예제 #1
        public object G_getAllFunctionPermission(C_parameterGetAllFunctionPermission parameter)
            // auto id auto incream
            var autoNumber = 10000000;
            // get data from table group in database to struture of tree js
            var data = _dbContext.functions.Select(x => new C_treeOfFunctionPermission
                name          = x.Function1,
                text          = x.Title,
                id            = x.Function1,
                Url           = x.Url,
                isRootTree    = true,
                arrayChildren = _dbContext.contraint_group_function_childOfFunction.Where(child => child.Function == x.Function1 && child.Group == parameter.Group).Select(child => new C_treeOfFunctionFillStringArray
                    name = child.ChildOfFunction
            }).Where(x => x.Url != null && x.Url != "").ToList();
            // get all table childOfFunction in database
            var a_getallChildOfFunction = _dbContext.childOfFunctions.Select(x => new C_treeOfFunctionPermission
                name           = x.ChildOfFunction1,
                text           = x.Title,
                id             = "isNull",
                parent_id      = "isNull",
                isRootTree     = false,
                Order          = x.Order,
                removeFunction = x.RemoveFunction
            }).OrderBy(x => x.Order).ToList();

            foreach (var item in data)
                if (item.children == null)
                    item.children = new List <C_treeOfFunctionPermission>();
                foreach (var child in a_getallChildOfFunction)
                    if (convertNullToString(child.removeFunction).IndexOf("#" + item.name + "#") == -1)
                        var existsItem = item.arrayChildren.Find(x => x.name == child.name);
                        item.children.Add(new C_treeOfFunctionPermission
                            name       = child.name,
                            text       = child.text,
                            id         = autoNumber.ToString(),
                            parent_id  = item.id,
                            isRootTree = false,
                            state      = new C_treeOfFunctionSelected
                                selected = (existsItem != null ? true : false),
            // order by
            List <C_treeOfFunctionPermission> listAlterOrder = new List <C_treeOfFunctionPermission>();
            var index = 0;

            foreach (var item in data)
                if (item.children.Find(x => x.state.selected == true) == null)
                    if (index == 0)
                        item.state = new C_treeOfFunctionSelected
                            opened = true
            foreach (var item in data)
                if (item.children.Find(x => x.state.selected == true) != null && item.children.Find(x => x.state.selected == false) != null)
                    if (index == 0)
                        item.state = new C_treeOfFunctionSelected
                            opened = true
            foreach (var item in data)
                if (index == 0)
                    item.state = new C_treeOfFunctionSelected
                        opened = true
                if (item.children.Find(x => x.state.selected == false) == null)
            // return result datatype json
            return(Json(listAlterOrder, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
예제 #2
        public object G_getAllFunctionPermission(C_parameterGetAllFunctionPermission parameter)
            var itemGroup = _dbContext.contraint_account_group.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Account == parameter.Account);
            var Group     = "";

            if (itemGroup != null)
                Group = itemGroup.Group;
            // auto id auto incream
            var autoNumber = 10000000;
            // get data from table group in database to struture of tree js
            var data = _dbContext.functions.Select(x => new C_treeOfFunctionPermission
                name          = x.Function1,
                text          = x.Title,
                id            = x.Function1,
                Url           = x.Url,
                isRootTree    = true,
                arrayChildren = _dbContext.contraint_group_function_childOfFunction.Where(child => child.Function == x.Function1 && child.Group == Group).Select(child => new C_treeOfFunctionFillStringArray
                    name = child.ChildOfFunction
            }).Where(x => x.Url != null && x.Url != "").ToList();
            var dataOfAccount = _dbContext.contraint_account_function_childOfFunction.Select(x => new
                Account         = x.Account,
                Funciton        = x.Function,
                childOfFunction = x.ChildOfFunction
            }).Where(x =>
                     x.Account == parameter.Account
            // get all table childOfFunction in database
            var a_getallChildOfFunction = _dbContext.childOfFunctions.Select(x => new C_treeOfFunctionPermission
                name       = x.ChildOfFunction1,
                text       = x.Title,
                id         = "isNull",
                parent_id  = "isNull",
                isRootTree = false,
                Order      = x.Order
            }).OrderBy(x => x.Order).ToList();

            foreach (var item in data)
                if (item.children == null)
                    item.children = new List <C_treeOfFunctionPermission>();
                foreach (var child in a_getallChildOfFunction)
                    var existsItem = item.arrayChildren.Find(x => x.name == child.name);
                    if (existsItem == null)
                        item.children.Add(new C_treeOfFunctionPermission
                            name       = child.name,
                            text       = child.text,
                            id         = autoNumber.ToString(),
                            parent_id  = item.id,
                            isRootTree = false,
                            state      = new C_treeOfFunctionSelected
                                selected = false
            foreach (var item in dataOfAccount)
                var ExistsItem = data.Find(x => x.name == item.Funciton);
                if (ExistsItem != null)
                    var ExistsItemChildren = ExistsItem.children.Find(x => x.name == item.childOfFunction);
                    if (ExistsItemChildren != null)
                        ExistsItemChildren.state.selected = true;
                        //ExistsItem.children.Add(new C_treeOfFunctionPermission
                        //    name = item.childOfFunction,
                        //    text = a_getallChildOfFunction.Find(x => x.name == item.childOfFunction).text,
                        //    id = autoNumber.ToString(),
                        //    parent_id = ExistsItem.id,
                        //    isRootTree = false,
                        //    state = new C_treeOfFunctionSelected
                        //    {
                        //        selected = true
                        //    }
            // order by
            List <C_treeOfFunctionPermission> listAlterOrder = new List <C_treeOfFunctionPermission>();
            var index = 0;

            foreach (var item in data)
                if (item.children.Count > 0 && item.children.Find(x => x.state.selected == true) == null)
                    if (index == 0)
                        item.state = new C_treeOfFunctionSelected
                            opened = true
            foreach (var item in data)
                if (item.children.Count > 0 && item.children.Find(x => x.state.selected == true) != null && item.children.Find(x => x.state.selected == false) != null)
                    if (index == 0)
                        item.state = new C_treeOfFunctionSelected
                            opened = true
            foreach (var item in data)
                if (index == 0)
                    item.state = new C_treeOfFunctionSelected
                        opened = true
                if (item.children.Count > 0 && item.children.Find(x => x.state.selected == false) == null)
            // return result datatype json
            return(Json(listAlterOrder, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));