public static Bar Map(Bars.Core.DomainModels.Bar source) { return new Bar(source.Name, source.Description, source.Address, source.Phone, source.Hours, source.Latitude, source.Longitude, source.WebsiteUrl, source.CalendarUrl, source.FacebookUrl, source.YelpUrl, source.ImageUrl, source.District, source.MusicTypes, source.BarTypes, source.StatusFlag); }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="bars"></param> /// <param name="open"></param> /// <param name="high"></param> /// <param name="low"></param> /// <param name="close"></param> /// <param name="time"></param> /// <param name="volume"></param> /// <param name="isRealtime"></param> public override void Add(Bars bars, double open, double high, double low, double close, DateTime time, long volume, bool isRealtime) { if (volume <= bars.Period.Value2) return; if (bars.Count == 0) { while (volume > bars.Period.Value) { AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, time, bars.Period.Value, isRealtime); volume -= bars.Period.Value; } if (volume > 0) AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, time, volume, isRealtime); } else { long volumeTmp = 0; if (!bars.IsNewSession(time, isRealtime)) { volumeTmp = Math.Min(bars.Period.Value - bars.GetVolume(bars.Count - 1), volume); if (volumeTmp > 0) UpdateBar(bars, open, high, low, close, time, volumeTmp, isRealtime); } volumeTmp = volume - volumeTmp; while (volumeTmp > 0) { AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, time, Math.Min(volumeTmp, bars.Period.Value), isRealtime); volumeTmp -= bars.Period.Value; } } }
public Bars RequestData(DataSource ds, string symbol, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int maxBars, bool includePartialBar) { Bars bars = new Bars(symbol, ds.Scale, ds.BarInterval); //bars.Add(new DateTime(2012, 04, 07), 2, 5, 1, 3, 5); //bars.Add(new DateTime(2010, 09, 06), 3, 6, 2, 2, 6); return bars; }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="bars"></param> /// <param name="open"></param> /// <param name="high"></param> /// <param name="low"></param> /// <param name="close"></param> /// <param name="time"></param> /// <param name="volume"></param> /// <param name="isRealtime"></param> public override void Add(Bars bars, double open, double high, double low, double close, DateTime time, long volume, bool isRealtime) { if (bars.Count == 0) if (isRealtime && bars.Session.SessionsOfDay.Length > 0) { DateTime barTime; bars.Session.GetSessionDate(time, false, out barTime, out cacheSessionEnd); AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, barTime, volume, true); } else AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, time.Date, volume, isRealtime); else { DateTime barTime; if (!isRealtime) barTime = time.Date; else if (time >= cacheSessionEnd /* on realtime include60 is always false */) { bars.Session.GetSessionDate(time, false, out barTime, out cacheSessionEnd); if (barTime < bars.TimeLastBar.Date) barTime = bars.TimeLastBar.Date; // make sure timestamps are ascending } else barTime = bars.TimeLastBar.Date; // make sure timestamps are ascending if (bars.DayCount < bars.Period.Value || (!isRealtime && bars.Count > 0 && barTime == bars.TimeLastBar.Date) || (isRealtime && bars.Count > 0 && barTime <= bars.TimeLastBar.Date)) UpdateBar(bars, open, high, low, close, barTime, volume, isRealtime); else AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, barTime, volume, isRealtime); } }
public AdaptiveLookback(Bars bars, int howManySwings, bool UseAll, string description) : base(bars, description) { this.bars = bars; bool SwingLo, SwingHi; double lastSL = bars.Low[1]; double lastSH = bars.High[1]; int firstSwingBarOnChart = 0; int lastSwingInCalc = 0; int swingCount = 0; DataSeries so = new DataSeries(bars.Close, "swing_oscillator"); System.Collections.ArrayList SwingBarArray = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); for (int bar = 5; bar < bars.Count; bar++) { SwingLo = (CumDown.Series(bars.Low, 1)[bar - 2] >= 2) && (CumUp.Series(bars.High, 1)[bar] == 2); SwingHi = (CumUp.Series(bars.High, 1)[bar - 2] >= 2) && (CumDown.Series(bars.Low, 1)[bar] == 2); if (SwingLo) so[bar] = -1; else if (SwingHi) so[bar] = 1; else so[bar] = 0; if ((so[bar] != 0) & (swingCount == 0)) { firstSwingBarOnChart = bar; swingCount++; SwingBarArray.Add(bar); } else if (swingCount > 0) { if (so[bar] != 0.0) { swingCount++; SwingBarArray.Add(bar); } // 20090127 Added if (swingCount == howManySwings) base.FirstValidValue = bar; } lastSwingInCalc = (SwingBarArray.Count - howManySwings); if (lastSwingInCalc >= 0) { base[bar] = UseAll ? (int)(bars.Count / SwingBarArray.Count) : (bar - (int)SwingBarArray[lastSwingInCalc]) / howManySwings; } } }
static TestBars() { bars = new Bars("TestSymbol", BarScale.Second, 1); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) NewTick(null, null); System.Timers.Timer t = new System.Timers.Timer(); t.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(NewTick); t.Interval = 250; t.Enabled = true; }
public static AdaptiveLookback Series(Bars bars, int howManySwings, bool UseAll) { string description = string.Concat(new object[] { "Adaptive Lookback(", bars.Symbol, ",", howManySwings.ToString(), ",", UseAll.ToString(), ")" }); //string description = string.Concat(new object[] { "Adaptive Lookback(", bars.ToString(), ",", howManySwings.ToString(), ",", UseAll.ToString(), ")" }); if (bars.Cache.ContainsKey(description)) { return (AdaptiveLookback)bars.Cache[description]; } AdaptiveLookback _AdaptiveLookback = new AdaptiveLookback(bars, howManySwings, UseAll, description); bars.Cache[description] = _AdaptiveLookback; return _AdaptiveLookback; }
public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader) { base.Deserialize(reader); int version = reader.ReadInt(); switch (version) { case 0: { mBarType = (Bars)reader.ReadInt(); break; } } }
void BarsEnumeration() { var startTime = DateTime.Parse("2/1/2012 13:30:00", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var endTime = DateTime.Parse("2/1/2012 14:00:00", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var bars = new Bars(this.Feed, "EURUSD", PriceType.Bid, BarPeriod.S1, startTime, endTime, 1024); var averageDeviation = 0D; var count = 0; foreach (var element in bars) { averageDeviation += (element.High - element.Low); count++; } averageDeviation /= count; Console.WriteLine("BarsEnumeration(): average deviation = {0}", averageDeviation); }
/// <summary> /// Default constructor. /// </summary> public WOutlookBar() { // This call is required by the Windows.Forms Form Designer. InitializeComponent(); // TODO: Add any initialization after the InitForm call SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw,true); SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint,true); m_pBars = new Bars(this); m_ViewStyle = new ViewStyle(); m_ViewStyle.StyleChanged += new ViewStyleChangedEventHandler(this.OnViewStyleChanged); ViewStyle.staticViewStyle.StyleChanged += new ViewStyleChangedEventHandler(this.OnStaticViewStyleChanged); m_UpButtonIcon = Core.LoadIcon("up.ico"); m_DownButtonIcon = Core.LoadIcon("down.ico"); }
public static int Hue(Bars barType) { switch (barType) { case Bars.Adamantite: return 0x363; case Bars.Steel: return 0x47F; case Bars.Bronze: return 0x466; case Bars.Gold: return 0x501; case Bars.Iron: return 0x21F; case Bars.Mithril: return 0x18A; case Bars.Rune: return 0xBC; case Bars.Silver: return 0x47E; } return 0; }
public static IIndicator CreateIndicator(Bars bars, IndicatorInfo info) { Log.Instance.Trace("CreateIndicator {0}", info); IIndicator indicator; BarsSingleValues baseIndicator; switch (info.Base) { case IndicatorBase.Open: baseIndicator = new BarsOpen(bars); break; case IndicatorBase.Close: baseIndicator = new BarsClose(bars); break; case IndicatorBase.High: baseIndicator = new BarsHigh(bars); break; case IndicatorBase.Low: baseIndicator = new BarsLow(bars); break; default: return null; } switch (info.Type) { case IndicatorType.EMA: indicator = new Ema(baseIndicator, info.Period); break; case IndicatorType.Simple: indicator = new Simple(baseIndicator, info.Period); break; default: return null; } return indicator; }
/// <summary> /// Called on each incoming tick /// </summary> void OnTick(Bars bars, double open, double high, double low, double close, DateTime time, long volume, bool isRealtime) { // ensure xml config loaded ConfigCheck(); // create initial bar on first tick and handle NT7 session-break issue (note: removing IsNewSession() creates invalid bars; remove if preferred) if ((bars.Count == 0) || bars.IsNewSession(time, isRealtime)) { // set class fields tickSize = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize; // calculate bear/bull min/max RangeInit(); // update class fields AdjustOpenClose(bars, close, close); prevClose = close; // add first bar AddBar(bars, thisOpen, thisOpen, thisOpen, thisOpen, time, volume, isRealtime); // add EmProps AddEmProps(thisOpen, volume, thisCloseDown, thisCloseUp, time); } // continue all subsequent ticks/bars else { // local variables Bar bar = (Bar)bars.Get(bars.Count - 1); int compareCloseUp = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(close, thisCloseUp); int compareCloseDown = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(close, thisCloseDown); // range exceeded; create new bar(s) if (((compareCloseUp > 0 || compareCloseDown < 0) && CloseOption == EmCloses.TickThru) || ((compareCloseUp >= 0 || compareCloseDown <= 0) && CloseOption == EmCloses.OnTouch)) { // local variables bool newBar = true; double thisClose = (compareCloseUp > 0) ? Math.Min(close, thisCloseUp) : (compareCloseDown < 0) ? Math.Max(close, thisCloseDown) : close; // close current bar; volume included for on-touch only // see this post for more info on volume calculation: UpdateBar(bars, bar.Open, ((compareCloseUp > 0) ? thisClose : bar.High), ((compareCloseDown < 0) ? thisClose : bar.Low), thisClose, time, ((CloseOption == EmCloses.OnTouch) ? volume : 0), isRealtime); barProps.Finalize(thisClose, prevClose, ((CloseOption == EmCloses.OnTouch) ? volume : 0), time, ((close > bar.Open) ? 1 : (close < bar.Open) ? -1 : 0)); // add next bar and loop phantom bars, if needed do { // update class fields thisBias = (close > bar.Open) ? 1 : (close < bar.Open) ? -1 : 0; tickRange = EmMath.RangeValidate(Math.Abs(AddTwoDoubles(bars, bar.Open, -thisClose)), (thisBias == -1) ? tickBearRangeMax : tickBullRangeMax, (thisBias == -1) ? tickBearRangeMin : tickBullRangeMin); AdjustOpenClose(bars, thisClose, close); thisClose = (compareCloseUp > 0) ? Math.Min(close, thisCloseUp) : (compareCloseDown < 0) ? Math.Max(close, thisCloseDown) : close; // add new bar; include volume once (except for on-touch), then create phantom bars // see this post for more info on volume calculation: AddBar(bars, thisOpen, ((compareCloseUp > 0) ? thisClose : thisOpen), ((compareCloseDown < 0) ? thisClose : thisOpen), thisClose, time, ((CloseOption == EmCloses.TickThru && newBar) ? volume : 0), isRealtime); // add EmProps AddEmProps(thisOpen, ((compareCloseUp > 0) ? thisClose : thisOpen), ((compareCloseDown < 0) ? thisClose : thisOpen), thisClose, ((CloseOption == EmCloses.TickThru && newBar) ? volume : 0), time, thisBias, thisCloseDown, thisCloseUp); // update class fields newBar = false; compareCloseUp = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(close, thisCloseUp); compareCloseDown = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(close, thisCloseDown); }while (((compareCloseUp > 0 || compareCloseDown < 0) && CloseOption == EmCloses.TickThru) || ((compareCloseUp >= 0 || compareCloseDown <= 0) && CloseOption == EmCloses.OnTouch)); } // range not exceeded; continue current bar else { // update current bar UpdateBar(bars, bar.Open, ((close > bar.High) ? close : bar.High), ((close < bar.Low) ? close : bar.Low), close, time, volume, isRealtime); // update EmProps barProps.Update(close, prevClose, volume, time); } } // update prevClose and last price bars.LastPrice = prevClose = close; }
