예제 #1
        private void InitializeAnyline()
            NSError error = null;

            if (initialized)

                frame = View.Bounds;

                string configurationFile = (Element as ScanExamplePage).ConfigurationFile.Replace(".json", "");

                // Use the JSON file name that you want to load here
                var configPath = NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource(configurationFile, @"json");
                // This is the main intialization method that will create our use case depending on the JSON configuration.
                _resultDelegate = new ScanResultDelegate((Element as ScanExamplePage).ShowResultsAction);
                _scanView       = ALScanView.ScanViewForFrame(frame, configPath, licenseKey, _resultDelegate, out error);

                if (error != null)
                    throw new Exception(error.LocalizedDescription);

                // KNOWN ISSUE: the result delegate has to be added specifically to the scan plugin.
                // this should be automatically done already with the ScanViewForFrame call.


                initialized = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                ShowAlert("Init Error", e.Message);
        private void InitializeAnyline()
            NSError error = null;

            if (_initialized)

                _frame = UIScreen.MainScreen.ApplicationFrame;
                _frame = new CGRect(_frame.X,
                                    _frame.Y + NavigationController.NavigationBar.Frame.Size.Height,
                                    _frame.Height - NavigationController.NavigationBar.Frame.Size.Height);

                // Use the JSON file name that you want to load here
                var configPath = NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource(@"" + _jsonPath.Replace(".json", ""), @"json");
                // This is the main intialization method that will create our use case depending on the JSON configuration.
                //_scanView = ALScanView.ScanViewForFrame(_frame, configPath, LicenseKey, _resultDelegate, out error);
                _scanView = ALScanView.ScanViewForFrame(_frame, configPath, LicenseKey, Self, out error);

                if (error != null)
                    throw new Exception(error.LocalizedDescription);

                // KNOWN ISSUE (OCRScanPlugin only): the customCmdFile is not loading the file correctly. therefore, it has to be added via code:
                if (_scanView.ScanViewPlugin is ALOCRScanViewPlugin)
                    var          file = File.ReadAllText(configPath);
                    NSData       data = NSData.FromString(file);
                    NSDictionary dict = NSJsonSerialization.Deserialize(data, 0, out error) as NSDictionary;

                    var customCmdFileName = dict.ValueForKeyPath(new NSString(@"viewPlugin.plugin.ocrPlugin.customCmdFile"));

                    if (customCmdFileName != null)
                        var name = customCmdFileName.ToString().Split('.');
                        if (name.Length == 2)
                            var config = (_scanView.ScanViewPlugin as ALOCRScanViewPlugin).OcrScanPlugin.OcrConfig;
                            config.CustomCmdFilePath = NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource(name[0], name[1]);

                            // explicitly call this method so everything is updated internally
                            (_scanView.ScanViewPlugin as ALOCRScanViewPlugin).OcrScanPlugin.SetOCRConfig(config, out error);

                            if (error != null)
                                ShowAlert("OCR Config Error", error.DebugDescription);

                // KNOWN ISSUE: the result delegate has to be added specifically to the scan plugin.
                // this should be automatically done already with the ScanViewForFrame call.


                _initialized = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                ShowAlert("Init Error", e.Message);
예제 #3
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            float hintMargin = 2;

            // Set the background color to black to have a nicer transition
            View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Black;

            UILabel hintViewLabel = new UILabel(CGRect.Empty);

            hintView = new UIView(CGRect.Empty);

            hintViewLabel.Text = @"Scan MRZ";


            hintView.Frame = new UIEdgeInsets(hintViewLabel.Frame.Top, hintViewLabel.Frame.Left, hintViewLabel.Frame.Bottom, hintViewLabel.Frame.Right)
                             .InsetRect(new CGRect(-hintMargin, -hintMargin, -hintMargin, -hintMargin));
            hintView.Center = new CGPoint(View.Center.X, 0);
            hintViewLabel.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false;
            hintViewLabel.CenterYAnchor.ConstraintEqualToSystemSpacingBelowAnchor(hintView.CenterYAnchor, 0);
            hintViewLabel.CenterXAnchor.ConstraintEqualToSystemSpacingAfterAnchor(hintView.CenterXAnchor, 0);
            hintView.Layer.CornerRadius  = 8;
            hintView.Layer.MasksToBounds = true;
            hintView.BackgroundColor     = UIColor.Black.ColorWithAlpha(0.5f);
            hintViewLabel.TextColor      = UIColor.White;

            ALMRZConfig mrzConfig = new ALMRZConfig();
            //we want to be quite confident of these fields to ensure we can read the NFC with them
            ALMRZFieldConfidences fieldConfidences = new ALMRZFieldConfidences();

            fieldConfidences.DocumentNumber = 90;
            fieldConfidences.DateOfBirth    = 90;
            fieldConfidences.DateOfExpiry   = 90;
            mrzConfig.IdFieldConfidences    = fieldConfidences;

            //Create fieldScanOptions to configure individual scannable fields
            ALMRZFieldScanOptions scanOptions = new ALMRZFieldScanOptions();

            scanOptions.VizAddress      = ALFieldScanOption.Default;
            scanOptions.VizDateOfIssue  = ALFieldScanOption.Default;
            scanOptions.VizSurname      = ALFieldScanOption.Default;
            scanOptions.VizGivenNames   = ALFieldScanOption.Default;
            scanOptions.VizDateOfBirth  = ALFieldScanOption.Default;
            scanOptions.VizDateOfExpiry = ALFieldScanOption.Default;

            //Set scanOptions for MRZConfig
            mrzConfig.IdFieldScanOptions = scanOptions;

            NSError error = null;

            //Init the anyline ID ScanPlugin with an ID, Licensekey, the delegate,
            //  the MRZConfig (which will configure the scan Plugin for MRZ scanning), and an error
            this.mrzScanPlugin = new ALIDScanPlugin(@"ModuleID", AnylineViewController.LicenseKey, this, mrzConfig, out error);

            nfcDetector = new ALNFCDetector(AnylineViewController.LicenseKey, this);

            mrzScanViewPlugin = new ALIDScanViewPlugin(mrzScanPlugin);

            var frame = UIScreen.MainScreen.ApplicationFrame;

            frame = new CGRect(frame.X,
                               frame.Y + NavigationController.NavigationBar.Frame.Size.Height,
                               frame.Height - NavigationController.NavigationBar.Frame.Size.Height);

            // This is the main intialization method that will create our use case depending on the JSON configuration.
            scanView = new ALScanView(frame, mrzScanViewPlugin);
            scanView.ScanViewPlugin.AddScanViewPluginDelegate(new CutoutListener(updateHintPosition, scanView));
            scanView.FlashButtonConfig.FlashAlignment = ALFlashAlignment.TopLeft;

            // After setup is complete we add the scanView to the view of this view controller

            var topGuide = TopLayoutGuide;

            var viewNames = NSDictionary.FromObjectsAndKeys(new object[] {
            }, new NSObject[] {
                new NSString("scanView"),
                new NSString("topGuide"),
            var emptyDict = new NSDictionary();

            View.AddConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.FromVisualFormat("H:|[scanView]|", 0, emptyDict, viewNames));
            View.AddConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.FromVisualFormat("V:[topGuide]-0-[scanView]|", 0, emptyDict, viewNames));
