예제 #1
 private async Task <bool> NotStarted()
     //if (!BountyHelpers.IsActEnabledOnSettings(Act))
     //    State = States.ActIsDisabled;
     //    return false;
     if (BountyHelpers.IsActTurninCompleted(Act))
         State = States.Completed;
     if (BountyHelpers.IsActTurninInProgress(Act))
         State = States.TurningInTheActQuest;
     if (!BountyHelpers.AreAllActBountiesSupported(Act))
         State = States.UnsupportedBountyFound;
     State = States.RunningBounties;
예제 #2
        private List <Act> GetBalanceMaterialActs()
            var matCounts = new Dictionary <Act, long>
                { Act.A1, BountyHelpers.GetActMatsCount(Act.A1) },
                { Act.A2, BountyHelpers.GetActMatsCount(Act.A2) },
                { Act.A3, BountyHelpers.GetActMatsCount(Act.A3) },
                { Act.A4, BountyHelpers.GetActMatsCount(Act.A4) },
                { Act.A5, BountyHelpers.GetActMatsCount(Act.A5) },

            var averageMatsCount = matCounts.Values.Average(m => m);
            var minMatsCount     = matCounts.Values.Min(m => m);
            var maxMatsCount     = matCounts.Values.Max(m => m);

            LogMaterialStats(matCounts, averageMatsCount, minMatsCount, maxMatsCount);

            var eligibleActs = matCounts.Where(kv =>
                                               !_completedActs.Contains(kv.Key) && BountyHelpers.AreAllActBountiesSupported(kv.Key) &&
                                               kv.Value <= averageMatsCount + 1).ToDictionary(kv => kv.Key, kv => kv.Value);

            var orderedActs = eligibleActs.OrderByDescending(p => p.Value).Select(v => v.Key).ToList();

            Core.Logger.Log($"Balance Material Acts: {eligibleActs.Aggregate("", (s, item) => s + $"{item.Key}({item.Value}), ")}");
예제 #3
        private ActBountiesCoroutine GetNextAct()
            var bonusAct = ZetaDia.CurrentBonusAct;

            if (PluginSettings.Current.BountyMode0.HasValue && PluginSettings.Current.BountyMode0.Value)
                Logger.Info("[Bounties] Force Bonus Act Mode activated. Attempting to run {0}.", bonusAct);
                if (!BountyHelpers.AreAllActBountiesSupported(bonusAct))
                    Logger.Info("[Bounties] One or more unsupported bounties are detected in the bonus act, restarting the game.");
                    _isDone = true;
                if (_completedActs.Contains(bonusAct))
                    Logger.Info("[Bounties] It seems like the bonus act is completed or contains an incomplete bounty, restarting the game.");
                    _isDone = true;
                _currentAct = bonusAct;
                return(new ActBountiesCoroutine(_currentAct));
            else if (PluginSettings.Current.BountyMode1.HasValue && PluginSettings.Current.BountyMode1.Value)
                Logger.Info("[Bounties] Skip Mode activated. Trying to pick the best act.");
                if (BountyHelpers.AreAllActBountiesSupported(bonusAct) && !_completedActs.Contains(bonusAct))
                    _currentAct = bonusAct;
                    return(new ActBountiesCoroutine(_currentAct));
                for (var i = Act.A1; i <= Act.A5; i++)
                    if (_completedActs.Contains(i))
                    if (!BountyHelpers.AreAllActBountiesSupported(bonusAct))
                    _currentAct = i;
                    return(new ActBountiesCoroutine(_currentAct));
            else if (PluginSettings.Current.BountyMode2.HasValue && PluginSettings.Current.BountyMode2.Value)
                Logger.Info("[Bounties] Balance Mats Mode activated. Trying to pick the best act.");
                var matCounts = new Dictionary <Act, long>
                    { Act.A1, BountyHelpers.GetActMatsCount(Act.A1) },
                    { Act.A2, BountyHelpers.GetActMatsCount(Act.A2) },
                    { Act.A3, BountyHelpers.GetActMatsCount(Act.A3) },
                    { Act.A4, BountyHelpers.GetActMatsCount(Act.A4) },
                    { Act.A5, BountyHelpers.GetActMatsCount(Act.A5) },

                Logger.Info("[Bounties] Current Bounty Mats Counts");
                Logger.Info("[Bounties] Act 1: {0}", matCounts[Act.A1]);
                Logger.Info("[Bounties] Act 2: {0}", matCounts[Act.A2]);
                Logger.Info("[Bounties] Act 3: {0}", matCounts[Act.A3]);
                Logger.Info("[Bounties] Act 4: {0}", matCounts[Act.A4]);
                Logger.Info("[Bounties] Act 5: {0}", matCounts[Act.A5]);

                var averageMatsCount = matCounts.Values.Average(m => m);
                var minMatsCount     = matCounts.Values.Min(m => m);
                var maxMatsCount     = matCounts.Values.Max(m => m);
                Logger.Debug("[Bounties] Average Mats Count: {0}", averageMatsCount);
                const int diff = 8;
                if (averageMatsCount - minMatsCount > diff)
                    averageMatsCount = minMatsCount;
                    Logger.Debug("[Bounties] Average Mats Count - Min Mats Count > {0}", diff);
                else if (maxMatsCount - minMatsCount <= diff)
                    Logger.Debug("[Bounties] Max Mats Count - Min Mats Count <= {0}", diff);
                    averageMatsCount = maxMatsCount;
                Logger.Debug("[Bounties] Will try to run acts with less than or equal to {0} mats.", averageMatsCount + 1);

                var eligibleActs =
                        kv =>
                        !_completedActs.Contains(kv.Key) && BountyHelpers.AreAllActBountiesSupported(kv.Key) &&
                        kv.Value <= averageMatsCount + 1).ToDictionary(kv => kv.Key, kv => kv.Value);

                if (eligibleActs.Count == 0)
                    Logger.Info("[Bounties] It seems like we are done with this game, restarting.");
                    _isDone = true;
                if (eligibleActs.ContainsKey(bonusAct))
                    _currentAct = bonusAct;
                    _currentAct = eligibleActs.OrderBy(kv => kv.Value).First().Key;
                return(new ActBountiesCoroutine(_currentAct));
            else if (PluginSettings.Current.BountyMode3.HasValue && PluginSettings.Current.BountyMode3.Value)
                Logger.Info("[Bounties] Act Selection Mode activated. Trying to pick the best act.");
                if (_acts.Count > 0)
                    _currentAct = _acts.Contains(bonusAct) ? bonusAct : _acts[0];
                    return(new ActBountiesCoroutine(_currentAct));