protected override void CalcBar() { // strategy logic if (!Bars.LastBarOnChart) { return; } if (Bars.CurrentBar <= trainingSize) { Output.WriteLine("Not enough bars on chart. Waiting for new data"); return; } if (train) { int interval = Bars.CurrentBar - prevTrain; if (Bars.Status == EBarState.Close && (!isTrained || isTrained && interval == retrainInterval)) { Output.WriteLine(Bars.CurrentBarAbsolute().ToString()); // Establishing connection socket = new TcpClient(); socket.Connect("localhost", 9090); // Connecting to python server on localhost stream = socket.GetStream(); // Creating stream to read and write data if (socket.Connected) { Output.WriteLine("connected!"); // Collecting close Price and Dates data List <string> closePrice = new List <string>(); List <string> time = new List <string>(); for (int index = 0; index < trainingSize; index++) { closePrice.Add(Bars.Close[index].ToString()); time.Add(Bars.Time[index].ToString()); } closePrice.Reverse(); time.Reverse(); // Creating dynamic object to store model parameters var jsonObject = new TrainParameters(); jsonObject.Data = closePrice; jsonObject.Time = time; jsonObject.FileName = fileName; jsonObject.GPU = gpu; jsonObject.Train = train; jsonObject.Architecture = (int)architecture; jsonObject.Optimizer = (int)optimizer; jsonObject.Loss = (int)loss; jsonObject.LearningRate = learningRate; jsonObject.Epochs = epochs; jsonObject.Scale = scale; jsonObject.Momentum = momentum; jsonObject.TestingPart = testingPart; jsonObject.TestingWeight = testingWeight; jsonObject.Bars = bars; string jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonObject); Byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonString); stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); //Output.WriteLine("Sent : " + jsonString); Output.WriteLine("Sent!"); isTrained = true; prevTrain = Bars.CurrentBar; } else { Output.WriteLine("connection failed!"); } } if (isTrained && socket.Connected) { if (stream.DataAvailable) { //socket.ReceiveTimeout = 20000; byte[] data = new Byte[2 * 256]; string response = string.Empty; Int32 bytes = stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length); response = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data, 0, bytes); if (response != string.Empty) { Output.WriteLine("Received!"); var jsonObject = new PredictionParameters(); jsonObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PredictionParameters>(response); // Plotting the predictions on the chart for (int i = 0; i < bars; i++) { double ypred = double.Parse(jsonObject.Pred[i].ToString()); IArrowObject arrowData1 = DrwArrow.Create(new ChartPoint(Bars.Time[0].AddMinutes(i), ypred), true); arrowData1.Color = Color.Aqua; arrowData1.Style = EArrowForms.ArrowForm6; //Draw.Dot(this, "Prediction " + i.ToString(), true, i, ypred, Brushes.Aqua); } stream.Close(); socket.Close(); } else { Output.WriteLine("No response"); } } else { Output.WriteLine("Prediction Data Not Available!"); } } else { return; } } else { if (Bars.Status == EBarState.Close && !isForecasted) { socket = new TcpClient(); socket.Connect("localhost", 9090); stream = socket.GetStream(); if (socket.Connected) { Output.WriteLine("Connected!"); isForecasted = true; var jsonObject = new SavedModelParameters(); jsonObject.FileName = fileName; jsonObject.Train = train; jsonObject.Bars = bars; string jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonObject); Byte[] sentData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonString); Debug.Assert(!jsonObject.Train); stream.Write(sentData, 0, sentData.Length); } else { Output.WriteLine("Connection Failed"); } } if (isForecasted && socket.Connected && !isPlotted) { if (stream.DataAvailable) { //socket.ReceiveTimeout = 20000; byte[] recievedData = new Byte[2 * 256]; string response = string.Empty; Int32 bytes = stream.Read(recievedData, 0, recievedData.Length); response = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(recievedData, 0, bytes); if (response != string.Empty) { var resJsonObject = new SavedModelPredictionParameters(); resJsonObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SavedModelPredictionParameters>(response); Output.WriteLine("Received Data"); // Plotting the predictions on the chart for (int i = 0; i < bars; i++) { Output.WriteLine(resJsonObject.Pred[i].ToString()); double ypred = double.Parse(resJsonObject.Pred[i].ToString()); IArrowObject arrowData1 = DrwArrow.Create(new ChartPoint(Bars.Time[0].AddMinutes(i), ypred), true); arrowData1.Color = Color.Aqua; arrowData1.Style = EArrowForms.ArrowForm6; //Draw.Dot(this, "Prediction " + i.ToString(), true, i, ypred, Brushes.Aqua); } isPlotted = true; } else { Output.WriteLine("No response"); } } else { Output.WriteLine("Prediction Data Not Available!"); } } // Already forecasted based on saved model else { return; } } }
protected override void OnRender(ChartControl chartControl, ChartScale chartScale) { if (IsInHitTest) return; int lastBar = ChartBars.ToIndex; int firstBar = ChartBars.FromIndex; double highPrice = 0; double lowPrice = double.MaxValue; SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush brushDown = BarDownBrush.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget); SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush lineBrush = LineBrush.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget); SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush brushUp = BarUpBrush.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget); brushDown.Opacity = (float)(Opacity / 100.0); brushUp.Opacity = (float)(Opacity / 100.0); for (int idx = firstBar; idx <= lastBar && idx >= 0; idx++) { highPrice = Math.Max(highPrice, Bars.GetHigh(idx)); lowPrice = Math.Min(lowPrice, Bars.GetLow(idx)); } int volumeBarCount = BarCount; double priceRange = highPrice - lowPrice; double priceBoxSize = priceRange / volumeBarCount; double volumeMax = 0; // Pass 1: Fill all VolumeInfo structures with appropriate data for (int i = 0; i < volumeBarCount; i++) { double priceUpper = lowPrice + priceBoxSize * (i + 1); double priceLower = lowPrice + priceBoxSize * i; double priceVolumeUp = 0; double priceVolumeDown = 0; for (int idx = firstBar; idx <= lastBar; idx++) { double checkPrice; PriceSeries series = (Inputs[0] as PriceSeries); switch (series.PriceType) { case PriceType.Open: checkPrice = Bars.GetOpen(idx); break; case PriceType.Close: checkPrice = Bars.GetClose(idx); break; case PriceType.High: checkPrice = Bars.GetHigh(idx); break; case PriceType.Low: checkPrice = Bars.GetLow(idx); break; case PriceType.Median: checkPrice = (Bars.GetHigh(idx) + Bars.GetLow(idx)) / 2; break; case PriceType.Typical: checkPrice = (Bars.GetHigh(idx) + Bars.GetLow(idx) + Bars.GetClose(idx)) / 3; break; case PriceType.Weighted: checkPrice = (Bars.GetHigh(idx) + Bars.GetLow(idx) + 2 * Bars.GetClose(idx)) / 4; break; default: checkPrice = Bars.GetClose(idx); break; } if (checkPrice >= priceLower && checkPrice < priceUpper) { if (Bars.GetOpen(idx) < Bars.GetClose(idx)) priceVolumeUp += Bars.GetVolume(idx); else priceVolumeDown += Bars.GetVolume(idx); } } volumeInfo[i].up = priceVolumeUp; volumeInfo[i].down = priceVolumeDown; volumeInfo[i].total = priceVolumeUp + priceVolumeDown; volumeMax = Math.Max(volumeMax, volumeInfo[i].total); } // Pass 2: Paint the volume bars for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(volumeBarCount, lastBar - firstBar + 1); i++) { double priceUpper = lowPrice + priceBoxSize * (i + 1); double priceLower = lowPrice + priceBoxSize * i; int yUpper = Convert.ToInt32(chartScale.GetYByValue(priceUpper)) + BarSpacing; int yLower = Convert.ToInt32(chartScale.GetYByValue(priceLower)); int barWidthUp = (int)((chartScale.Height / 2) * (volumeInfo[i].up / volumeMax)); int barWidthDown = (int)((chartScale.Height / 2) * (volumeInfo[i].down / volumeMax)); SharpDX.RectangleF rect = new SharpDX.RectangleF(ChartPanel.X, yUpper, barWidthUp, Math.Abs(yUpper - yLower)); RenderTarget.FillRectangle(rect, brushUp); RenderTarget.DrawRectangle(rect, brushUp); SharpDX.RectangleF rect2 = new SharpDX.RectangleF(ChartPanel.X + barWidthUp, yUpper, barWidthDown, Math.Abs(yUpper - yLower)); RenderTarget.DrawRectangle(rect2, brushDown); RenderTarget.FillRectangle(rect2, brushDown); if (DrawLines) { RenderTarget.DrawLine(new SharpDX.Vector2(ChartPanel.X, yLower), new SharpDX.Vector2(ChartPanel.X + ChartPanel.W, yLower), lineBrush); if( i == volumeBarCount - 1) RenderTarget.DrawLine(new SharpDX.Vector2(ChartPanel.X, yUpper), new SharpDX.Vector2(ChartPanel.X + ChartPanel.W, yUpper), lineBrush); } } lineBrush.Dispose(); brushDown.Dispose(); brushUp.Dispose(); }
protected override void Subscribe(string symbol) { bars = new Bars(symbol, rayProvider.scale, rayProvider.barinterval); barsNew = new Bars(symbol, BarScale.Tick, 1); rayclient = new AsynchronousClient(11000); q = new Quote(); q.Symbol = symbol; this.symbol = symbol; }
public override double SizePosition(Position currentPos, Bars bars, int bar, double basisPrice, PositionType pt, double riskStopLevel, double equity, double cash) { double risksizeprecent = Math.Abs((riskStopLevel - basisPrice) / basisPrice - 1); if (_settings == null) _settings = new myPosSizerSettings(); this.InitializeSettings(_settings); _maxRisk = _settings.MaxRiskSize; //MessageBox.Show("MaxRisk:"+_maxRisk,ToString()); double capfortrade = equity *0.99*_maxRisk/100; capfortrade = capfortrade/Math.Abs(riskStopLevel - basisPrice); if (capfortrade > equity) capfortrade = equity; return (int) (Math.Min(capfortrade,equity*0.99/basisPrice)); }
protected override void CalcData(UIOption option) { Bars.Clear(); NeedDraw = false; UIBarOption o = (UIBarOption)option; if (o == null || o.Series == null || o.SeriesCount == 0) { return; } DrawOrigin = new Point(BarOption.Grid.Left, Height - BarOption.Grid.Bottom); DrawSize = new Size(Width - BarOption.Grid.Left - BarOption.Grid.Right, Height - BarOption.Grid.Top - BarOption.Grid.Bottom); if (DrawSize.Width <= 0 || DrawSize.Height <= 0) { return; } if (o.XAxis.Data.Count == 0) { return; } NeedDraw = true; DrawBarWidth = DrawSize.Width * 1.0f / o.XAxis.Data.Count; double min = double.MaxValue; double max = double.MinValue; foreach (var series in o.Series) { min = Math.Min(min, series.Data.Min()); max = Math.Max(max, series.Data.Max()); } if (min > 0 && max > 0 && !o.YAxis.Scale) { min = 0; } if (min < 0 && max < 0 && !o.YAxis.Scale) { max = 0; } UIChartHelper.CalcDegreeScale(min, max, o.YAxis.SplitNumber, out int start, out int end, out double interval); YAxisStart = start; YAxisEnd = end; YAxisInterval = interval; float x1 = DrawBarWidth / ((o.SeriesCount * 2) + o.SeriesCount + 1); float x2 = x1 * 2; for (int i = 0; i < o.SeriesCount; i++) { float barX = DrawOrigin.X; var series = o.Series[i]; Bars.TryAdd(i, new List <BarInfo>()); for (int j = 0; j < series.Data.Count; j++) { if (YAxisStart >= 0) { float h = Math.Abs((float)(DrawSize.Height * (series.Data[j] - start * interval) / ((end - start) * interval))); Bars[i].Add(new BarInfo() { Rect = new RectangleF( barX + x1 * (i + 1) + x2 * i, DrawOrigin.Y - h, x2, h) }); } else if (YAxisEnd <= 0) { float h = Math.Abs((float)(DrawSize.Height * (end * interval - series.Data[j]) / ((end - start) * interval))); Bars[i].Add(new BarInfo() { Rect = new RectangleF( barX + x1 * (i + 1) + x2 * i, BarOption.Grid.Top + 1, x2, h - 1) }); } else { float lowH = 0; float highH = 0; float DrawBarHeight = DrawSize.Height * 1.0f / (YAxisEnd - YAxisStart); float lowV = 0; float highV = 0; for (int k = YAxisStart; k <= YAxisEnd; k++) { if (k < 0) { lowH += DrawBarHeight; } if (k > 0) { highH += DrawBarHeight; } if (k < 0) { lowV += (float)YAxisInterval; } if (k > 0) { highV += (float)YAxisInterval; } } lowH.ConsoleWriteLine(); highH.ConsoleWriteLine(); if (series.Data[j] >= 0) { float h = Math.Abs((float)(highH * series.Data[j] / highV)); Bars[i].Add(new BarInfo() { Rect = new RectangleF( barX + x1 * (i + 1) + x2 * i, DrawOrigin.Y - lowH - h, x2, h) }); } else { float h = Math.Abs((float)(lowH * series.Data[j] / lowV)); Bars[i].Add(new BarInfo() { Rect = new RectangleF( barX + x1 * (i + 1) + x2 * i, DrawOrigin.Y - lowH + 1, x2, h - 1) }); } } barX += DrawBarWidth; } } if (BarOption.ToolTip != null) { for (int i = 0; i < BarOption.XAxis.Data.Count; i++) { string str = BarOption.XAxis.Data[i]; foreach (var series in BarOption.Series) { str += '\n'; str += series.Name + " : " + series.Data[i].ToString(BarOption.ToolTip.ValueFormat); } Bars[0][i].Tips = str; } } }
