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Neo4j .NET Driver

This is the source code of the driver under development. To get the latest stable released driver, checkout Nuget. To find changelogs, examples of how to use the driver and API documents of the driver, checkout our wiki.

Minimum viable snippet

Add the driver to your project using the Nuget Package Manager:

PM> Install-Package Neo4j.Driver

Connect to a Neo4j 3.1.0+ database

using(var driver = GraphDatabase.Driver( "bolt://localhost:7687" ))
using(var session = driver.Session())
    var result = session.Run("CREATE (n) RETURN n");

Getting the Driver

The Neo4j Driver is distributed exclusively via Nuget and can be added to your project via the Package Manager.


Available on Nuget


Snapshot builds are available at our MyGet feed, add the feed to your Nuget Sources

Building the source code

Visual Studio Version

The driver is written in C# 7 so will require Visual Studio 2017 (community edition).

Integration Tests

The integration tests will use boltkit to download and install a database instance on your local machine. They can fail for three main reasons:

  1. Python.exe and Python scripts folder is not installed and added in the system PATH variable
  2. The tests aren't run as Administrator (you'll need to run Visual Studio as administrator)
  3. You have an instance of Neo4j already installed / running on your local machine.

The database installation uses boltkit neoctrl-install command to install the database. The integration tests could pass parameters to this command by setting environment variable NeoctrlArgs.

Run tests

The simplest way to run all tests from command line is to run runTests.ps1 powershell script:


Any parameter to this powershell script will be used to reset environment variable NeoctrlArgs:

.\Neo4j.Driver\runTests.ps1 -e 3.3.0


Neo4j Bolt driver for .NET







No packages published


  • C# 97.2%
  • Gherkin 2.8%