예제 #1
    public GCodeToolpath(string file, CartesianTarget referenceTarget, Vector3d alignment)
        using var reader = File.OpenText(file);

        var parser = new GenericGCodeParser();
        var code   = parser.Parse(reader);

        Toolpath = new FiveAxisToRobots(referenceTarget, alignment, code);
        _targets = Toolpath.Targets;
예제 #2
    Target CreateTarget(Point3d position, Speed speed, Zone zone = null)
        var plane = Plane.WorldXY;

        plane.Origin = position;
        var frame  = _att.Frame;
        var target = new CartesianTarget(plane, null, Motions.Linear, _tool, speed, zone, null, frame, null);

예제 #3
    internal FiveAxisToRobots(CartesianTarget refTarget, Vector3d alignment, GCodeFile file)
        _refTarget = refTarget;
        _alignment = alignment;

        var constructionPlane = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.ActiveView.ActiveViewport.GetConstructionPlane().Plane;

        constructionPlane.Origin = Point3d.Origin;
        var workPlane = _refTarget.Frame.Plane;
        var xform     = Transform.PlaneToPlane(Plane.WorldXY, workPlane);


        _mcs = new Frame(plane: constructionPlane, name: "MCS");

        _gCodeMap = new Dictionary <(GCodeLine.LType letter, int number), Action <GCodeLine> >
            { (GCodeLine.LType.GCode, 0), RapidMove },
예제 #4
        public override bool CastFrom(object source)
            if (source is Target)
                Value = source as Target;

            if (source is GH_Point)
                Value = new CartesianTarget(new Plane((source as GH_Point).Value, Vector3d.XAxis, Vector3d.YAxis));

            if (source is GH_Plane)
                Value = new CartesianTarget((source as GH_Plane).Value);

            if (source is GH_String)
                string   text       = (source as GH_String).Value;
                string[] jointsText = text.Split(',');
                if (jointsText.Length != 6)

                var joints = new double[6];
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    if (!GH_Convert.ToDouble_Secondary(jointsText[i], ref joints[i]))

                Value = new JointTarget(joints);
예제 #5
        public static async Task <Program> CreateAsync()
            var robot = await GetRobotAsync();

            var planeA = Plane.WorldYZ;
            var planeB = Plane.WorldYZ;

            planeA.Origin = new Point3d(300, 200, 610);
            planeB.Origin = new Point3d(300, -200, 610);
            var speed    = new Speed(300);
            var targetA  = new CartesianTarget(planeA, RobotConfigurations.Wrist, Motions.Joint);
            var targetB  = new CartesianTarget(planeB, null, Motions.Linear, speed: speed);
            var toolpath = new SimpleToolpath()
                targetA, targetB

            return(new Program("TestProgram", robot, new[] { toolpath }));
예제 #6
        public TestProgram()
            var robot = RobotSystem.Load("Bartlett-IRB120", Plane.WorldXY);

            var planeA = Plane.WorldYZ;
            var planeB = Plane.WorldYZ;

            planeA.Origin = new Point3d(300, 200, 610);
            planeB.Origin = new Point3d(300, -200, 610);
            var speed    = new Speed(300);
            var targetA  = new CartesianTarget(planeA, RobotConfigurations.Wrist, Motions.Joint);
            var targetB  = new CartesianTarget(planeB, null, Motions.Linear, speed: speed);
            var toolpath = new SimpleToolpath()
                targetA, targetB

