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Sample .Net Web Application using Context Handler


This guide describes how to configure the sample .Net web application using Context Handler for login.

In the KOMBIT Støttesystemer information model, a web application that authenticates users based on an assertion issued by Context Handler (CH) is referred to as a Brugervendt system. In the following guide the terms “Brugervendt system” and web application will be used interchangeably.

After completing this guide, the .Net-based sample web application will be configured and ready to be used.

It is assumed that the reader is a .Net-developer knowledgeable in the technologies used to develop this .Net-based sample, including:

• C# • Microsoft.Net framework v4.5 • Microsoft Windows Server Operating System • Microsoft Internet Information Systems (IIS) • HTTP • X509v3 Certificates

Overview Of The Sample .Net Web Application

The .Net sample web application is based on the open source project OIOSAML.Net

The WebsiteDemo in OIOSAML.Net is used to demonstrate how to send a SAML2.0 AuthRequest, how to receive, and how to process a SAML2.0 response containing a SAML2.0 assertion.

This guide explains how to configure the sample web application (websitedemo) based on a SAML2.0 metadata file from the identity provider with which the sample web application will be used.

In this guide the metadata-file for the KOMBIT Støttesystemer Context Handler in the external project environment is used. Note that this environment is not publicly available, and referenced URL are not accessible.

Additional information about OIOSAML.Net can be found in the PDF file “Net SAML2 Service Provider Framework.pdf” that is supplied in the Documentations folder, that is included with the project folder in the zip-file containing all the samples.


To use this sample do the following:

  1. Either clone the repository to "C:\kombit-web-net", or unpack the zip-file "" to "C:\kombit-web-net".
  2. Open "C:\kombit-web-net\Kombit.Samples.CH.WebsiteDemo.sln" in Visual Studio, and build the solution.
  3. Make sure an SSL certificate that covers the DNS name "" is present in "LocalMachine\My" certificate store.
  4. Open the Hosts-file, and map the DNS name "" to localhost.
  5. Create a new IIS web application with the name "".
    1. Map the web application to the following path "C:\kombit-web-net\Kombit.Samples.CH.WebsiteDemo".
    2. Assign an HTTPS binding to the web application with the host-name "".
    3. Select an SSL certificate that covers the DNS name "" for this binding.
  6. Grant the application pool identity for the web application read and execute permissions to C:\kombit-web-net
  7. Import the certificate "C:\kombit-web-net\Certificates\" to "LocalMachine\My".
  8. Assign the application pool identity for the web application read permissions to the private key for the certificate imported in the previous step.
  9. Open a browser and point it to
  10. Click the "Go to My Page" ( to login using the Context Handler.