예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the <see cref="Control.Load"/> event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">An <see cref="EventArgs"/> object that contains the event data.</param>
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
            // set up committee list
            foreach (char id in _dsh.CommitteeNames.Keys)
                _committeeList.Items.Add(new ListItem(string.Format("{0} ({1})", _dsh.CommitteeNames[id], id), id.ToString()));
            // show default committee, else show first committee
            char?primaryID = AuthorizedCommittee.GetPrimaryCommitteeID(CPProfile.Cid, CPProfile.ElectionCycle);

            if (primaryID.HasValue)
                ListItem item = _committeeList.Items.FindByValue(primaryID.Value.ToString());
                if (!object.Equals(item, null))
                    item.Selected = true;
                    FilterByCommittee(null, null);
                _committeeList.SelectedIndex = 0;
                FilterByCommittee(null, null);
예제 #2
 public static CommitteeProfileViewModel CommitteeProfileFrom(AuthorizedCommittee comm)
     if (comm == null)
         return new CommitteeProfileViewModel
                    ContactInfo    = new ContactInfoViewModel(),
                    MailingAddress = new AddressViewModel(),
                    Treasurer      = new CampaignStaffViewModel()
     return(new CommitteeProfileViewModel
         ID = comm.ID,
         Name = comm.Name,
         ContactInfo = ContactInfoFrom(comm, urls: comm.WebsiteUrl, hasUrls: true),
         IsPrincipal = comm.IsPrincipal,
         IsActive = comm.IsActive,
         BoeAuthDate = comm.BoeDate,
         TerminationDate = comm.TerminationDate,
         MailingAddress = AddressFrom(comm.MailingAdress),
         Treasurer = CampaignStaffFrom(comm.Treasurer),
         // previous election
         LastElectionDate = comm.LastElectionDate,
         LastOfficeSought = comm.LastElectionOffice,
         LastDistrict = comm.LastElectionDistrict,
         LastPrimaryParty = comm.LastPrimaryParty
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Event handler for updating control fields with the details of a campaign bank account.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">An <see cref="EventArgs"/> object that contains the event data.</param>
        protected void ShowBankAccount(object sender, EventArgs e)
            BankAccount ba;
            byte        id = 0;

            if (byte.TryParse(_bankAccountsList.SelectedValue.Substring(1), out id) && (id > 0))
                string committeeID     = _bankAccountsList.SelectedValue.Substring(0, 1);
                AuthorizedCommittee ac = GetAuthorizedCommittee(committeeID);
                // fetch bank account
                if (!ac.BankAccounts.TryGetValue(id, out ba))
                    _bankError.Text             = "Sorry, the requested bank account could not be retrieved.";
                    _bankError.Visible          = true;
                    _bankAccountDetails.Visible = false;
                if (ba == null)
                    // error: no bank accounts
                    _bankError.Text             = string.Format("You do not currently have any bank accounts affiliated with your campaign for the {0} election", CPProfile.ElectionCycle);
                    _bankError.Visible          = true;
                    _bankAccountDetails.Visible = false;
                    // show bank account data
                    _bankError.Visible          = false;
                    _bankAccountDetails.Visible = true;
                    _bankName.Value             = ba.BankName;
                    _bankCity.Value             = ba.City;
                    _bankState.Value            = ba.State;
                    _bankZip.Value        = (ba.Zip != null) ? ba.Zip.ToString() : null;
                    _dateOpened.Value     = ba.OpeningDate.HasValue ? ba.OpeningDate.Value.ToDateString() : null;
                    _dateClosed.Value     = ba.ClosingDate.HasValue ? ba.ClosingDate.Value.ToDateString() : null;
                    _balance.Value        = ba.CurrentBalance.ToString("C", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                    _balanceDate.Value    = ba.CurrentBalanceDate.HasValue ? ba.CurrentBalanceDate.Value.ToDateString() : null;
                    _accountNumber.Value  = ba.Number;
                    _accountName.Value    = ba.Name;
                    _directDeposit.Value  = ba.HasDirectDeposit ? "Yes" : "No";
                    _accountType.Value    = ba.Type == BankAccountType.Other ? ba.OtherTypeSpecification : CPConvert.ToString(ba.Type);
                    _accountPurpose.Value = ba.Purpose == BankAccountPurpose.Other ? ba.OtherPurposeSpecification : CPConvert.ToString(ba.Purpose);
                _bankAccountDetails.Visible = false;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates control fields with an authorized committee's details.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The CFIS ID of the authorized committee to display.</param>
        private void ShowCommittee(char?id)
            AuthorizedCommittee ac = id.HasValue ? GetAuthorizedCommittee(id.Value) : GetDefaultCommittee();