            Program = new Program("TestProgram", robot, new[] { toolpath });
예제 #7
파일: URTests.cs 프로젝트: visose/Robots
    public URTests()
        const string xml   = "<RobotCell name=\"UR10\" manufacturer=\"UR\"><Mechanisms><RobotArm model=\"UR10\" manufacturer=\"UR\" payload=\"10\"><Base x=\"0.000\" y=\"0.000\" z=\"0.000\" q1=\"1.000\" q2=\"0.000\" q3=\"0.000\" q4=\"0.000\"/><Joints><Revolute number=\"1\" a =\"0\" d =\"127.3\" minrange = \"-360\" maxrange =\"360\" maxspeed =\"120\"/><Revolute number=\"2\" a =\"-612\" d =\"0\" minrange = \"-360\" maxrange =\"360\" maxspeed =\"120\"/><Revolute number=\"3\" a =\"-572.3\" d =\"0\" minrange = \"-360\" maxrange =\"360\" maxspeed =\"180\"/><Revolute number=\"4\" a =\"0\" d =\"163.941\" minrange = \"-360\" maxrange =\"360\" maxspeed =\"180\"/><Revolute number=\"5\" a =\"0\" d =\"115.7\" minrange = \"-360\" maxrange =\"360\" maxspeed =\"180\"/><Revolute number=\"6\" a =\"0\" d =\"92.2\" minrange = \"-360\" maxrange =\"360\" maxspeed =\"180\"/></Joints></RobotArm></Mechanisms><IO><DO names=\"0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16\"/><DI names=\"0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16\"/><AO names=\"0,1\"/><AI names=\"0,1\"/></IO></RobotCell>";
        var          robot = FileIO.ParseRobotSystem(xml, Plane.WorldXY);

        var planeA = Plane.WorldZX;
        var planeB = Plane.WorldZX;

        planeA.Origin = new Point3d(200, 100, 600);
        planeB.Origin = new Point3d(700, 250, 600);
        var speed    = new Speed(300);
        var targetA  = new CartesianTarget(planeA, RobotConfigurations.Wrist, Motions.Joint);
        var targetB  = new CartesianTarget(planeB, null, Motions.Linear, speed: speed);
        var toolpath = new SimpleToolpath()
            targetA, targetB

        _program = new Program("URTest", robot, new[] { toolpath });
예제 #8
    public ABBTests()
        const string xml   = "<RobotCell name=\"IRB120\" manufacturer=\"ABB\"><Mechanisms><RobotArm model=\"IRB120\" manufacturer=\"ABB\" payload=\"3\"><Base x=\"0.000\" y=\"0.000\" z=\"0.000\" q1=\"1.000\" q2=\"0.000\" q3=\"0.000\" q4=\"0.000\"/><Joints><Revolute number=\"1\" a =\"0\" d =\"290\" minrange = \"-165\" maxrange =\"165\" maxspeed =\"250\"/><Revolute number=\"2\" a =\"270\" d =\"0\" minrange = \"-110\" maxrange =\"110\" maxspeed =\"250\"/><Revolute number=\"3\" a =\"70\" d =\"0\" minrange = \"-110\" maxrange =\"70\" maxspeed =\"250\"/><Revolute number=\"4\" a =\"0\" d =\"302\" minrange = \"-160\" maxrange =\"160\" maxspeed =\"320\"/><Revolute number=\"5\" a =\"0\" d =\"0\" minrange = \"-120\" maxrange =\"120\" maxspeed =\"320\"/><Revolute number=\"6\" a =\"0\" d =\"72\" minrange = \"-400\" maxrange =\"400\" maxspeed =\"420\"/></Joints></RobotArm></Mechanisms><IO><DO names=\"DO10_1,DO10_2\"/><DI names=\"DI10_1,DI10_2\"/></IO></RobotCell>";
        var          robot = FileIO.ParseRobotSystem(xml, Plane.WorldXY);

        var planeA = Plane.WorldYZ;
        var planeB = Plane.WorldYZ;

        planeA.Origin = new Point3d(300, 200, 610);
        planeB.Origin = new Point3d(300, -200, 610);
        var speed    = new Speed(300);
        var targetA  = new CartesianTarget(planeA, RobotConfigurations.Wrist, Motions.Joint);
        var targetB  = new CartesianTarget(planeB, null, Motions.Linear, speed: speed);
        var toolpath = new SimpleToolpath()
            targetA, targetB

        _program = new Program("TestProgram", robot, new[] { toolpath });
예제 #9
파일: GH_Target.cs 프로젝트: visose/Robots
    public override bool CastFrom(object source)
        switch (source)
        case Target target:
            Value = target;

        case GH_Point point:
            Value = new CartesianTarget(new Plane(point.Value, Vector3d.XAxis, Vector3d.YAxis));

        case GH_Plane plane:
            Value = new CartesianTarget(plane.Value);

        case GH_String text:
            string[] jointsText = text.Value.Split(',');
            if (jointsText.Length != 6)

            var joints = new double[6];
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                if (!GH_Convert.ToDouble_Secondary(jointsText[i], ref joints[i]))

