public Position(ACE.Entity.Position p) { ObjCellID = p.ObjCellID; Frame = new AFrame(p.Pos, p.Rotation); }
/// <summary> /// Used by physics engine to actually update a player position /// Automatically notifies clients of updated position /// </summary> /// <param name="newPosition">The new position being requested, before verification through physics engine</param> /// <returns>TRUE if object moves to a different landblock</returns> public bool UpdatePlayerPosition(ACE.Entity.Position newPosition, bool forceUpdate = false) { //Console.WriteLine($"{Name}.UpdatePlayerPhysics({newPosition}, {forceUpdate}, {Teleporting})"); bool verifyContact = false; // possible bug: while teleporting, client can still send AutoPos packets from old landblock if (Teleporting && !forceUpdate) { return(false); } // pre-validate movement if (!ValidateMovement(newPosition)) { log.Error($"{Name}.UpdatePlayerPosition() - movement pre-validation failed from {Location} to {newPosition}"); return(false); } try { if (!forceUpdate) // This is needed beacuse this function might be called recursively { stopwatch.Restart(); } var success = true; if (PhysicsObj != null) { var distSq = Location.SquaredDistanceTo(newPosition); if (distSq > PhysicsGlobals.EpsilonSq) { /*var p = new Physics.Common.Position(newPosition); * var dist = PhysicsObj.Position.Distance(p); * Console.WriteLine($"Dist: {dist}");*/ if (newPosition.Landblock == 0x18A && Location.Landblock != 0x18A) { log.Info($"{Name} is getting swanky"); } if (!Teleporting) { var blockDist = PhysicsObj.GetBlockDist(Location.Cell, newPosition.Cell); // verify movement if (distSq > MaxSpeedSq && blockDist > 1) { //Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat("Movement error", ChatMessageType.Broadcast)); log.Warn($"MOVEMENT SPEED: {Name} trying to move from {Location} to {newPosition}, speed: {Math.Sqrt(distSq)}"); return(false); } // verify z-pos if (blockDist == 0 && LastGroundPos != null && newPosition.PositionZ - LastGroundPos.PositionZ > 10 && DateTime.UtcNow - LastJumpTime > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1) && GetCreatureSkill(Skill.Jump).Current < 1000) { verifyContact = true; } } var curCell = LScape.get_landcell(newPosition.Cell); if (curCell != null) { //if (PhysicsObj.CurCell == null || curCell.ID != PhysicsObj.CurCell.ID) //PhysicsObj.change_cell_server(curCell); PhysicsObj.set_request_pos(newPosition.Pos, newPosition.Rotation, curCell, Location.LandblockId.Raw); if (FastTick) { success = PhysicsObj.update_object_server_new(); } else { success = PhysicsObj.update_object_server(); } if (PhysicsObj.CurCell == null && curCell.ID >> 16 != 0x18A) { PhysicsObj.CurCell = curCell; } if (verifyContact && IsJumping) { var blockDist = PhysicsObj.GetBlockDist(newPosition.Cell, LastGroundPos.Cell); if (blockDist <= 1) { log.Warn($"z-pos hacking detected for {Name}, lastGroundPos: {LastGroundPos.ToLOCString()} - requestPos: {newPosition.ToLOCString()}"); Location = new ACE.Entity.Position(LastGroundPos); Sequences.GetNextSequence(SequenceType.ObjectForcePosition); SendUpdatePosition(); return(false); } } CheckMonsters(); } } else { PhysicsObj.Position.Frame.Orientation = newPosition.Rotation; } } // double update path: landblock physics update -> updateplayerphysics() -> update_object_server() -> Teleport() -> updateplayerphysics() -> return to end of original branch if (Teleporting && !forceUpdate) { return(true); } if (!success) { return(false); } var landblockUpdate = Location.Cell >> 16 != newPosition.Cell >> 16; Location = newPosition; if (RecordCast.Enabled) { RecordCast.Log($"CurPos: {Location.ToLOCString()}"); } if (RequestedLocationBroadcast || DateTime.UtcNow - LastUpdatePosition >= MoveToState_UpdatePosition_Threshold) { SendUpdatePosition(); } else { Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageUpdatePosition(this)); } if (!InUpdate) { LandblockManager.RelocateObjectForPhysics(this, true); } return(landblockUpdate); } finally { if (!forceUpdate) // This is needed beacuse this function might be called recursively { var elapsedSeconds = stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; ServerPerformanceMonitor.AddToCumulativeEvent(ServerPerformanceMonitor.CumulativeEventHistoryType.Player_Tick_UpdateObjectPhysics, elapsedSeconds); if (elapsedSeconds >= 0.100) // Yea, that ain't good.... { log.Warn($"[PERFORMANCE][PHYSICS] {Guid}:{Name} took {(elapsedSeconds * 1000):N1} ms to process UpdatePlayerPosition() at loc: {Location}"); } else if (elapsedSeconds >= 0.010) { log.Debug($"[PERFORMANCE][PHYSICS] {Guid}:{Name} took {(elapsedSeconds * 1000):N1} ms to process UpdatePlayerPosition() at loc: {Location}"); } } } }
