예제 #1
    private static void Main(string[] args)
    //  Purpose:
    //    MAIN is the main program for FEM2D_POISSON_CG.
    //  Discussion:
    //    This program is a variant of FEM2D_POISSON.  That program is
    //    particularly limited because of its use of banded matrix storage and
    //    solving routines.
    //    This program discards the banded approach.  Instead, it uses a
    //    sparse matrix storage format and a conjugate gradient solver,
    //    which allow this program to solve larger problems faster.
    //    This program solves the Poisson equation
    //      -DEL H(X,Y) DEL U(X,Y) + K(X,Y) * U(X,Y) = F(X,Y)
    //    in a triangulated region in the plane.
    //    Along the boundary of the region, Dirichlet conditions
    //    are imposed:
    //      U(X,Y) = G(X,Y)
    //    The code uses continuous piecewise linear basis functions on
    //    triangles.
    //  Problem specification:
    //    The user defines the geometry by supplying two data files
    //    which list the node coordinates, and list the nodes that make up
    //    each element.
    //    The user specifies the right hand side of the Dirichlet boundary
    //    conditions by supplying a function
    //      void dirichlet_condition ( int node_num, double node_xy[2*node_num],
    //        double node_bc[node_num] )
    //    The user specifies the coefficient function H(X,Y) of the Poisson
    //    equation by supplying a routine of the form
    //      void h_coef ( int node_num, double node_xy[2*node_num],
    //        double node_h[node_num] )
    //    The user specifies the coefficient function K(X,Y) of the Poisson
    //    equation by supplying a routine of the form
    //      void k_coef ( int node_num, double node_xy[2*node_num],
    //        double node_k[node_num] )
    //    The user specifies the right hand side of the Poisson equation
    //    by supplying a routine of the form
    //      void rhs ( int node_num, double node_xy[2*node_num],
    //        double node_f[node_num] )
    //  Usage:
    //    fem2d_poisson_cg prefix
    //    where 'prefix' is the common filename prefix so that:
    //    * prefix_nodes.txt contains the coordinates of the nodes;
    //    * prefix_elements.txt contains the indices of nodes forming each element.
    //    Files created include:
    //    * prefix_nodes.eps, an image of the nodes;
    //    * prefix_elements.eps, an image of the elements;
    //    * prefix_values.txt, the value of the solution at every node.
    //  Licensing:
    //    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    //  Modified:
    //    25 January 2013
    //  Author:
    //    John Burkardt
    //  Local parameters:
    //    Local, double A[NZ_NUM], the coefficient matrix.
    //    Local, int ELEMENT_NODE[3*ELEMENT_NUM];
    //    ELEMENT_NODE(I,J) is the global index of local node I in element J.
    //    Local, int ELEMENT_NUM, the number of elements.
    //    Local, integer ELEMENT_ORDER, the element order.
    //    Local, double F[NODE_NUM], the right hand side.
    //    Local, int IA[NZ_NUM], the row indices of the nonzero entries
    //    of the coefficient matrix.
    //    Local, int JA[NZ_NUM], the column indices of the nonzero entries
    //    of the coefficient matrix.
    //    Local, bool NODE_BOUNDARY[NODE_NUM], is TRUE if the node is
    //    found to lie on the boundary of the region.
    //    Local, int NODE_CONDITION[NODE_NUM],
    //    indicates the condition used to determine the variable at a node.
    //    0, there is no condition (and no variable) at this node.
    //    1, a finite element equation is used;
    //    2, a Dirichlet condition is used.
    //    3, a Neumann condition is used.
    //    Local, int NODE_NUM, the number of nodes.
    //    Local, double NODE_U[NODE_NUM], the finite element coefficients.
    //    Local, double NODE_XY[2*NODE_NUM], the coordinates of nodes.
    //    Local, int NZ_NUM, the number of nonzero entries
    //    in the coefficient matrix.
    //    Local, integer QUAD_NUM, the number of quadrature points used for
    //    assembly.  This is currently set to 3, the lowest reasonable value.
    //    Legal values are 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 13, and for some problems, a value
    //    of QUAD_NUM greater than 3 may be appropriate.
        const bool debug = false;
        int        node;
        string     prefix;
        const int  quad_num = 3;

