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MonoTouch.Dialog is a foundation to create dialog boxes without having to write dozens of delegates and controllers for a user interface. Currently this supports creating Dialogs based on navigation controllers that support:

  • On/Off controls
  • Slider (floats)
  • String informational rendering.
  • Text Entry
  • Password Entry
  • Jump to HTML page
  • Radio elements.
  • Dates, Times and Dates+Times.

Miguel (


This screenshot was created with this code

Using MonoTouch.Dialog

MonoTouch.Dialog core entry point is a UIViewController called the MonoTouch.Dialog.DialogViewController. You initialize instances of this object from an object of type "RootElement".

RootElements can be created either manually with the "Elements" API by creating the various nodes necessary to render the information. You would use this if you need control, if you want to extend the features supported by MonoTouch.Dialogs or if you want to dynamically generate the content for your dialog.

Additionally, there is a trivial Reflection-based constructor that can be used for quickly putting together dialogs, for example, creating an account page is as trivial as:

class AccountInfo {
    public bool AirplaneMode;

    [Section ("Data Entry", "Your credentials")]

    [Entry ("Enter your login name")]
    public string Login;

    [Caption ("Password"), Password ("Enter your password")]
    public string passwd;

    [Section ("Travel options")]
    public SeatPreference preference;


void Setup ()
    account = new AccountInfo ();

    var bc = new BindingContext (this, account, "Seat Selection");

Which produces this UI:

Rendering of AccountInfo

Also see this screenshot was created with this code

To create nested UIs that provide automatic navigation, you would just create an instance of that class.

Samples Included

The sample program exercises various features of the API and should be a useful guide on how to implement certain features. One of the demos uses the Elements API to replicate the "Settings" application on the iPhone.

The High-Level Reflection API

The Reflection-based dialog construction is used by creating an object of class MonoTouch.Dialog.BindingContext, the method takes three parameters:

  • An object that will be used to resolve Tap targets.

  • The object that will be edited.

  • The title for the page to be rendered.

A very simple dialog that contains a checkbox is shown here:

class Settings {
    public bool AirplaneMode;

The above will generate a page that contains a single item with the caption "Airplane Mode" and a on/off switch. The caption is computed based on the field name. In this case "AirplaneMode" becomes "Airplane Mode". MonoTouch.Dialogs supports other conventions so "AirplaneMode", "airplaneMode" and "airplane_mode" all produce the same caption "Airplane Mode".

If you need to control the actual caption (for example to include special characters, use a different spelling or you are reusing an existing class) you just need to attach the [Caption] attribute to your variable, like this:

    [Caption ("Your name is:")]
    string userName;

The dialog contents are rendered in the same order that the fields are declared in the class. You can use the [Section] attribute to group information in sections that make sense. You can use the [Section] attribute in a few ways:


Creates a new section, with no headers or footers.

    [Section (header)]

Creates a new section, with the specified header and no footer.

    [Section (header, footer)]**

Creates a new section with the specified header and footer.

These are the current widgets supported by the Reflection API:

String constants and Buttons.

Use the string type. If the type has a value, in addition to showing the caption, it will render its value on the right.

You can add the [OnTap] attribute to your string to invoke a method on demand.

You can add the [Multiline] attribute to your string to make the cell render in multiple lines.


    public string Version = "1.2.3";

    [OnTap ("Login")]
    public string Login;

    [Caption ("(C) FooBar, Inc")]
    string copyright;

    [Caption ("This is a\nmultiline caption")]
    string multiline;

Text Entry and Password Entries.###

Use the string type for your field and annotate the string with the [Entry] attribute. If you provide an argument to the [Entry] attribute, it will be used as the greyed-out placeholder value for the UITextField.

Use the [Password] attribute instead of [Entry] to create a secure entry line.


    [Entry ("Your username")]
    public string Login;

    public string StreetName;

    [Password, Caption ("Password")]
    public string passwd;

On/off switches

Use a bool value to store an on/off setting, by default you will get an On/off switch, but you can change this behavior to just show a checkbox instead by using the [Checkbox] attribute:


    bool OnOffSwitch;

    bool ReadyToRun;

Float values

Using a float in your source will provide a slider on the screen. You can control the ranges of the values by using the [Range (low,high)] attribute. Otherwise the default is to edit a value between 0 and 1.


    float brightness;

    [Range (0, 10), Caption ("Grade")]
    float studentGrade;

Date Editing

Use a "DateTime" object in your class to present a date picker.

By default this will provide a date and time editor, if you only want to edit the date, set the [Date] attribute, if you only want to edit the time, set the [Time] attribute:


    DateTime birthday;

    DateTime alarm;

    [Caption ("Meeting Time")]
    DateTime meetingTime;

Enumeration value

Monotouch.Dialogs will automatically turn an enumeration into a radio selection. Merely specify the enumeration in your file:


      enum SeatPreference { Window, Aisle, MiddleSeat }

      [Caption ("Seat Preference")]
      SeatPreference seat;


Variables with type UIImage will render the image as a thumbnail and will invoke the image picker if tapped on.


