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Cfg-NET is a JSON or XML based open source .NET configuration handler. It is an alternative to adding custom sections in app or web.config. Released under Apache 2.

Good Configurations:

  • may be edited by end-users (in JSON or XML)
  • remove the need to re-compile
  • co-exist with other configurations

Good Configuration Handlers:

  • are easy to use
  • validate and report errors and warnings
  • allow for custom validation and modification
  • protect the program from null, by setting defaults
  • are available on Nuget
  • are portable

Getting Started

Your database administrator (DBA) is unhappy. Every few days he gets text alerts saying "Gandalf's E drive has less than 10% free space!"

He wants a program to make this text go away. In other words, he needs a program to move database backups from E drive to another place.

He provides you this information:

  • a list of servers
  • a list of databases (for each server)
  • the local path where backups are kept (for each server)
  • how many backup sets he wants to keep on the local drive

With this, you can start modeling your configuration. We'll start with modeling him, and his servers.

Create a Model

First, install Cfg-NET with Nuget:

PM> Install-Package Cfg-NET

Then write:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using Cfg.Net;

/* him */
public class DatabaseAdmin : CfgNode {
    [Cfg(required = true)]
    public List<Server> Servers { get; set; }

/* his servers */
public class Server : CfgNode {
    [Cfg(required = true, unique = true)]
    public string Name { get; set; }

Both classes:

  • Inherit from CfgNode.
  • Have properties decorated with the Cfg attribute.

CfgNode Class

The CfgNode class loads your configuration according to instructions defined in the Cfg attributes.

Write a Configuration

The DBA told you the servers are named Gandalf, and Saruman. So, depending on your preference, write your configuration in JSON or XML:


        <add name="Gandalf" />
        <add name="Saruman" />


    "servers": [
        { "name":"Gandalf" },
        { "name":"Saruman" }

Save this to DatabaseAdmin.xml or DatabaseAdmin.json.

Cfg Attribute

The Cfg attribute adds validation and modification instructions to the property. Currently, it has these built-in options:

  • value, as in default value
  • toLower or toUpper
  • shorthand, to be explained later...
  • required
  • unique
  • domain with domainDelimiter and ignoreCase options
  • minLength and/or maxLength
  • minValue and/or maxValue
  • validators with validatorDelimiter option

In our model, the Server class has a Name property that is required, and must be unique.

The Order of Things

For each node in your configuration, four things are cached:

  1. the Cfg attribute
  2. the .NET PropertyInfo
  3. the get
  4. the set

With this, an instance is created. Each property in the instance is defaulted to value and each collection is initialized.

Per the metadata, Cfg-Net tries to read each attribute. If a value is found, it is set. Then, get is invoked.


  1. PreValidate() is executed
  2. required confirms a value exists
  3. toLower or toUpper may modify the value
  4. shorthand may check for translation
  5. domain checks value against valid values
  6. minLength checks value against a minimum length
  7. maxLength checks value against a maximum length
  8. minValue checks value against a minimum value
  9. maxValue checks value against a maximum value
  10. validators checks value against injected validators
  11. unique confirms attributes are unique within a collection
  12. required confirms an item exists in a collection
  13. Validate is executed
  14. PostValidate is executed

Load the Configuration

Load the file into your model like this:

var dba = new DatabaseAdmin();

I suggest adding a constructor to the DatabaseAdmin class:

public class DatabaseAdmin : CfgNode {
    public DatabaseAdmin(string cfg) {
    [Cfg(required = true)]
    public List<Server> Servers { get; set; }

Now loading it is one line:

var dba = new DatabaseAdmin(File.ReadAllText("DatabaseAdmin.xml"));

Check the Configuration

When you load a configuration, Cfg-NET doesn't throw exceptions (on purpose). Instead, it attempts to collect all the errors and/or warnings. So, after loading, you should always check it for any issues using the Errors() and Warnings() methods:

var dba = new DatabaseAdmin(File.ReadAllText("DatabaseAdmin.xml"));

Assert.AreEqual(0, dba.Warnings().Length);

Assert.AreEqual(0, dba.Errors().Length);


By convention, an error means the configuration is invalid. A warning is something you ought to address, but the program should still work.

By collecting multiple errors and warnings, you can report them to an end-user who can attempt to fix them all at once. The messages produced are usually quite helpful. Here are some examples:

Put another server named Gandalf in there, and it says:

You set a duplicate 'name' value 'Gandalf' in 'servers'.

Add a nickName instead of a name in servers, and it says:

'servers' entry contains an invalid 'nickName' attribute. Valid attributes are: name. 'servers' entry is missing a 'name' attribute.

If Cfg-NET doesn't report any issues, you can be sure your configuration conforms to your model.

Back to the Scenario

Moving on with our scenario; we need to make it so each server has a required collection of databases.

Each database must have a unique name and unique backup-folder.