private static void DoPlayerEnterWorld(Session session, Character character, Biota playerBiota, PossessedBiotas possessedBiotas) { Player player; Player.HandleNoLogLandblock(playerBiota); var stripAdminProperties = false; var addAdminProperties = false; var addSentinelProperties = false; if (ConfigManager.Config.Server.Accounts.OverrideCharacterPermissions) { if (session.AccessLevel <= AccessLevel.Advocate) // check for elevated characters { if (playerBiota.WeenieType == WeenieType.Admin || playerBiota.WeenieType == WeenieType.Sentinel) // Downgrade weenie { character.IsPlussed = false; playerBiota.WeenieType = WeenieType.Creature; stripAdminProperties = true; } } else if (session.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.Sentinel && session.AccessLevel <= AccessLevel.Envoy) { if (playerBiota.WeenieType == WeenieType.Creature || playerBiota.WeenieType == WeenieType.Admin) // Up/downgrade weenie { character.IsPlussed = true; playerBiota.WeenieType = WeenieType.Sentinel; addSentinelProperties = true; } } else // Developers and Admins { if (playerBiota.WeenieType == WeenieType.Creature || playerBiota.WeenieType == WeenieType.Sentinel) // Up/downgrade weenie { character.IsPlussed = true; playerBiota.WeenieType = WeenieType.Admin; addAdminProperties = true; } } } if (playerBiota.WeenieType == WeenieType.Admin) { player = new Admin(playerBiota, possessedBiotas.Inventory, possessedBiotas.WieldedItems, character, session); } else if (playerBiota.WeenieType == WeenieType.Sentinel) { player = new Sentinel(playerBiota, possessedBiotas.Inventory, possessedBiotas.WieldedItems, character, session); } else { player = new Player(playerBiota, possessedBiotas.Inventory, possessedBiotas.WieldedItems, character, session); } session.SetPlayer(player); if (stripAdminProperties) // continue stripping properties { player.CloakStatus = CloakStatus.Undef; player.Attackable = true; player.SetProperty(ACE.Entity.Enum.Properties.PropertyBool.DamagedByCollisions, true); player.AdvocateLevel = null; player.ChannelsActive = null; player.ChannelsAllowed = null; player.Invincible = false; player.Cloaked = null; player.IgnoreHouseBarriers = false; player.IgnorePortalRestrictions = false; player.SafeSpellComponents = false; player.ChangesDetected = true; player.CharacterChangesDetected = true; } if (addSentinelProperties || addAdminProperties) // continue restoring properties to default { WorldObject weenie; if (addAdminProperties) { weenie = Factories.WorldObjectFactory.CreateWorldObject(DatabaseManager.World.GetCachedWeenie("admin"), new ACE.Entity.ObjectGuid(ACE.Entity.ObjectGuid.Invalid.Full)); } else { weenie = Factories.WorldObjectFactory.CreateWorldObject(DatabaseManager.World.GetCachedWeenie("sentinel"), new ACE.Entity.ObjectGuid(ACE.Entity.ObjectGuid.Invalid.Full)); } if (weenie != null) { player.CloakStatus = CloakStatus.Off; player.Attackable = weenie.Attackable; player.SetProperty(ACE.Entity.Enum.Properties.PropertyBool.DamagedByCollisions, false); player.AdvocateLevel = weenie.GetProperty(ACE.Entity.Enum.Properties.PropertyInt.AdvocateLevel); player.ChannelsActive = (Channel?)weenie.GetProperty(ACE.Entity.Enum.Properties.PropertyInt.ChannelsActive); player.ChannelsAllowed = (Channel?)weenie.GetProperty(ACE.Entity.Enum.Properties.PropertyInt.ChannelsAllowed); player.Invincible = false; player.Cloaked = false; player.ChangesDetected = true; player.CharacterChangesDetected = true; } } // If the client is missing a location, we start them off in the starter town they chose if (session.Player.Location == null) { if (session.Player.Instantiation != null) { session.Player.Location = new Position(session.Player.Instantiation); } else { session.Player.Location = new Position(0xA9B40019, 84, 7.1f, 94, 0, 0, -0.0784591f, 0.996917f, 0); // ultimate