                if (_LatestItemData != null)
                    // they have ordered maitenance stuff but not coffee stuff before
                    pContact.ContactTypeID = CustomerTypeTbl.CONST_SERVICE_ONLY; // set it to the first time of service ony client
                    pContact.ContactTypeID = CustomerTypeTbl.CONST_INFO_ONLY; // nothing has been ordered so set as prediction
            //_ColsStream.WriteLine("CheckCoffeeCustomerIsOne: 16");
예제 #5
        protected void btnSetClientType_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            pnlSetClinetType.Visible = true;
            gvCustomerTypes.Visible  = true;

            List <ContactsUpdated> _ContactsUpdated = new List <ContactsUpdated>();

            ClientUsageLinesTbl _ClientUsageLines = new ClientUsageLinesTbl();
            ItemUsageTbl        _ItemUsageTbl     = new ItemUsageTbl();
            ContactType         _Customer         = new ContactType();

            string _fName = "c:\\temp\\" + String.Format("SetClientType_{0:ddMMyyyy hh mm}.txt", DateTime.Now);

            _ColsStream = new StreamWriter(_fName, false); // create new file
            _ColsStream.WriteLine("Task, Company Name, origType, newType, PredDisabled");
            List <ContactType> _Customers = null;
            int i = 0;

                _Customers = _Customer.GetAllContacts("CompanyName"); // get all client sort by Company name
//        _Customers.RemoveAll(x => !x.IsEnabled);   // delete all the disabled clients

                List <int> _CoffeeClients     = GetAllCoffeeClientTypes();
                List <int> _ServiceOnlyClient = GetAllServiceOnlyClientTypes();

                // for each client check if they have ordered stuff and if so then set them as a particular client

                while (i < _Customers.Count)
                    ContactsUpdated _Contact = new ContactsUpdated();
                    // only if they are enabled and not set to info only
                    if (_Customers[i].CustomerTypeID != CustomerTypeTbl.CONST_INFO_ONLY)
                        _Contact.ContactName        = _Customers[i].CompanyName;
                        _Contact.ContactTypeID      = _Customers[i].CustomerTypeID;
                        _Contact.origContactTypeID  = _Customers[i].CustomerTypeID;
                        _Contact.PredictionDisabled = _Customers[i].PredictionDisabled;

                        if (_Contact.ContactTypeID == 0) // type not set then assume coffee client.
                            _Contact.ContactTypeID = CustomerTypeTbl.CONST_COFFEE_ONLY;
                        // if they are currently marked as coffee client then check if they have ordered since their install date and with in the last year
                        if (_CoffeeClients.Contains(_Contact.ContactTypeID))
                            _Contact = CheckCoffeeCustomerIsOne(_Customers[i], _Contact);
                        else // customer is set to only be info or something so lets check if that is true
                            _Contact = CheckNoneCoffeeCustomer(_Customers[i], _Contact);
                        /// Has it changed? is fo update
                        if (!_Contact.ContactTypeID.Equals(_Contact.origContactTypeID))
                            // copy the values that could have change across since C cannot clone with out a class def so we use the temp class instead
                            _Customers[i].CustomerTypeID     = _Contact.ContactTypeID;
                            _Customers[i].PredictionDisabled = _Contact.PredictionDisabled;
                            string _Result = _Customers[i].UpdateContact(_Customers[i]);
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_Result))
                                _ColsStream.WriteLine("Added {0}-{1}: {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}", i, _ContactsUpdated.Count, _Contact.ContactName, _Contact.origContactTypeID, _Contact.ContactTypeID, _Contact.PredictionDisabled);
                                _ColsStream.WriteLine("Error {0} Adding: {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}", _Result, i, _Result, _Contact.ContactName, _Contact.origContactTypeID, _Contact.ContactTypeID, _Contact.PredictionDisabled);
            catch (Exception _ex)
                string _errStr = _ex.Message;