// Override OnBarUpdate method protected override void OnBarUpdate() { // Protect against too few bars if (Bars == null) { return; } if (!Data.BarsType.GetInstance(Bars.Period.Id).IsIntraday) { return; } if (Bars.Period.Id == PeriodType.Minute && Bars.Period.Value > timeFrame / 2) { return; } if (!full && !apt) { apt = true; periodBars = Data.Bars.GetBars(Bars.Instrument, new Period(PeriodType.Minute, timeFrame, MarketDataType.Last), Bars.From, Bars.To, (Session)Bars.Session.Clone(), Data.Bars.SplitAdjust, Data.Bars.DividendAdjust); apt = false; full = true; } // Remove calculation for first time span after open IBar periodBar; Bars.Session.GetNextBeginEnd(Time[0], out sessionBegin, out sessionEnd); if (Time[0] >= sessionBegin && Time[0] <= sessionBegin.AddMinutes(timeFrame)) { Pivot.Reset(); Resistance1.Reset(); Support1.Reset(); Resistance2.Reset(); Support2.Reset(); Resistance3.Reset(); Support3.Reset(); Resistance4.Reset(); Support4.Reset(); Resistance5.Reset(); Support5.Reset(); } else { // Determine open, high, low, and close DateTime intradayBarTime = Time[0].AddMinutes(-timeFrame); periodBar = periodBars.Get(periodBars.GetBar(intradayBarTime)); double Open = periodBar.Open; double High = periodBar.High; double Low = periodBar.Low; double Close = periodBar.Close; double pivot = periodBar.Close; // Switch central pivot calculation switch (centralPivotCalculation) { // Standard calculation case case CentralPivotCalculation.Standard: { pivot = (High + Low + Close) / 3; break; } // Open included calculation case case CentralPivotCalculation.OpenIncluded: { pivot = (Open + High + Low + Close) / 4; break; } // Close weighted calculation case case CentralPivotCalculation.CloseWeighted: { pivot = (High + Low + Close + Close) / 4; break; } // High weighted calculation case case CentralPivotCalculation.HighWeighted: { pivot = (High + High + Low + Close) / 4; break; } // Low weighted calculation case case CentralPivotCalculation.LowWeighted: { pivot = (High + Low + Low + Close) / 4; break; } } // Switch round to tick option switch (roundToTick) { // Rounding case case RoundToTick.Yes: { // Set all additional pivots, rounded Pivot.Set(Instrument.MasterInstrument.Round2TickSize(pivot)); Resistance1.Set(Instrument.MasterInstrument.Round2TickSize(2 * Pivot[0] - Low)); Support1.Set(Instrument.MasterInstrument.Round2TickSize(2 * Pivot[0] - High)); Resistance2.Set(Instrument.MasterInstrument.Round2TickSize(Pivot[0] + (High - Low))); Support2.Set(Instrument.MasterInstrument.Round2TickSize(Pivot[0] - (High - Low))); Resistance3.Set(Instrument.MasterInstrument.Round2TickSize(High + 2 * (Pivot[0] - Low))); Support3.Set(Instrument.MasterInstrument.Round2TickSize(Low - 2 * (High - Pivot[0]))); Resistance4.Set(Instrument.MasterInstrument.Round2TickSize(Pivot[0] + 2 * (High - Low))); Support4.Set(Instrument.MasterInstrument.Round2TickSize(Pivot[0] - 2 * (High - Low))); Resistance5.Set(Instrument.MasterInstrument.Round2TickSize(2 * (Pivot[0] + High) - 3 * Low)); Support5.Set(Instrument.MasterInstrument.Round2TickSize(2 * (Pivot[0] + Low) - 3 * High)); break; } // No rounding case case RoundToTick.No: { // Set all additional pivots, not rounded Pivot.Set(pivot); Resistance1.Set(2 * Pivot[0] - Low); Support1.Set(2 * Pivot[0] - High); Resistance2.Set(Pivot[0] + (High - Low)); Support2.Set(Pivot[0] - (High - Low)); Resistance3.Set(High + 2 * (Pivot[0] - Low)); Support3.Set(Low - 2 * (High - Pivot[0])); Resistance4.Set(Pivot[0] + 2 * (High - Low)); Support4.Set(Pivot[0] - 2 * (High - Low)); Resistance5.Set(2 * (Pivot[0] + High) - 3 * Low); Support5.Set(2 * (Pivot[0] + Low) - 3 * High); break; } } } }
public ChandelierLong(Bars bars, double Factor) : base(bars, "Chandelier Long") { int period = 14; // ATR lookback for (int bar = period; bar < bars.Count; bar++) this[bar] = Highest.Value(bar, bars.High, period) - Factor * ATR.Value(bar, bars, period); }
/// <summary> /// </summary> public override double GetPercentComplete(Bars bars, DateTime now) { return (double) bars.Get(bars.CurrentBar).Volume / bars.Period.Value; }
/// <summary> /// Returns the hash code for this instance. /// </summary> /// <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns> public override int GetHashCode() { return(Bars.GetHashCode() ^ Beats.GetHashCode()); }
protected override void OnDataPoint(Bars bars, double open, double high, double low, double close, DateTime time, long volume, bool isBar, double bid, double ask) { if (SessionIterator == null) { SessionIterator = new SessionIterator(bars); } double haClose = 0.0; double haHigh = 0.0; double haLow = 0.0; double haOpen = 0.0; switch (BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodType) { case BarsPeriodType.Day: { if (bars.Count == 0) { if (isBar || bars.TradingHours.Sessions.Count == 0) { AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, time.Date, volume); } else { SessionIterator.CalculateTradingDay(time, false); AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, SessionIterator.ActualTradingDayExchange, volume); } } else { DateTime barTime; if (isBar) { barTime = time.Date; } else { if (bars.TradingHours.Sessions.Count > 0 && SessionIterator.IsNewSession(time, false)) { SessionIterator.CalculateTradingDay(time, false); barTime = SessionIterator.ActualTradingDayExchange; if (barTime < bars.LastBarTime.Date) { barTime = bars.LastBarTime.Date; // Make sure timestamps are ascending } } else { barTime = bars.LastBarTime.Date; // Make sure timestamps are ascending } } if (bars.DayCount < bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue || isBar && bars.Count > 0 && barTime == bars.LastBarTime.Date || !isBar && bars.Count > 0 && barTime <= bars.LastBarTime.Date) { haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0); haHigh = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1))); haLow = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1))); UpdateBar(bars, haHigh, haLow, haClose, barTime, volume); } else { haOpen = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1) + bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1)) / 2.0); haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0); haHigh = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, haOpen)); haLow = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, haOpen)); AddBar(bars, haOpen, haHigh, haLow, haClose, barTime, volume); } } break; } case BarsPeriodType.Minute: { if (bars.Count == 0) { AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, TimeToBarTimeMinute(bars, time, isBar), volume); } else if (!isBar && time < bars.LastBarTime) { haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0); haHigh = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1))); haLow = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1))); UpdateBar(bars, haHigh, haLow, haClose, bars.LastBarTime, volume); } else if (isBar && time <= bars.LastBarTime) { haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0); haHigh = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1))); haLow = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1))); UpdateBar(bars, haHigh, haLow, haClose, bars.LastBarTime, volume); } else { haOpen = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1) + bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1)) / 2.0); haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0); haHigh = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, haOpen)); haLow = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, haOpen)); time = TimeToBarTimeMinute(bars, time, isBar); AddBar(bars, haOpen, haHigh, haLow, haClose, time, volume); } break; } case BarsPeriodType.Month: { if (bars.Count == 0) { AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, TimeToBarTimeMonth(time, bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue), volume); } else if (time.Month <= bars.LastBarTime.Month && time.Year == bars.LastBarTime.Year || time.Year < bars.LastBarTime.Year) { if (high.ApproxCompare(bars.GetHigh(bars.Count - 1)) != 0 || low.ApproxCompare(bars.GetLow(bars.Count - 1)) != 0 || close.ApproxCompare(bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1)) != 0 || volume > 0) { haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0); haHigh = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1))); haLow = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1))); UpdateBar(bars, haHigh, haLow, haClose, bars.LastBarTime, volume); } } else { haOpen = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1) + bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1)) / 2.0); haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0); haHigh = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, haOpen)); haLow = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, haOpen)); AddBar(bars, haOpen, haHigh, haLow, haClose, TimeToBarTimeMonth(time, bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue), volume); } break; } case BarsPeriodType.Second: { if (bars.Count == 0) { DateTime barTime = TimeToBarTimeSecond(bars, time, isBar); AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, barTime, volume); } else { if (bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue > 1 && time < bars.LastBarTime || bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue == 1 && time <= bars.LastBarTime) { haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0); haHigh = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1))); haLow = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1))); UpdateBar(bars, haHigh, haLow, haClose, bars.LastBarTime, volume); } else { haOpen = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1) + bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1)) / 2.0); haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0); haHigh = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, haOpen)); haLow = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, haOpen)); time = TimeToBarTimeSecond(bars, time, isBar); AddBar(bars, haOpen, haHigh, haLow, haClose, time, volume); } } break; } case BarsPeriodType.Tick: { bool isNewSession = false; if (bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue == 1) { haOpen = haOpen.ApproxCompare(0.0) == 0 ? open : (haOpen + haClose) / 2.0; haClose = haClose.ApproxCompare(0.0) == 0 ? close : bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0); haHigh = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, haOpen)); haLow = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, haOpen)); AddBar(bars, haOpen, haHigh, haLow, haClose, time, volume); } else if (bars.Count == 0) { SessionIterator.GetNextSession(time, isBar); AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, time, volume); } else if (bars.Count > 0 && !((isNewSession = SessionIterator.IsNewSession(time, isBar)) && bars.IsResetOnNewTradingDay) && bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue > 1 && bars.TickCount < bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue) { if (isNewSession) { SessionIterator.GetNextSession(time, isBar); } haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0); haHigh = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1))); haLow = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1))); UpdateBar(bars, haHigh, haLow, haClose, bars.LastBarTime, volume); } else { if (isNewSession) { SessionIterator.GetNextSession(time, isBar); } haOpen = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1) + bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1)) / 2.0); haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0); haHigh = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, haOpen)); haLow = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, haOpen)); AddBar(bars, haOpen, haHigh, haLow, haClose, time, volume); } break; } case BarsPeriodType.Volume: { if (bars.Count == 0) { while (volume > bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue) { haOpen = haOpen.ApproxCompare(0.0) == 0 ? open : (haOpen + haClose) / 2.0; haClose = haClose.ApproxCompare(0) == 0 ? close : bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0); haHigh = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, haOpen)); haLow = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, haOpen)); AddBar(bars, haOpen, haHigh, haLow, haClose, time, bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue); volume -= bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue; } if (volume > 0) { haOpen = haOpen.ApproxCompare(0.0) == 0 ? open : bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((haOpen + haClose) / 2.0); haClose = haClose.ApproxCompare(0.0) == 0 ? close : bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0); haHigh = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, haOpen)); haLow = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, haOpen)); AddBar(bars, haOpen, haHigh, haLow, haClose, time, volume); } } else { long volumeTmp = 0; bool isNewSession = SessionIterator.IsNewSession(time, isBar); if (!bars.IsResetOnNewTradingDay || !isNewSession) { volumeTmp = Math.Min(bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue - bars.GetVolume(bars.Count - 1), volume); if (volumeTmp > 0) { haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0); haHigh = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1))); haLow = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1))); UpdateBar(bars, haHigh, haLow, haClose, time, volumeTmp); } } if (isNewSession) { SessionIterator.GetNextSession(time, isBar); } volumeTmp = volume - volumeTmp; while (volumeTmp > 0) { haOpen = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1) + bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1)) / 2.0); haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0); haHigh = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, haOpen)); haLow = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, haOpen)); AddBar(bars, haOpen, haHigh, haLow, haClose, time, Math.Min(volumeTmp, bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue)); volumeTmp -= bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue; } } break; } case BarsPeriodType.Week: { if (bars.Count == 0) { AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, TimeToBarTimeWeek(time, time.AddDays(6 - ((int)time.DayOfWeek + 1) % 7 + (bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue - 1) * 7), bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue), volume); } else if (time.Date <= bars.LastBarTime.Date) { haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0); haHigh = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1))); haLow = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1))); UpdateBar(bars, haHigh, haLow, haClose, bars.LastBarTime, volume); } else { haOpen = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1) + bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1)) / 2.0); haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0); haHigh = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, haOpen)); haLow = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, haOpen)); AddBar(bars, haOpen, haHigh, haLow, haClose, TimeToBarTimeWeek(time.Date, bars.LastBarTime.Date, bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue), volume); } break; } case BarsPeriodType.Year: { if (bars.Count == 0) { AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, TimeToBarTimeYear(time, bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue), volume); } else { if (time.Year <= bars.LastBarTime.Year) { haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0); haHigh = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1))); haLow = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1))); UpdateBar(bars, haHigh, haLow, haClose, bars.LastBarTime, volume); } else { haOpen = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1) + bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1)) / 2.0); haClose = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize((open + high + low + close) / 4.0); haHigh = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Max(high, haOpen)); haLow = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.RoundToTickSize(Math.Min(low, haOpen)); AddBar(bars, haOpen, haHigh, haLow, haClose, TimeToBarTimeYear(time.Date, bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue), volume); } } break; } } bars.LastPrice = haClose; }