        Console.WriteLine("  A version of FEM2D_POISSON using sparse storage");
        Console.WriteLine("  and a conjugate gradient solver.");
        Console.WriteLine("  Solution of the Poisson equation in an arbitrary region");
        Console.WriteLine("  in 2 dimensions.");
        Console.WriteLine("  - DEL H(x,y) DEL U(x,y) + K(x,y) * U(x,y) = F(x,y) in the region");
        Console.WriteLine("                                     U(x,y) = G(x,y) on the boundary.");
        Console.WriteLine("  The finite element method is used,");
        Console.WriteLine("  with triangular elements,");
        Console.WriteLine("  which must be a 3 node linear triangle.");
        //  Get the filename prefix.
            prefix = args[0];
            Console.WriteLine("  Please enter the filename prefix:");

            prefix = Console.ReadLine();

        if (prefix != "baffle" && prefix != "ell" && prefix != "lake")
            Console.WriteLine("Supported prefix value in this test is one of : baffle, ell, lake");

        //  Create the file names.
        string node_filename     = prefix + "_nodes.txt";
        string element_filename  = prefix + "_elements.txt";
        string solution_filename = prefix + "_values.txt";

        Console.WriteLine("  Node file is \"" + node_filename + "\".");
        Console.WriteLine("  Element file is \"" + element_filename + "\".");
        //  Read the node coordinate file.
        TableHeader h        = typeMethods.r8mat_header_read(node_filename);
        int         dim_num  = h.m;
        int         node_num = h.n;

        Console.WriteLine("  Number of nodes =          " + node_num + "");

        int[] node_condition = new int[node_num];

        double[] node_xy = typeMethods.r8mat_data_read(node_filename, dim_num, node_num);

        typeMethods.r8mat_transpose_print_some(dim_num, node_num, node_xy, 1, 1, 2, 10,
                                               "  First 10 nodes");
        //  Read the triangle description file.
        h = typeMethods.i4mat_header_read(element_filename);
        int element_order = h.m;
        int element_num   = h.n;

        Console.WriteLine("  Element order =            " + element_order + "");
        Console.WriteLine("  Number of elements =       " + element_num + "");

        if (element_order != 3)
            Console.WriteLine("FEM2D_POISSON_CG - Fatal error!");
            Console.WriteLine("  The input triangulation has order " + element_order + "");
            Console.WriteLine("  However, a triangulation of order 3 is required.");

        int[] element_node = typeMethods.i4mat_data_read(element_filename, element_order,

        typeMethods.i4mat_transpose_print_some(3, element_num,
                                               element_node, 1, 1, 3, 10, "  First 10 elements");

        Console.WriteLine("  Quadrature order =          " + quad_num + "");
        //  Determine which nodes are boundary nodes and which have a
        //  finite element unknown.  Then set the boundary values.
        bool[] node_boundary = Boundary.triangulation_order3_boundary_node(node_num, element_num,
        //  Determine the node conditions.
        //  For now, we'll just assume all boundary nodes are Dirichlet.
        for (node = 0; node < node_num; node++)
            node_condition[node] = node_boundary[node] switch
                true => 2,
                _ => 1

        //  Determine the element neighbor array, just so we can estimate
        //  the nonzeros.
        int[] element_neighbor = Neighbor.triangulation_order3_neighbor_triangles(element_num, element_node);
        //  Count the number of nonzeros.
        int[] adj_col = new int[node_num + 1];

        int nz_num = Adjacency.triangulation_order3_adj_count(node_num, element_num,
                                                              element_node, element_neighbor, adj_col);

