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Stockport Web App

Running the app

First; you need to run the ContentAPI so that WebApp will have content to serve. This, by default, runs on http://localhost:5000 and is set in the appsettings of the WebApp, if you want to change the port for some reason. You can launch the ContentAPI on either the command line or IIS Express profiles.

Second. The application runs using a BUSINESS-ID header to decide which specific business to run per request. Currently set in BusinessIdMiddleware.cs. The business ids currently supported are:

  • healthystockport
  • stockportgov

VS Code -or- Command line: *Make run Visual Studio *2022: as usual with launch settings to adjust.

*Other "Make" commands in the Makefile *this project is now on NET 6 and requires a minimum of Visual Studio 2022


The app has "appsettings" files which are kept in src/StockportWebapp/app-config/

  "healthystockport": {
    "setting": "value"
  "stockportgov": {
    "setting": "value"


This allows for the settings to be related to each businessId.

Secrets - inside the /app-config/ folder

There are no secrets held in this repository. See seperate Wiki on GitLab for decrypting and encrypting secrets for IAG-WebApp & ContentAPI.

Feature Toggles

T.B.C - adopting the newer ASP.NET Feature Management way of handling feature flags.


This is an ongoing area of work - 2023

Currently, to install the node packages required for the gulp tasks, you need to run npm install.
Once you've ran that command inside src/StockportWebApp you will be able to see the Gulp tasks in the Visual Studio Task Runner Explorer, or use the Gulp cli.

Sass is located in /wwwroot/assets/sass/../

The final minified css is "compiled" to the ~/assets/stylesheets/ folder through gulp sass from the import statements in the following files:

  • /assets/sass/site-hs.scss for healthystockport
  • /assets/sass/site-sg.scss for stockportgov

These will automatically compile into minified .css files using the gulp task "css" and this will be running automatically on project open through the watch task. (Also it will run on build)


All the Javascript is located in /assets/javascript/. The JS Modules are loaded on to the page with require.js.

The JavaScript minify task is set up run automatically through a gulp task "watch". Although it does take a while to run for SCSS changes, so you can just run the gulp "js/css" task if you edit a .js/.scss file and want to see or push your changes.

UI Tests

Will be looked at and updated in the near future ( said on the 27th January 2023 ).