            Value = new JointTarget(joints);

예제 #10
        void CreateTargets(List <List <SimpleTarget> > paths)
            double totalDistance  = 0;
            var    externalCustom = new[] { "motorValue" };


            foreach (var path in paths)
                var first = path[0].Location;
                var last  = path[path.Count - 1].Location;

                var firstSafe = first; firstSafe.Origin += firstSafe.Normal * _att.SafeZOffset;

                _targets.Add(CreateTarget(firstSafe, _att.SafeSpeed, _att.SafeZone, 0));

                _targets.Add(CreateTarget(first, _att.ApproachSpeed, _att.ApproachZone, 0));
                _targets.Add(CreateTarget(first, _att.ApproachSpeed, _att.ApproachZone, _startDistance));

                for (int i = 1; i < path.Count; i++)
                    //double segmentLength = path[i - 1].DistanceTo(path[i]);
                    Plane  position      = path[i].Location;
                    double segmentLength = path[i].Length;

                    var zone = i != path.Count - 1 ? _att.ExtrusionZone : _att.ApproachZone;
                    _targets.Add(CreateTarget(position, _att.ExtrusionSpeed, zone, segmentLength));

                _targets.Add(CreateTarget(last, _att.ExtrusionSpeed, _att.ApproachZone, _suckBack));

                var lastOffset = last; lastOffset.Origin += lastOffset.Normal * (_att.SafeZOffset + _att.LayerHeight);
                _targets.Add(CreateTarget(lastOffset, _att.ApproachSpeed, _att.SafeZone, 0));


            SubPrograms.RemoveAt(SubPrograms.Count - 1);

            Target CreateTarget(Plane location, Speed speed, Zone zone, double externalDistance)
                var frame = _att.Frame;
                var tool  = _att.Tool;

                totalDistance += externalDistance * _extrusionFactor;

                Command command = null;

                if (externalDistance != 0)
                    string sign            = externalDistance < 0 ? "+" : "-";
                    string code            = $"motorValue:=motorValue{sign}{Abs(externalDistance):0.000}*extrusionFactor;";
                    var    externalCommand = new Robots.Commands.Custom($"SetExternal{_targets.Count}", command: code);
                    externalCommand.RunBefore = true;
                    command = externalCommand;

                var target = new CartesianTarget(location, null, Motions.Linear, tool, speed, zone, command, frame, new[] { totalDistance });

                target.ExternalCustom = externalCustom;

            Target HomeStart()
                var externalValue = ExternalValue(_loopDistance);

                string declaration = $@"VAR num motorValue:= 0;
PERS num extrusionFactor:={_extrusionFactor: 0.000};
VAR robtarget current;
VAR num choice:=0;
                string initCode    = $@"current:= CRobT(\Tool:= {_att.Tool.Name} \WObj:= {_att.Frame.Name});
EOffsSet current.extax;";

                string testCode = $@"TPReadFK choice,""Choose mode"",stEmpty,stEmpty,stEmpty,""Program"",""Test"";
current:= CRobT(\Tool:= {_att.Tool.Name} \WObj:= {_att.Frame.Name});
WHILE choice = 5 DO
    motorValue:= motorValue - {externalValue:0.00}*extrusionFactor;
    current.extax.eax_a:= motorValue;
    MoveL Offs(current,0,{_loopDistance},0),{_att.ExtrusionSpeed.Name},{_att.ExtrusionZone.Name},{_att.Tool.Name} \WObj:= {_att.Frame.Name};
    motorValue:= motorValue - {externalValue:0.00}*extrusionFactor;
    current.extax.eax_a:= motorValue;
    MoveL Offs(current,0,0,0),{_att.ExtrusionSpeed.Name},{_att.ExtrusionZone.Name},{_att.Tool.Name} \WObj:= {_att.Frame.Name};

                var initCommand = new Robots.Commands.Custom("Init", declaration: declaration, command: initCode);

                initCommand.RunBefore = true;
                var testCommand = new Robots.Commands.Custom("Test", command: testCode);

                var command = new Group(new[] { initCommand, testCommand });
                var home    = new JointTarget(_att.Home, _att.Tool, _att.SafeSpeed, _att.SafeZone, command, _att.Frame, new[] { totalDistance });

                home.ExternalCustom = externalCustom;