fallback } } var realm = RealmManager.GetRealm(session.Player.Location.RealmID); if (realm == null) { var homerealm = RealmManager.GetRealm(session.Player.HomeRealm); if (homerealm == null) { homerealm = RealmManager.GetRealm(0); } var pos = new Position(session.Player.Location); pos.SetToDefaultRealmInstance(homerealm.Realm.Id); log.Error($"WorldManager.DoPlayerEnterWorld: failed to find realm {session.Player.Location.RealmID}, for player {session.Player.Name}, relocating to realm {homerealm.Realm.Id}."); session.Player.Location = pos; } if (!session.Player.ValidatePlayerRealmPosition(session.Player.Location)) { var homerealm = RealmManager.GetRealm(session.Player.HomeRealm); if (homerealm == null) { homerealm = RealmManager.GetRealm(0); } var exitloc = session.Player.GetPosition(ACE.Entity.Enum.Properties.PositionType.EphemeralRealmExitTo); if (exitloc != null) { session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat($"The instance you were in has expired and you have been transported outside!", ChatMessageType.System)); session.Player.ExitInstance(); } else { var pos = new Position(session.Player.Location); pos.SetToDefaultRealmInstance(homerealm.Realm.Id); session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat($"You have been transported back to your home realm.", ChatMessageType.System)); log.Info($"WorldManager.DoPlayerEnterWorld: player {session.Player.Name} doesn't have permission to be in realm {session.Player.Location.RealmID}, relocating to realm {homerealm.Realm.Id}."); session.Player.Location = pos; } } session.Player.PlayerEnterWorld(); var success = LandblockManager.AddObject(session.Player, true); if (!success) { // send to lifestone, or fallback location var fixLoc = session.Player.Sanctuary ?? new Position(0xA9B40019, 84, 7.1f, 94, 0, 0, -0.0784591f, 0.996917f, 0); log.Error($"WorldManager.DoPlayerEnterWorld: failed to spawn {session.Player.Name}, relocating to {fixLoc.ToLOCString()}"); session.Player.Location = new Position(fixLoc); LandblockManager.AddObject(session.Player, true); var actionChain = new ActionChain(); actionChain.AddDelaySeconds(5.0f); actionChain.AddAction(session.Player, () => { if (session != null && session.Player != null) { session.Player.Teleport(fixLoc); } }); actionChain.EnqueueChain(); } // These warnings are set by DDD_InterrogationResponse if ((session.DatWarnCell || session.DatWarnLanguage || session.DatWarnPortal) && PropertyManager.GetBool("show_dat_warning").Item) { var msg = PropertyManager.GetString("dat_warning_msg").Item; var chatMsg = new GameMessageSystemChat(msg, ChatMessageType.System); session.Network.EnqueueSend(chatMsg); } var popup_header = PropertyManager.GetString("popup_header").Item; var popup_motd = PropertyManager.GetString("popup_motd").Item; var popup_welcome = PropertyManager.GetString("popup_welcome").Item; if (character.TotalLogins <= 1) { session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameEventPopupString(session, AppendLines(popup_header, popup_motd, popup_welcome))); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(popup_motd)) { session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameEventPopupString(session, AppendLines(popup_header, popup_motd))); } var info = "Welcome to Asheron's Call\n powered by ACEmulator\n\nFor more information on commands supported by this server, type @acehelp\n"; session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat(info, ChatMessageType.Broadcast)); var server_motd = PropertyManager.GetString("server_motd").Item; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(server_motd)) { session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat($"{server_motd}\n", ChatMessageType.Broadcast)); } }
