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Interact with LiveSwitch streams in real-time from the command line.


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LiveSwitch Connect CLI

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The LiveSwitch Connect CLI lets you send and receive media to and from LiveSwitch.


Use dotnet publish to create a single, self-contained file for a specific platform/architecture:


dotnet publish src/FM.LiveSwitch.Connect -r win-x64 -c Release /p:PublishSingleFile=true /p:PublishTrimmed=true -o win


dotnet publish src/FM.LiveSwitch.Connect -r osx-x64 -c Release /p:PublishSingleFile=true /p:PublishTrimmed=true -o osx


dotnet publish src/FM.LiveSwitch.Connect -r linux-x64 -c Release /p:PublishSingleFile=true /p:PublishTrimmed=true -o linux

Alternatively, use dotnet build to create a platform-agnostic bundle (the .NET Core runtime must be installed):

dotnet build

Using this approach will generate a library instead of an executable. Use dotnet lsconnect.dll instead of lsconnect to run it.


Images are also hosted on DockerHub.

docker run --rm frozenmountain/liveswitch-connect [verb] [options]

Environment Variables

Environment variables can be used in place of command-line arguments.

Environment variable names are lsconnect_{verb}_{option}, e.g. lsconnect_play_gateway-url.

Environment variable names are case-insensitive, so lsconnect_play_application-id is equivalent to LSCONNECT_PLAY_APPLICATION-ID.

Note that command-line arguments always take precedence over environment variables.


lsconnect [verb] [options]


  shell         Starts an interactive shell.

  capture       Captures local media from a named pipe.

  ffcapture     Captures local media from FFmpeg.

  ndicapture    Captures media from an ndi stream.

  fake          Sends media from a fake source.

  play          Sends media from a local file.

  render        Renders remote media to a named pipe.

  ffrender      Renders remote media to FFmpeg.

  ndirender     Renders remote media to an ndi stream.

  log           Logs remote media to stdout.

  record        Records remote media to a local file.

  intercept     Forwards packets for lawful intercept.

  ndifind       Find available NDI devices.


The shell verb starts an interactive shell that lets you monitor clients and connections in a LiveSwitch Server.

  --gateway-url       Required. The gateway URL.

  --application-id    Required. The application ID.

  --shared-secret     Required. The shared secret for the application ID.

  --log-level         (Default: Error) The LiveSwitch log level.

Once the shell is active:

  register    Registers a client.

  exit        Exits the shell.

After you register:

  unregister    Unregisters the client.

  join          Joins a channel.

  exit          Exits the shell.

After you join a channel (e.g. join my-channel-id):

  leave          Leaves the channel.

  clients        Prints remote client details to stdout.

  connections    Prints remote connection details to stdout.

  exit           Exits the shell.

The clients verb has additional options:

  --ids        Print IDs only.

  --listen     Listen for join/leave events. (Press Q to stop.)

The connections verb has additional options as well:

  --ids        Print IDs only.

  --listen     Listen for open/close events. (Press Q to stop.)


The capture verb lets you capture local media from a named pipe and send it to a LiveSwitch server.

  --audio-pipe              The named pipe for audio.

  --video-pipe              The named pipe for video.

  --server                  Use a named pipe server.

  --audio-clock-rate        (Default: 48000) The audio clock rate in Hz. Must be
                            a multiple of 8000. Minimum value is 8000. Maximum
                            value is 48000.

  --audio-channel-count     (Default: 2) The audio channel count. Minimum value
                            is 1. Maximum value is 2.

  --audio-frame-duration    (Default: 20) The audio frame duration in
                            milliseconds. Minimum value is 5. Maximum value is

  --video-format            (Default: Bgr) The video format.

  --video-width             The video width.

  --video-height            The video height.

  --media-id                The local media ID.

  --audio-bitrate           The audio bitrate in kbps.

  --video-bitrate           The video bitrate in kbps.

  --video-frame-rate        The video frame-rate, if known, for signalling.

  --channel-id              Required. The channel ID.

  --data-channel-label      The data channel label.

  --region                  The local region.

  --user-id                 The local user ID.

  --user-alias              The local user alias.

  --device-id               The local device ID.

  --device-alias            The local device alias.

  --client-tag              The local client tag.

  --client-roles            The local client roles.

  --connection-tag          The local connection tag.

  --no-audio                Do not process audio.

  --no-video                Do not process video.

  --audio-codec             (Default: Any) The audio codec to negotiate with

  --video-codec             (Default: Any) The video codec to negotiate with

  --gateway-url             Required. The gateway URL.

  --application-id          Required. The application ID.

  --shared-secret           Required. The shared secret for the application ID.

  --log-level               (Default: Error) The LiveSwitch log level.


The ffcapture verb lets you capture local media from FFmpeg and send it to a LiveSwitch server.

  --input-args            Required. The FFmpeg input arguments.

  --audio-mode            (Default: LSEncode) Where audio is encoded.

  --video-mode            (Default: LSEncode) Where video is encoded.

  --audio-encoding        The audio encoding of the input stream, if different
                          from audio-codec. Enables transcoding if audio-mode is
                          noencode or ffencode.

  --video-encoding        The video encoding of the input stream, if different
                          from video-codec. Enables transcoding if video-mode is
                          noencode or ffencode.

