예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will extract the detailed information (like the payload's tags mapping to which
        /// columns of a staging table) needed in order to drive the retrieval of data through the API.
        /// <param name="poProcessDetailsReader">The reader that pulls metadata from the configuration tables</param>
        /// <param name="poTmpConfig">The structure that will hold all of the extract config metadata</param>
        /// <returns>None.</returns>
        /// </summary>
        private void SetAPIDetails(SqlDataReader poAPIDetailsReader, AceAPIConfiguration poTmpConfig)
            while (poAPIDetailsReader.Read())
                string sBucketName = poAPIDetailsReader["bucket_nm"].ToString();
                string sTableName  = poAPIDetailsReader["target_table_nm"].ToString();

                if (!poTmpConfig.ApplyBuckets.Keys.Contains(sBucketName))
                    poTmpConfig.ApplyBuckets[sBucketName] = new AceAPIBucket(sBucketName, sTableName);

                AceAPIBucket oTmpBucket = poTmpConfig.ApplyBuckets[sBucketName];

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(oTmpBucket.BucketName))
                    oTmpBucket.BucketName = sBucketName;
                    oTmpBucket.TableName  = sTableName;

                // Add new row to bucket here
                if (!poAPIDetailsReader.IsDBNull(2))
                    string sAttrName      = poAPIDetailsReader["attr_nm"].ToString();
                    string sAttrType      = poAPIDetailsReader["attr_ora_type"].ToString();
                    string sAttrLen       = poAPIDetailsReader["attr_ora_type_len"].ToString();
                    string sAttrIsKey     = poAPIDetailsReader["attr_is_key"].ToString();
                    string sAttrXPath     = poAPIDetailsReader["attr_xpath"].ToString();
                    string sAttrIsXmlBody = poAPIDetailsReader["attr_is_xml_body"].ToString();

                    int nAttrLen = -1;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sAttrLen))
                        nAttrLen = Convert.ToInt32(sAttrLen);

                    SqlDbType oOraDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sAttrType))
                        oOraDbType = GetMappedOraDbType(sAttrType);

                    bool bIsKey = false;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sAttrIsKey))
                        bIsKey = (sAttrIsKey == "Y") ? true : false;

                    bool bIsXmlBody = false;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sAttrIsXmlBody))
                        bIsXmlBody = (sAttrIsXmlBody == "Y") ? true : false;

                    oTmpBucket.AddTargetColumn(sAttrName, oOraDbType, bIsKey, nAttrLen, sAttrXPath, bIsXmlBody);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will populate a provided Hashtable with data retrieved through the provided SqlDataReader.
        /// After obtaining the data payload of the target record, it will use the metadata's XPath values to
        /// parse the payload and pull out values of interest.
        /// <param name="poNewProductReader">The Reader that is enumerating through the dataset of payloads (which were pulled via the REST API)</param>
        /// <param name="poTmpConfig">The configuration for the currently running Process</param>
        /// <param name="poNewProductRecord">The container that will hold the values parsed from the raw data payload for our record (i.e. product)</param>
        /// <returns>None</returns>
        /// </summary>
        static public void PopulateProductData(SqlDataReader poNewProductReader, AceAPIConfiguration poTmpConfig, Hashtable poNewProductRecord)
            string    sDataRecord = poNewProductReader[0].ToString();
            string    sXPath      = null;
            XDocument oDataDoc    = null;

            if (!sDataRecord.Contains("<errors>") && !sDataRecord.Contains("<error>"))
                using (StringReader oDataReader = new StringReader(sDataRecord))
                    oDataDoc = XDocument.Load(oDataReader, LoadOptions.PreserveWhitespace);

                foreach (string sTmpBucketName in poTmpConfig.ApplyBuckets.Keys)
                    AceAPIBucket oTempBucket = poTmpConfig.ApplyBuckets[sTmpBucketName];

                    foreach (string sTmpAttrName in oTempBucket.SoughtColXPaths.Keys)
                        sXPath = oTempBucket.SoughtColXPaths[sTmpAttrName];