public override void OnRender(ChartControl chartControl, ChartScale chartScale, ChartBars chartBars) { Bars bars = chartBars.Bars; float chartMinX = ConvertToHorizontalPixels(chartControl, chartControl.CanvasLeft + chartControl.Properties.BarMarginRight); RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(); int toIndex = chartBars.ToIndex; if (toIndex >= 0 && toIndex < bars.Count - 1) { toIndex++; } for (int idx = chartBars.FromIndex; idx <= toIndex; idx++) { double closeValue = bars.GetClose(idx); float high = chartScale.GetYByValue(bars.GetHigh(idx)); float low = chartScale.GetYByValue(bars.GetLow(idx)); double openValue = bars.GetOpen(idx); Brush overriddenBarBrush = chartControl.GetBarOverrideBrush(chartBars, idx); Brush overriddenOutlineBrush = chartControl.GetCandleOutlineOverrideBrush(chartBars, idx); float x = chartControl.GetXByBarIndex(chartBars, idx); float boxStartPosition; if (idx == chartBars.FromIndex && (toIndex == 0 || idx == 0)) { if (toIndex == 0) { boxStartPosition = chartMinX; } else { boxStartPosition = 2 * x - chartControl.GetXByBarIndex(chartBars, idx + 1); } } else { boxStartPosition = chartControl.GetXByBarIndex(chartBars, idx - 1); } if (Math.Abs(x - boxStartPosition) < 0.2) { continue; } float width = Math.Max(2f, Math.Abs(x - boxStartPosition)); if (closeValue > openValue) { width -= Stroke.Width; rect.X = boxStartPosition; rect.Y = high; rect.Width = width; rect.Height = low - high; TransformBrush(overriddenBarBrush ?? UpBrushDX, rect); TransformBrush(overriddenOutlineBrush ?? Stroke.BrushDX, rect); RenderTarget.FillRectangle(rect, overriddenBarBrush ?? UpBrushDX); RenderTarget.DrawRectangle(rect, overriddenOutlineBrush ?? Stroke.BrushDX, Stroke.Width, Stroke.StrokeStyle); } else { width -= Stroke2.Width; rect.X = boxStartPosition; rect.Y = high; rect.Width = width; rect.Height = low - high; TransformBrush(overriddenBarBrush ?? DownBrushDX, rect); TransformBrush(overriddenOutlineBrush ?? Stroke2.BrushDX, rect); RenderTarget.FillRectangle(rect, overriddenBarBrush ?? DownBrushDX); RenderTarget.DrawRectangle(rect, overriddenOutlineBrush ?? Stroke2.BrushDX, Stroke2.Width, Stroke2.StrokeStyle); } } }
protected override void StartCalc() { m_volume = Bars.TrueVolume(); }
public void TestCurrentBarEmpty() { var bars = new Bars(); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => bars.CurrentBar); }
protected override List <Order> PreparePlaceOrders() { WriteToLogDB("PreparePlaceOrders", "Started"); if (Bars.Count < 3) { throw new SmartException(ExceptionImportanceLevel.MEDIUM, "PreparePlaceOrders", "TrendStrat", Symbol + ": Bars are empty or has less than three elements!"); } if (AmountOfVolatEstim() > AmountOfSkipBars()) { throw new SmartException(ExceptionImportanceLevel.MEDIUM, "PreparePlaceOrders", "TrendStrat", Symbol + ": AmountOfVolatEstim > AmountOfSkipBars"); } double[] closes = Bars.Select(bar => bar.Close).ToArray(); double[] ys = new double[Bars.Count - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < Bars.Count - 1; i++) { ys[i] = closes[i + 1] / closes[i] - 1; } ys = ys.Skip(Bars.Count - 1 - AmountOfVolatEstim()).ToArray(); double sdev = CalcVolat(ys); double alpha = AlphaSpread() * Math.Sqrt(AmountOfSkipBars()) * sdev; //double lastPrice = Bars.Last().Close; double lastPrice = 0.0; try { Bar bar = DatabaseReader.SelectLastPrice(Symbol); lastPrice = bar.Close; } catch (Exception e) { lastPrice = Bars.Last().Close; } double buyStopPrice = RoundToStep(lastPrice * (1 + alpha)); double sellStopPrice = RoundToStep(lastPrice * (1 - alpha)); int buyVol = 0; int sellVol = 0; if (CurrentState.Position == 0) { buyVol = ContractsToTrade; sellVol = ContractsToTrade; } else if (CurrentState.Position < 0) { buyVol = ContractsToTrade; sellVol = ContractsToTrade - Math.Abs(CurrentState.Position); } else { buyVol = ContractsToTrade - Math.Abs(CurrentState.Position); sellVol = ContractsToTrade; } double buyPrice = buyStopPrice + Slip(); double sellPrice = sellStopPrice - Slip(); if (buyStopPrice <= sellStopPrice || (buyStopPrice <= 0 && buyVol != 0) || (sellStopPrice <= 0 && sellVol != 0)) { throw new SmartException(ExceptionImportanceLevel.HIGH, "PreparePlaceOrders", "TrendStrat", "buyPrice = " + buyStopPrice + ", sellPrice = " + sellStopPrice); } WriteToLogDB("PreparePlaceOrders", "Buy: Price = " + buyStopPrice + ", Volume = " + buyVol + "; Sell: Price = " + sellStopPrice + ", Volume = " + sellVol); List <Order> placeOrders = new List <Order>(); DateTime dTime = ServerTime.GetRealTime(); DatabaseWriter.InsertDecision(dTime, Symbol, ActionEnum.BUY, buyPrice, buyVol, buyStopPrice); DatabaseWriter.InsertDecision(dTime, Symbol, ActionEnum.SELL, sellPrice, sellVol, sellStopPrice); if (buyVol > 0) { placeOrders.Add(new Order(Symbol, GenerateCookie(), "", buyVol, 0, buyPrice, buyStopPrice, ActionEnum.BUY, OrderTypeEnum.STOP)); } if (sellVol > 0) { placeOrders.Add(new Order(Symbol, GenerateCookie(), "", sellVol, 0, sellPrice, sellStopPrice, ActionEnum.SELL, OrderTypeEnum.STOP)); } WriteToLogDB("PreparePlaceOrders", "Finished"); return(placeOrders); }
public override double GetPercentComplete(Bars bars, DateTime now) { return(0); }
protected BarsSingleValues(Bars bars) { Bars = bars; Bars.UpdatedEvent += BarsUpdatedEvent; }
protected override void OnDataPoint(Bars bars, double open, double high, double low, double close, DateTime time, long volume, bool isBar, double bid, double ask) { if (SessionIterator == null) { SessionIterator = new SessionIterator(bars); } #region Building Bars from Base Period if (bars.Count != tmpCount) // Reset cache when bars are trimmed { if (bars.Count == 0) { tmpTime = Core.Globals.MinDate; tmpVolume = 0; tmpDayCount = 0; tmpTickCount = 0; } else { tmpTime = bars.GetTime(bars.Count - 1); tmpVolume = bars.GetVolume(bars.Count - 1); tmpTickCount = bars.TickCount; tmpDayCount = bars.DayCount; bars.LastPrice = bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1); anchorPrice = bars.LastPrice; } } bool isNewSession = SessionIterator.IsNewSession(time, isBar); bool isCalculateTradingDayDone = false; switch (bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodType) { case BarsPeriodType.Day: tmpTime = time.Date; // Will be modified for realtime only if (!isBar && time >= cacheSessionEnd /* on realtime includesEndTimeStamp is always false */) { if (isNewSession) { SessionIterator.GetNextSession(time, isBar); isCalculateTradingDayDone = true; } cacheSessionEnd = SessionIterator.ActualSessionEnd; if (tmpTime < time.Date) { tmpTime = time.Date; // Make sure timestamps are ascending } } if (prevTime != tmpTime) { tmpDayCount++; } if (tmpDayCount < bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue || isBar && bars.Count > 0 && tmpTime == bars.LastBarTime.Date || !isBar && bars.Count > 0 && tmpTime <= bars.LastBarTime.Date) { endOfBar = false; } else { prevTime = tmpTime; endOfBar = true; } break; case BarsPeriodType.Minute: if (tmpTime == Core.Globals.MinDate) { prevTime = tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeMinute(bars, time, isBar); } if (isBar && time <= tmpTime || !isBar && time < tmpTime) { endOfBar = false; } else { prevTime = tmpTime; tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeMinute(bars, time, isBar); endOfBar = true; } break; case BarsPeriodType.Volume: if (tmpTime == Core.Globals.MinDate) { tmpVolume = volume; endOfBar = tmpVolume >= bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue; prevTime = tmpTime = time; if (endOfBar) { tmpVolume = 0; } break; } tmpVolume += volume; endOfBar = tmpVolume >= bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue; if (endOfBar) { prevTime = tmpTime; tmpVolume = 0; } tmpTime = time; break; case BarsPeriodType.Tick: if (tmpTime == Core.Globals.MinDate || bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue == 1) { prevTime = tmpTime == Core.Globals.MinDate ? time : tmpTime; tmpTime = time; tmpTickCount = bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue == 1 ? 0 : 1; endOfBar = bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue == 1; break; } if (tmpTickCount < bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue) { tmpTime = time; endOfBar = false; tmpTickCount++; } else { prevTime = tmpTime; tmpTime = time; endOfBar = true; tmpTickCount = 1; } break; case BarsPeriodType.Month: if (tmpTime == Core.Globals.MinDate) { prevTime = tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeMonth(time, bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue); } if (time.Month <= tmpTime.Month && time.Year == tmpTime.Year || time.Year < tmpTime.Year) { endOfBar = false; } else { prevTime = tmpTime; endOfBar = true; tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeMonth(time, bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue); } break; case BarsPeriodType.Second: if (tmpTime == Core.Globals.MinDate) { prevTime = tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeSecond(bars, time, isBar); } if (bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue > 1 && time < tmpTime || bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue == 1 && time <= tmpTime) { endOfBar = false; } else { prevTime = tmpTime; tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeSecond(bars, time, isBar); endOfBar = true; } break; case BarsPeriodType.Week: if (tmpTime == Core.Globals.MinDate) { prevTime = tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeWeek(time.Date, tmpTime.Date, bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue); } if (time.Date <= tmpTime.Date) { endOfBar = false; } else { prevTime = tmpTime; endOfBar = true; tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeWeek(time.Date, tmpTime.Date, bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodValue); } break; case BarsPeriodType.Year: if (tmpTime == Core.Globals.MinDate) { prevTime = tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeYear(time, bars.BarsPeriod.Value); } if (time.Year <= tmpTime.Year) { endOfBar = false; } else { prevTime = tmpTime; endOfBar = true; tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeYear(time, bars.BarsPeriod.Value); } break; } #endregion #region Kagi Logic reversalPoint = bars.BarsPeriod.ReversalType == ReversalType.Tick ? bars.BarsPeriod.Value * bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize : bars.BarsPeriod.Value / 100.0 * anchorPrice; if (bars.Count == 0 || IsIntraday && (bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodType != BarsPeriodType.Second && bars.IsResetOnNewTradingDay && isNewSession || bars.BarsPeriod.BaseBarsPeriodType == BarsPeriodType.Second && bars.IsResetOnNewTradingDay && isNewSession)) { if (isNewSession && !isCalculateTradingDayDone) { SessionIterator.GetNextSession(tmpTime, isBar); } if (bars.Count > 0) { double lastOpen = bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1); double lastHigh = bars.GetHigh(bars.Count - 1); double lastLow = bars.GetLow(bars.Count - 1); double lastClose = bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1); if (bars.Count == tmpCount) { CalculateKagiBar(bars, lastOpen, lastHigh, lastLow, lastClose, prevTime, volume); } } AddBar(bars, close, close, close, close, tmpTime, volume); anchorPrice = close; trend = Trend.Undetermined; prevTime = tmpTime; volumeCount = 0; bars.LastPrice = close; tmpCount = bars.Count; return; } double c = bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1); double o = bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1); double h = bars.GetHigh(bars.Count - 1); double l = bars.GetLow(bars.Count - 1); if (endOfBar) { CalculateKagiBar(bars, o, h, l, c, prevTime, volume); } else { volumeCount += volume; } bars.LastPrice = close; tmpCount = bars.Count; #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Have the .GetBars() call in a seperate thread. Reason: NT internal pool locking would not work if called in main thread. /// </summary> /// <param name="state"></param> private void GetBarsNow(object state) { if (Disposed) return; dailyBars = Data.Bars.GetBars(Bars.Instrument, new Period(PeriodType.Day, 1, Bars.Period.MarketDataType), Bars.From, Bars.To, (Session) Bars.Session.Clone(), Data.Bars.SplitAdjust, Data.Bars.DividendAdjust); existsHistDailyData = (dailyBars.Count <= 1) ? false : true; isDailyDataLoaded = true; Enabled = true; Cbi.Globals.SynchronizeInvoke.AsyncInvoke(new System.Windows.Forms.MethodInvoker(InvalidateNow), null); }
