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Provides full duplex inter-process communication to .NET processes using a client-server model.


From the server-side

var builder = new ServiceHostBuilder();
builder.AddEndpoint(new NamedPipeEndpoint("my-service-name"));
builder.AddEndpoint(new TcpEndpoint(IPAddress.Any, 1234));

var host = builder.Create();
// listening
// closed

private void DelegateFactory(Type type)
    if(type == typeof(ISomeInterface)) return new ServerImplementation();
    return null;

From the client-side

var clientBuilder = new ClientBuilder();
using(var client = clientBuilder.ConnectToNamedPipe("my-service-name")))
    var proxy = client.CreateProxy<ISomeInterface>()

Methods called on a client-side proxy will sent to the server and executed on the registered delegate (ServerImplementation in this case). The factory method provided will be called once per connection and the delegate handler cached until disconnection.

Full duplex

On the client

var builder = new ClientBuilder();

using(var client = builder.ConnectToNamedPipe("my-service-name")))
    // methods on 'callback' ICallback object may be called asynchronous by the server

On the server

var builder = new ServiceHostBuilder();
builder.AddDuplexDelegateFactory<ITestInterface, ICallback>(DuplexBuilder);

private void DuplexBuilder(ICallback callback)
    // callback can be used now or persisted for later
    return new ServerImplementation();


The duplex builder method will be called at most once per connection with a new callback scoped to that connection. By convention the method should return a new instance of the delegate object so each connection, otherwise there is no guarentee that the delegate and callback are scoped to the same connected client.

On the client-side, because the proxy may silently reconnect no assumptions should be made about the scope of underlying connections to the callback handler. See Stateful consumers below on how to ensure clients maintain state across reconnections.


If an unhandled exception is thrown by the server-side implementation it will be serialized and re-thrown on the client proxy. However in addition to any exception types consumers may be expecting, the proxy can also throw ChannelFaultedException if a connection could not be established within client.ConnectionTimeoutMs or if the IRpcClient was disposed. In the event that a call cannot be satisfied by the connected server (e.g. there is no registered implementation, or the interface declaration differs) then a proxy will throw ContractMismatchException.

Consumers can override ChannelFaultedException with an exception type of their choice using client.CreateProxy<ISomeInterface, MyPreferredException>(). This can make exception handling easier in the consuming architecture. ContractMismatchException cannot be overridden, but should hopefully be a very exceptional case during development or with backwards compatibility.

API Versioning

The framework uses the assembly qualified name of the interface type to match client requests against server implementations. This can cause a problem if the interface asked for by the client isn't the exact same interface registered on the server. For example if the assembly version or namespace of the interface changes it will be necessary to indicate what aliases to expect for backwards compatibility. Aliases are a substring match from the start of the interface name.

var builder = new ServiceHostBuilder();
builder.AddEndpoint(new NamedPipeEndpoint("my-service-name"));
builder.AddTypeAlias("MySoftware.Client.ISomeInterface", typeof(MySoftware.Server.ISomeInterface));

private object DelegateFactory(Type delegateType)
    return delegateType == typeof(MySoftware.Server.ISomeInterface) ? new ServerImplementation() : null;

In the above example, a client interface that is interpreted as MySoftware.Client.ISomeInterface, MySoftware.Client, PublicKey=... (or any other interface starting with MySoftware.Client.ISomeInterface) would be serviced by ServerImplementation(). It is obviously important that the interfaces are functionally identical or an ContractMismatchException will be thrown.

Stateful consumers

If consumers keep state about connected parties, for example, if clients must call proxy.SetName("MyName") before calling proxy.DoSomethingOnServer(), then failure can occur when a client suffers a network outage and reconnects between the two calls.

To mitigate this, consumers can pass an initialisation routine to client.CreateProxy<ISomeInterface>(Action<ISomeInterface> initialisationRoutine). This routine will be called against the proxy before any other methods on it are called if the underlying connection has not yet been used for that interface type.


Interprocess communication library






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