public AmendResponseHolder DoTermsAndConditionsAmendment(String subscriptionId, DateTime effectiveDate, String termType, int initialTerm, int renewalTerm, AmendOptions ao = null, PreviewOptions po = null) { AmendRequest amendRequest = new AmendRequest(); Amendment amendment = new Amendment(); if (ao != null) { amendRequest.AmendOptions = ao; } if (po != null) { amendRequest.PreviewOptions = po; } amendment.Name = "T's and C's amendment"; amendment.Type = "TermsAndConditions"; amendment.ContractEffectiveDate = effectiveDate; amendment.ContractEffectiveDateSpecified = true; if(termType != null) amendment.TermType = termType; amendment.InitialTerm = initialTerm; amendment.InitialTermSpecified = true; amendment.RenewalTerm = renewalTerm; amendment.RenewalTermSpecified = true; amendment.SubscriptionId = subscriptionId; amendRequest.Amendments = new Amendment[] { amendment }; return zs.Amend(new List<AmendRequest> { amendRequest })[0]; }
public AmendResponseHolder DoAddProductAmendment(String subscriptionId, DateTime effectiveDate, String productRatePlanId, AmendOptions ao = null, PreviewOptions po = null) { AmendRequest amendRequest = new AmendRequest(); Amendment amendment = new Amendment(); amendment.Name = "Add Product Amendment"; amendment.Type = "NewProduct"; amendment.ContractEffectiveDate = effectiveDate; amendment.ContractEffectiveDateSpecified = true; amendment.SubscriptionId = subscriptionId; RatePlanData ratePlanData = new RatePlanData(); RatePlan ratePlan = new RatePlan(); ratePlan.ProductRatePlanId = productRatePlanId; ratePlanData.RatePlan = ratePlan; amendment.RatePlanData = ratePlanData; if (ao != null) { amendRequest.AmendOptions = ao; } if (po != null) { amendRequest.PreviewOptions = po; } amendRequest.Amendments = new Amendment[] { amendment }; return zs.Amend(new List<AmendRequest> { amendRequest })[0]; }
public void CanWeApplyElectronicPaymentToMultipleInvoices() { AmendOptions ao = new AmendOptions(); ao.GenerateInvoiceSpecified = true; ao.GenerateInvoice = true; //make an account with multiple invoices SubscribeResponseHolder subRes = zth.MakeSubscription(false); AmendResponseHolder amendRes = sm.DoAddProductAmendment(subRes.SubRes.SubscriptionId, DateTime.Now, zth.CreateRatePlanToSubscribe(), ao); ResponseHolder invList = am.GetInvoicesForAccount(subRes.SubRes.AccountId); List<String> invIdsList = new List<String>(); Decimal invAmount = 0; foreach (zObject z in invList.Objects) { Invoice inv = (Invoice)z; invAmount += (Decimal)inv.Amount; invIdsList.Add(inv.Id); } //get the payment method id ResponseHolder pmRes = am.GetCreditCardsForAccount(subRes.SubRes.AccountId); ResponseHolder createRes = pm.ApplyPaymentToMultipleInvoices(subRes.SubRes.AccountId, invIdsList.ToArray(), pmRes.Objects[0].Id, invAmount, "Electronic"); Assert.True(createRes.Success); }
public void CanWeDoAddProductAmendment() { AmendOptions ao = new AmendOptions(); ao.GenerateInvoiceSpecified = true; ao.GenerateInvoice = false; String subId = zth.MakeSubscription(true).SubRes.SubscriptionId; String productRatePlanId = zth.CreateRatePlanToSubscribe(); AmendResponseHolder amendRes = sm.DoAddProductAmendment(subId, DateTime.Now, productRatePlanId, ao); Assert.True(amendRes.Success); }