private void AiLong() { EnterLong(lotSize, "Long"); Print(Bars.GetTime(CurrentBar).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.ffffffK") + " Server Signal=" + svrSignal + " Long"); }
void ForwardAndBackwardBarsEnumerationConsistency(ConnectionStringBuilder builder) { var connectionString = builder.ToString(); this.dataFeed = new DataFeed(connectionString); this.dataFeed.Logon += this.OnLogon; this.dataFeed.Start(); var status = this.logonEvent.WaitOne(LogonWaitingTimeout); Assert.IsTrue(status, "Timeout of logon event"); var startTime = new DateTime(2011, 10, 10, 12, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); var endTime = new DateTime(2011, 10, 10, 12, 1, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); var forwardBars = new Bars(this.dataFeed, "EURUSD", PriceType.Bid, BarPeriod.S1, startTime, endTime); var forwardData = forwardBars.ToList(); var backwardBars = new Bars(this.dataFeed, "EURUSD", PriceType.Bid, BarPeriod.S1, endTime, startTime); var backwardData = backwardBars.ToList(); var count = forwardData.Count; Assert.IsTrue(forwardData.Count == backwardData.Count, "forwardData.Count == backwardData.Count"); for (var index = 0; index < count; ++index) { var first = forwardData[index]; var second = backwardData[count - 1 - index]; Assert.IsTrue(first.From == second.From); Assert.IsTrue(first.To == second.To); } }
public override double GetPercentComplete(Bars bars, DateTime now) { return(now <= bars.LastBarTime ? 1.0 - (bars.LastBarTime.Subtract(now).TotalMinutes / bars.BarsPeriod.Value) : 1); }
public static ChandelierLong Series(Bars bars, double Factor) { ChandelierLong _ChandelierLong = new ChandelierLong(bars, Factor); return _ChandelierLong; }
/// <summary> /// Called on each bar update event (incoming tick) /// </summary> protected override void OnBarUpdate() { //If we are not processing the current bar, return if (CurrentBar != Bars.GetBar(DateTime.Now)) { return; } //Get current bid double bid = Bars.GetClose(Bars.GetBar(DateTime.Now)); if (previous_bid < 0) { previous_bid = bid; } IDrawObject drawing_object = DrawObjects[trendLineTag]; //Reset if drawing object is deleted or does not exist... if (drawing_object == null) { Type = null; AlertDone = false; } if (drawing_object != null && (drawing_object.DrawType == DrawType.Ray || drawing_object.DrawType == DrawType.ExtendedLine || drawing_object.DrawType == DrawType.Line)) { double y1, y2; //int bar1,bar2; DateTime time1, time2; double end_bar_double = (double)typeof(ChartLine).GetProperty("endBarDouble", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(drawing_object, null); double start_bar_double = (double)typeof(ChartLine).GetProperty("startBarDouble", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(drawing_object, null); if (drawing_object.DrawType == DrawType.Ray) { IRay ray = (IRay)drawing_object; y1 = ray.Anchor1Y; y2 = ray.Anchor2Y; time1 = ray.Anchor1Time; time2 = ray.Anchor2Time; //bar1 = ray.Anchor1BarsAgo; //bar2 = ray.Anchor2BarsAgo; } else if (drawing_object.DrawType == DrawType.ExtendedLine) { IExtendedLine line = (IExtendedLine)drawing_object; y1 = line.StartY; y2 = line.EndY; time1 = line.StartTime; time2 = line.EndTime; //bar1 = line.StartBarsAgo; //bar2 = line.EndBarsAgo; } else { ILine line = (ILine)drawing_object; y1 = line.StartY; y2 = line.EndY; time1 = line.StartTime; time2 = line.EndTime; //bar1 = line.StartBarsAgo; //bar2 = line.EndBarsAgo; } //Reset alert if object has moved if ((time1 != this.sTime1 || time2 != this.sTime2 || y1 != this.sY1 || y2 != this.sY2) && this.sTime1 != null && this.sTime2 != null) { Type = null; AlertDone = false; } if (AlertDone == false) { //Store anchor to detect if object has moved this.sTime1 = time1; this.sTime2 = time2; this.sY1 = y1; this.sY2 = y2; //Calculate price target double y = y2 - y1; double x = end_bar_double - start_bar_double; double slope = y / x; //double deltaY = bar2*slope; //time difference in ticks * slope double price_target = Math.Round(y1 + slope * (CurrentBar - start_bar_double), 5); //IF price is below current price target or straddles it, THEN we alert when the bid>=price_target if (Type == null && (price_target - previous_bid) >= 0) { Type = "up"; } if (Type == null && (previous_bid - price_target) >= 0) { Type = "down"; } previous_bid = bid; if (Type == "up" && bid >= price_target) { Alert("TrendLineAlert", NinjaTrader.Cbi.Priority.High, "Reached Trend Line @ " + price_target, AlertSound, 10, Color.Black, Color.Yellow); AlertDone = true; } if (Type == "down" && bid <= price_target) { Alert("TrendLineAlert", NinjaTrader.Cbi.Priority.High, "Reached Trend Line @ " + price_target, AlertSound, 10, Color.Black, Color.Yellow); AlertDone = true; } } } }
protected override void CalcData() { Bars.Clear(); NeedDraw = false; if (Option == null || Option.Series == null || Option.SeriesCount == 0) { return; } if (DrawSize.Width <= 0 || DrawSize.Height <= 0) { return; } if (Option.XAxis.Data.Count == 0) { return; } NeedDraw = true; DrawBarWidth = DrawSize.Width * 1.0f / Option.XAxis.Data.Count; double min = double.MaxValue; double max = double.MinValue; foreach (var series in Option.Series) { if (series.Data.Count > 0) { min = Math.Min(min, series.Data.Min()); max = Math.Max(max, series.Data.Max()); } } if (min > 0 && max > 0 && !Option.YAxis.Scale) { min = 0; } if (min < 0 && max < 0 && !Option.YAxis.Scale) { max = 0; } if (!Option.YAxis.MaxAuto) { max = Option.YAxis.Max; } if (!Option.YAxis.MinAuto) { min = Option.YAxis.Min; } if ((max - min).IsZero()) { if (min.IsZero()) { max = 100; min = 0; } else if (max > 0) { max = max * 2; min = 0; } else { max = 0; min = min * 2; } } CalcDegreeScale(min, max, Option.YAxis.SplitNumber, out int start, out int end, out double interval, out int decimalCount); YAxisStart = start; YAxisEnd = end; YAxisInterval = interval; YAxisDecimalCount = decimalCount; float x1 = DrawBarWidth / (Option.SeriesCount * 2 + Option.SeriesCount + 1); float x2 = x1 * 2; for (int i = 0; i < Option.SeriesCount; i++) { float barX = DrawOrigin.X; var series = Option.Series[i]; Bars.TryAdd(i, new List <BarInfo>()); for (int j = 0; j < series.Data.Count; j++) { Color color = ChartStyle.GetColor(i); if (series.Colors.Count > 0 && j >= 0 && j < series.Colors.Count) { color = series.Colors[j]; } float xx = barX + x1 * (i + 1) + x2 * i + x1; float ww = Math.Min(x2, series.MaxWidth); xx -= ww / 2.0f; if (YAxisStart >= 0) { float h = Math.Abs((float)(DrawSize.Height * (series.Data[j] - start * interval) / ((end - start) * interval))); Bars[i].Add(new BarInfo() { Rect = new RectangleF(xx, DrawOrigin.Y - h, ww, h), Value = series.Data[j], Color = color, Top = true }); } else if (YAxisEnd <= 0) { float h = Math.Abs((float)(DrawSize.Height * (end * interval - series.Data[j]) / ((end - start) * interval))); Bars[i].Add(new BarInfo() { Rect = new RectangleF(xx, Option.Grid.Top + 1, ww, h - 1), Value = series.Data[j], Color = color, Top = false }); } else { float lowH = 0; float highH = 0; float DrawBarHeight = DrawSize.Height * 1.0f / (YAxisEnd - YAxisStart); float lowV = 0; float highV = 0; for (int k = YAxisStart; k <= YAxisEnd; k++) { if (k < 0) { lowH += DrawBarHeight; } if (k > 0) { highH += DrawBarHeight; } if (k < 0) { lowV += (float)YAxisInterval; } if (k > 0) { highV += (float)YAxisInterval; } } // lowH.ConsoleWriteLine(); // highH.ConsoleWriteLine(); if (series.Data[j] >= 0) { float h = Math.Abs((float)(highH * series.Data[j] / highV)); Bars[i].Add(new BarInfo() { Rect = new RectangleF(xx, DrawOrigin.Y - lowH - h, ww, h), Value = series.Data[j], Color = color, Top = true }); } else { float h = Math.Abs((float)(lowH * series.Data[j] / lowV)); Bars[i].Add(new BarInfo() { Rect = new RectangleF(xx, DrawOrigin.Y - lowH + 1, ww, h - 1), Value = series.Data[j], Color = color, Top = false }); } } barX += DrawBarWidth; } } if (Option.ToolTip != null) { for (int i = 0; i < Option.XAxis.Data.Count; i++) { string str = Option.XAxis.Data[i]; foreach (var series in Option.Series) { str += '\n'; str += series.Name + " : " + series.Data[i].ToString(Option.ToolTip.ValueFormat); } Bars[0][i].Tips = str; } } }
public void VerifyBarData() { Bars bars = strategy.Bars; Assert.AreEqual(153, bars.BarCount); }
protected override void OnCalculate() { DoubleTop_DS.Set(0); double HighestHighFromEchoBars; double HighestHighFromEchoBarsIndex; DateTime HighestHighFromEchoBarsDate; //Get the highest Price/Index from our Echo-Period if (ProcessingBarIndex >= (Bars.Count - 1)) { HighestHighFromEchoBars = HighestHighPrice(this.Candles)[0]; HighestHighFromEchoBarsIndex = HighestHighIndex(this.Candles)[0]; HighestHighFromEchoBarsDate = Bars[(int)HighestHighFromEchoBarsIndex].Time; } else { return; //Just the Last Bar plus the Echo-Bars } //check if datafeed is providing appropriate data if (Bars[BarsAgo + (int)HighestHighFromEchoBarsIndex] == null) { return; } //Calculate the minimum distance from current low to the next low DateTime MinBarsAgoDateTime = Bars[BarsAgo + (int)HighestHighFromEchoBarsIndex].Time; //Calculate Tolerance double tolerance = HighestHighFromEchoBars * (TolerancePercentage / 100); double tolerance_min = HighestHighFromEchoBars - tolerance; double tolerance_max = HighestHighFromEchoBars + tolerance; Print(Bars.Instrument + " Bar {0}, Tol+{1}, Tol-{2}", Bars[0].Time.ToString(), Math.Round(tolerance_max, 2), Math.Round(tolerance_min, 2)); //Check, when the chart was the last time above our current high. That period becomes irrelevant for us and gets ignored IEnumerable <IBar> aboveHigh = Bars.Where(y => y.High >= tolerance_max) .Where(x => x.Time < HighestHighFromEchoBarsDate) .OrderByDescending(x => x.Time); DateTime IgnoreFromHereOn = DateTime.MinValue.AddDays(1); //if there is no other High and the chart is coming all the way from a lower price, than just leave this indicator //if (!aboveHigh.Any()) //{ // return; //} if (aboveHigh.GetEnumerator().MoveNext()) { IgnoreFromHereOn = aboveHigh.FirstOrDefault().Time; } //Draw ToleranceArea for the respected timeperiod if (DrawTolerance) { //AddChartRectangle("ToleranceRectangle", true, Bars.GetBarsAgo(IgnoreFromHereOn), tolerance_max, 0, tolerance_min, Color.Yellow, Color.Yellow, 50); AddChartRectangle("ToleranceRectangle", true, IgnoreFromHereOn.AddDays(-1), tolerance_max, Bars[0].Time.AddDays(1), tolerance_min, Color.Yellow, Color.Yellow, 50); } //Check, if the time period between the highes Echo-Candle and the MinBarsAgo has any higher price. then we are not at a current high, we are just in strange time situations if (HighestHighPrice(this.Candles + BarsAgo)[0] > HighestHighFromEchoBars) { return; } //find previous highs //Select all data and find highs. IEnumerable <IBar> lastTops = Bars.Where(x => x.Time <= MinBarsAgoDateTime && //older than x Bars, so we have a arch in between the two low points x.Time >= IgnoreFromHereOn) //but younger than the timeperiod when the chart was below our low .Where(y => y.High <= tolerance_max && // Low <= current Low + Tolerance y.High >= tolerance_min // Low >= current Low + Tolerance ) .OrderBy(x => x.High) ; int HighestHighBarsBefore = 5; foreach (IBar bar in lastTops) { double HighestHigh = HighestHighPrice(Bars.GetBarsAgo(bar.Time))[0]; //calculate the HighestHigh between current bar and potential bottom double HighestHighBefore = HighestHighPrice(Bars.GetBarsAgo(bar.Time) + HighestHighBarsBefore)[0]; //calculate the HighestHigh before the potential top. this is to make sure that there is no higher price leading up to the top //now check, if the current bar is on the same price level as the potential top. just to make sure, there is no higher price in that period. if (HighestHigh <= (tolerance_max) && //check if that HighestHigh is inside tolerance levels HighestHigh >= (tolerance_min) && HighestHighBefore <= (tolerance_max) && //check if the HighestHighBefore is inside tolerance levels HighestHighBefore >= (tolerance_min) && (HighestHigh == HighestHighBefore || //HighestHigh has to be either current bar or the current bottom from loop HighestHigh == HighestHighFromEchoBars) ) { Print("DoubleTop High: {0}, Time: {1}, HighestHigh: {2}, HighestHighBefore: {3}", bar.High, bar.Time.ToString(), HighestHigh, HighestHighBefore); //Drawings //Red Connection Line of the Bottoms string strdoubleTopConnecter = "DoubleTopConnecter_" + Bars[0].Time.ToString() + "_" + bar.Time.ToString(); AddChartLine(strdoubleTopConnecter, Bars.GetBarsAgo(bar.Time), bar.High, (int)HighestHighFromEchoBarsIndex, HighestHighFromEchoBars, Color.Red); //High and Breakthrough double BreakThrough = LowestLowPrice(Bars.GetBarsAgo(bar.Time))[0]; double BreakThroughAgo = LowestLowIndex(Bars.GetBarsAgo(bar.Time))[0]; string strBreakThrough = strdoubleTopConnecter + "BreakThrough"; string strBreakThroughVert = strdoubleTopConnecter + "BreakThroughVert"; AddChartLine(strBreakThrough, (int)BreakThroughAgo, BreakThrough, 0, BreakThrough, Color.Aquamarine, DashStyle.Solid, 2); AddChartLine(strBreakThroughVert, (int)BreakThroughAgo, bar.High, (int)BreakThroughAgo, BreakThrough, Color.Aquamarine, DashStyle.Solid, 2); //Mark current High DoubleTop_DS.Set((int)HighestHighFromEchoBarsIndex, 1); //Mark previous High(s) DoubleTop_DS.Set(Bars.GetBarsAgo(bar.Time), 0.5); SetSuccessFromEcho = true; } } if (SetSuccessFromEcho) { DoubleTop_DS.Set(1); } else { DoubleTop_DS.Set(0); } }