                TrackerTools _TT    = new TrackerTools();
                string       _TTErr = _TT.GetTrackerSessionErrorString();
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_TTErr))
                    _errStr += " TTError: " + _TTErr;

                showMessageBox _exMsg = new showMessageBox(this.Page, "Error", _errStr);
                if (_Customers != null)
                    _ColsStream.WriteLine("ERROR AT: {0}, Name: {1}, ID: {2}, Pred: {3}", i, _Customers[i].CompanyName, _Customers[i].CustomerTypeID, _Customers[i].PredictionDisabled);
                    _ColsStream.WriteLine("null customers");
                _ColsStream.WriteLine("Error:" + _errStr);

            showMessageBox _sMsg = new showMessageBox(this.Page, "Info", String.Format("A Total of {0}, contacts were updated", _ContactsUpdated.Count));

            ltrlStatus.Text        = String.Format("A Total of {0}, contacts were updated", _ContactsUpdated.Count);
            ltrlStatus.Visible     = true;
            ResultsTitleLabel.Text = "Set client type results";
            gvResults.DataSource   = _ContactsUpdated;
            // upnlSystemToolsButtons.Update();
예제 #6
        /// <summary>x
        /// Calculates the average consumption of an item, either perday or per cups consumed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pCustomerID">for wich customer id</param>
        /// <param name="pServiceTypeID">for what type of service type default is coffee</param>
        /// <param name="pTypicalAverageConsumption">What is the typical average consumption to set as default</param>
        /// <param name="pPerDayCalc">Is this a per day or per cup calculation</param>
        /// <returns>average consumption of the type passed</returns>
        public double CalcAveConsumption(long pCustomerID, int pServiceTypeID, double pTypicalAverageConsumption, bool pPerDayCalc)
            double        _AveConsumption = pTypicalAverageConsumption; // average cups divided by cups used
            List <double> _AverageConsumptions = new List <double>();
            double        _ThisAverage = 0, _TotalAverages = 0;
            int           _NumValues = 0, _DaysSincePrev = 0;
            int           _ThisServiceTypeID = 0, _UsageLineNo = 1; // start at one since we need at leqast 2 dates to calc
            DateTime      _PrevDate = DateTime.MinValue;            // NULLDATE
            long          _PrevCupCount = 0, _CupsSincePrev = 0;

            ClientUsageLinesTbl        _ClientUsageLinesTbl = new ClientUsageLinesTbl();
            List <ClientUsageLinesTbl> _UsageData           = _ClientUsageLinesTbl.GetLast10UsageLines(pCustomerID, pServiceTypeID);

            // sort the data so that the first record is the oldest date is priority
            _UsageData.Sort((x, y) => x.LineDate.CompareTo(y.LineDate));
            /// Go through the records starting at the top in descending order and calculate the average cup count excluding SwopStart and SwopStop
            /// and catering for holiday periods

            if (_UsageData.Count > 1) // must have at least to values to calcualte an average
                _PrevDate     = _UsageData[0].LineDate;
                _PrevCupCount = _UsageData[0].CupCount;

                while ((_UsageData.Count > _UsageLineNo) && (_NumValues < CONST_MAXROLLINGAVEVALUES))
                    _ThisServiceTypeID = _UsageData[_UsageLineNo].ServiceTypeID;

                    // Only process correctly sequenced entries - otherwise we get impossible results (remember we are reading backwards)
                    if (_PrevCupCount < _UsageData[_UsageLineNo].CupCount) // is this bogus data so ignore it
                        if ((_ThisServiceTypeID == pServiceTypeID) && (_UsageData[_UsageLineNo].LineDate > _PrevDate))
                            // we are at the next record so cacl difference
                            _CupsSincePrev = (_UsageData[_UsageLineNo].CupCount - _PrevCupCount); // number of cups consumed
                            if (pPerDayCalc)
                                _DaysSincePrev = (_UsageData[_UsageLineNo].LineDate - _PrevDate).Days; // number of days between types
                                _ThisAverage   = Math.Round((double)(_CupsSincePrev / _DaysSincePrev), 5);
                                _AverageConsumptions.Add(_ThisAverage);                                // round to the nearest 5th decimal
                                _AverageConsumptions.Add(_CupsSincePrev); // round to the nearest 5th decimal
                            // now add an average per day
                            _PrevDate     = _UsageData[_UsageLineNo].LineDate;
                            _PrevCupCount = _UsageData[_UsageLineNo].CupCount;
                        // Check if they were on holiday and deduct that from total days
                        else if ((_ThisServiceTypeID >= TrackerTools.CONST_SERVTYPE1WKHOLI) && (_ThisServiceTypeID <= TrackerTools.CONST_SERVTYPE2MTHHOLI))
                            _PrevDate = _PrevDate.AddDays(DaysToAddToDate(_ThisServiceTypeID));
                    _UsageLineNo++; // move to next record
                } // while

