예제 #1
        // TODO - We should convert many methods to properties such as getValue(), WidthInPoints() etc.
        public static Integrator.PartitionRectangle ComputeIntegral(AggregationTimeSeries timeSeries, BinBoundaries bin)
            var pointsInBin = PointsInBin(timeSeries, bin, BoundaryPointHandling.IsWeightedComputation);

            // Replaced Duration class by TimeSpan class.
            // Duration describes a type that holds a time interval, which is an elapsed time between two time points.
            var binLengthMinusGaps = TimeSpan.Zero;

            Func <Point, Point, double> trapezoidalArea = (Point firstPoint, Point secondPoint) =>
                var averageRectangle = MeanRectangleBetweenPoints(firstPoint, secondPoint);

                binLengthMinusGaps += averageRectangle.BaseLength;                 // Used += operator instead of =


            // TODO - We need to find c# equivalent for Duration.Epsilon
            if (bin.WidthAsDuration <= Duration.Epsilon)
                // IsEmptyValue checks first item in pointsInBin for empty.
                // TODO - Should we check pointsInBin for null? What if, PointsInBin method returns null instead of empty collection.
                if (bin.WidthInPoints == 0 || pointsInBin.Count == 0 || AggregationConstants.IsEmptyValue(pointsInBin.First().Value))
                    return(new Integrator.PartitionRectangle()
                        MeanValue = AggregationConstants.EmptyValue(), BaseLength = TimeSpan.Zero

                return(new Integrator.PartitionRectangle()
                    MeanValue = pointsInBin.First().Value, BaseLength = bin.WidthAsDuration

            // Replaced std::inner_product with Zip operator.
            // std::inner_product - Computes cumulative inner product of range.
            // Replaced std::plus with Sum operator.
            var count    = pointsInBin.Count();
            var integral = pointsInBin.Take(count - 1).Zip(x => pointsInBin.TakeLast(count - 1), trapezoidalArea).Sum();

            if (binLengthMinusGaps.Ticks == 0)
                return(new Integrator.PartitionRectangle()
                    MeanValue = AggregationConstants.EmptyValue(), BaseLength = TimeSpan.Zero

            return(new Integrator.PartitionRectangle()
                MeanValue = integral / binLengthMinusGaps.Ticks, BaseLength = binLengthMinusGaps
예제 #2
 // Placeholder method
 public static IEnumerable <Point> PointsInBin(AggregationTimeSeries timeSeries, BinBoundaries bin, bool isWeightedComputation)
     return(new List <Point>());