        Console.WriteLine("  Number of nonzero coefficients NZ_NUM = " + nz_num + "");
        //  Set up the sparse row and column index vectors.
        int[] ia = new int[nz_num];
        int[] ja = new int [nz_num];

        Adjacency.triangulation_order3_adj_set2(node_num, element_num, element_node,
                                                element_neighbor, nz_num, adj_col, ia, ja);

        switch (debug)
        case true:
            typeMethods.i4vec2_print(nz_num, ia, ja, "  Adjacency pairs:");

        //  Index the diagonal elements for use by the CG solver.
        int[] diag = Diagonal.diag_index(nz_num, ia, ja, node_num);

        switch (debug)
        case true:
            typeMethods.i4vec_print(node_num, diag, "  Diagonal adjacency vector:");

        //  Allocate space for the coefficient matrix A and right hand side F.
        double[] a      = new double[nz_num];
        double[] f      = new double[node_num];
        double[] node_u = new double[node_num];
        //  Assemble the finite element coefficient matrix A and the right-hand side F.

        switch (prefix)
        case "baffle":
            DSP.assemble_poisson_dsp(node_num, node_xy, element_num,
                                     element_node, quad_num, nz_num, ia, ja, ref a, ref f, baffle.rhs, baffle.h_coef, baffle.k_coef);

        case "ell":
            DSP.assemble_poisson_dsp(node_num, node_xy, element_num,
                                     element_node, quad_num, nz_num, ia, ja, ref a, ref f, ell.rhs, ell.h_coef, ell.k_coef);

        case "lake":
            DSP.assemble_poisson_dsp(node_num, node_xy, element_num,
                                     element_node, quad_num, nz_num, ia, ja, ref a, ref f, lake.rhs, lake.h_coef, lake.k_coef);

        switch (debug)
        //  Print a portion of the matrix.
        case true:
            DSP.dsp_print_some(node_num, node_num, nz_num, ia, ja, a, 1, 1, 10, 10,
                               "  Part of Finite Element matrix A:");

            typeMethods.r8vec_print_some(node_num, f, 1, 10,
                                         "  Part of right hand side vector F:");

        //  Adjust the linear system to account for Dirichlet boundary conditions.
        switch (prefix)
        case "baffle":
            DSP.dirichlet_apply_dsp(node_num, node_xy, node_condition, nz_num, ia, ja,
                                    ref a, ref f, baffle.dirichlet_condition);

        case "ell":
            DSP.dirichlet_apply_dsp(node_num, node_xy, node_condition, nz_num, ia, ja,
                                    ref a, ref f, ell.dirichlet_condition);

        case "lake":
            DSP.dirichlet_apply_dsp(node_num, node_xy, node_condition, nz_num, ia, ja,
                                    ref a, ref f, lake.dirichlet_condition);

        switch (debug)
        case true:
            DSP.dsp_print_some(node_num, node_num, nz_num, ia, ja, a, 1, 1, 10, 10,
                               "  Part of finite Element matrix A after boundary adjustments:");

            typeMethods.r8vec_print_some(node_num, f, 1, 10,
                                         "  Part of right hand side vector F:");

        //  Solve the linear system using the conjugate gradient method.
        node_u = ConjugateGradient.solve_cg(node_num, diag, nz_num, ia, ja, a, f);

        typeMethods.r8vec_print_some(node_num, node_u, 1, 10,
                                     "  Part of the solution vector vector U:");
        //  Write an ASCII file that can be read into MATLAB.
        typeMethods.r8mat_write(solution_filename, 1, node_num, node_u);

        Console.WriteLine("  Wrote an ASCII file");
        Console.WriteLine("    \"" + solution_filename + "\".");
        Console.WriteLine("  of the form");
        Console.WriteLine("    U ( X(I), Y(I) )");
        Console.WriteLine("  which can be used for plotting.");

        switch (debug)
        case true:
            typeMethods.r8vec_print_some(node_num, node_u, 1, 10,
                                         "  Part of the solution vector:");

        Console.WriteLine("  Normal end of execution.");
