public static void AddPointToCategoryWithLabelRealtime(GraphChartBase chart, string category, double x, DateTime y, double slideTime = 0, double pointSize = -1, string xLabel = null, string yLabel = null) { AddPointToCategoryWithLabelRealtime(chart, category, x, ChartDateUtility.DateToValue(y), slideTime, pointSize, xLabel, yLabel); }
private void DrawDivisions(double scrollOffset, AnyChart parent, Transform parentTransform, ChartDivisionInfo info, IChartMesh mesh, int group, ChartOrientation orientation, double gap, bool oppositeSide, double mainGap) { //scrollOffset = -scrollOffset; double parentSize = (orientation == ChartOrientation.Vertical) ? ((IInternalUse)parent).InternalTotalHeight : ((IInternalUse)parent).InternalTotalWidth; DoubleVector3 startPosition, lengthDirection, advanceDirection; GetDirectionVectors(parent, info, orientation, 0f, oppositeSide, out startPosition, out lengthDirection, out advanceDirection); double markDepth = ChartCommon.GetAutoDepth(parent, orientation, info); double length = ChartCommon.GetAutoLength(parent, orientation, info); double backLength = (orientation == ChartOrientation.Vertical) ? ((IInternalUse)parent).InternalTotalWidth : ((IInternalUse)parent).InternalTotalHeight; if (info.MarkBackLength.Automatic == false) { backLength = info.MarkBackLength.Value; } double totaluv = Math.Abs(length); if (backLength != 0 && markDepth > 0) { totaluv += Math.Abs(backLength) + Math.Abs(markDepth); } DoubleVector3 halfThickness = advanceDirection * (info.MarkThickness * 0.5f); // if (scrollOffset != 0f) // last--; bool hasValues = ((IInternalUse)parent).InternalHasValues(this); double maxValue = ((IInternalUse)parent).InternalMaxValue(this); double minValue = ((IInternalUse)parent).InternalMinValue(this); double range = maxValue - minValue; float AutoAxisDepth = Depth.Value; // float scrollFactor = (scrollOffset / (float)(maxValue - minValue)); //scrollOffset = scrollFactor * parentSize; if (Depth.Automatic) { AutoAxisDepth = (float)((((IInternalUse)parent).InternalTotalDepth) - markDepth); } double startValue = (scrollOffset + minValue); double endValue = (scrollOffset + maxValue) + double.Epsilon; Func <double, double> ValueToPosition = x => ((x - startValue) / range) * parentSize; double fraction = gap - (scrollOffset - Math.Floor((scrollOffset / gap) - double.Epsilon) * gap); double mainfraction = -1f; double currentMain = 0f; if (mainGap > 0f) { mainfraction = mainGap - (scrollOffset - Math.Floor((scrollOffset / mainGap) - double.Epsilon) * mainGap); currentMain = (scrollOffset + minValue + mainfraction); } int i = 0; mTmpToRemove.Clear(); double startRange = startValue + fraction; foreach (double key in mFormats.Keys) { if (key > endValue || key < startRange) { mTmpToRemove.Add(key); } } for (int k = 0; k < mTmpToRemove.Count; k++) { mFormats.Remove(mTmpToRemove[k]); } for (double current = startRange; current <= endValue; current += gap) { ++i; if (i > 3000) { break; } if (mainGap > 0.0) { if (Math.Abs(current - currentMain) < 0.00001) { currentMain += mainGap; continue; } if (current > currentMain) { currentMain += mainGap; } } double offset = ValueToPosition(current); DoubleVector3 start = startPosition + advanceDirection * offset; DoubleVector3 size = halfThickness + length * lengthDirection; start -= halfThickness; //size += halfThickness; float uvoffset = 0f; Rect r = ChartCommon.FixRect(new Rect((float)start.x, (float)start.y, (float)size.x, (float)size.y)); SetMeshUv(mesh, (float)(-length / totaluv), uvoffset); uvoffset += Math.Abs(mesh.Length); mesh.AddXYRect(r, group, AutoAxisDepth); if (hasValues) { double val = Math.Round(current * 1000.0) / 1000.0; string toSet = ""; int keyVal = (int)Math.Round(val); var dic = (orientation == ChartOrientation.Horizontal) ? parent.HorizontalValueToStringMap : parent.VerticalValueToStringMap; if (!