public ACE.Entity.Position GetAnimationFinalPositionFromStart(ACE.Entity.Position position, float objScale, MotionCommand currentMotionState, MotionStance style, MotionCommand motion) { float length = 0; // init our length var...will return as 0 if not found ACE.Entity.Position finalPosition = new ACE.Entity.Position(); uint motionHash = ((uint)currentMotionState & 0xFFFFFF) | ((uint)style << 16); if (Links.ContainsKey(motionHash)) { Dictionary <uint, MotionData> links = Links[motionHash]; if (links.ContainsKey((uint)motion)) { // loop through all that animations to get our total count for (int i = 0; i < links[(uint)motion].Anims.Count; i++) { AnimData anim = links[(uint)motion].Anims[i]; uint numFrames; // check if the animation is set to play the whole thing, in which case we need to get the numbers of frames in the raw animation if ((anim.LowFrame == 0) && (anim.HighFrame == -1)) { var animation = DatManager.PortalDat.ReadFromDat <Animation>(anim.AnimId); numFrames = animation.NumFrames; if (animation.PosFrames.Count > 0) { finalPosition = position; var origin = new Vector3(position.PositionX, position.PositionY, position.PositionZ); var orientation = new Quaternion(position.RotationX, position.RotationY, position.RotationZ, position.RotationW); foreach (var posFrame in animation.PosFrames) { origin += Vector3.Transform(posFrame.Origin, orientation) * objScale; orientation *= posFrame.Orientation; orientation = Quaternion.Normalize(orientation); } finalPosition.PositionX = origin.X; finalPosition.PositionY = origin.Y; finalPosition.PositionZ = origin.Z; finalPosition.RotationW = orientation.W; finalPosition.RotationX = orientation.X; finalPosition.RotationY = orientation.Y; finalPosition.RotationZ = orientation.Z; } else { return(position); } } else { numFrames = (uint)(anim.HighFrame - anim.LowFrame); } length += numFrames / Math.Abs(anim.Framerate); // Framerates can be negative, which tells the client to play in reverse } } } return(finalPosition); }
/// <summary> /// Used by physics engine to actually update a player position /// Automatically notifies clients of updated position /// </summary> /// <param name="newPosition">The new position being requested, before verification through physics engine</param> /// <returns>TRUE if object moves to a different landblock</returns> public bool UpdatePlayerPhysics(ACE.Entity.Position newPosition, bool forceUpdate = false) { //Console.WriteLine($"{Name}.UpdatePlayerPhysics({newPosition}, {forceUpdate}, {Teleporting})"); // possible bug: while teleporting, client can still send AutoPos packets from old landblock if (Teleporting && !forceUpdate) { return(false); } // pre-validate movement if (!ValidateMovement(newPosition)) { log.Error($"{Name}.UpdatePlayerPhysics() - movement pre-validation failed from {Location} to {newPosition}"); return(false); } try { if (!forceUpdate) // This is needed beacuse this function might be called recursively { stopwatch.Restart(); } var success = true; if (PhysicsObj != null) { var distSq = Location.SquaredDistanceTo(newPosition); if (distSq > PhysicsGlobals.EpsilonSq) { var curCell = LScape.get_landcell(newPosition.Cell); if (curCell != null) { //if (PhysicsObj.CurCell == null || curCell.ID != PhysicsObj.CurCell.ID) //PhysicsObj.change_cell_server(curCell); PhysicsObj.set_request_pos(newPosition.Pos, newPosition.Rotation, curCell, Location.LandblockId.Raw); success = PhysicsObj.update_object_server(); if (PhysicsObj.CurCell == null && curCell.ID >> 16 != 0x18A) { PhysicsObj.CurCell = curCell; } CheckMonsters(); } } } // double update path: landblock physics update -> updateplayerphysics() -> update_object_server() -> Teleport() -> updateplayerphysics() -> return to end of original branch if (Teleporting && !forceUpdate) { return(true); } if (!success) { return(false); } var landblockUpdate = Location.Cell >> 16 != newPosition.Cell >> 16; Location = newPosition; SendUpdatePosition(); if (!InUpdate) { LandblockManager.RelocateObjectForPhysics(this, true); } return(landblockUpdate); } finally { if (!forceUpdate) // This is needed beacuse this function might be called recursively { var elapsedSeconds = stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; ServerPerformanceMonitor.AddToCumulativeEvent(ServerPerformanceMonitor.CumulativeEventHistoryType.WorldObject_Tick_UpdatePlayerPhysics, elapsedSeconds); if (elapsedSeconds >= 1) // Yea, that ain't good.... { log.Warn($"[PERFORMANCE][PHYSICS] {Guid}:{Name} took {(elapsedSeconds * 1000):N1} ms to process UpdatePlayerPhysics() at loc: {Location}"); } else if (elapsedSeconds >= 0.010) { log.Debug($"[PERFORMANCE][PHYSICS] {Guid}:{Name} took {(elapsedSeconds * 1000):N1} ms to process UpdatePlayerPhysics() at loc: {Location}"); } } } }