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Display a loading indicator on top of the native mobile splash screen during your app initialization


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Extended SplashScreen

Extended splashscreen allows to control when to dismiss the splashscreen. It also gives the developer the ability to add additional xaml content to display while the application is being loaded.

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Getting Started

  1. Install the latest version of Nventive.ExtendedSplashScreen.Uno or Nventive.ExtendedSplashScreen.Uno.WinUI.

  2. Setup the root content of the window to be a custom UserControl instead of a Frame. (We called this UserControl "Shell" in the following steps.)

    Shell shell = window.Content as Shell;
    if (shell == null)
      shell = new Shell(e);
      window.Content = rootFrame;
  3. In the UserControl, put the following:

    • Put a Frame (or anything else that you need) to display the app content.
    • Put the ExtendedSplashScreen control.

    It is important to put the ExtendedSplashScreen control below than the Frame so that the splash screen hides the app content.

    <UserControl x:Class="ExtendedSlashScreen.Uno.Samples.Shell"
      <Grid Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
        <Frame x:Name="RootNavigationFrame" />
        <splash:ExtendedSplashScreen x:Name="AppExtendedSplashScreen" />
  4. Expose the IExtendedSplashScreen publicly from the code behind of you UserControl.

    In this sample we do it by exposing a ExtendedSplashScreen property and containing the IExtendedSplashScreen and a static Instance property containing the latest instance of the Shell.

    public sealed partial class Shell : UserControl
      public static Shell Instance { get; private set; }
      public Shell(LaunchActivatedEventArgs e)
        Instance = this;
    #if WINDOWS_UWP // Legacy - Do this only if you target UWP.
        AppExtendedSplashScreen.SplashScreen = e?.SplashScreen;
        NavigationFrame.Navigate(typeof(MainPage), e.Arguments);
      public IExtendedSplashScreen ExtendedSplashScreen => this.AppExtendedSplashScreen;
      public Frame NavigationFrame => this.RootNavigationFrame;
  5. Add code to dismiss the ExtendedSplashScreen for when your app is ready to be displayed.

  6. Create a style for the ExtendedSplashScreen control.

    <Style x:Key="DefaultExtendedSplashScreenStyle"
      <Setter Property="Template">
          <ControlTemplate TargetType="splash:ExtendedSplashScreen">
            <Grid x:Name="RootGrid">
                <VisualStateGroup x:Name="SplashScreenStates">
                  <!-- The Normal visual state represents the state when the extended splash screen is shown. -->
                  <VisualState x:Name="Normal" />
                  <!-- The Dismissed visual state represents the state when the extended splash screen is dismissed. -->
                  <VisualState x:Name="Dismissed">
                      <ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetName="RootGrid"
              <DiscreteObjectKeyFrame KeyTime="0:0:0.150"
                                      Value="Collapsed" />
                      <DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="RootGrid"
                                       Duration="0:0:0.150" />
              <!-- This ContentPresenter shows a copy of the native splashscreen. -->
              <ContentPresenter x:Name="SplashScreenPresenter" />
              <!-- You can add custom content in this template, such as a loading animation. -->
  7. Apply the style to the ExtendedSplashScreen control in your UserControl.

    <splash:ExtendedSplashScreen x:Name="AppExtendedSplashScreen"
                                 Style="{StaticResource DefaultExtendedSplashScreenStyle}" />

    💡 You can skip this part if you setup an implicit style.

Android 12+

The native splash screen behavior changes starting at Android 12. See reference.

ExtendedSplashScreen supports the Android 12+ behavior. You need to add the following code in your MainActivity.cs to override the default behavior.

public sealed class MainActivity : Microsoft.UI.Xaml.ApplicationActivity
	protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
		// Handle the splash screen transition.
		Nventive.ExtendedSplashScreen.ExtendedSplashScreen.AndroidSplashScreen = AndroidX.Core.SplashScreen.SplashScreen.InstallSplashScreen(this);

		// It's important to call base.OnCreate AFTER setting ExtendedSplashScreen.AndroidSplashScreen.

Note that when you run your app in debug from Visual Studio (or other IDEs), the new SplashScreen icon doesn't show. It shows when you run the app from the launcher (even debug builds).

Trace Logs

You can enable trace logs on the Nventive.ExtendedSplashScreen namespace to get more information about the runtime behavior.

You can override the logger via ExtendedSplashScreen.Logger. By default, one is created using the AmbientLoggerFactory from the Uno.Core.Extensions.Logging.Singleton package.


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Display a loading indicator on top of the native mobile splash screen during your app initialization




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