public void LoadAndUpdateBars(ref Bars bars, Bars barsUpdate) { this._dataStore.LoadBarsObject(bars); bars.Append(barsUpdate); this._dataStore.SaveBarsObject(bars); }
/// methods /// <summary> /// add two doubles and return double rounded to ticksize /// </summary> /// <param name="bars">bars array</param> /// <param name="d1">first double input</param> /// <param name="d2">second double input</param> /// <returns>double that has been rounded to ticksize</returns> internal static double AddTwoDoubles(Bars bars, double d1, double d2) { return(bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Round2TickSize((Math.Floor(10000000.0 * d1) + Math.Floor(10000000.0 * d2)) / 10000000.0)); }
public override Bars RequestData(DataSource ds, string symbol, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int maxBars, bool includePartialBar) { Bars bars = new Bars(symbol.Trim(new char[] { ' ', '"' }), ds.Scale, ds.BarInterval); if (this._dataStore.ContainsSymbol(symbol, ds.Scale, ds.BarInterval)) { if ((base.DataHost.OnDemandUpdateEnabled || this._updating) && this.UpdateRequired(ds, symbol)) { DateTime lastBar = this._dataStore.SymbolLastUpdated(symbol, scale, barinterval); Bars barsNew = zaglushka.RequestData(ds, symbol, startDate, endDate, maxBars, includePartialBar); if (barsNew != null) this.LoadAndUpdateBars(ref bars, barsNew); } _dataStore.LoadBarsObject(bars, startDate, DateTime.MaxValue, maxBars); } else if (base.DataHost.OnDemandUpdateEnabled || this._updating) { bars = zaglushka.RequestData(ds, symbol, startDate, endDate, maxBars, includePartialBar); this._dataStore.SaveBarsObject(bars); this._dataStore.LoadBarsObject(bars); } return bars; }
public void TestHighValueEmpty() { var bars = new Bars(); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => bars.HighValue); }
public override void UpdateDataSource(DataSource ds, IDataUpdateMessage dataUpdateMsg) { this._dataUpdateMsg = dataUpdateMsg; this._cancelUpdate = false; this._updating = true; Bars barsNew; // The Bars object for a newly downloaded symbol, or just the new data for an existing/updated symbol /* Main loop */ try { // User requested 'Cancel update' if (this._cancelUpdate) return; List<string> up2date = new List<string>(); List<string> updateRequired = new List<string>(); List<string> newSymbols = new List<string>(); string sym; foreach (string s in ds.Symbols) { sym = s; if (!this.UpdateRequired(ds, sym)) up2date.Add(sym); else if (this._dataStore.ContainsSymbol(sym, ds.Scale, ds.BarInterval)) updateRequired.Add(sym); else if (!this._dataStore.ContainsSymbol(sym, ds.Scale, ds.BarInterval)) newSymbols.Add(sym); } // For debugging: dataUpdateMsg.DisplayUpdateMessage( "Up-to-date symbols: " + up2date.Count.ToString() + ", " + "Update required for: " + updateRequired.Count.ToString() + ", " + "New symbols: " + newSymbols.Count.ToString()); /* 1. Symbols already up-to-date */ // Process symbols which require no data update if (up2date.Count > 0) { string alreadyUp2Date = null; foreach (string str in up2date) alreadyUp2Date += str + ","; dataUpdateMsg.DisplayUpdateMessage("Symbols already up to date: " + alreadyUp2Date); dataUpdateMsg.ReportUpdateProgress((up2date.Count * 100) / ds.Symbols.Count); } /* 2. Symbols to update */ Bars bars1; if (updateRequired.Count > 0) { foreach (string s in updateRequired) { try { if (!this._cancelUpdate) { bars1 = new Bars(s, scale, barinterval); if (_dataStore.ContainsSymbol(s, ds.Scale, ds.BarInterval)) _dataStore.LoadBarsObject(bars1); barsNew = zaglushka.RequestData(ds, s, bars1.Date[bars1.Count - 1], DateTime.Now, int.MaxValue, true); this.LoadAndUpdateBars(ref bars1, barsNew); } else return; } catch (Exception e) { dataUpdateMsg.DisplayUpdateMessage("Error: " + e.Message); } } } DateTime maxValue = DateTime.MaxValue; string[] newSymbolsArray = new string[newSymbols.Count]; if (newSymbols.Count > 0) { foreach (string str in newSymbols) { DateTime timeOfNewSymbol = this._dataStore.SymbolLastUpdated(str, ds.Scale, ds.BarInterval); //.Date; if (timeOfNewSymbol < maxValue) maxValue = timeOfNewSymbol; } } dataUpdateMsg.DisplayUpdateMessage("Updating..."); /* 3. New symbols */ // Load the Bars object from BarDataStore for updating Bars bars2; foreach (string s in newSymbols) { try { if (!this._cancelUpdate) { bars2 = new Bars(s, ds.Scale, ds.BarInterval); _dataStore.LoadBarsObject(bars2); // Google doesn't provide company names, so we'll get them from Yahoo! if (zaglushka.GetCompanyName(s) != null) bars2.SecurityName = zaglushka.GetCompanyName(s); // After some trial and error, I figured out that setting the starting date to 1/1/1971 allows to fetch all available data barsNew = zaglushka.RequestData(ds, s, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.Now, int.MaxValue, true); dataUpdateMsg.DisplayUpdateMessage("Symbol: " + s + ", existing bars : " + bars2.Count + ", new bars: " + barsNew.Count); this.LoadAndUpdateBars(ref bars2, barsNew); } else return; } catch (Exception e) { dataUpdateMsg.DisplayUpdateMessage("Error: " + e.Message); } } } catch (Exception e) { dataUpdateMsg.DisplayUpdateMessage("Error: " + e.Message); } finally { this._updating = false; } }
private void SetValue(IndicatorDataSeries View, int index, string CROSSSymbol, string[] cross) { double crosspips = 0.0; // --> Devo fare un ciclio per valutare i cross foreach (string onecross in cross) { try { double opendayprice = GetOpenDayPrice(onecross); Symbol tmpcross = Symbols.GetSymbol(onecross); Bars tmpcrosssr = MarketData.GetBars(TimeFrame, tmpcross.Name); int index2 = GetIndexByDate(tmpcrosssr, Bars.OpenTimes[index]); if (tmpcrosssr.OpenTimes[index2].Hour == EndOfDay && tmpcrosssr.OpenTimes[index2].Minute >= 0 && tmpcrosssr.OpenTimes[index2].Minute <= 1) { SetOpenDayPrice(onecross, tmpcrosssr.OpenPrices[index2]); opendayprice = tmpcrosssr.OpenPrices[index2]; } if (opendayprice == -1) { havecurr = 1; return; } double tmpcrosspips = 0.0; if (onecross.IndexOf(CROSSSymbol) == 0) { if (tmpcrosssr.ClosePrices[index2] > opendayprice) { tmpcrosspips = (tmpcrosssr.ClosePrices[index2] - opendayprice) / tmpcross.PipSize; crosspips += tmpcrosspips; } else if (opendayprice > tmpcrosssr.ClosePrices[index2]) { tmpcrosspips = (opendayprice - tmpcrosssr.ClosePrices[index2]) / tmpcross.PipSize; crosspips -= tmpcrosspips; } } else if (onecross.IndexOf(CROSSSymbol) > 0) { if (tmpcrosssr.ClosePrices[index2] > opendayprice) { tmpcrosspips = (tmpcrosssr.ClosePrices[index2] - opendayprice) / tmpcross.PipSize; crosspips -= tmpcrosspips; } else if (opendayprice > tmpcrosssr.ClosePrices[index2]) { tmpcrosspips = (opendayprice - tmpcrosssr.ClosePrices[index2]) / tmpcross.PipSize; crosspips += tmpcrosspips; } } else { Print(string.Format("Errore : {0} non esiste", CROSSSymbol)); } } catch (Exception) { //Print(string.Format("Errore : {0}", exc.Message)); } } View[index] = crosspips; havecurr = 1; }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="graphics"></param> /// <param name="bounds"></param> /// <param name="min"></param> /// <param name="max"></param> public override void Plot(Graphics graphics, Rectangle bounds, double min, double max) { if (Bars == null || ChartControl == null) { return; } // plot error if data not complete if (textBrush.Color != ChartControl.AxisColor || textFont != ChartControl.Font) { textBrush.Color = ChartControl.AxisColor; textFont = ChartControl.Font; SizeF errorSize = graphics.MeasureString(errorData, textFont); errorTextWidth = errorSize.Width + 5; errorTextHeight = errorSize.Height + 5; } if (priorDayHLC == HLCCalculationMode.CalcFromIntradayData) { DateTime lastBarDate = (Bars.Count == 0) ? Cbi.Globals.MaxDate : ChartControl.EquidistantBars ? Bars.GetTime(Math.Min(Bars.Count - 1, ChartControl.LastBarPainted)).Date : Bars.GetTime(Math.Min(Bars.Count - 1, Bars.GetBar(ChartControl.LastBarTimePainted))).Date; if ((lastBarDate == Cbi.Globals.MaxDate) || (Bars.BarsType.BuiltFrom == PeriodType.Minute && ((pivotRangeType == PivotRange.Monthly && Bars.Count > 0 && Bars.GetTime(0).AddSeconds(-1).Date >= new DateTime(lastBarDate.Year, lastBarDate.Month, 1).AddMonths(-1)) || (pivotRangeType == PivotRange.Weekly && Bars.Count > 0 && Bars.GetTime(0).AddSeconds(-1).Date >= lastBarDate.AddDays(-(((int)lastBarDate.DayOfWeek) + 1) % 7).AddDays(-7)) || (pivotRangeType == PivotRange.Daily && Bars.Count > 0 && Bars.GetTime(0).AddSeconds(-1).Date >= lastBarDate.AddDays(-1)))) || (Bars.BarsType.BuiltFrom != PeriodType.Minute && ((pivotRangeType == PivotRange.Monthly && Bars.Count > 0 && Bars.GetTime(0).Date >= new DateTime(lastBarDate.Year, lastBarDate.Month, 1).AddMonths(-1)) || (pivotRangeType == PivotRange.Weekly && Bars.Count > 0 && Bars.GetTime(0).Date >= lastBarDate.AddDays(-(((int)lastBarDate.DayOfWeek) + 1) % 7).AddDays(-7)) || (pivotRangeType == PivotRange.Daily && Bars.Count > 0 && Bars.GetTime(0).Date >= lastBarDate.AddDays(-1))))) { graphics.DrawString(errorData, ChartControl.Font, textBrush, bounds.X + bounds.Width - errorTextWidth, bounds.Y + bounds.Height - errorTextHeight, stringFormatNear); } } else if (priorDayHLC == HLCCalculationMode.DailyBars && existsHistDailyData) { DateTime lastBarDate = (dailyBars.Count == 0) ? Cbi.Globals.MaxDate : ChartControl.EquidistantBars ? dailyBars.GetTime(Math.Min(dailyBars.Count - 1, ChartControl.LastBarPainted)).Date : dailyBars.GetTime(Math.Min(dailyBars.Count - 1, dailyBars.GetBar(ChartControl.LastBarTimePainted))).Date; if ((lastBarDate == Cbi.Globals.MaxDate) || (pivotRangeType == PivotRange.Monthly && dailyBars.GetTime(0).Date >= new DateTime(lastBarDate.Year, lastBarDate.Month, 1).AddMonths(-1)) || (pivotRangeType == PivotRange.Weekly && dailyBars.GetTime(0).Date >= lastBarDate.AddDays(-(((int)lastBarDate.DayOfWeek) + 1) % 7).AddDays(-7)) || (pivotRangeType == PivotRange.Daily && dailyBars.GetTime(0).Date >= lastBarDate.AddDays(-1))) { graphics.DrawString(errorData, ChartControl.Font, textBrush, bounds.X + bounds.Width - errorTextWidth, bounds.Y + bounds.Height - errorTextHeight, stringFormatNear); } } float textHeight = ChartControl.Font.GetHeight(); for (int seriesCount = 0; seriesCount < Values.Length; seriesCount++) { SolidBrush brush = brushes[seriesCount]; int firstBarIdxToPaint = -1; int lastX = -1; int lastY = -1; SmoothingMode oldSmoothingMode = graphics.SmoothingMode; Gui.Chart.Plot plot = Plots[seriesCount]; DataSeries series = (DataSeries)Values[seriesCount]; for (int i = newSessionBarIdxArr.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int prevSessionBreakIdx = (int)newSessionBarIdxArr[i]; if (prevSessionBreakIdx <= this.LastBarIndexPainted) { firstBarIdxToPaint = prevSessionBreakIdx; break; } } using (GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath()) { if (brush.Color != plot.Pen.Color) { brush = new SolidBrush(plot.Pen.Color); } for (int idx = this.LastBarIndexPainted; idx >= Math.Max(this.FirstBarIndexPainted, this.LastBarIndexPainted - Width); idx--) { if (idx - Displacement < 0 || idx - Displacement >= Bars.Count || (!ChartControl.ShowBarsRequired && idx - Displacement < BarsRequired)) { continue; } else if (!series.IsValidPlot(idx)) { continue; } if (idx < firstBarIdxToPaint) { break; } double val = series.Get(idx); int x = ChartControl.GetXByBarIdx(BarsArray[0], idx); int y = ChartControl.GetYByValue(this, val); if (lastX >= 0) { if (y != lastY) // Problem here is, that last bar of old day has date of new day { y = lastY; } path.AddLine(lastX - plot.Pen.Width / 2, lastY, x - plot.Pen.Width / 2, y); } lastX = x; lastY = y; } graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; graphics.DrawPath(plot.Pen, path); graphics.SmoothingMode = oldSmoothingMode; graphics.DrawString(plot.Name, ChartControl.Font, brush, lastX, lastY - textHeight / 2, stringFormatFar); } } }