            Target HomeEnd()
                var command = new Group()
                    new Message("Se acabó."),
                    new Stop()
                var home = new JointTarget(_att.Home, _att.Tool, _att.SafeSpeed, _att.SafeZone, command, _att.Frame, new[] { totalDistance });

                home.ExternalCustom = externalCustom;
예제 #11
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            bool hasTarget   = Params.Input.Any(x => x.Name == "Target");
            bool hasJoints   = Params.Input.Any(x => x.Name == "Joints");
            bool hasPlane    = Params.Input.Any(x => x.Name == "Plane");
            bool hasConfig   = Params.Input.Any(x => x.Name == "RobConf");
            bool hasMotion   = Params.Input.Any(x => x.Name == "Motion");
            bool hasTool     = Params.Input.Any(x => x.Name == "Tool");
            bool hasSpeed    = Params.Input.Any(x => x.Name == "Speed");
            bool hasZone     = Params.Input.Any(x => x.Name == "Zone");
            bool hasCommand  = Params.Input.Any(x => x.Name == "Command");
            bool hasFrame    = Params.Input.Any(x => x.Name == "Frame");
            bool hasExternal = Params.Input.Any(x => x.Name == "External");

            GH_Target sourceTarget = null;

            if (hasTarget)
                if (!DA.GetData("Target", ref sourceTarget))

            double[] joints = null;
            var      plane  = new Plane();

            Target.RobotConfigurations?configuration = null;
            Target.Motions             motion        = Target.Motions.Joint;
            Tool    tool    = null;
            Speed   speed   = null;
            Zone    zone    = null;
            Command command = null;
            Frame   frame   = null;

            double[] external = null;

            if (hasJoints)
                GH_String jointsGH = null;
                if (!DA.GetData("Joints", ref jointsGH))

                string[] jointsText = jointsGH.Value.Split(',');
                if (jointsText.Length != 6)

                joints = new double[6];

                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    if (!GH_Convert.ToDouble_Secondary(jointsText[i], ref joints[i]))
            else if (sourceTarget != null)
                if (sourceTarget.Value is JointTarget)
                    joints = (sourceTarget.Value as JointTarget).Joints;

            if (hasPlane)
                GH_Plane planeGH = null;
                if (hasPlane)
                    if (!DA.GetData("Plane", ref planeGH))
                plane = planeGH.Value;
            else if (sourceTarget != null)
                if (sourceTarget.Value is CartesianTarget)
                    plane = (sourceTarget.Value as CartesianTarget).Plane;

            if (hasConfig)
                GH_Integer configGH = null;
                if (hasConfig)
                    DA.GetData("RobConf", ref configGH);
                configuration = (configGH == null) ? null : (Target.RobotConfigurations?)configGH.Value;
            else if (sourceTarget != null)
                if (sourceTarget.Value is CartesianTarget)
                    configuration = (sourceTarget.Value as CartesianTarget).Configuration;

            if (hasMotion)
                GH_String motionGH = null;
                DA.GetData("Motion", ref motionGH);
                motion = (motionGH == null) ? Target.Motions.Joint : (Target.Motions)Enum.Parse(typeof(Target.Motions), motionGH.Value);
            else if (sourceTarget != null)
                if (sourceTarget.Value is CartesianTarget)
                    motion = (sourceTarget.Value as CartesianTarget).Motion;

            if (hasTool)
                GH_Tool toolGH = null;
                DA.GetData("Tool", ref toolGH);
                tool = toolGH?.Value;
            else if (sourceTarget != null)
                tool = sourceTarget.Value.Tool;

            if (hasSpeed)
                GH_Speed speedGH = null;
                DA.GetData("Speed", ref speedGH);
                speed = speedGH?.Value;
            else if (sourceTarget != null)
                speed = sourceTarget.Value.Speed;