            if (ac == null)
                _errorMessage.Text        = "Sorry, the committee you have requested could not be retrieved.";
                _errorMessage.Visible     = true;
                _committeeDetails.Visible = false;
예제 #5
        // GET: Profile/Committee/Details/L
        public ActionResult Details(char?id)
            if (id == null)
            AuthorizedCommittee comm = null;

            if (id.HasValue)
                comm = FindCommittee(id.Value);
            if (comm != null)
예제 #6
        // GET: Filings/DisclosureStatements
        public ActionResult Index(char?committeeID, byte?statementNumber)
            bool idSpecified = committeeID.HasValue || statementNumber.HasValue;
            var  data        = GetDisclosureStatementData();

            if (!committeeID.HasValue)
                committeeID = AuthorizedCommittee.GetPrimaryCommitteeID(CPProfile.Cid, CPProfile.ElectionCycle);
            if (committeeID.HasValue && data != null && data.CommitteeNames.ContainsKey(committeeID.Value))
                var statements = data.CommitteeStatements[committeeID.Value].Values;
                if (statements.Any())
                    return(Statement(committeeID.Value, statements.Max(s => s.Number)));
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves all authorized committees for a candidate in a specific election cycle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="candidateID">The ID of the candidate whose authorized committees are to be retrieved.</param>
        /// <param name="electionCycle">The election cycle in which to search.</param>
        /// <returns>A collection of all authorized committees on record for the specified candidate and election cycle.</returns>
        public AuthorizedCommittees GetAuthorizedCommittees(string candidateID, string electionCycle)
            using (AuthorizedCommitteeTds ds = new AuthorizedCommitteeTds())
                using (AuthorizedCommitteesTableAdapter ta = new AuthorizedCommitteesTableAdapter())
                    ta.Fill(ds.AuthorizedCommittees, candidateID, electionCycle);
                AuthorizedCommittees c = new AuthorizedCommittees(ds.AuthorizedCommittees.Count);
                foreach (AuthorizedCommitteeTds.AuthorizedCommitteesRow row in ds.AuthorizedCommittees.Rows)
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(row.CommitteeID))

                    // basic committee info
                    AuthorizedCommittee ac = new AuthorizedCommittee(row.CommitteeID.ToCharArray()[0])
                        // authorized committee info
                        NotarizationDate = row.IsSwornDateNull() ? null : row.SwornDate as DateTime?,
                        IsActive         = "Y".Equals(row.IsActive.Trim(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase),
                        IsPrincipal      = "Y".Equals(row.IsPrincipal.Trim(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase),
                        ContactOrder     = CPConvert.ToContactOrder(row.TreasurerContactOrder),
                        LastUpdated      = row.LastUpdated,