public BarsHigh(Bars bars) : base(bars) { }
protected override void OnBarUpdate() { /* When working with multiple bar series objects it is important to understand the sequential order in which the * OnBarUpdate() method is triggered. The bars will always run with the primary first followed by the secondary and * so on. * * Important: Primary bars will always execute before the secondary bar series. * If a bar is timestamped as 12:00PM on the 5min bar series, the call order between the equally timestamped 12:00PM * bar on the 1min bar series is like this: * 12:00PM 5min * 12:00PM 1min * 12:01PM 1min * 12:02PM 1min * 12:03PM 1min * 12:04PM 1min * 12:05PM 5min * 12:05PM 1min * * When the OnBarUpdate() is called from the primary bar series (2000 ticks series in this example), do the following */ if (BarsInProgress == 0) { if (CurrentBar < BarsRequiredToTrade) { return; } // if the bar elapsed time span across 12 mid night DateTime t1 = Bars.GetTime(CurrentBar - 1); DateTime t2 = Bars.GetTime(CurrentBar); if (TimeSpan.Compare(t1.TimeOfDay, t2.TimeOfDay) > 0) { Print(Bars.GetTime(CurrentBar).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.ffffffK") + " EOD Session"); AiFlat(); // flatten the current position before going over to the next day lineNo = 0; return; } // construct the string buffer to be sent to DLNN string bufString = lineNo.ToString() + ',' + Bars.GetTime(CurrentBar - 1).ToString("HHmmss") + ',' + Bars.GetTime(CurrentBar).ToString("HHmmss") + ',' + Bars.GetOpen(CurrentBar).ToString() + ',' + Bars.GetClose(CurrentBar).ToString() + ',' + Bars.GetHigh(CurrentBar).ToString() + ',' + Bars.GetLow(CurrentBar).ToString() + ',' + Bars.GetVolume(CurrentBar).ToString() + ',' + SMA(9)[0].ToString() + ',' + SMA(20)[0].ToString() + ',' + SMA(50)[0].ToString() + ',' + MACD(12, 26, 9).Diff[0].ToString() + ',' + RSI(14, 3)[0].ToString() + ',' + Bollinger(2, 20).Lower[0].ToString() + ',' + Bollinger(2, 20).Upper[0].ToString() + ',' + CCI(20)[0].ToString() + ',' + Bars.GetHigh(CurrentBar).ToString() + ',' + Bars.GetLow(CurrentBar).ToString() + ',' + Momentum(20)[0].ToString() + ',' + DM(14).DiPlus[0].ToString() + ',' + DM(14).DiMinus[0].ToString() + ',' + VROC(25, 3)[0].ToString() + ',' + '0' + ',' + '0' + ',' + '0' + ',' + '0' + ',' + '0' + ',' + '0' + ',' + '0' + ',' + '0' + ',' + '0' + ',' + '0'; //Print("CurrentBar = " + CurrentBar + ": " + "bufString = " + bufString); byte[] msg = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(bufString); // Send the data through the socket. int bytesSent = sender.Send(msg); // Receive the response from the remote device. int bytesRec = sender.Receive(bytes); svrSignal = ExtractResponse(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)); //Print("Server response= " + svrSignal); // Return signal from DLNN is not we expected, close outstanding position and restart if (bytesRec == -1) { lineNo = 0; // TODO: close current position } else { lineNo++; } // Start processing signal after 8th signal and beyond, otherwise ignore if (lineNo >= 8) { ExecuteAITrade(svrSignal); } } // When the OnBarUpdate() is called from the secondary bar series, in our case for each tick, handle stop loss and profit chasing accordingly else { // if position is flat, no need to do anything if (currPos == Position.posFlat) { return; } // handle stop loss or proft chasing if there is existing position and order action is either SellShort or Buy if (entryOrder != null && (entryOrder.OrderAction == OrderAction.Buy || entryOrder.OrderAction == OrderAction.SellShort) && (entryOrder.OrderState == OrderState.Filled || entryOrder.OrderState == OrderState.PartFilled)) { // if Close[0] violates soft deck, if YES handle stop loss accordingly if (ViolateSoftDeck()) { HandleSoftDeck(svrSignal); } // if profitChasingFlag is TRUE or Close[0] TouchedProfitChasing then handle profit chasing if ((profitChasingFlag || TouchedProfitChasing())) { HandleProfitChasing(); } } return; } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="bars"></param> /// <param name="open"></param> /// <param name="high"></param> /// <param name="low"></param> /// <param name="close"></param> /// <param name="time"></param> /// <param name="volume"></param> /// <param name="isRealtime"></param> public override void Add(Bars bars, double open, double high, double low, double close, DateTime time, long volume, bool isRealtime) { if (bars.Count == 0 && tmpTime != Cbi.Globals.MinDate) // reset caching when live request trimmed existing bars tmpTime = Cbi.Globals.MinDate; bool endOfBar = true; if (tmpTime == Cbi.Globals.MinDate) { tmpTime = time; tmpDayCount = 1; tmpTickCount = 1; } else if (bars.Count < tmpCount && bars.Count == 0) // reset cache when bars are trimmed { tmpTime = Cbi.Globals.MinDate; tmpVolume = 0; tmpDayCount = 0; tmpTickCount = 0; } else if (bars.Count < tmpCount && bars.Count > 0) // reset cache when bars are trimmed { tmpTime = bars.GetTime(bars.Count - 1); tmpVolume = bars.GetVolume(bars.Count - 1); tmpTickCount = bars.TickCount; tmpDayCount = bars.DayCount; } switch (bars.Period.BasePeriodType) { case PeriodType.Day: { if (bars.Count == 0 || (bars.Count > 0 && (bars.TimeLastBar.Month < time.Month || bars.TimeLastBar.Year < time.Year))) { tmpTime = time.Date; bars.LastPrice = close; newSession = true; } else { tmpTime = time.Date; tmpVolume += volume; bars.LastPrice = close; tmpDayCount++; if (tmpDayCount < bars.Period.BasePeriodValue || (bars.Count > 0 && bars.TimeLastBar.Date == time.Date)) endOfBar = false; } break; } case PeriodType.Minute: { if (bars.Count == 0 || bars.IsNewSession(time, isRealtime)) { tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeMinute(bars, time, bars.Session.NextBeginTime, bars.Period.BasePeriodValue, isRealtime); newSession = true; tmpVolume = 0; } else { if (isRealtime && time < bars.TimeLastBar || !isRealtime && time <= bars.TimeLastBar) { tmpTime = bars.TimeLastBar; endOfBar = false; } else tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeMinute(bars, time, bars.Session.NextBeginTime, bars.Period.BasePeriodValue, isRealtime); tmpVolume += volume; } break; } case PeriodType.Month: { if (tmpTime == Cbi.Globals.MinDate) { tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeMonth(time, bars.Period.BasePeriodValue); if (bars.Count == 0) break; endOfBar = false; } else if ((time.Month <= tmpTime.Month && time.Year == tmpTime.Year) || time.Year < tmpTime.Year) { tmpVolume += volume; bars.LastPrice = close; endOfBar = false; } break; } case PeriodType.Second: { if (bars.IsNewSession(time, isRealtime)) { tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeSecond(bars, time, new DateTime(bars.Session.NextBeginTime.Year, bars.Session.NextBeginTime.Month, bars.Session.NextBeginTime.Day, bars.Session.NextBeginTime.Hour, bars.Session.NextBeginTime.Minute, 0), bars.Period.BasePeriodValue); if (bars.Count == 0) break; endOfBar = false; newSession = true; } else if (time <= tmpTime) { tmpVolume += volume; bars.LastPrice = close; endOfBar = false; } else tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeSecond(bars, time, bars.Session.NextBeginTime, bars.Period.BasePeriodValue); break; } case PeriodType.Tick: { if (bars.IsNewSession(time, isRealtime)) { newSession = true; tmpTime = time; tmpTickCount = 1; if (bars.Count == 0) break; endOfBar = false; } else if (bars.Period.BasePeriodValue > 1 && tmpTickCount < bars.Period.BasePeriodValue) { tmpTime = time; tmpVolume += volume; tmpTickCount++; bars.LastPrice = close; endOfBar = false; } else tmpTime = time; // there can't be a situation when new ticks go into old bar, this would mean peeking into future. Fixed in NT7B14 20100416 CH break; } case PeriodType.Volume: { if (bars.IsNewSession(time, isRealtime)) newSession = true; else if (bars.Count == 0 && volume > 0) break; else { tmpVolume += volume; if (tmpVolume < bars.Period.BasePeriodValue) { bars.LastPrice = close; endOfBar = false; } else if (tmpVolume == 0) endOfBar = false; } tmpTime = time; // there can't be a situation when new ticks go into old bar, this would mean peeking into future. Fixed in NT7B14 20100416 CH break; } case PeriodType.Week: { if (tmpTime == Cbi.Globals.MinDate) { tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeWeek(time.Date, tmpTime.Date, bars.Period.BasePeriodValue); if (bars.Count == 0) break; endOfBar = false; } else if (time.Date <= tmpTime.Date) { tmpVolume += volume; bars.LastPrice = close; endOfBar = false; } break; } case PeriodType.Year: { if (tmpTime == Cbi.Globals.MinDate) { tmpTime = TimeToBarTimeYear(time, bars.Period.Value); if (bars.Count == 0) break; endOfBar = false; } else if (time.Year <= tmpTime.Year) { tmpVolume += volume; bars.LastPrice = close; endOfBar = false; } break; } default: break; } if (bars.Count == 0 || (newSession && IsIntraday)) { AddBar(bars, open, close, close, close, tmpTime, volume, isRealtime); upTrend = (open < close); newSessionIdx = bars.Count - 1; newSession = false; firstBarOfSession = true; anchorPrice = close; switchPrice = open; } else if (firstBarOfSession && endOfBar == false) { double prevOpen = bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 1); bars.RemoveLastBar(isRealtime); AddBar(bars, prevOpen, close, close, close, tmpTime, tmpVolume, isRealtime); upTrend = (prevOpen < close); anchorPrice = close; } else { int breakCount = bars.Period.Value; Bar bar = (Bar)bars.Get(bars.Count - 1); double breakMax = double.MinValue; double breakMin = double.MaxValue; if (firstBarOfSession) { AddBar(bars, anchorPrice, close, close, close, tmpTime, volume, isRealtime); firstBarOfSession = false; tmpVolume = volume; tmpTime = Cbi.Globals.MinDate; return; } if (bars.Count - newSessionIdx - 1 < breakCount) breakCount = bars.Count - (newSessionIdx + 1); for (int k = 1; k <= breakCount; k++) { Bar tmp = (Bar)bars.Get(bars.Count - k - 1); breakMax = Math.Max(breakMax, tmp.Open); breakMax = Math.Max(breakMax, tmp.Close); breakMin = Math.Min(breakMin, tmp.Open); breakMin = Math.Min(breakMin, tmp.Close); } bars.LastPrice = close; if (upTrend) if (endOfBar) { bool adding = false; if (bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(bar.Close, anchorPrice) > 0) { anchorPrice = bar.Close; switchPrice = bar.Open; tmpVolume = volume; adding = true; } else if (bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(breakMin, bar.Close) > 0) { anchorPrice = bar.Close; switchPrice = bar.Open; tmpVolume = volume; upTrend = false; adding = true; } if (adding) { double tmpOpen = upTrend ? Math.Min(Math.Max(switchPrice, close), anchorPrice) : Math.Max(Math.Min(switchPrice, close), anchorPrice); AddBar(bars, tmpOpen, close, close, close, tmpTime, volume, isRealtime); } else { bars.RemoveLastBar(isRealtime); double tmpOpen = Math.Min(Math.Max(switchPrice, close), anchorPrice); AddBar(bars, tmpOpen, close, close, close, tmpTime, tmpVolume, isRealtime); } } else { bars.RemoveLastBar(isRealtime); double tmpOpen = Math.Min(Math.Max(switchPrice, close), anchorPrice); AddBar(bars, tmpOpen, close, close, close, tmpTime, tmpVolume, isRealtime); } else if (endOfBar) { bool adding = false; if (bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(bar.Close, anchorPrice) < 0) { anchorPrice = bar.Close; switchPrice = bar.Open; tmpVolume = volume; adding = true; } else if (bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(breakMax, bar.Close) < 0) { anchorPrice = bar.Close; switchPrice = bar.Open; tmpVolume = volume; upTrend = true; adding = true; } if (adding) { double tmpOpen = upTrend ? Math.Min(Math.Max(switchPrice, close), anchorPrice) : Math.Max(Math.Min(switchPrice, close), anchorPrice); AddBar(bars, tmpOpen, close, close, close, tmpTime, volume, isRealtime); } else { bars.RemoveLastBar(isRealtime); double tmpOpen = Math.Max(Math.Min(switchPrice, close), anchorPrice); AddBar(bars, tmpOpen, close, close, close, tmpTime, tmpVolume, isRealtime); } } else { bars.RemoveLastBar(isRealtime); double tmpOpen = Math.Max(Math.Min(switchPrice, close), anchorPrice); AddBar(bars, tmpOpen, close, close, close, tmpTime, tmpVolume, isRealtime); } } if (endOfBar) tmpTime = Cbi.Globals.MinDate; tmpCount = bars.Count; }
public override double Calculate(TradeType tradeType, OrderType orderType, double orderPrice, double shares, Bars bars) { return F * shares + (M / 100) * (shares * orderPrice); }