            if (hasZone)
                GH_Zone zoneGH = null;
                DA.GetData("Zone", ref zoneGH);
                zone = zoneGH?.Value;
            else if (sourceTarget != null)
                zone = sourceTarget.Value.Zone;

            if (hasCommand)
                GH_Command commandGH = null;
                DA.GetData("Command", ref commandGH);
                command = commandGH?.Value;
            else if (sourceTarget != null)
                command = sourceTarget.Value.Command;

            if (hasFrame)
                GH_Frame frameGH = null;
                DA.GetData("Frame", ref frameGH);
                frame = frameGH?.Value;
            else if (sourceTarget != null)
                frame = sourceTarget.Value.Frame;

            if (hasExternal)
                GH_String externalGH = null;
                if (!DA.GetData("External", ref externalGH))
                    external = new double[0];
                    string[] externalText = externalGH.Value.Split(',');
                    int      length       = externalText.Length;
                    external = new double[length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                        if (!GH_Convert.ToDouble_Secondary(externalText[i], ref external[i]))
            else if (sourceTarget != null)
                external = sourceTarget.Value.External;

            Target target;

            bool localCartesian = isCartesian;

            if (hasTarget && !hasPlane && !hasJoints)
                localCartesian = sourceTarget.Value is CartesianTarget;

            if (localCartesian)
                target = new CartesianTarget(plane, configuration, motion, tool, speed, zone, command, frame, external);
                target = new JointTarget(joints, tool, speed, zone, command, frame, external);

            if (sourceTarget != null)
                target.ExternalCustom = sourceTarget.Value.ExternalCustom;

            DA.SetData(0, new GH_Target(target));
예제 #12
파일: Target.cs 프로젝트: visose/Robots
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            bool hasTarget = Params.Input.Any(x => x.Name == "Target");
            bool hasJoints = Params.Input.Any(x => x.Name == "Joints");
            bool hasPlane = Params.Input.Any(x => x.Name == "Plane");
            bool hasConfig = Params.Input.Any(x => x.Name == "RobConf");
            bool hasMotion = Params.Input.Any(x => x.Name == "Motion");
            bool hasTool = Params.Input.Any(x => x.Name == "Tool");
            bool hasSpeed = Params.Input.Any(x => x.Name == "Speed");
            bool hasZone = Params.Input.Any(x => x.Name == "Zone");
            bool hasCommand = Params.Input.Any(x => x.Name == "Command");
            bool hasFrame = Params.Input.Any(x => x.Name == "Frame");
            bool hasExternal = Params.Input.Any(x => x.Name == "External");

            GH_Target sourceTarget = null;
            if (hasTarget) if (!DA.GetData("Target", ref sourceTarget)) return;

            double[] joints = null;
            var plane = new Plane();
            Target.RobotConfigurations? configuration = null;
            Target.Motions motion = Target.Motions.Joint;
            Tool tool = null;
            Speed speed = null;
            Zone zone = null;
            Command command = null;
            Frame frame = null;
            double[] external = null;

            if (hasJoints)
                GH_String jointsGH = null;
                if (!DA.GetData("Joints", ref jointsGH)) return;

                string[] jointsText = jointsGH.Value.Split(',');
                if (jointsText.Length != 6) return;

                joints = new double[6];

                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    if (!GH_Convert.ToDouble_Secondary(jointsText[i], ref joints[i])) return;
            else if (sourceTarget != null)
                if (sourceTarget.Value is JointTarget) joints = (sourceTarget.Value as JointTarget).Joints;

            if (hasPlane)
                GH_Plane planeGH = null;
                if (hasPlane) if (!DA.GetData("Plane", ref planeGH)) return;
                plane = planeGH.Value;
            else if (sourceTarget != null)
                if (sourceTarget.Value is CartesianTarget) plane = (sourceTarget.Value as CartesianTarget).Plane;

            if (hasConfig)
                GH_Integer configGH = null;
                if (hasConfig) DA.GetData("RobConf", ref configGH);
                configuration = (configGH == null) ? null : (Target.RobotConfigurations?)configGH.Value;
            else if (sourceTarget != null)
                if (sourceTarget.Value is CartesianTarget) configuration = (sourceTarget.Value as CartesianTarget).Configuration;