                            if (oTempBucket.SoughtColXmlBodies.Keys.Contains(sTmpAttrName) && oTempBucket.SoughtColXmlBodies[sTmpAttrName])
                                if (oDataDoc.XPathSelectElement(sXPath) != null)
                                    poNewProductRecord[sTmpAttrName] = oDataDoc.XPathSelectElement(sXPath).ToString();
                            else if (oDataDoc.XPathSelectElement(sXPath) != null)
                                poNewProductRecord[sTmpAttrName] = oDataDoc.XPathSelectElement(sXPath).Value;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            // Any logging should occur here
                            throw ex;
                // Any logging should occur here
                poNewProductRecord["error"] = sDataRecord;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will run a query on the ACE_CFG_API table and retrieve all
        /// the necessary metadata for API retrieval jobs that are currently active.
        /// <returns>The IDs of the API retrieval jobs that are currently active</returns>
        /// </summary>
        public List <AceProcess> GetActiveJobs()
            List <long>       oJobIds     = new List <long>();
            List <AceProcess> oActiveJobs = new List <AceProcess>();

            Dictionary <int, AceProcess> oActiveJobMap = new Dictionary <int, AceProcess>();

            if (!ValidateDbConnection())

            oJobIds = GetActiveJobIds();

            foreach (int nTmpJobId in oJobIds)
                string sJobName   = "";
                string sAPIType   = "";
                string sChangeURL = "";
                string sDataURL   = "";

                AceProcess          oTmpJob    = null;
                AceAPIConfiguration oTmpConfig = null;

                GetProcessDetailsCmd.Parameters[@"pid"].Value = nTmpJobId;
                using (SqlDataReader oProcessDetailsReader = GetProcessDetailsCmd.ExecuteReader())
                    oTmpConfig = null;

                    while (oProcessDetailsReader.Read())
                        if (!oActiveJobMap.Keys.Contains(nTmpJobId))
                            oTmpJob = new AceProcess(nTmpJobId);

                            oActiveJobMap[nTmpJobId] = oTmpJob;

                        oTmpJob  = oActiveJobMap[nTmpJobId];
                        sAPIType = oProcessDetailsReader[0].ToString();

                        if (sAPIType == CONST_API_TYPE_CHANGE)
                            oTmpConfig = oTmpJob.ChangeAPIConfiguration = new AceAPIConfiguration();
                        else if (sAPIType == CONST_API_TYPE_DATA)
                            oTmpConfig = oTmpJob.DataAPIConfiguration = new AceAPIConfiguration();

                        if (oTmpConfig != null)
                            SetAPIBasicConfiguration(oProcessDetailsReader, oTmpConfig);

                if (oTmpJob.ChangeAPIConfiguration != null)
                    GetAPIDetailsCmd.Parameters[@"pid"].Value = nTmpJobId;
                    GetAPIDetailsCmd.Parameters[@"at"].Value  = CONST_API_TYPE_CHANGE;
                    using (SqlDataReader oAPIDetailsReader = GetAPIDetailsCmd.ExecuteReader())
                        SetAPIDetails(oAPIDetailsReader, oTmpJob.ChangeAPIConfiguration);

                if (oTmpJob.DataAPIConfiguration != null)
                    GetAPIDetailsCmd.Parameters[@"pid"].Value = nTmpJobId;
                    GetAPIDetailsCmd.Parameters[@"at"].Value  = CONST_API_TYPE_DATA;
                    using (SqlDataReader oAPIDetailsReader = GetAPIDetailsCmd.ExecuteReader())
                        SetAPIDetails(oAPIDetailsReader, oTmpJob.DataAPIConfiguration);

            foreach (int nJobId in oActiveJobMap.Keys)

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will extract the general information (like the URLs and their respective arguments)
        /// needed in order to drive the retrieval of data through the API.
        /// <param name="poProcessDetailsReader">The reader that pulls metadata from the configuration tables</param>
        /// <param name="poTmpConfig">The structure that will hold all of the extract config metadata</param>
        /// <returns>None.</returns>
        /// </summary>
        private void SetAPIBasicConfiguration(SqlDataReader poProcessDetailsReader, AceAPIConfiguration poTmpConfig)
            poTmpConfig.BaseURL      = poProcessDetailsReader["aca_base_url"].ToString();
            poTmpConfig.ApplyBuckets = new Dictionary <string, AceAPIBucket>();