void ExportBars(StreamWriter writer, DataFeedStorage storage) { writer.WriteLine("Time,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume"); var bars = new Bars(storage.Offline, m_symbol, PriceType.Bid, m_period, m_from, m_to); foreach (var element in bars) { if (!continueMonitoring) { break; } var dateTime = element.From.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss.fff"); var stOpen = element.Open.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var stHigh = element.High.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var stLow = element.Low.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var stClose = element.Close.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var stVolume = element.Volume.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); writer.WriteLine("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5}", dateTime, stOpen, stHigh, stLow, stClose, stVolume); this.RaiseProgress(element.From); } }
protected override void StartCalc() { m_brkoutfactor = 1 + brkoutpct * 0.01; Volume = Bars.TrueVolume(); }
public override void OnRender(ChartControl chartControl, ChartScale chartScale, ChartBars chartBars) { Bars bars = chartBars.Bars; float barWidth = GetBarPaintWidth(BarWidthUI); Vector2 point0 = new Vector2(); Vector2 point1 = new Vector2(); RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(); for (int idx = chartBars.FromIndex; idx <= chartBars.ToIndex; idx++) { //Brush overriddenBarBrush = chartControl.GetBarOverrideBrush(chartBars, idx); Brush overriddenOutlineBrush = chartControl.GetCandleOutlineOverrideBrush(chartBars, idx); double closeValue = bars.GetClose(idx); int close = chartScale.GetYByValue(closeValue); int high = chartScale.GetYByValue(bars.GetHigh(idx)); int low = chartScale.GetYByValue(bars.GetLow(idx)); double openValue = bars.GetOpen(idx); int open = chartScale.GetYByValue(openValue); int x = chartControl.GetXByBarIndex(chartBars, idx); Brush brush = overriddenOutlineBrush ?? (closeValue > openValue ? UpBrushDX : closeValue < openValue ? DownBrushDX : DojiBrushDX); //Brush br = overriddenOutlineBrush ?? Stroke2.BrushDX; if (Math.Abs(open - close) < 0.0000001) { // Line point0.X = x - barWidth * 0.5f; point0.Y = close; point1.X = x + barWidth * 0.5f; point1.Y = close; if (!(brush is SolidColorBrush)) { TransformBrush(overriddenOutlineBrush ?? DojiBrushDX, new RectangleF(point0.X, point0.Y - LineWidth, barWidth, LineWidth)); } RenderTarget.DrawLine(point0, point1, brush, LineWidth); } else { // Candle rect.X = x - barWidth * 0.5f + 0.5f; rect.Y = Math.Min(close, open); rect.Width = barWidth - 1; rect.Height = Math.Max(open, close) - Math.Min(close, open); if (!(brush is SolidColorBrush)) { TransformBrush(brush, rect); } RenderTarget.DrawRectangle(rect, brush, LineWidth); if (chartBars.IsInHitTest) { RenderTarget.FillRectangle(rect, chartControl.SelectionBrush); } } // High wick if (high < Math.Min(open, close)) { point0.X = x; point0.Y = high; point1.X = x; point1.Y = Math.Min(open, close); if (!(brush is SolidColorBrush)) { TransformBrush(brush, new RectangleF(point0.X - Stroke2.Width, point0.Y, LineWidth, point1.Y - point0.Y)); } RenderTarget.DrawLine(point0, point1, brush, LineWidth); } // Low wick if (low > Math.Max(open, close)) { point0.X = x; point0.Y = low; point1.X = x; point1.Y = Math.Max(open, close); if (!(brush is SolidColorBrush)) { TransformBrush(brush, new RectangleF(point1.X - Stroke2.Width, point1.Y, LineWidth, point0.Y - point1.Y)); } RenderTarget.DrawLine(point0, point1, brush, LineWidth); } } }
void Start() { cDate = iDate.ToString(); crimes = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, float> > >(); states = new Dictionary <string, Bars>(); reader = new CSVReader("Assets/Crime_Rate.csv"); foreach (Bars child in GetComponentsInChildren <Bars>()) { // If we initialize there are no errors child.initialize(); states.Add(, child); } // Create the outer two levels year and state foreach (string y in["Year"]) { if (!crimes.ContainsKey(y)) { int tmp = int.Parse(y); smallestDate = Math.Min(smallestDate, tmp); largestDate = Math.Max(largestDate, tmp); crimes.Add(y, new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, float> >()); foreach (string s in states.Keys) { crimes[y].Add(s, new Dictionary <string, float>()); } } } // Populate the data for (int i = 0; i <["Year"].Count; i++) { foreach (string s in interests) { crimes[["Year"][i]][["State Name"][i]].Add(s, float.Parse([s][i])); } } Dictionary <string, float> scales = new Dictionary <string, float>(); // Get the scale of the data and use it to normalize foreach (string s in interests) { float mVal = 0.000000000000000001f; Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, float> > st = crimes[cDate]; foreach (string sV in st.Keys) { mVal = Math.Max(mVal, st[sV][s]); } scales.Add(s, mVal); } // Set the values for each of the states foreach (String state in states.Keys) { Bars bars = states[state]; foreach (string s in interests) { string title = s; float value = crimes[cDate][][s]; bars.addBar(title, (value / scales[s]) * maxHeight, title + System.Environment.NewLine + "[" + value.ToString("0.###") + "]" + System.Environment.NewLine + state); } } }
void BackwardBarsEnumeration(ConnectionStringBuilder builder) { var connectionString = builder.ToString(); this.dataFeed = new DataFeed(connectionString); this.dataFeed.Logon += this.OnLogon; this.dataFeed.Start(); var status = this.logonEvent.WaitOne(LogonWaitingTimeout); Assert.IsTrue(status, "Timeout of logon event"); var startTime = new DateTime(2015, 10, 10, 12, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); var endTime = new DateTime(2015, 10, 10, 12, 1, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); var data = new List<Bar>(); var bars = new Bars(this.dataFeed, "EURUSD", PriceType.Bid, BarPeriod.S1, endTime, startTime); foreach (var element in bars) { Assert.IsTrue(startTime <= element.From, "startTime <= element.From"); Assert.IsTrue(element.To <= endTime, "element.To <= endTime"); Assert.IsTrue(element.From < element.To, "Invalid a bar timestamp"); data.Add(element); } this.dataFeed.Logon -= this.OnLogon; this.dataFeed.Stop(); for (var index = 1; index < data.Count; ++index) { var first = data[index]; var second = data[index - 1]; Assert.IsTrue(first.To <= second.From, "Invalid bars sequence order."); } }
protected override void OnBarUpdate() { // Get time of first bar on chart if (isFirstChartBar) { isFirstChartBar = false; chartStartTime = Time[0]; } // Not Enough History to calc rel vol if (Time[0].Date.AddDays(LookBackDays * -1) < chartStartTime.Date) { return; } // Only gather vol history on first tick // of bar since history does not change for // a given bar if (IsFirstTickOfBar) { int skipDays = 0; totalHistPeriodVol = 0; histPeriodVol = new List <double>(LookBackDays); // Loop until all same timeperiod lookback days // are found or lookback exceeds history while (histPeriodVol.Count < LookBackDays) { // Bar target time DateTime tt = Time[0].AddDays((histPeriodVol.Count + 1 + skipDays) * -1); // Bail if target day is before first chart, not enough history if (tt.Date < Time[CurrentBar].Date) { return; } // No weekends if ((tt.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday) || (tt.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)) { skipDays++; continue; } // Skip over early close days and Holidays if (TradingHours.PartialHolidays.ContainsKey(tt.Date) || TradingHours.Holidays.ContainsKey(tt.Date)) { skipDays++; continue; } // Get Prev day's same time bar int relPrevBar = ChartBars.GetBarIdxByTime(ChartControl, tt); // If the returned bar is not the expected date, a bar with the // timetarget is not on the chart. Dont know why GetBarIdxByTime // does not return something more normal(like a -1) for a GetBarIdxXXX() // miss. Instead it just returns the incorrect bar. // At this point a missing bar is unexpected if (tt != Bars.GetTime(relPrevBar)) { throw new Exception("Missing data error - Target Time: " + tt + " Found Time: " + Bars.GetTime(relPrevBar)); } totalHistPeriodVol += Bars.GetVolume(relPrevBar); histPeriodVol.Add(Bars.GetVolume(relPrevBar)); } histPeriodVolStd = this.getStandardDeviation(histPeriodVol); avgHistPeriodVol = totalHistPeriodVol / LookBackDays; } // Get historical average at time volume from last x days Values[3][0] = avgHistPeriodVol; // Difference between avg period vol and current bars vol double rel_vol_diff = Volume[0] - avgHistPeriodVol; // Std Hi-Low Hash marks Values[1][0] = Math.Max(0.0, avgHistPeriodVol - histPeriodVolStd); Values[2][0] = avgHistPeriodVol + histPeriodVolStd; // Raw period volume bars, color code based on // volume above, below or within 1 std band Values[0][0] = Volume[0]; if (ShowVolumeBars) { // Greater than one std if (Volume[0] > Values[2][0]) { PlotBrushes[0][0] = VolAboveStdBrush; } // Within one std else if (Values[0][0] > Values[1][0]) { PlotBrushes[0][0] = VolWithinStdBrush; } // Less than 1 std else { PlotBrushes[0][0] = VolBelowStdBrush; } } else { PlotBrushes[0][0] = Brushes.Transparent; } }
public Bars GetBars(string symbol, PeriodType period, ref int count, int offset) { string rc = Command(string.Format("BR {0} {1} {2} {3}", symbol, (int) period, offset, count)); if (!ResponseOK(rc) || rc.Length < 3) return null; string[] reply = rc.Substring(3).Split(new[] {' '}); if (reply.Length < 5 || reply[0] != symbol) return null; int rperiod, rbars, roffset, rcount; try { rperiod = int.Parse(reply[1]); rbars = int.Parse(reply[2]); roffset = int.Parse(reply[3]); rcount = int.Parse(reply[4]); } catch (FormatException) { return null; } if (rperiod != (int) period || roffset != offset || rcount*6 != reply.Length - 5) return null; count = rbars; var bars = new Bars(symbol, period); for (int i = 5; i < reply.Length; i += 6) { try { DateTime time = FromTimestamp(int.Parse(reply[i])); double open = StringToDouble(reply[i + 1]); double high = StringToDouble(reply[i + 2]); double low = StringToDouble(reply[i + 3]); double close = StringToDouble(reply[i + 4]); int volume = int.Parse(reply[i + 5]); bars.Insert(time, open, high, low, close, volume); } catch (FormatException) { return null; } } return bars; }
public override double GetPercentComplete(Bars bars, DateTime now) { return(bars.Count == 0 ? 0 : (double)bars.GetVolume(bars.Count - 1) / bars.BarsPeriod.Value); }
private void _drawLevelFromCustomBar() { // --> Prelevo le candele scelte Bars BarsCustom = MarketData.GetBars(PivotTimeFrame); int index = BarsCustom.Count - 1; // --> Potrei non avere un numero sufficiente di candele if (index < 1 || (BarsCustom[index].Close == BarsCustom[index].Open)) { return; } try { // --> TimeSpan DiffTime = BarsCustom[index - i].OpenTime.Subtract(BarsCustom[(index - i) - 1].OpenTime); // <-- Strategia da valutare DateTime thisCandle = BarsCustom[index].OpenTime; DateTime nextCandle = thisCandle.AddMinutes(_getTimeFrameCandleInMinutes(PivotTimeFrame)); double high = BarsCustom[index - 1].High; double low = BarsCustom[index - 1].Low; double close = BarsCustom[index - 1].Close; double pivot = (high + low + close) / 3; double r1 = pivot + (Fibo1 * (high - low)); double s1 = pivot - (Fibo1 * (high - low)); double r2 = pivot + (Fibo2 * (high - low)); double s2 = pivot - (Fibo2 * (high - low)); double r3 = pivot + (Fibo3 * (high - low)); double s3 = pivot - (Fibo3 * (high - low)); Chart.DrawTrendLine("pivot ", thisCandle, pivot, nextCandle, pivot, Color.FromName(PivotColor.ToString("G")), 1, LineStyle.DotsVeryRare); Chart.DrawTrendLine("r1 ", thisCandle, r1, nextCandle, r1, Color.FromName(ResistanceColor.ToString("G")), 1, LineStyle.DotsRare); Chart.DrawTrendLine("r2 ", thisCandle, r2, nextCandle, r2, Color.FromName(ResistanceColor.ToString("G")), 1, LineStyle.Lines); Chart.DrawTrendLine("r3 ", thisCandle, r3, nextCandle, r3, Color.FromName(ResistanceColor.ToString("G")), 1, LineStyle.Solid); Chart.DrawTrendLine("s1 ", thisCandle, s1, nextCandle, s1, Color.FromName(SupportColor.ToString("G")), 1, LineStyle.DotsRare); Chart.DrawTrendLine("s2 ", thisCandle, s2, nextCandle, s2, Color.FromName(SupportColor.ToString("G")), 1, LineStyle.Lines); Chart.DrawTrendLine("s3 ", thisCandle, s3, nextCandle, s3, Color.FromName(SupportColor.ToString("G")), 1, LineStyle.Solid); if (!ShowLabels) { return; } Chart.DrawText("Lpivot ", "P", nextCandle, pivot, Color.FromName(PivotColor.ToString("G"))).VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; Chart.DrawText("Lr1 ", "R1", nextCandle, r1, Color.FromName(ResistanceColor.ToString("G"))).VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; Chart.DrawText("Lr2 ", "R2", nextCandle, r2, Color.FromName(ResistanceColor.ToString("G"))).VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; Chart.DrawText("Lr3 ", "R3", nextCandle, r3, Color.FromName(ResistanceColor.ToString("G"))).VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; Chart.DrawText("Ls1 ", "S1", nextCandle, s1, Color.FromName(SupportColor.ToString("G"))).VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; Chart.DrawText("Ls2 ", "S2", nextCandle, s2, Color.FromName(SupportColor.ToString("G"))).VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; Chart.DrawText("Ls3 ", "S3", nextCandle, s3, Color.FromName(SupportColor.ToString("G"))).VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; } catch { } }
public BarsLow(Bars bars) : base(bars) { }