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sones GraphDB Benchmark Framework
(C) sones GmbH 2011

This is a benchmark framework to reproduce common use-cases and measure the behaviour and performance of sones GraphDB.

The benchmark process itself is a two-step process:

1. Generate and/or Import data
2. Execute algorithms on the graph

Because there are many different use-cases these both steps are made up by plug-ins which can be adressed using the integrated commandline.

To get more information on the currently available Import and Benchmark Plug-Ins please refer to this dedicated benchmark documentation page:

How to compile

In order to successfully compile the benchmark project you will need the following dependencies:

- MONO 2.10.2 (mono-complete or mono-core & mono-wcf) or .NET Framework 4.0
- sones GraphDB Community Edition (in ./GraphDB folder)

In order to download the necessary dependencies you need to get the source-code of the benchmark project first with this command-line:

> git clone git://

Now you should see something similar to this:

> Cloning into benchmark...
> remote: Counting objects: 68, done.
> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (45/45), done.
> remote: Total 68 (delta 36), reused 52 (delta 20)
> Receiving objects: 100% (68/68), 26.94 KiB, done.
> Resolving deltas: 100% (36/36), done.

Now you need to retrieve the necessary submodules by running the command line in the benchmark source code folder:

> git submodule init 

And you should get an output similar to:

> Submodule 'GraphDB' (git:// registered for path 'GraphDB'

The next step is to actually download the dependencies source-code:

> git submodule update

And you should get a similar to this output:

> Cloning into GraphDB...
> remote: Counting objects: 29982, done.
> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (8398/8398), done.
> remote: Total 29982 (delta 19895), reused 29623 (delta 19540)
> Receiving objects: 100% (29982/29982), 12.82 MiB | 784 KiB/s, done.
> Resolving deltas: 100% (19895/19895), done.
> Submodule path 'GraphDB': checked out '3cf12e18262e15ba6db74b7800c69c670439cce0'

You then need to compile the .sln file in the ./GraphDB folder. This will compile GraphDB and create some assembly (.dll) files. In the ./GraphDB/Applications/sonesGraphDB/bin folder will either a Debug or a Release folder exist. The contents of this directory need to be copied to the ./GraphDBBenchmark/Dependencies folder in order to compile the benchmark.sln file in the benchmark folder.

The script will do the above for you and build the Benchmark tool (on Mono). This buildBenchmark script has a help built-in which can be displayed by running

> -h


> sones GraphDB Benchmark Build Script (C) sones GmbH 2007-2011
> -r build a release
> -d build with debug symbols
> -p build partially (can be combined with -r and -d)

To run the benchmark project just run the compile result of GraphDB or use the ./ script (with appending -d or -r parameters)

How to use

After you started the benchmark tool you are welcome by a short command overview and a command-line interface.

By typing


You will get a list of all available import and benchmark plug-in modules. For example you could create a simple social network with default values by running this command:


more IMPORT Examples:

> IMPORT 'SIMPLENETWORK' OPTIONS (countOfUsers = 300000, minCountOfEdges = 50, maxCountOfEdges = 100)

> IMPORT 'SUPERNODES' OPTIONS (countOfUsers = 5000000)

At any time you can use the integrated WebShell to access the GraphDB behind the benchmark (for example: http://localhost:9975/WebShell)

After importing / creating some data you can run the actual benchmark on that data:




For a deeper documentation of each import and benchmark plug-in please read the wiki article:

Known problems

Mono-SGEN from MONO 2.10.2 and 2.10.3 - monos simple generational garbage collector - will crash while importing data into GraphDB. Please use the standard BOEHM-GC.

Discussion and Contact

Wiki article:
Discussion Thread:

Any bug found can be reported here:


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