The DBA said he wanted 4 backup sets, but since we know people change their minds, we're going to save ourself some (future) time by adding an optional backups-to-keep attribute.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using Cfg.Net;

public class DatabaseAdmin : CfgNode {
    public DatabaseAdmin(string xml) {
    [Cfg(required = true)]
    public List<Server> Servers { get; set; }

public class Server : CfgNode {
    [Cfg(required = true, unique = true)]
    public string Name { get; set; }
    [Cfg(required = true)
    public List<Database>; Databases { get; set; }

public class Database : CfgNode {
    [Cfg(required = true, unique = true)]
    public string Name { get; set; }
    [Cfg(required = true, unique = true)]
    public string BackupFolder { get; set; }
    [Cfg(value = 4)]
    public int BackupsToKeep { get; set; }

Now update DatabaseAdmin.xml:

        <add name="Gandalf">
                <add name="master"
                     backup-folder="\\san\sql-backups\gandalf\master" />
        <add name="Saruman">
                <add name="master"
                     backup-folder="\\san\sql-backups\saruman\master" />
                <add name="model"
                     backup-folder="\\san\sql-backups\saruman\model" />

Now we have a collection of servers, and each server holds a collection of databases. Our program can easily loop through the servers and databases like this:

var dba = new DatabaseAdmin(File.ReadAllText("DatabaseAdmin.xml"));
foreach (var server in cfg.Servers) {
    foreach (var database in server.Databases) {
        /* use server.Name, database.Name, and database.BackupFolder... */  

If you set default values, you never have to worry about a property being null. Moreover, you never have to worry about a list being null; all lists decorated with the Cfg attribute are initialized.

Validation and Modification

The Cfg attribute's optional properties offer configurable validation. If it's not enough, you have 5 ways to extend:

  1. In Your Property
  2. Overriding PreValidate()
  3. Overriding Validate()
  4. Overriding PostValidate()
  5. Injecting IValidator into Model's Contructor

In Your Property

You don't have to use auto-properties. Instead of this:

[Cfg(value = "file", domain = "file,folder,other", ignoreCase = true)]
public string Provider { get; set; }

You can use a property with a backing field:

private string _provider = "sqlserver";

public string Provider {
    get { return _provider ?? "sqlserver"; }
    set {
        if(value != null && value == "Bad Words"){
            Error("I don't like Bad Words!")
        } else {
            _provider = value; 

Your property's get and set are invoked during the loading, modifying, and validation process. So any code you have in here will be executed.

Overriding PreValidate()

If you want to modify the configuration before validation, you may override PreValidate() like this:

protected override void PreValidate() {
    if (Provider == "Bad Words") {
        Provider = "Good Words. Ha!";
        Warn("I'm warning you man. You know what you did.");

PreValidate() runs after the properties are set, but before any validation runs.

Overriding Validate()

To perform complex validation or validation involving more than one property, override the Validate() method like this:

public class Connection : CfgNode {
    [Cfg(required = true, domain = "file,folder,other")]
    public string Provider { get; set; }
    public string File { get; set; }
    public string Folder { get; set; }
    protected override void Validate() {
        if (Provider == "file" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(File)) {
            Error("file provider needs file attribute.");
        } else if (Provider == "folder" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Folder)) {
            Error("folder provider needs folder attribute.");

The Validate() method has access to the Provider, File, and Folder properties. It runs after they're set and after PreValidate(). If you find that the configuration is invalid, add errors using the Error() method. If you find non-critical issues, add them using the Warn() method.

Overriding PostValidate()

After Validate() runs. You can check for Errors() and/or Warnings(). If you want, you may modify the configuration further; making sure your app has everything it needs for a clean run.

protected override void PostValidate() {
    if (Errors().Length == 0) {

Injecting IValidator into Model's Contructor

You may want to inject a validator into Cfg-NET instead of coding it up in one of the above methods.

More on this later... see Dependency Injection & Autofac article.

Finishing Up The Scenario

After you unravel the mystery of saving x complete backup sets, for y servers, and z databases, deploy your program with some method of allowing the user to update and choose the configuration he/she wants to use.

For example, in a Console application (e.g. Dba.exe), allow the configuration file to be passed in as an argument, like this:

C:\> Dba.exe DatabaseAdmin.xml

Show the DBA how to add or remove servers and databases in DatabaseAdmin.xml. Explain that he/she can create as many configuration files as necessary.

When the DBA changes her mind about keeping 4 backup sets, point out the backups-to-keep attribute.

About the Code

Cfg.Net doesn't have any direct dependencies. It has built-in XML and JSON default parsers. There is a constructor on CfgNode that allows you to inject (or compose) some of it's behavior. Cfg-NET is a portable class library targeting:

  • .NET 4
  • Silverlight 5
  • Windows 8
  • Windows Phone 8.1
  • Windows Phone Silverlight 8


  • a modified version of NanoXmlParser found here.
  • a modified version of fastJSON found here
  • .NET Source of WebUtility.HtmlDecode found here, used as reference.

Further Reading


  • a Serialize method was added to CfgNode. XML and JSON serializers are built in, or you may inject an ISerializer implementation of you own.


An Alternative .NET Configuration Handler






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