    UIImage ProfilePicture;

Nested Dialogs

To create nested dialogs just use a nested class, the reflection binder will create the necessary navigation bits based on the container model.

The value for a nested dialog must not be null.


    class MainSettings {
    string Subject;
    string RoomName;
    TimeRange Time;

class TimeRange {
    [Time] DateTime Start;
    [Time] DateTime End;

To initialize:

new MainSettings () {
    Subject = "Review designs",
    RoomName = "Conference Room II",
    Time = new TimeRange {
        Start = DateTime.Now,
	End   = DateTime.Now

Creating a Dialog From the Object

Once you have created your class with the proper attributes, you create a binding context, like this:

    BindingContext context;

    public void Setup ()
        // Create the binder.
        context = new BindingContext (this, data, "Settings");

        // Create our UI
        // Pass our UI (context.Root) and request animation (true)
        var viewController = new DialogViewController (context.Root, true);

        navigation.PushViewController (viewController, true);

This will render the information. To fetch the values back after editing you need to call context.Fetch (). You can do this from your favorite handler, and at that point you can also call context.Dispose() to assist the GC in releasing any large resources it might have held.

The Low-Level Elements API

All that the Reflection API does is create a set of nodes from the Elements API.

First a sample of how you would create a UI:

    var root = new RootElement ("Settings") {
      new Section (){
        new BooleanElement ("Airplane Mode", false),
        new RootElement ("Notifications", 0, 0) {
          new Section (null, 
              "Turn off Notifications to disable Sounds\n" +
              "Alerts and Home Screen Badges for the."){
            new BooleanElement ("Notifications", false)
      new Section (){
        new RootElement ("Brightness"){
          new Section (){
            new FloatElement (null, null, 0.5f),
            new BooleanElement ("Auto-brightness", false),
      new Section () {
        new EntryElement ("Login", "enter", "miguel"),
        new EntryElement ("Password", "enter", "password", true),
        new DateElement ("Select Date", DateTime.Now),
        new TimeElement ("Select Time", DateTime.Now),

You will need a RootElement to get things rolling.


RootElements are responsible for showing a full configuration page.

At least one RootElement is required to start the MonoTouch.Dialogs process.

RootElements can also be used inside Sections to trigger loading a new nested configuration page. When used in this mode the caption provided is used while rendered inside a section and is also used as the Title for the subpage.

If a RootElement is initialized with a section/element value then this value is used to locate a child Element that will provide a summary of the configuration which is rendered on the right-side of the display.

RootElements are also used to coordinate radio elements. The RadioElement members can span multiple Sections (for example to implement something similar to the ring tone selector and separate custom ring tones from system ringtones). The summary view will show the radio element that is currently selected.

Sections are added by calling the Add method or using the C# 4 initializer syntax. The Insert methods are provided to insert sections with an animation.

If you create the RootElement with a Group instance (instead of a RadioGroup) the summary value of the RootElement when displayed in a Section will be the cummulative count of all the BooleanElements and CheckboxElements that have the same key as the Group.Key value.


Sections are used to group elements in the screen and they are the only valid direct child of the RootElement. Sections can contain any of the standard elements, including new RootElements.

RootElements embedded in a section are used to navigate to a new deeper level.

Standard Elements

MonoTouch.Dialog comes with various standard elements that you can use:

  • BooleanElement
  • CheckboxElement
  • FloatElement
  • HtmlElement (to load web pages)
  • ImageElement (to pick images)
  • StringElement To render static strings To render strings with a read-only value. To be used as "buttons", pass a delegate for this.
  • MultilineElement Derives from StringElement, used to render multi-line cells.
  • RadioElements (to provide a radio-button feature).
  • EntryElement (to enter one-line text or passwords)
  • DateTimeElement (to edit dates and times).
  • DateElement (to edit just dates)
  • TimeElement (to edit just times)
  • BadgeElement To render images (57x57) or calendar entries next to the text.

Creating Your Own Elements

You can create your own element by deriving from either an existing Element or by deriving from the root class Element.

To create your own Element, you will want to override the following methods:

    // To release any resources 
    void Dispose (bool disposing);

    // To retrieve the UITableViewCell for your element
    UITableViewCell GetCell (UITableView tv)

    // To retrieve a "summary" that can be used with
    // a root element to render a summary one level up.  
    string Summary ()

    // To detect when the user has tapped on the cell
    void Selected (DialogViewController dvc, UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath path)


Tools to simplify creating dialogs with the user using MonoTouch







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