            if (hasMotion)
                GH_String motionGH = null;
                DA.GetData("Motion", ref motionGH);
                motion = (motionGH == null) ? Target.Motions.Joint : (Target.Motions)Enum.Parse(typeof(Target.Motions), motionGH.Value);
            else if (sourceTarget != null)
                if (sourceTarget.Value is CartesianTarget) motion = (sourceTarget.Value as CartesianTarget).Motion;

            if (hasTool)
                GH_Tool toolGH = null;
                DA.GetData("Tool", ref toolGH);
                tool = toolGH?.Value;
            else if (sourceTarget != null)
                tool = sourceTarget.Value.Tool;

            if (hasSpeed)
                GH_Speed speedGH = null;
                DA.GetData("Speed", ref speedGH);
                speed = speedGH?.Value;
            else if (sourceTarget != null)
                speed = sourceTarget.Value.Speed;

            if (hasZone)
                GH_Zone zoneGH = null;
                DA.GetData("Zone", ref zoneGH);
                zone = zoneGH?.Value;
            else if (sourceTarget != null)
                zone = sourceTarget.Value.Zone;

            if (hasCommand)
                GH_Command commandGH = null;
                DA.GetData("Command", ref commandGH);
                command = commandGH?.Value;
            else if (sourceTarget != null)
                command = sourceTarget.Value.Command;

            if (hasFrame)
                GH_Frame frameGH = null;
                DA.GetData("Frame", ref frameGH);
                frame = frameGH?.Value;
            else if (sourceTarget != null)
                frame = sourceTarget.Value.Frame;

            if (hasExternal)
                GH_String externalGH = null;
                if (!DA.GetData("External", ref externalGH))
                    external = new double[0];
                    string[] externalText = externalGH.Value.Split(',');
                    int length = externalText.Length;
                    external = new double[length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                        if (!GH_Convert.ToDouble_Secondary(externalText[i], ref external[i])) return;
            else if (sourceTarget != null)
                external = sourceTarget.Value.External;

            Target target;

            bool localCartesian = isCartesian;

            if (hasTarget && !hasPlane && !hasJoints)
                localCartesian = sourceTarget.Value is CartesianTarget;

            if (localCartesian)
                target = new CartesianTarget(plane, configuration, motion, tool, speed, zone, command, frame, external);
                target = new JointTarget(joints, tool, speed, zone, command, frame, external);

            DA.SetData(0, new GH_Target(target));
예제 #13
        public SpatialAttributes(IList <double> variables, CartesianTarget target, IList <double> speeds, IList <double> waits, IList <int> dos, IList <GeometryBase> environment)
            if (variables.Count != 6)
                throw new Exception(" There must be 6 variables.");
            if (speeds.Count != 5)
                throw new Exception(" There must be 5 speeds.");
            if (waits.Count != 4)
                throw new Exception(" There must be 4 wait times.");
            if (dos.Count != 2)
                throw new Exception(" There must be 2 digital outputs.");

            Diameter           = variables[0];
            DistancePlunge     = variables[1];
            VerticalOffset     = variables[2];
            RotationOffset     = variables[3];
            DistanceAhead      = variables[4];
            DistanceHorizontal = variables[5];

            Environment = new List <GeometryBase>(environment);

            ReferenceTarget = target;

            Approach = new Speed(name: "Approach", translation: speeds[0]);
            Plunge   = new Speed(name: "Plunge", translation: speeds[1]);
            Fast     = new Speed(name: "FastExtrusion", translation: speeds[2]);
            Medium   = new Speed(name: "MediumExtrusion", translation: speeds[3]);
            Slow     = new Speed(name: "SlowExtrusion", translation: speeds[4]);

            var waitAfterStart = new Wait(waits[0]);

            StopExtrusion = new Group()
                new SetDO(dos[0], false), new SetDO(dos[1], false)
            FastExtrusion = new Group()
                new SetDO(dos[0], true), new SetDO(dos[1], false), waitAfterStart
            MediumExtrusion = new Group()
                new SetDO(dos[0], false), new SetDO(dos[1], true), waitAfterStart
            SlowExtrusion = new Group()
                new SetDO(dos[0], true), new SetDO(dos[1], true), waitAfterStart

