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TaskStore source tree

	Docs: design and other documents

	  legal: legal docs
	  technical: technical docs
	  vision: vision docs

	source: root directory for all source code and tests

	  clients: (test) clients of the service
	    ImapTest: test of the IMAP support
	    SpeechTest: test of the speech recognition service
	    TaskStoreAdminClient: simple admin client over the TaskStore database
	    TaskStoreClients.[sln,suo]: solution files for the clients

	  corpweb: Corporate website for BuiltSteady
	    BuiltSteadyWeb: Main project for the website
	    BuiltSteadyWeb.[sln,suo]: solution files for the website

	  packages: NuGet packages that the projects depend on

	  service: TaskStore Service main directory
	    AENetMail: IMAP implementation for .NET
	    ServiceHelpers: Helpers that are common to all services 
	    TaskStoreAzureService: container project for Azure roles
	    TaskStoreData: SQL Azure and SQL Express schemas for the database
	    TaskStoreMailWorker: Worker role that converts mail into tasks
	    TaskStoreServerEntities: code-first model for the server entities
	    TaskStoreWeb: Main project for both the website and web API
	    tests: a subdirectory that contains the tests for the service
	    TaskStoreService.[sln,suo]: solution files for the service
	  winphone: Windows Phone client implementation
	    TaskStoreClientEntities: client projection of the TaskStore entities (model for the app)
	    TaskStoreWinPhone: main project for WP7 client (contains views and viewmodels)
	    TaskStoreWinPhoneUtilities: separable utilities from the main WP7 UI
	    tests: a subdirectory that contains the tests for the WP7 client
	    WPKeyboardHelper: helper project for processing keyboard input
	    TaskStoreWinPhone.[sln,suo]: solution files for the phone client

	  TaskStore.[sln,suo]: solution files for both the service and the winphone client

Note: building the project files will create two additional directories that should NOT be in source control:

	bin: all the binaries for the all the projects

	obj: all the object files for all the projects