                        // treasurer info
                        Treasurer = new Entity()
                            Type          = EntityType.Treasurer,
                            Honorific     = CPConvert.ToHonorific(row.TreasurerHonorificCode.Trim()),
                            LastName      = row.TreasurerLastName.Trim(),
                            FirstName     = row.TreasurerFirstName.Trim(),
                            MiddleInitial = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(row.TreasurerMI) ? null : row.TreasurerMI.Trim().ToCharArray()[0] as char?,
                            Address       = new PostalAddress()
                                StreetNumber = row.TreasurerStreetNumber.Trim(),
                                StreetName   = row.TreasurerStreetName.Trim(),
                                Apartment    = row.TreasurerApartment.Trim(),
                                City         = row.TreasurerCity.Trim(),
                                State        = row.TreasurerState.Trim(),
                                Zip          = new ZipCode(row.TreasurerZip.Trim())
                            DaytimePhone = new PhoneNumber(row.TreasurerDaytimePhone.Trim())
                                Extension = row.TreasurerDaytimePhoneExt.Trim()
                            EveningPhone = new PhoneNumber(row.TreasurerEveningPhone.Trim())
                                Extension = row.TreasurerEveningPhoneExt.Trim()
                            Fax          = new PhoneNumber(row.TreasurerFax.Trim()),
                            Email        = row.TreasurerEmail.Trim(),
                            ContactOrder = CPConvert.ToContactOrder(row.TreasurerContactOrder),
                            // treasurer employer
                            Employer = new Entity()
                                Type     = EntityType.Employer,
                                LastName = row.TreasurerEmployerName.Trim(),
                                Address  = new PostalAddress()
                                    StreetNumber = row.TreasurerEmployerStreetNumber.Trim(),
                                    StreetName   = row.TreasurerEmployerStreetName.Trim(),
                                    City         = row.TreasurerEmployerCity.Trim(),
                                    State        = row.TreasurerEmployerState.Trim(),
                                    Zip          = new ZipCode(row.TreasurerEmployerZip.Trim())
                                DaytimePhone = new PhoneNumber(row.TreasurerEmployerPhone.Trim())
                                    Extension = row.TreasurerEmployerPhoneExt.Trim()
                                Fax = new PhoneNumber(row.TreasurerEmployerFax.Trim()),

                        // last election info
                        LastElectionDate     = row.IsLastElectionDateNull() ? null : row.LastElectionDate as DateTime?,
                        LastElectionOffice   = row.LastElectionOffice.Trim(),
                        LastElectionDistrict = row.LastElectionDistrict.Trim(),
                        LastPrimaryParty     = row.IsLastPrimaryPartyNull() ? null : row.LastPrimaryParty.Trim()

                    // liaisons
                    ac.Liaisons = this.GetLiaisons(candidateID, ac.ID);

                    // bank accounts
                    ac.BankAccounts = this.GetBankAccounts(candidateID, electionCycle, ac.ID);

                    c.Committees.Add(ac.ID, ac);
예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the ID for a committee treasurer.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="c">The <see cref="AuthorizedCommittee"/> affiliated with the treasurer.</param>
 /// <returns>An identifier for the treasurer of committee <paramref name="c"/>.</returns>
 private string GetTreasurerID(AuthorizedCommittee c)
     return((c != null) ? TreasurerPrefix + c.ID + _electionCycle : string.Empty);
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Event handler for updating control fields with a campaign liaison's details.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">An <see cref="EventArgs"/> object that contains the event data.</param>
        protected void ShowLiaison(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Liaison       l;
            PostalAddress address;
            byte          id = 0;

            if (byte.TryParse(_liaisonList.SelectedValue.Substring(1), out id) && (id > 0))
                string committeeID     = _liaisonList.SelectedValue.Substring(0, 1);
                AuthorizedCommittee ac = GetAuthorizedCommittee(committeeID);
                // fetch liaison
                if (!ac.Liaisons.TryGetValue(id, out l))
                    _liaisonError.Text      = "Sorry, the requested campaign contact could not be retrieved.";
                    _liaisonError.Visible   = true;
                    _liaisonDetails.Visible = false;
                if (l == null)
                    // error: no liaisons
                    _liaisonError.Text      = string.Format("You do not currently have any campaign liaisons or consultants for the {0} election.", CPProfile.ElectionCycle);
                    _liaisonError.Visible   = true;
                    _liaisonDetails.Visible = false;
                    // show liaison data
                    _liaisonError.Visible       = false;
                    _liaisonDetails.Visible     = true;
                    _liaisonType.Value          = l.LiaisonType.ToString <LiaisonType>();
                    _liaisonOrder.Value         = CPConvert.ToString(l.ContactOrder);
                    _liaisonSalutation.Value    = CPConvert.ToString(l.Honorific);
                    _liaisonLastName.Value      = l.LastName;
                    _liaisonFirstName.Value     = l.FirstName;
                    _liaisonMiddleInitial.Value = l.MiddleInitial.HasValue ? l.MiddleInitial.Value.ToString() : null;
                    address = l.Address;
                    if (address != null)
                        _liaisonStreetNumber.Value = address.StreetNumber;
                        _liaisonStreetName.Value   = address.StreetName;
                        _liaisonApartment.Value    = address.Apartment;
                        _liaisonCity.Value         = address.City;
                        _liaisonState.Value        = CPConvert.ParseStateCode(address.State);
                        _liaisonZip.Value          = (address.Zip != null) ? address.Zip.ToString() : null;
                        _liaisonStreetNumber.Value = _liaisonStreetName.Value = _liaisonApartment.Value = _liaisonCity.Value = _liaisonState.Value = _liaisonZip.Value = null;
                    _liaisonDaytimePhone.Value = (l.DaytimePhone != null) ? l.DaytimePhone.ToString() : null;
                    _liaisonEveningPhone.Value = (l.EveningPhone != null) ? l.EveningPhone.ToString() : null;
                    _liaisonFax.Value          = (l.Fax != null) ? l.Fax.ToString() : null;
                    _liaisonEmail.Value        = l.Email;
                    _liaisonManagerial.Value   = l.HasManagerialControl ? "Yes" : "No";
                    _liaisonVG.Value           = l.IsVGLiaison ? "Yes" : "No";
                    _entityName.Visible        = l.LiaisonType == LiaisonType.Consultant;
                    _entityName.Value          = l.EntityName;
                _liaisonDetails.Visible = false;
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates control fields with an authorized committee's details.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ac">The authorized committee to display.</param>
        private void ShowCommittee(AuthorizedCommittee ac)
            PostalAddress address;