                // now if there are more than 5 values kill the smallest
                if (_AverageConsumptions.Count >= CONST_MAXROLLINGAVEVALUES)
                    double _MaxAve = _AverageConsumptions[0];
                    for (int i = 1; i < _AverageConsumptions.Count; i++)
                        if (_AverageConsumptions[i] > _MaxAve)
                            _MaxAve = _AverageConsumptions[i];
                // now calc the Average
                _TotalAverages = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < _AverageConsumptions.Count; i++)
                    _TotalAverages += _AverageConsumptions[i];

                if (_TotalAverages > 0)
                    _AveConsumption = Math.Round(_TotalAverages / _AverageConsumptions.Count, 3);
                if (pPerDayCalc)
                    _AveConsumption = TrackerTools.CONST_TYPICALAVECONSUMPTION;
                    _AveConsumption = pTypicalAverageConsumption;

            // check for negative or 0
            if (_AveConsumption <= 0)
                _AveConsumption = pTypicalAverageConsumption;

예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the Installation date is assumed to be the date of the customer's first record in the usage line table. Added for compatiblity reasons
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pCustomerID">customer ID</param>
        /// <returns>The install date</returns>
        public DateTime GetInstallDate(long pCustomerID)
            ClientUsageLinesTbl _ClientUsageTbl = new ClientUsageLinesTbl();

예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the actual items to the Usage table and Usage Detail Line from the temp tables checking that the customer
        /// Id is the one that the temp tables are populated with. Also exclude any n/a service types
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pCustomerID">for which customer</param>
        /// <param name="pIsActual">is this an actual count</param>
        /// <param name="pCupCount">what is teh starting CupCount</param>
        /// <returns>Cup Count</returns>
        private long AddItemsToClientUsageTbl(long pCustomerID, bool pIsActual, long pCupCount, double pStock, DateTime pDeliveryDate)
            ClientUsageFromTempOrder        _ClientUsageFromTempOrderDAL = new ClientUsageFromTempOrder();
            List <ClientUsageFromTempOrder> _TempOrderDataLines          = _ClientUsageFromTempOrderDAL.GetAll(pCustomerID);
            // create null data records for the tables we are going to populate
            List <ItemUsageTbl>        _ItemUsageLines   = new List <ItemUsageTbl>();
            List <ClientUsageLinesTbl> _ClientUsageLines = new List <ClientUsageLinesTbl>();
            int _LineNo = 0;

            // use the note to make comments in the item usage table
            string _strNotes = (pIsActual) ? "actual count" : "estimate count";

            if (pStock > 0)
                pCupCount  = pCupCount - Convert.ToInt64(pStock * TrackerTools.CONST_TYPICALNUMCUPSPERKG); // adjust cup count so that it reflects stock
                _strNotes += "; Stock of: " + pCupCount.ToString();

            // For every holiday period int he last 6 remove the period from the data difference
            while (_TempOrderDataLines.Count > _LineNo)
//        _strNotes = "";     // clear last notes, ready for new notes

                ClientUsageLinesTbl _ClientUsageItem = new ClientUsageLinesTbl();
                // now calc per item a total
                _ClientUsageItem.CustomerID    = _TempOrderDataLines[_LineNo].CustomerID;
                _ClientUsageItem.LineDate      = pDeliveryDate;
                _ClientUsageItem.ServiceTypeID = _TempOrderDataLines[_LineNo].ServiceTypeID;
                _ClientUsageItem.Qty           = 0;
                _ClientUsageItem.CupCount      = pCupCount;
                _ClientUsageItem.Notes         = _strNotes;

                    // add all quantities for this service type

                    _ClientUsageItem.Qty += (_TempOrderDataLines[_LineNo].Qty * _TempOrderDataLines[_LineNo].UnitsPerQty);
                    ItemUsageTbl _ItemUsageItem = new ItemUsageTbl();
                    // copy line item to an new line in item usage
                    _ItemUsageItem.CustomerID     = _TempOrderDataLines[_LineNo].CustomerID;
                    _ItemUsageItem.Date           = pDeliveryDate;
                    _ItemUsageItem.ItemProvided   = _TempOrderDataLines[_LineNo].ItemID;
                    _ItemUsageItem.AmountProvided = _TempOrderDataLines[_LineNo].Qty;
                    _ItemUsageItem.PackagingID    = _TempOrderDataLines[_LineNo].PackagingID;
                    _ItemUsageItem.Notes          = _strNotes;
                } while ((_TempOrderDataLines.Count > _LineNo) && (_ClientUsageItem.ServiceTypeID == _TempOrderDataLines[_LineNo].ServiceTypeID));

            // add client usage lineslines
            for (int i = 0; i < _ClientUsageLines.Count; i++)

            // add item usage lineslines
            for (int i = 0; i < _ItemUsageLines.Count; i++)