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Meeting Check-in Web App

Swipe your ID or enter your info to check in at any meeting.


  • Currently running twitter bootstrap, jquery
  • MySQL database
  • Google Drive .NET SDK, Google Sheets .NET SDK, Google OAuth .NET SDK (for IEEECheckin.ASPDocs)


  • IEEECheckin.ASPDocs - ASP.NET version, uses IndexedDB for client side storage, Google APIs for Google Drive integration, and MySQL for formats and regex


.NET (IEEECheckin.ASP & IEEECheckin.ASPDocs):

  • Use the WebPublish extension in Visual Studio to publish to an IIS/ASP.NET server


  • Fill in the Web.config database connection to point to a MySQL database instance
  • Fill in the Web.config Google Client Id and Secret with you Google API keys
  • Use the SQL script provided to create the needed tables
  • Deploy to an IIS server with ASP.NET 4.0 configured