            LongWait = new Group()
                StopExtrusion, new Wait(waits[3])
            ShortWait = new Group()
                StopExtrusion, new Wait(waits[2])

            AheadCommand = new Group()
                StopExtrusion, new Wait(waits[1])
예제 #14
    public CSVConverter(string file, CartesianTarget referenceTarget, string mask, bool reverse, double cutSpeed = 0, Point3d?point = null)
        var splitMask = mask.Split(',').Select(p => p.Trim().ToLower());

        if (!splitMask.All(p => validParameters.Contains(p)))
            throw new Exception(" Mask not valid.");

        var parameterIndex = splitMask.ToDictionary(p => p, p => - 1);

        int count = 0;

        foreach (var parameter in splitMask)
            parameterIndex[parameter] = count;
            if (parameter == "position" || parameter == "normal" || parameter == "xaxis")
                count += 3;
                count += 1;

        var lines = File.ReadAllLines(file);

        var planes      = new List <Plane>(lines.Length);
        var speedValues = new List <double>(lines.Length);
        var zoneValues  = new List <double>(lines.Length);
        var types       = new List <double>(lines.Length);

        foreach (var line in lines)
            var fields = line.Split(',');
            if (fields.Length != count)
                continue;                         //throw new Exception(" Number of values in a line is not correct.");
            var numbers = fields.Select(s =>
                if (!double.TryParse(s, out double n))
                    throw new Exception(" Can't convert field to number.");

            Vector3d GetVector(int index) => new Vector3d(numbers[index], numbers[index + 1], numbers[index + 2]);

            var position = parameterIndex.TryGetValue("position", out int positionIndex) ? (Point3d)GetVector(positionIndex) : referenceTarget.Plane.Origin;
            var normal   = parameterIndex.TryGetValue("normal", out int normalIndex) ? GetVector(normalIndex) : referenceTarget.Plane.Normal;
            if (reverse)
                normal *= -1.0;
            var xaxis = parameterIndex.TryGetValue("xaxis", out int xaxisIndex) ? GetVector(xaxisIndex) : referenceTarget.Plane.XAxis;

            if (point != null)
                Point3d localPoint = (Point3d)point;
                localPoint.Transform(Transform.PlaneToPlane(referenceTarget.Frame.Plane, Plane.WorldXY));
                xaxis = localPoint - position;

            var    plane = new Plane(position, normal);
            double angle = Vector3d.VectorAngle(plane.XAxis, xaxis, plane);
            plane.Rotate(angle, plane.Normal);

            double speed = 0;

            if (parameterIndex.TryGetValue("speed", out int speedIndex))
                speed = numbers[speedIndex];
                speedValues.Add(speed * (1.0 / 60.0));

            if (parameterIndex.TryGetValue("zone", out int zoneIndex))

            if (parameterIndex.TryGetValue("type", out int typeIndex))
                types.Add(speed <= cutSpeed ? 1 : 0);

        var distinctSpeeds = speedValues.Distinct().Select(s => new Speed(translation: s, rotationSpeed: referenceTarget.Speed.RotationSpeed));
        var speeds         = speedValues.Select(v => distinctSpeeds.First(s => s.TranslationSpeed == v)).ToList();

        var distinctZones = zoneValues.Distinct().Select(z => new Zone(distance: z));
        var zones         = zoneValues.Select(v => distinctZones.First(z => z.Distance == v)).ToList();

        for (int i = 0; i < planes.Count; i++)
            var speed = parameterIndex.ContainsKey("speed") ? speeds[i] : referenceTarget.Speed;
            var zone  = parameterIndex.ContainsKey("zone") ? zones[i] : referenceTarget.Zone;

            var target = new CartesianTarget(planes[i], null, Motions.Joint, referenceTarget.Tool, speed, zone, null, referenceTarget.Frame);

            Polyline polyline = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < planes.Count; i++)
                bool    cutting = types[i] == 1;
                Point3d vertex  = planes[i].Origin;

                if (cutting)
                    if (polyline == null)
                        polyline = new Polyline();

                    polyline = null;

        foreach (var polyline in ToolPath)