            string sBucketList = poProcessDetailsReader["aca_bucket_list"].ToString();

            string[] oBucketList = sBucketList.Split(CONST_BUCKET_LIST_DELIM);
            foreach (string sBucketName in oBucketList)
                poTmpConfig.ApplyBuckets[sBucketName] = new AceAPIBucket();

            poTmpConfig.SinceURLArg     = poProcessDetailsReader["aca_since_url_arg_nm"].ToString();
            poTmpConfig.AnchorIndicator = poProcessDetailsReader["aca_anchor_ind_tag_nm"].ToString();
            poTmpConfig.AnchorElement   = poProcessDetailsReader["aca_anchor_val_tag_nm"].ToString();

            string sAnchorFilterArgs = poProcessDetailsReader["aca_anchor_filter_args"].ToString();

            string[] oAnchorFilterList = sAnchorFilterArgs.Split(CONST_BUCKET_LIST_DELIM);
            foreach (string sTmpAnchorFilter in oAnchorFilterList)
                if (sTmpAnchorFilter.Contains("="))
                    string[] oAnchorFilterPair = sTmpAnchorFilter.Split(CONST_PARAM_VAL_DELIM);
                    if (oAnchorFilterPair.Length == 2)
                        poTmpConfig.AnchorFilterArgs[oAnchorFilterPair[0]] = oAnchorFilterPair[1];

            string sRequestFilterArgs = poProcessDetailsReader["aca_request_filter_args"].ToString();

            string[] oRequestFilterList = sRequestFilterArgs.Split(CONST_BUCKET_LIST_DELIM);
            foreach (string sTmpRequestFilter in oRequestFilterList)
                if (sTmpRequestFilter.Contains("="))
                    string[] oRequestFilterPair = sTmpRequestFilter.Split(CONST_PARAM_VAL_DELIM);
                    if (oRequestFilterPair.Length == 2)
                        poTmpConfig.RequestFilterArgs[oRequestFilterPair[0]] = oRequestFilterPair[1];

            poTmpConfig.ResponseFilterPath = poProcessDetailsReader["aca_xpath_resp_filter"].ToString();
            poTmpConfig.TargetTag          = poProcessDetailsReader["aca_target_chld_tag"].ToString();
            poTmpConfig.TargetKeyTag       = poProcessDetailsReader["aca_target_chld_key_tag"].ToString();

            if (!poProcessDetailsReader.IsDBNull(11))
                string sKeyList = poProcessDetailsReader["aca_target_key_list"].ToString();

                if (sKeyList.Contains("_"))
                    poTmpConfig.KeyList = GetAllKeysFromTable(sKeyList, poTmpConfig.TargetKeyTag);
                    string[] oKeyList = poProcessDetailsReader["aca_target_key_list"].ToString().Split(CONST_BUCKET_LIST_DELIM);

                    // poTmpConfig.KeyList.InsertRange(0, oKeyList);

            string sContentType = poProcessDetailsReader["aca_content_type"].ToString();

            if (sContentType.ToUpper() == "XML")
                poTmpConfig.DataContentType = ContentType.XML;
            else if (sContentType.ToUpper() == "JSON")
                poTmpConfig.DataContentType = ContentType.JSON;
                poTmpConfig.DataContentType = ContentType.XML;

            string sRequestHeaderArgs = poProcessDetailsReader["aca_rq_hdr_args"].ToString();

            string[] oRequestHeaderList = sRequestHeaderArgs.Split(CONST_BUCKET_LIST_DELIM);
            foreach (string sTmpRequestHeader in oRequestHeaderList)
                if (sTmpRequestHeader.Contains("="))
                    string[] oRequestHeaderPair = sTmpRequestHeader.Split(CONST_PARAM_VAL_DELIM);
                    if (oRequestHeaderPair.Length == 2)
                        poTmpConfig.RequestHeaderArgs[oRequestHeaderPair[0]] = oRequestHeaderPair[1];
예제 #5
 public AceXmlReader(AceAPIConfiguration poConfiguration)
     APIConfiguration       = poConfiguration;
     FoundNewAnchorCallback = null;
예제 #6
 public AceXmlRecordEnumerator(AceXmlReader poXmlReader, AceAPIConfiguration poConfiguration)
     XmlReader            = poXmlReader;
     EnumAPIConfiguration = poConfiguration;
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will make the next call to the REST API and then retrieve the
        /// XML payload as a XDocument.
        /// <param name="poEnumConfiguration">The Configuration metadata for our calls to the REST API</param>
        /// <param name="psRequestURL">The formatted Request URL for our call to the REST API</param>
        /// <returns>The XDocument representation of the XML payload from the REST API</returns>
        /// </summary>
        static public XDocument PullXmlDoc(AceAPIConfiguration poEnumConfiguration, string psRequestURL)
            bool bContentTypeXml = (poEnumConfiguration.DataContentType == ContentType.XML);