(Math.Abs(val - keyVal) < 0.001 && dic.TryGetValue(keyVal, out toSet))) { if (mFormats.TryGetValue(val, out toSet) == false) { if (format == AxisFormat.Number) { toSet = ChartAdancedSettings.Instance.FormatFractionDigits(info.FractionDigits, val); } else { DateTime date = ChartDateUtility.ValueToDate(val); if (format == AxisFormat.DateTime) { toSet = ChartDateUtility.DateToDateTimeString(date); } else { if (format == AxisFormat.Date) { toSet = ChartDateUtility.DateToDateString(date); } else { toSet = ChartDateUtility.DateToTimeString(date); } } } toSet = info.TextPrefix + toSet + info.TextSuffix; mFormats[val] = toSet; } } else { toSet = info.TextPrefix + toSet + info.TextSuffix; } DoubleVector3 textPos = new DoubleVector3(start.x, start.y); textPos += lengthDirection * info.TextSeperation; TextData userData = new TextData(); userData.interp = (float)(offset / parentSize); = info; userData.fractionDigits = info.FractionDigits; mesh.AddText(parent, info.TextPrefab, parentTransform, info.FontSize, info.FontSharpness, toSet, (float)textPos.x, (float)textPos.y, AutoAxisDepth + info.TextDepth, 0f, userData); } if (markDepth > 0) { if (orientation == ChartOrientation.Horizontal) { SetMeshUv(mesh, (float)(markDepth / totaluv), uvoffset); r = ChartCommon.FixRect(new Rect((float)start.x, AutoAxisDepth, (float)size.x, (float)markDepth)); mesh.AddXZRect(r, group, (float)start.y); } else { SetMeshUv(mesh, (float)(-markDepth / totaluv), uvoffset); r = ChartCommon.FixRect(new Rect((float)start.y, AutoAxisDepth, (float)size.y, (float)markDepth)); mesh.AddYZRect(r, group, (float)start.x); } uvoffset += Math.Abs(mesh.Length); if (backLength != 0) { SetMeshUv(mesh, (float)(backLength / totaluv), uvoffset); uvoffset += Math.Abs(mesh.Length); DoubleVector3 backSize = halfThickness + backLength * lengthDirection; Rect backR = ChartCommon.FixRect(new Rect((float)start.x, (float)start.y, (float)backSize.x, (float)backSize.y)); mesh.AddXYRect(backR, group, (float)(AutoAxisDepth + markDepth)); } } } // Debug.Log("start"); // Debug.Log(mFormats.Count); // Debug.Log(cached); }
public static void AddPointToCategoryWithLabel(GraphChartBase chart, string category, DateTime x, DateTime y, double pointSize = -1, string xLabel = null, string yLabel = null) { AddPointToCategoryWithLabel(chart, category, ChartDateUtility.DateToValue(x), ChartDateUtility.DateToValue(y), pointSize, xLabel, yLabel); }
public void SetCurveInitialPoint(string category, double x, DateTime y, double pointSize = -1f) { SetCurveInitialPoint(category, x, ChartDateUtility.DateToValue(y), pointSize); }
public void AddPointToCategoryRealtime(string category, double x, DateTime y, double slideTime = 0f, double pointSize = -1f) { double yVal = ChartDateUtility.DateToValue(y); AddPointToCategoryRealtime(category, x, (double)yVal, slideTime, pointSize); }
/// <summary> /// adds a point to the category. having the point y value as date /// </summary> /// <param name="category"></param> /// <param name="x"></param> /// <param name="y"></param> public void AddPointToCategory(string category, double x, DateTime y, double pointSize = -1f) { double yVal = ChartDateUtility.DateToValue(y); AddPointToCategory(category, x, (double)yVal, pointSize); }
/// <summary> /// adds a point to the category. having the point x value as date /// <param name="category"></param> /// <param name="x"></param> /// <param name="y"></param> public void AddPointToCategory(string category, DateTime x, double y, double pointSize = -1f) { double xVal = ChartDateUtility.DateToValue(x); AddPointToCategory(category, (double)xVal, y, pointSize); }
/// <summary> /// transform a point from axis units into world space. returns true on success and false on failure (failure should never happen for this implementation) /// </summary> /// <param name="result"> the resulting world space point</param> /// <param name="x">x coordinate in axis units</param> /// <param name="y">y coodinate in axis units</param> /// <param name="category">for 3d chart specifing a catgory will return a point with the proper depth setting</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool PointToWorldSpace(out Vector3 result, DateTime x, DateTime y, string category = null) { return(PointToWorldSpace(out result, ChartDateUtility.DateToValue(x), ChartDateUtility.DateToValue(y), category)); }