            if (ac == null)
                _errorMessage.Text        = string.Format("You do not currently have any committees authorized for the {0} election.", CPProfile.ElectionCycle);
                _errorMessage.Visible     = true;
                _committeeDetails.Visible = false;
                // show committee data
                _committeeDetails.Visible = true;
                // committee info
                _principal.Value       = ac.IsPrincipal ? "Yes" : "No";
                _active.Value          = ac.IsActive ? "Yes" : "No";
                _boeDate.Value         = (ac.BoeDate != null) ? ((DateTime)ac.BoeDate).ToDateString() : null;
                _terminationDate.Value = (_terminationDate.Visible = (ac.TerminationDate != null)) ? ((DateTime)ac.TerminationDate).ToDateString() : null;

                // address info
                address = ac.Address;
                if (address != null)
                    _StreetNumber.Value = address.StreetNumber;
                    _StreetName.Value   = address.StreetName;
                    _Apartment.Value    = address.Apartment;
                    _City.Value         = address.City;
                    _State.Value        = CPConvert.ParseStateCode(address.State);
                    _Zip.Value          = (address.Zip != null) ? address.Zip.ToString() : null;
                    _StreetNumber.Value = _StreetName.Value = _Apartment.Value = _City.Value = _State.Value = _Zip.Value = null;

                // last election info
                _lastDate.Value     = (ac.LastElectionDate != null) ? ((DateTime)ac.LastElectionDate).ToDateString() : null;
                _lastOffice.Value   = ac.LastElectionOffice;
                _lastDistrict.Value = ac.LastElectionDistrict;
                _lastParty.Value    = ac.LastPrimaryParty;

                // mailing address info
                address = ac.MailingAdress;
                if (address != null)
                    _mailingLine1.Value        = address.AddressLine1;
                    _mailingStreetNumber.Value = address.StreetNumber;
                    _mailingStreetName.Value   = address.StreetName;
                    _mailingApartment.Value    = address.Apartment;
                    _mailingCity.Value         = address.City;
                    _mailingState.Value        = CPConvert.ParseStateCode(address.State);
                    _mailingZip.Value          = (address.Zip != null) ? address.Zip.ToString() : null;
                    _mailingLine1.Value = _mailingStreetNumber.Value = _mailingStreetName.Value = _mailingApartment.Value = _mailingCity.Value = _mailingState.Value = _mailingZip.Value = null;