public AmendResponseHolder DoRenewalAmendment(String subscriptionId, DateTime effectiveDate, AmendOptions ao = null, PreviewOptions po = null) { AmendRequest amendRequest = new AmendRequest(); Amendment amendment = new Amendment(); if (ao != null) { amendRequest.AmendOptions = ao; } if (po != null) { amendRequest.PreviewOptions = po; } amendment.Name = "Renewal amendment"; amendment.Type = "Renewal"; amendment.ContractEffectiveDate = effectiveDate; amendment.ContractEffectiveDateSpecified = true; amendment.SubscriptionId = subscriptionId; amendRequest.Amendments = new Amendment[] { amendment }; return zs.Amend(new List<AmendRequest> { amendRequest })[0]; }
protected void DoAction(object sender, EventArgs e) { zs = (ZuoraService)Session["zs"]; AccountManager am = new AccountManager(zs); PaymentManager pm = new PaymentManager(zs); ProductCatalogManager pcm = new ProductCatalogManager(zs, "C:\\localCache.txt"); SubscriptionManager sm = new SubscriptionManager(zs); if (zs != null) { var operation = ddl1.SelectedValue; if (operation == "Create Account") { result.Text += "<br/>"; Account acc = new Account(); acc.Name = AccountName.Text; acc.BillCycleDaySpecified = true; acc.BillCycleDay = Convert.ToInt16(BillCycleDay.Text); acc.Currency = Currency.Text; acc.PaymentTerm = PaymentTermDropDown.SelectedValue; acc.Batch = Batch.Text; Contact con = new Contact(); con.Address1 = Address1.Text; con.Address2 = Address2.Text; con.City = City.Text; con.State = State.Text; con.LastName = LastName.Text; con.FirstName = FirstName.Text; con.Country = Country.Text; con.PostalCode = Zip.Text; var res = am.CreateAccount(acc, con); result.Text += res.Success ? res.Id : res.Message; } else if (operation == "Create Child Account And Increase Credit Balance") { result.Text += "<br/>"; Account acc = new Account(); acc.Name = AccountName.Text; acc.BillCycleDaySpecified = true; acc.BillCycleDay = Convert.ToInt16(BillCycleDay.Text); acc.Currency = Currency.Text; acc.PaymentTerm = PaymentTermDropDown.SelectedValue; acc.Batch = Batch.Text; Contact con = new Contact(); con.Address1 = Address1.Text; con.Address2 = Address2.Text; con.City = City.Text; con.State = State.Text; con.LastName = LastName.Text; con.FirstName = FirstName.Text; con.Country = Country.Text; con.PostalCode = Zip.Text; var res = am.CreateChildAccountAndIncreaseCreditBalance(acc, ParentAccountId.Text, con, Convert.ToDecimal(AmountBox.Text)); result.Text += res.Success ? res.Id : res.Message; } else if (operation == "Cancel Credit Balance Adjustment On Invoice") { result.Text += "<br/>"; var res = pm.CancelCreditBalanceAdjustmentOnInvoice(InvoiceId.Text); result.Text += res.Success ? res.Id : res.Message; } else if (operation == "Get Invoices For Account") { result.Text += "<br/>"; var res = am.GetInvoicesForAccount(AccountId.Text); //string FIELDS_INVOICE = "Id, AccountId, AdjustmentAmount, Amount, AmountWithoutTax, Balance, Comments, CreatedDate, DueDate, IncludesOneTime, IncludesRecurring, IncludesUsage, InvoiceDate, InvoiceNumber, LastEmailSentDate, PaymentAmount, PostedDate, RefundAmount, Source, SourceId, Status, TargetDate, TaxAmount, TaxExemptAmount, TransferredToAccounting, UpdatedDate"; //var res = zs.Query(""); if (res.Success) { result.Text += "<br/>"; if (res.Objects != null) { foreach (zObject zo in res.Objects) { Invoice inv = (Invoice)zo; result.Text += "Invoice Number: " + inv.InvoiceNumber + " Invoice Amount: " + inv.Amount + " Status: " + inv.Status + "<br/>"; } } else { result.Text += res.Message; } } else { result.Text += res.Message; } } else if (operation == "Get Refunds For Account") { result.Text += "<br/>"; var res = am.GetRefundsForAccount(AccountId.Text); if (res.Success) { result.Text += "<br/>"; if (res.Objects != null) { foreach (zObject zo in res.Objects) { Refund refund = (Refund)zo; result.Text += "Refund Id: " + refund.Id + " Refund Amount: " + refund.Amount + "<br/>"; } } else { result.Text += res.Message; } } else { result.Text += res.Message; } } else if (operation == "Get Credit Balance Adjustments For Account") { result.Text += "<br/>"; var res = am.GetCreditBalanceAdjustmentsForAccount(AccountId.Text); if (res.Success) { result.Text += "<br/>"; if (res.Objects != null) { foreach (zObject zo in res.Objects) { CreditBalanceAdjustment cba = (CreditBalanceAdjustment)zo; result.Text += "CBA Id: " + cba.Id + " CBA Amount: " + cba.Amount + "<br/>"; } } else { result.Text += res.Message; } } else { result.Text += res.Message; } } else if (operation == "Get Credit Cards For Account") { result.Text += "<br/>"; var res = am.GetCreditCardsForAccount(AccountId.Text); if (res.Success) { result.Text += "<br/>"; if (res.Objects != null) { foreach (zObject zo in res.Objects) { PaymentMethod payMethod = (PaymentMethod)zo; result.Text += "PM Id: " + payMethod.Id + " PM Type: " + payMethod.Type + "<br/>"; } } else { result.Text += res.Message; } } else { result.Text += res.Message; } } else if (operation == "Get PO For Account") { result.Text += "<br/>"; var res = am.GetPOForAccount(AccountId.Text); result.Text += "PO: " + res; } else if (operation == "Get Account") { result.Text += "<br/>"; var res = am.GetAccount(AccountId.Text); if (res.Success && res.Objects != null) { Account acc = (Account)res.Objects[0]; result.Text += "Account Name: " + acc.Name + "<br/>"; result.Text += "Account Credit Balance: " + acc.CreditBalance + "<br/>"; } else { result.Text += res.Message; } } else if (operation == "Get Contact") { var res = am.GetContact(AccountId.Text); if (res.Success && res.Objects != null) { result.Text += "<br/>"; foreach (zObject zo in res.Objects) { Contact con = (Contact)zo; result.Text += "Contact First Name: " + con.FirstName + "<br/>"; result.Text += "Contact Last Name: " + con.LastName + "<br/>"; result.Text += "Contact Email: " + con.WorkEmail + "<br/>"; } } else { result.Text += res.Message; } } else if (operation == "Change Invoice Template") { result.Text += "<br/>"; var res = am.ChangeInvoiceTemplate(AccountId.Text, InvoiceTemplateId.Text); if (res.Success) { result.Text += res.Id; } else { result.Text += res.Message; } } else if (operation == "Does Account Name Exist In Zuora") { result.Text += "<br/>"; var res = am.DoesAccountNameExistInZuora(AccountName.Text); result.Text += "Account Exists? " + res; } else if (operation == "Get Child Account") { result.Text += "<br/>"; var res = am.GetChildAccount(AccountId.Text); if (res.Success && res.Objects != null) { Account acc = (Account)res.Objects[0]; result.Text += "Account Name: " + acc.Name + "<br/>"; result.Text += "Account Credit Balance: " + acc.CreditBalance + "<br/>"; } else { result.Text += res.Message; } } else if (operation == "Set Parent Account") { result.Text += "<br/>"; var res = am.SetParentAccount(ParentAccountId.Text, AccountId.Text); if (res.Success) { result.Text += "Success: " + res.Id; } else { result.Text += res.Message; } } else if (operation == "Get Single Invoice") { result.Text += "<br/>"; //var res = am.GetSingleInvoice(InvoiceId.Text); //var res = zs.Query("SELECT id, status FROM Invoice WHERE Id = '" + InvoiceId.Text + "'").FirstOrDefault<Invoice>(); Boolean withBody = false; //string FIELDS_INVOICE = "Id, AccountId, AdjustmentAmount, Amount, AmountWithoutTax, Balance, Comments, CreatedDate, DueDate, IncludesOneTime, IncludesRecurring, IncludesUsage, InvoiceDate, InvoiceNumber, LastEmailSentDate, PaymentAmount, PostedDate, RefundAmount, Source, SourceId, Status, TargetDate, TaxAmount, TaxExemptAmount, TransferredToAccounting, UpdatedDate"; string FIELDS_INVOICE = "Id, AccountId, AdjustmentAmount, Amount, AmountWithoutTax, Balance, Comments, CreatedDate, DueDate, IncludesOneTime, IncludesRecurring, IncludesUsage, InvoiceDate, InvoiceNumber, LastEmailSentDate, PaymentAmount, PostedDate, RefundAmount, Status"; var query = string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM invoice WHERE Id = '{1}'", FIELDS_INVOICE, InvoiceId.Text); var res = zs.Query(query); if (res.Success && res.Objects != null) { result.Text += "Success: " + res.Id; result.Text += "Invoice Amount: " + ((Invoice)res.Objects[0]).Amount; result.Text += " Status: " + ((Invoice)res.Objects[0]).Status; } else { result.Text += res.Message; } } else if (operation == "Increase Credit Balance") { var res = pm.IncreaseCreditBalance(AccountId.Text, Convert.ToDecimal(AmountBox.Text)); if (res.Success) { result.Text += "Success: " + res.Id; } else { result.Text += res.Message; } } else if (operation == "Apply Credit Balance To Invoice") { var res = pm.ApplyCreditBalanceToInvoice(InvoiceId.Text, Convert.ToDecimal(AmountBox.Text)); if (res.Success) { result.Text += "Success: " + res.Id; } else { result.Text += res.Message; } } else if (operation == "Refund Electronic Payment") { result.Text += "<br/>"; var res = pm.RefundElectronicPayment(PaymentId.Text, Convert.ToDecimal(RefundAmount.Text)); if (res.Success) { result.Text += "Success: " + res.Id; } else { result.Text += res.Message; } } else if (operation == "Decrease Credit Balance") { result.Text += "<br/>"; var res = pm.DecreaseCreditBalance(AccountId.Text, Convert.ToDecimal(AmountBox.Text)); if (res.Success) { result.Text += "Success: " + res.Id; } else { result.Text += res.Message; } } else if (operation == "Apply Payment To Invoice") { result.Text += "<br/>"; var res = pm.ApplyPaymentToInvoice(AccountId.Text, InvoiceId.Text, PaymentMethodId.Text, Convert.ToDecimal(PaymentAmount.Text),PaymentMethodType.SelectedValue ); if (res.Success) { result.Text += "Success: " + res.Id; } else { result.Text += res.Message; } } else if (operation == "Refund External Payment") { result.Text += "<br/>"; var res = pm.RefundExternalPayment(PaymentId.Text, Convert.ToDecimal(RefundAmount.Text), PaymentMethodType.SelectedValue, Convert.ToDateTime(RefundDate.Text) ); if (res.Success) { result.Text += "Success: " + res.Id; } else { result.Text += res.Message; } } else if (operation == "Get Product Catalog") { result.Text += "<br/>"; var res = pcm.GetProductCatalog(); if (res != null) { result.Text += "Success: " + "<br/>"; foreach (var ph in res) { result.Text += "<b>Product Name:</b>" + ph.Product.Name + "<br/>"; foreach (var prph in ph.ProductRatePlans) { result.Text += "<b>Product Rate Plan Name:</b>" + prph.ProductRatePlan.Name + "<br/>"; } } } else { result.Text += "Error"; } } else if (operation == "Get Rate Plan By Name") { result.Text += "<br/>"; var res = pcm.GetProductRatePlanByName(Name.Text); if (res != null) { result.Text += "Success: " + res.ProductRatePlan.Name; } else { result.Text += "Didn't find"; } } else if (operation == "Disable Rate Plan") { result.Text += "<br/>"; var res = pcm.DisableRatePlan(ProductRatePlanId.Text, Convert.ToDateTime(DisableDate.Text)); if (res.Success) { result.Text += "Success: " + res.Id; } else { result.Text += res.Message; } } else if (operation == "Get Product By Name") { result.Text += "<br/>"; var res = pcm.GetProductByName(Name.Text); if (res != null) { result.Text += "Success: " + res.Product.Name; } else { result.Text += "Didn't Find"; } } else if (operation == "Create Product") { result.Text += "<br/>"; Constants.ProductType pt = new Constants.ProductType(); if (ProductType.Text == "Application") { pt = Constants.ProductType.Application; } else if (ProductType.Text == "iCredits") { pt = Constants.ProductType.iCredits; } else if (ProductType.Text == "Storage") { pt = Constants.ProductType.Storage; } var res = pcm.CreateProduct(Name.Text, pt, SKU.Text, Description.Text); if (res != null) { result.Text += "Success: " + res.Product.Id; } else { result.Text += "Error"; } } else if (operation == "Create Rate Plan With One Time Charge") { Product prod = new Product(); prod.Id = ProductId.Text; result.Text += "<br/>"; var res = pcm.CreateRatePlanWithOneTimeCharge(prod, Name.Text, Convert.ToDecimal(Price.Text)); if (res != null) { result.Text += "Success: " + res.ProductRatePlan.Id; } else { result.Text += "Error"; } } else if (operation == "Delete Rate Plan") { pcm.DeleteRatePlan(IdToDelete.Text); } else if (operation == "Delete Product") { pcm.DeleteProduct(IdToDelete.Text); } else if (operation == "Change Price For Product") { List<ResponseHolder> resps = pcm.ChangePriceForProduct(ProductRatePlanChargeId.Text, new decimal[] { Convert.ToDecimal(Price.Text) }, "USD"); result.Text += "<br/>"; foreach (ResponseHolder resp in resps) { if (resp.Success) { result.Text += resp.Id; } else { result.Text += resp.Message; } } } else if (operation == "Subscribe") { result.Text += "<br/>"; Account acc = new Account(); acc.Name = AccountName.Text; acc.BillCycleDaySpecified = true; acc.BillCycleDay = Convert.ToInt16(BillCycleDay.Text); acc.Currency = Currency.Text; acc.PaymentTerm = PaymentTermDropDown.SelectedValue; acc.Batch = Batch.Text; Contact con = new Contact(); con.Address1 = Address1.Text; con.Address2 = Address2.Text; con.City = City.Text; con.State = State.Text; con.LastName = LastName.Text; con.FirstName = FirstName.Text; con.Country = Country.Text; con.PostalCode = Zip.Text; DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(SubscriptionDate.Text); Subscription sub = new Subscription(); sub.ContractAcceptanceDateSpecified = true; sub.ContractAcceptanceDate = date; sub.ServiceActivationDateSpecified = true; sub.ServiceActivationDate = date; sub.ContractEffectiveDateSpecified = true; sub.ContractEffectiveDate = date; sub.TermType = SubscriptionTermType.Text; if (SubscriptionTermType.Text == "TERMED") { sub.InitialTermSpecified = true; sub.InitialTerm = 12; sub.RenewalTermSpecified = true; sub.RenewalTerm = 12; } PreviewOptions po = new PreviewOptions(); po.EnablePreviewModeSpecified = false; po.EnablePreviewMode = false; SubscribeOptions so = new SubscribeOptions(); so.GenerateInvoiceSpecified = false; so.GenerateInvoice = false; so.ProcessPaymentsSpecified = false; so.ProcessPayments = false; ProductRatePlanHolder prph = pcm.GetProductRatePlanByName(ProductRatePlanName.Text); SubscribeResponseHolder resp = sm.Subscribe( acc, con, null, new List<ProductRatePlanHolder> { prph }, sub, po, so); if (resp.Success) { result.Text += resp.SubRes.AccountId; } else { result.Text += resp.Message; } } else if (operation == "Subscribe With Existing Account") { result.Text += "<br/>"; DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(SubscriptionDate.Text); Subscription sub = new Subscription(); sub.ContractAcceptanceDateSpecified = true; sub.ContractAcceptanceDate = date; sub.ServiceActivationDateSpecified = true; sub.ServiceActivationDate = date; sub.ContractEffectiveDateSpecified = true; sub.ContractEffectiveDate = date; sub.TermType = SubscriptionTermType.Text; if (SubscriptionTermType.Text == "TERMED") { sub.InitialTermSpecified = true; sub.InitialTerm = 12; sub.RenewalTermSpecified = true; sub.RenewalTerm = 12; } PreviewOptions po = new PreviewOptions(); po.EnablePreviewModeSpecified = false; po.EnablePreviewMode = false; SubscribeOptions so = new SubscribeOptions(); so.GenerateInvoiceSpecified = false; so.GenerateInvoice = false; so.ProcessPaymentsSpecified = false; so.ProcessPayments = false; ProductRatePlanHolder prph = pcm.GetProductRatePlanByName(ProductRatePlanName.Text); SubscribeResponseHolder resp = sm.SubscribeWithExisitingAccount(AccountId.Text, new List<ProductRatePlanHolder>{prph}, sub, po, so); if (resp.Success) { result.Text += resp.SubRes.AccountId; } else { result.Text += resp.Message; } } else if (operation == "Do Add Product Amendment") { AmendOptions ao = new AmendOptions(); ao.GenerateInvoiceSpecified = false; ao.GenerateInvoice = false; ao.ProcessPaymentsSpecified = true; ao.ProcessPayments = false; PreviewOptions po = new PreviewOptions(); po.EnablePreviewModeSpecified = false; po.EnablePreviewMode = false; AmendResponseHolder resp = sm.DoAddProductAmendment(SubscriptionId.Text, Convert.ToDateTime(AmendmentStartDate.Text), ProductRatePlanId.Text, ao, po); if (resp.Success) { result.Text += resp.AmendRes.AmendmentIds[0]; } else { result.Text += resp.Message; } } else if (operation == "Do Renewal Amendment") { AmendOptions ao = new AmendOptions(); ao.GenerateInvoiceSpecified = true; ao.GenerateInvoice = false; ao.ProcessPaymentsSpecified = true; ao.ProcessPayments = false; PreviewOptions po = new PreviewOptions(); po.EnablePreviewModeSpecified = false; po.EnablePreviewMode = false; AmendResponseHolder resp = sm.DoRenewalAmendment(SubscriptionId.Text, Convert.ToDateTime(AmendmentStartDate.Text), ao, po); if (resp.Success) { result.Text += resp.AmendRes.AmendmentIds[0]; } else { result.Text += resp.Message; } } else if (operation == "Do Terms And Conditions Amendment") { AmendOptions ao = new AmendOptions(); ao.GenerateInvoiceSpecified = true; ao.GenerateInvoice = false; ao.ProcessPaymentsSpecified = true; ao.ProcessPayments = false; PreviewOptions po = new PreviewOptions(); po.EnablePreviewModeSpecified = false; po.EnablePreviewMode = false; AmendResponseHolder resp = sm.DoTermsAndConditionsAmendment( SubscriptionId.Text, Convert.ToDateTime(AmendmentStartDate.Text), SubscriptionTermType.SelectedValue, Convert.ToInt32(InitialTerm.Text), Convert.ToInt32(RenewalTerm.Text), ao, po ); if (resp.Success) { result.Text += resp.AmendRes.AmendmentIds[0]; } else { result.Text += resp.Message; } } else if (operation == "Get Subscription And Charge Info") { SubscriptionInfoHolder sih = sm.GetSubscriptionAndChargeInfo(SubscriptionId.Text); if (sih.Success) { result.Text += "<b>SubId:</b>" + sih.Subscription.Id + "<br/>"; foreach (RatePlan rp in sih.RatePlanList) { result.Text += "<b>RP Name:</b>" + rp.Name + "<br/>"; } } else { result.Text += sih.Message; } } else if (operation == "Update Contact") { ResponseHolder resp = am.UpdateContact(AccountId.Text, LastName.Text, FirstName.Text, Address1.Text, City.Text, State.Text, Zip.Text, Country.Text); if (resp.Success) { result.Text += resp.Id; } else { result.Text += resp.Message; } } else if(operation == "Get Credit Cards") { ResponseHolder resp = am.GetCreditCardsPaymentMethods(AccountId.Text); if (resp.Success) { foreach (zObject zo in resp.Objects) { PaymentMethod paymentMethod = (PaymentMethod)zo; result.Text += "Payment Method: " + paymentMethod.Id + "<br/>"; } } else { result.Text += resp.Message; } } else if (operation == "Get Invoices PDF For Account") { result.Text += "<br/>"; var res = am.GetInvoicesForAccount(AccountId.Text); //string FIELDS_INVOICE = "Id, AccountId, AdjustmentAmount, Amount, AmountWithoutTax, Balance, Comments, CreatedDate, DueDate, IncludesOneTime, IncludesRecurring, IncludesUsage, InvoiceDate, InvoiceNumber, LastEmailSentDate, PaymentAmount, PostedDate, RefundAmount, Source, SourceId, Status, TargetDate, TaxAmount, TaxExemptAmount, TransferredToAccounting, UpdatedDate"; //var res = zs.Query(""); if (res.Success) { result.Text += "<br/>"; if (res.Objects != null) { Invoice invoice = (Invoice) res.Objects[0]; foreach (zObject zo in res.Objects) { Invoice inv = (Invoice)zo; if (inv.CreatedDate > invoice.CreatedDate) { invoice = inv; } result.Text += "Invoice Number: " + inv.InvoiceNumber + " Invoice Amount: " + inv.Amount + " Status: " + inv.Status + "<br/>"; } Invoice invRes = (Invoice)am.GetInvoicePDFForAccount(invoice.Id).Objects[0]; var invoiceBody = invRes.Body; Byte[] bytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(invoiceBody.ToString()); string pathString = @"C:\Users\sxuereb\Documents\Invoices"; string fileName = invRes.InvoiceNumber +".pdf"; pathString = System.IO.Path.Combine(pathString, fileName); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(pathString)) { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(pathString)) { for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++) { fs.WriteByte(bytes[i]); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("File \"{0}\" already exists.", fileName); return; } } else { result.Text += res.Message; } } else { result.Text += res.Message; } } /*else if(operation == "Get Current Subscription") { ResponseHolder resp = sm.GetCurrentSubscription(AccountId.Text); if (resp.Success) { } else { result.Text += resp.Message; } } else if(operation == "New Credit Card") { }*/ else if (operation == "Delete Payment Method") { List<ResponseHolder> resp = am.DeletePaymentMethod(PaymentMethodId.Text); if (resp[0].Success) { result.Text += "Successfully Deleted Payment Method."; } else { result.Text += resp[0].Message; } } } else { result.Text += "Please Login" + "<br/>"; } ddl1.SelectedIndex = 0; }
protected void btnGet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AmendOptions op = new AmendOptions(); AmendTransform amTransform = new AmendTransform(); //Transformation if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtWidth.Text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtHeight.Text)) { int width = int.Parse(txtWidth.Text); int height = int.Parse(txtHeight.Text); amTransform.Height(height); amTransform.Width(width); if (ddFit.SelectedValue != "0") { switch (ddFit.SelectedValue) { case "1": amTransform.Fit(Amend.FIT_XY); break; case "2": amTransform.Fit(Amend.FIT_WIDTH); break; case "3": amTransform.Fit(Amend.FIT_HEIGHT); break; case "4": amTransform.Fit(Amend.FIT_FILL); break; case "5": amTransform.Fit(Amend.FIT_INSIDE); break; case "6": amTransform.Fit(Amend.FIT_FACE); break; } } if (ddAlign.SelectedValue != "0") { switch (ddAlign.SelectedValue) { case "1": amTransform.Align(Amend.LEFT); break; case "2": amTransform.Align(Amend.RIGHT); break; case "3": amTransform.Align(Amend.CENTER); break; case "4": amTransform.Align(Amend.TOP); break; case "5": amTransform.Align(Amend.BOTTOM); break; } } if (ddListColor.SelectedValue != "0") { amTransform.Color(ddListColor.SelectedItem.Text); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtOriginX.Text)) { amTransform.X(int.Parse(txtOriginX.Text)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtOriginY.Text)) { amTransform.Y(int.Parse(txtOriginY.Text)); } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtWidth.Text)) { int width = int.Parse(txtWidth.Text); amTransform.Width(width); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtHeight.Text)) { int height = int.Parse(txtHeight.Text); amTransform.Height(height); } op.Transform(amTransform); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtBright.Text)) { op.Effects(new AmendEffects().Brightness(txtBright.Text)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtContrast.Text)) { op.Effects(new AmendEffects().Contrast(txtContrast.Text)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtOverlayImage.Text)) { AmendOverlay ov = new AmendOverlay(); ov.image(txtOverlayImage.Text); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtOverlayPosX.Text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtOverlayPosY.Text)) { ov.x(int.Parse(txtOverlayPosX.Text)); ov.y(int.Parse(txtOverlayPosX.Text)); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtOverlayPosX.Text)) { ov.x(int.Parse(txtOverlayPosX.Text)); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtOverlayPosY.Text)) { ov.y(int.Parse(txtOverlayPosY.Text)); } op.Overlay(ov); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtOverlayText.Text)) { AmendOverlay ov = new AmendOverlay(); ov.text(txtOverlayText.Text); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtTextSize.Text)) { ov.size(int.Parse(txtTextSize.Text)); } if (ddTextColor.SelectedValue != "0") { ov.color(ddTextColor.SelectedItem.Text); } if (chkBold.Checked) {; } if (chkItalic.Checked) {; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtOverlayPosX.Text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtOverlayPosY.Text)) { ov.x(int.Parse(txtOverlayPosX.Text)); ov.y(int.Parse(txtOverlayPosY.Text)); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtOverlayPosX.Text)) { ov.x(int.Parse(txtOverlayPosX.Text)); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtOverlayPosY.Text)) { ov.y(int.Parse(txtOverlayPosY.Text)); } op.Overlay(ov); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtQuality.Text)) { op.Quality(int.Parse(txtQuality.Text)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtRadius.Text)) { if (txtRadius.Text == "Max") { op.Radius(Amend.MAX); } else { op.Radius(int.Parse(txtRadius.Text)); } } if (chkFlipX.Checked && chkFlipY.Checked) { op.Flip(Amend.XY); } else if (chkFlipX.Checked) { op.Flip(Amend.X); } else if (chkFlipY.Checked) { op.Flip(Amend.Y); } if (chkInvert.Checked) { op.Invert(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtAngle.Text)) { op.Rotate(int.Parse(txtAngle.Text)); } op.GrayScale(chkGrayScale.Checked); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ImageId)) { Amend.Init().Load(ImageId, op).Into(Image1); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ImageUrl)) { Amend.Init().Fetch(ImageUrl, op).Into(Image1); } }