예제 #1
    public void PerformMissionTest()
        IArmy army = new Army();

        army.AddSoldier(new Corporal("Pepo", 12, 23, 2));
        army.AddSoldier(new Corporal("Ricky", 29, 29, 20));
        IWareHouse wareHouse = new WareHouse();

        wareHouse.AddAmmunitions("AutomaticMachine", 12);
        wareHouse.AddAmmunitions("Gun", 3);
        wareHouse.AddAmmunitions("Helmet", 5);
        wareHouse.AddAmmunitions("Knife", 12);
        wareHouse.AddAmmunitions("MachineGun", 3);
        wareHouse.AddAmmunitions("NightVision", 5);
        wareHouse.AddAmmunitions("RPG", 56);
        MissionController mc = new MissionController(army, wareHouse);

        mc.Missions.Enqueue(new Easy(12.5));
        mc.Missions.Enqueue(new Hard(56));
        mc.Missions.Enqueue(new Hard(5));
        mc.Missions.Enqueue(new Hard(6));

        string res = mc.PerformMission(new Easy(23));
        int    n   = res.Length;

        Assert.AreEqual(229, n);
    public void InitialTest()
        IArmy army = new Army();

        army.AddSoldier(new Ranker("Ivan", 47, 23, 100));
        army.AddSoldier(new Corporal("Ivaylo", 21, 78, 100));

        IAmmunitionFactory ammunitionFactory = new AmmunitionFactory();

        IWareHouse warehouse = new WareHouse(ammunitionFactory);

        warehouse.AddAmmunitions("Gun", 2);
        warehouse.AddAmmunitions("AutomaticMachine", 2);
        warehouse.AddAmmunitions("MachineGun", 1);
        warehouse.AddAmmunitions("Helmet", 2);
        warehouse.AddAmmunitions("Knife", 1);

        this.controller = new MissionController(army, warehouse);
예제 #3
        protected void TrySpawnUnit(string soldierType)
            // Check if the player can afford this soldier
            int cost = SoldierRegistry.GetSoldierCost(soldierType);

            if (!owner.CanAfford(cost) || owner.Population <= 0)

            // Set this soldier in the world if possible
            Tile currentTile = ((GameWorld as Grid)[positionInGrid] as Tile);

            if (!currentTile.Occupied)
                // Nothing here, just place it in this square
                Army army = new Army(positionInGrid.X, positionInGrid.Y, owner);
                army.AddSoldier(SoldierRegistry.GetSoldier(soldierType, owner));
            else if (currentTile.Unit.Owner == owner && currentTile.Unit is Army)
                // Our own army is here, just place it in there :)
                Army a = currentTile.Unit as Army;
                if (a.GetTotalUnitCount() >= 20)
                a.AddSoldier(SoldierRegistry.GetSoldier(soldierType, owner));
                // We can't place it, just stop this whole function

            // Buy the soldier, as we placed it.
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a player wins a battle (because all enemies died).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="winningPlayer">The player that won the battle.</param>
        private void OnPlayerWinBattle(Player winningPlayer)
            // Unset attacker and defender
            attackingPlayer = null;
            defendingPlayer = null;

            // Find what's left of our army
            Army remainingArmy = new Army(0, 0, winningPlayer);

            ForEach(obj => {
                Tile t = obj as Tile;

                // See if there's a Soldier belonging to the winning player here
                if (t.Occupied && t.Unit.Owner == winningPlayer)
                    remainingArmy.AddSoldier(t.Unit as Soldier);

            // Tell economy grid what's left and go back to economy grid