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Rapid Response Kit: Building Conferencing and Broadcasting with Twilio. Level: Intermediate. Powered by Twilio - ASP.NET MVC

Build status

An example application implementing an disaster response kit that allows an organizer to instantly communicate with volunteers.

Read the full tutorial here!

Local development

  1. To run this application with Twilio, you will need to make it publicly accessible. We recommend using ngrok for this. Install ngrok now, or install the ngrok Extensions for Visual Studio.

  2. First clone this repository and cd into its directory:

    git clone
    cd conference-broadcast-csharp
  3. Create a new file ConferenceBroadcast.Web/Local.config and update the content with:

      <add key="TwilioAccountSid" value="Your Twilio Account SID" />
      <add key="TwilioAuthToken" value="Your Twilio Auth Token" />
      <add key="TwilioPhoneNumber" value="Your Twilio Phone Number" />
      <add key="RapidResponsePhoneNumber" value="Your Rapid Response Phone Number" />
  4. Update those values in the config file to match your Twilio account. You can get your Account SID and auth token from your dashboard. For the two phone numbers, you can use different phone numbers, or the same phone number. (The first number is for broadcasts, the second is for the conference line.) You can buy numbers right here.

  5. Build the solution in Visual Studio.

  6. Run the application. You'll see it start up at http://localhost:1229, but we aren't quite ready yet.

  7. Start ngrok now, to make the application publicly accessible. Either run this command:

    ngrok http 1229 -host-header="localhost:1229"

    Or, if you installed the ngrok Extensions for Visual Studio, choose "Start ngrok Tunnel" from the "Tools" menu in Visual Studio.

  8. Open the number management page and open a number's configuration by clicking on it.

    Remember that the number where you change the voice webhooks must be the same one you set on the RapidResponsePhoneNumber setting.

    For this application, you must set the voice webhook of your number to something like this:


    And in this case set the POST method on the configuration for this webhook.

  9. Open the application in your browser using the ngrok url: http://<your-ngrok-subdomain>


  • No warranty expressed or implied. Software is as is. Diggity.
  • MIT License
  • Lovingly crafted by Twilio Developer Education.


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