                // contact info
                _daytimePhone.Value = (ac.DaytimePhone != null) ? ac.DaytimePhone.ToString() : null;
                _eveningPhone.Value = (ac.EveningPhone != null) ? ac.EveningPhone.ToString() : null;
                _fax.Value          = (ac.Fax != null) ? ac.Fax.ToString() : null;
                _email.Value        = (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ac.Email)) ? string.Format("<a href=\"mailto:{0}\">{0}</a>", ac.Email) : null;
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ac.WebsiteUrl))
                    string url = ac.WebsiteUrl;
                    if (!url.StartsWith("http://"))
                        url = "http://" + url;
                    _webUrl.Value = string.Format("<a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">{0}</a>", url);
                    _webUrl.Value = null;

                // treasurer info
                Entity treasurer = ac.Treasurer;
                if (treasurer != null)
                    _salutation.Value   = CPConvert.ToString(treasurer.Honorific);
                    _lastName.Value     = treasurer.LastName;
                    _firstName.Value    = treasurer.FirstName;
                    _mi.Value           = treasurer.MiddleInitial.HasValue ? treasurer.MiddleInitial.Value.ToString() : null;
                    _contactOrder.Value = treasurer.ContactOrder.ToString();
                    address             = treasurer.Address;
                    if (address != null)
                        _treasStreetNumber.Value = address.StreetNumber;
                        _treasStreetName.Value   = address.StreetName;
                        _treasApartment.Value    = address.Apartment;
                        _treasCity.Value         = address.City;
                        _treasState.Value        = CPConvert.ParseStateCode(address.State);
                        _treasZip.Value          = (address.Zip != null) ? address.Zip.ToString() : null;
                        _treasStreetNumber.Value = _treasStreetName.Value = _treasApartment.Value = _treasCity.Value = _treasState.Value = _treasZip.Value = null;
                    _treasDaytimePhone.Value = (treasurer.DaytimePhone != null) ? treasurer.DaytimePhone.ToString() : null;
                    _treasEveningPhone.Value = (treasurer.EveningPhone != null) ? treasurer.EveningPhone.ToString() : null;
                    _treasFax.Value          = (treasurer.Fax != null) ? treasurer.Fax.ToString() : null;
                    _treasEmail.Value        = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(treasurer.Email) ? string.Format("<a href=\"mailto:{0}\">{0}</a>", treasurer.Email) : null;

                    // treasurer employer info
                    Entity employer = treasurer.Employer;
                    if (employer != null)
                        _empName.Value = employer.LastName;
                        address        = employer.Address;
                        if (address != null)
                            _empStreetNumber.Value = address.StreetNumber;
                            _empStreetName.Value   = address.StreetName;
                            _empCity.Value         = address.City;
                            _empState.Value        = CPConvert.ParseStateCode(address.State);
                            _empZip.Value          = (address.Zip != null) ? address.Zip.ToString() : null;
                            _empStreetNumber.Value = _empStreetName.Value = _empCity.Value = _empState.Value = _empZip.Value = null;
                        _empPhone.Value = (employer.DaytimePhone != null) ? employer.DaytimePhone.ToString() : null;
                        _empFax.Value   = (employer.Fax != null) ? employer.Fax.ToString() : null;
                        _empName.Value = _empStreetNumber.Value = _empStreetName.Value = _empCity.Value = _empState.Value = _empZip.Value = _empPhone.Value = _empFax.Value = _empPhone.Value = _empFax.Value = null;
                    _treasStreetNumber.Value = _treasStreetName.Value = _treasApartment.Value = _treasCity.Value = _treasState.Value = _treasZip.Value = _treasDaytimePhone.Value = _treasEveningPhone.Value = _treasFax.Value = null;

                // update liaison list
                _liaisonError.Visible   = false;
                _liaisonDetails.Visible = false;
                ListItem item = _liaisonList.Items[0];
                foreach (Liaison l in ac.Liaisons.Values)
                    string name = l.Name;
                    if (l.LiaisonType == LiaisonType.Consultant)
                        name += " *";
                    _liaisonList.Items.Add(new ListItem(name, ac.ID + l.ID.ToString()));

                // update bank accounts list
                _bankError.Visible          = false;
                _bankAccountDetails.Visible = false;
                item = _bankAccountsList.Items[0];
                foreach (BankAccount ba in ac.BankAccounts.Values)
                    _bankAccountsList.Items.Add(new ListItem(string.Format("{0} ({1})", ba.BankName, ba.Number), ac.ID + ba.ID.ToString()));