            XDocument  oXDoc          = null;
            WebRequest oWebAPIRequest = null;

            for (int nRetryCount = 0; nRetryCount < CONST_MAX_RETRY_COUNT; ++nRetryCount)
                    oWebAPIRequest = WebRequest.Create(psRequestURL);

                    oWebAPIRequest.Timeout = AceXmlReader.CONST_WEB_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS;

                    // If required by the server, set the credentials.
                    oWebAPIRequest.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

                    if ((poEnumConfiguration.RequestHeaderArgs != null) && (poEnumConfiguration.RequestHeaderArgs.Count > 0))
                        foreach (string sTmpName in poEnumConfiguration.RequestHeaderArgs.Keys)
                            oWebAPIRequest.Headers.Add(sTmpName, poEnumConfiguration.RequestHeaderArgs[sTmpName]);

                    using (WebResponse oWebAPIResponse = oWebAPIRequest.GetResponse())
                        // Get the stream containing content returned by the server.
                        Stream oDataStream = oWebAPIResponse.GetResponseStream();

                        // Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access.
                        using (StreamReader oWebReader = new StreamReader(oDataStream))
                            if (bContentTypeXml)
                                oXDoc = XDocument.Load(oWebReader, LoadOptions.PreserveWhitespace);
                                string sJsonOutput = oWebReader.ReadToEnd();

                                if (sJsonOutput.StartsWith("["))
                                    sJsonOutput = "{\n \"root\": { \n  \"product\": " + sJsonOutput + "} }";

                                XmlDocument oXmlDoc = (XmlDocument)JsonConvert.DeserializeXmlNode(sJsonOutput);

                                using (var nodeReader = new XmlNodeReader(oXmlDoc))
                                    oXDoc = XDocument.Load(nodeReader);

                catch (WebException ex)
                    if ((nRetryCount + 1) < CONST_MAX_RETRY_COUNT)
                        if (oWebAPIRequest != null)
                            System.Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: Timeout (value=" + oWebAPIRequest.Timeout + ") issue with pulling catalog data for URL(" +
                                                     oWebAPIRequest.RequestUri.ToString() + ")...attempting to pull the data again..." + DateTime.Now.ToString());

                        throw ex;
                catch (IOException ex)
                    if ((nRetryCount + 1) < CONST_MAX_RETRY_COUNT)
                        System.Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: General network issue with pulling catalog data for URL(" + oWebAPIRequest.RequestUri.ToString() +
                                                 ")...attempting to pull the data again...");

                        throw ex;

예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// This method will format a GET request URL for our target REST API.  In this case, the request
 /// will make an initial call in the enumeration of sought data, using the metadata contained
 /// within our configuration.
 /// <param name="poConfig">The configuration's metadata for the REST API</param>
 /// <returns>The formatted call to our intended REST API</returns>
 /// </summary>
 public static string FormatRequestURL(AceAPIConfiguration poConfig)
     return(FormatURL(poConfig.BaseURL, poConfig.RequestFilterArgs));
예제 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// This method will format a GET request URL for our target REST API.  In this case, the request
 /// will make a subsequent (i.e., not initial) call in the enumeration of sought data, and it
 /// will use an anchor point (record from a previous call) along with various other arguments.
 /// <param name="poConfig">The configuration's metadata for the REST API</param>
 /// <returns>The formatted call to our intended REST API</returns>
 /// </summary>
 public static string FormatAnchorURL(AceAPIConfiguration poConfig)
     return(FormatURL(poConfig.BaseURL, poConfig.AnchorFilterArgs));