예제 #1
        public async void Initialize(MyAppContext context)

            string ownerId = "";

            // Check for Data
            if (context.Users.Any())
                _logger.LogWarning(string.Format("{0} : DataBase already seeded", System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()));
                return;   // DB has been seeded

            _logger.LogInformation(string.Format("{0} : Preparing to seed database", System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()));

            var AppUsers = new AppUser[]
                new AppUser {
                    UserName = "******", FirstName = "Admin", LastName = "Bob", Email = "*****@*****.**"
                new AppUser {
                    UserName = "******", FirstName = "User", LastName = "Bob", Email = "*****@*****.**"

            foreach (AppUser seed in AppUsers)
                var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(seed, "mtlmtl");

                await context.UserProfile.AddAsync(new UserProfile { IdentityId = seed.Id, Location = "MTL" });

                ownerId = seed.Id;
            ///User END

            var TimeLines = new TimeLine[]
                new TimeLine {
                    name = "TimeLine1", description = "A time line about ...", lastModified = DateTime.Now, owner = AppUsers[1]
                new TimeLine {
                    name = "TimeLine2", description = "When I lived in ....", lastModified = DateTime.Now, owner = AppUsers[1]
                new TimeLine {
                    name = "TimeLine3", description = "My time in Arkano....", lastModified = DateTime.Now, owner = AppUsers[1]
                new TimeLine {
                    name = "TimeLine4", description = "WTF??", lastModified = DateTime.Now, owner = AppUsers[1]

            foreach (TimeLine seed in TimeLines)

            DateTime dateOne   = new DateTime(2010, 4, 16);
            DateTime dateTwo   = new DateTime(1984, 6, 7);
            DateTime dateThree = new DateTime(2010, 09, 16);;
            DateTime dateFour  = new DateTime(2017, 7, 1);

            var Memories = new Memory[]
                new Memory {
                    name = "My first memory", description = "Really old", lastModified = DateTime.Now, date = dateOne, timeLine = TimeLines[0]
                new Memory {
                    name = "Second", description = "Old", lastModified = DateTime.Now, date = dateTwo, timeLine = TimeLines[0]
                new Memory {
                    name = "Third", description = "Not too bad", lastModified = DateTime.Now, date = dateThree, timeLine = TimeLines[0]
                new Memory {
                    name = "Fourth", description = "Yesterday?", lastModified = DateTime.Now, date = dateFour, timeLine = TimeLines[0]

            foreach (Memory seed in Memories)

            //var computers = new Computer[]
            //new Computer{ ConfiguracionName = "The Basic", HardDrive = "512GB HDD", Memory = Memories[0], Processor = "AMD", LastModified=DateTime.Now},
            //new Computer{ ConfiguracionName = "The Internet", HardDrive = "128GB SDD", Memory = Memories[1], Processor = "Intel i3", LastModified=DateTime.Now},
            //new Computer{ ConfiguracionName = "The Gamer", HardDrive = "1TB HDD", Memory = Memories[2], Processor = "Intel i5", LastModified=DateTime.Now},
            //new Computer{ ConfiguracionName = "The Beast", HardDrive = "512GB SDD", Memory = Memories[3], Processor = "Intel i7", LastModified=DateTime.Now}
            //foreach (Computer c in computers)
            //    context.Computers.Add(c);

            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.LogError(string.Format("{0} : DataBase seeding error", System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()), ex);

            _logger.LogInformation(string.Format("{0} : Seeded Database with {1} {2}", System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), AppUsers.Count(), "AppUsers"));
            _logger.LogInformation(string.Format("{0} : Seeded Database with {1} {2}", System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), AppUsers.Count(), "UserProfiles"));
            _logger.LogInformation(string.Format("{0} : Seeded Database with {1} {2}", System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), Memories.Count(), "Memories"));
            _logger.LogInformation(string.Format("{0} : Seeded Database with {1} {2}", System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), TimeLines.Count(), "TimeLines"));
            _logger.LogInformation(string.Format("{0} : DataBase Initializing Complete", System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()));