예제 #1
 public static int FindLength(char[] _pw, BankOfBitsNBytes _bbb)
예제 #2
 public static int FindLength(int currentThreadIndex, List <char[]> _pwList, BankOfBitsNBytes _bbb)
예제 #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Program   p = new Program();
            Semaphore sem = new Semaphore(2, 8);
            int       pwLength = -1, inc = 0;
            int       currentThreadIndex = 0, currentLetterIndex = 0;

            int[] currentLetterIndex_array = new int[8];
            int   currentBalance           = 0;

            Thread[]         threadPool = new Thread[8];
            BankOfBitsNBytes bbb        = new BankOfBitsNBytes();

            List <char[]> s = new List <char[]>();

            List <int[]> pwList = new List <int[]>();

            while (FindLength(new char[inc], bbb) == -1)
                pwLength = inc;
                Console.Out.WriteLine("PW Length: " + pwLength);

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                s.Add(new char[pwLength]);
                pwList.Add(new int[pwLength]);
                s[i][0]      = BankOfBitsNBytes.acceptablePasswordChars[currentLetterIndex];
                pwList[i][0] = currentLetterIndex;
                currentLetterIndex_array[i] = currentLetterIndex;

            Console.Out.WriteLine("pw length = " + pwLength);

            //foreach (Thread t in threadPool)
            //    ThreadStart ts = new ThreadStart(() => { someInt++; });     //Create a thread start given delegate
            //    Thread t = new Thread(ts);                          //Create thread with threadstart
            //    t.Start();

            while (currentBalance < 1000000)
                int startb = currentBalance;
                reset = true;

                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    s.Add(new char[pwLength]);
                    pwList.Add(new int[pwLength]);
                    s[i][0]      = BankOfBitsNBytes.acceptablePasswordChars[currentLetterIndex];
                    pwList[i][0] = currentLetterIndex;
                    currentLetterIndex_array[i] = currentLetterIndex;
                while (reset)
                    List <char[]> ss = s;

                    for (int i = 0; i < threadPool.Length; i++)
                        int         ii       = i;
                        List <delg> delgList = new List <delg>()
                            () => bbb.WithdrawMoney(s[ii]),
                            () => {
                                for (int j = 0; j < pwLength; j++)
                                    int  jj = j;
                                    char c  = s[ii].ElementAt(jj);
                                    s[ii].SetValue(IntToChar(pwList[ii].ElementAt(jj)), jj);
                            () => IncrementPW(pwList.ElementAt(ii), ref currentLetterIndex_array[ii], ss.ElementAt(ii), ii),

                        if (threadPool[ii] == null || !threadPool[ii].IsAlive)
                            ThreadStart ts = new ThreadStart(() => { p.DoPwCheck(delgList); }); //Create a thread start give
                            threadPool[ii] = new Thread(ts);                                    //Create thread with threadstart
                    //reset = false;

                    if (currentBalance > startb)
                        reset = false;
                //Console.WriteLine("Current dough: " + currentBalance);

            //Stack<delg> toProcess = new Stack<delg>(delgList);

            //while (toProcess.Count > 0)
            //    delg nextToProc = toProcess.Pop();
            //    StartThread(nextToProc);

            //for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            //    char[] pwToGuess = BankOfBitsNBytes.GenerateRandomCharArray(pwLength);
            //    string s = BankOfBitsNBytes.CharArrayToString(pwToGuess);
            //    int returnedAmt = bbb.WithdrawMoney(BankOfBitsNBytes.GenerateRandomCharArray(pwLength));
            //    Console.WriteLine("Returned amt: " + returnedAmt);