  --keyframe-interval     (Default: 60) The keyframe interval for video, in
                          frames. Only used if video-mode is ffencode.

  --media-id              The local media ID.

  --audio-bitrate         The audio bitrate in kbps.

  --video-bitrate         The video bitrate in kbps.

  --video-width           The video width, if known, for signalling.

  --video-height          The video height, if known, for signalling.

  --video-frame-rate      The video frame-rate, if known, for signalling.

  --channel-id            Required. The channel ID.

  --data-channel-label    The data channel label.

  --region                The local region.

  --user-id               The local user ID.

  --user-alias            The local user alias.

  --device-id             The local device ID.

  --device-alias          The local device alias.

  --client-tag            The local client tag.

  --client-roles          The local client roles.

  --connection-tag        The local connection tag.

  --no-audio              Do not process audio.

  --no-video              Do not process video.

  --audio-codec           (Default: Any) The audio codec to negotiate with

  --video-codec           (Default: Any) The video codec to negotiate with

  --gateway-url           Required. The gateway URL.

  --application-id        Required. The application ID.

  --shared-secret         Required. The shared secret for the application ID.

  --log-level             (Default: Error) The LiveSwitch log level.


The ndifind verb prints a list of the discoverable NDI® devices on the network.


The ndicapture verb lets you capture media from an NDI® device and send it to a LiveSwitch server.

  --stream-name            Required. Name of the NDI stream to capture.

  --audio-clock-rate       (Default: 48000) The audio clock rate in Hz. Minimum
                           value is 8000. Maximum value is 48000.

  --audio-channel-count    (Default: 2) The audio channel count. Minimum value
                           is 1. Maximum value is 4.

  --video-format           (Default: Bgra) The video format. (rgb, bgr, rgba,

  --video-width            (Default: 1920) The video width.

  --video-height           (Default: 1080) The video height.

  --media-id               The local media ID.

  --audio-bitrate          The audio bitrate in kbps.

  --video-bitrate          The video bitrate in kbps.

  --video-frame-rate       The video frame-rate, if known, for signalling.

  --channel-id             Required. The channel ID.

  --data-channel-label     The data channel label.

  --region                 The local region.

  --user-id                The local user ID.

  --user-alias             The local user alias.

  --device-id              The local device ID.

  --device-alias           The local device alias.

  --client-tag             The local client tag.

  --client-roles           The local client roles.

  --connection-tag         The local connection tag.

  --no-audio               Do not process audio.

  --no-video               Do not process video.

  --audio-codec            (Default: Any) The audio codec to negotiate with

  --video-codec            (Default: Any) The video codec to negotiate with

  --gateway-url            Required. The gateway URL.

  --application-id         Required. The application ID.

  --shared-secret          Required. The shared secret for the application ID.

  --log-level              (Default: Error) The LiveSwitch log level.


The fake verb lets you generate fake media and send it to a LiveSwitch server. Audio is generated as a continuous tone following the argument provided. Video is generated as a sequence of solid-fill images that rotate through the colour wheel.

  --audio-clock-rate       (Default: 48000) The audio clock rate in Hz. Must be
                           a multiple of 8000. Minimum value is 8000. Maximum
                           value is 96000.

  --audio-channel-count    (Default: 2) The audio channel count. Minimum value
                           is 1. Maximum value is 2.

  --audio-frequency        (Default: 440) The audio frequency in Hz. Minimum
                           value is 20. Maximum value is 20000.

  --audio-amplitude        (Default: 16383) The audio amplitude. Minimum value
                           is 1. Maximum value is 32767.

  --video-format           (Default: Bgr) The video format.

  --video-width            (Default: 640) The video width. Must be a multiple of

  --video-height           (Default: 480) The video height. Must be a multiple
                           of 2.

  --video-frame-rate       (Default: 30) The video frame rate. Minimum value is
                           1. Maximum value is 120.

  --media-id               The local media ID.

  --audio-bitrate          The audio bitrate in kbps.

  --video-bitrate          The video bitrate in kbps.

  --channel-id             Required. The channel ID.

  --data-channel-label     The data channel label.

  --region                 The local region.

  --user-id                The local user ID.

  --user-alias             The local user alias.

  --device-id              The local device ID.

  --device-alias           The local device alias.

  --client-tag             The local client tag.

  --client-roles           The local client roles.

  --connection-tag         The local connection tag.

  --no-audio               Do not process audio.

  --no-video               Do not process video.

  --audio-codec            (Default: Any) The audio codec to negotiate with

  --video-codec            (Default: Any) The video codec to negotiate with

  --gateway-url            Required. The gateway URL.

  --application-id         Required. The application ID.

  --shared-secret          Required. The shared secret for the application ID.

  --log-level              (Default: Error) The LiveSwitch log level.


The play verb lets you capture media from a local file (or pair of files) and send it to a LiveSwitch server. Note that this is specifically for files that have been recorded in the recording format of lsconnect or LiveSwitch itself. To stream arbitrary media, use ffcapture. For details, see Stream from an arbitrary mp4 file below.

  --audio-path            The audio file path.

  --video-path            The video file path.

  --media-id              The local media ID.

  --audio-bitrate         The audio bitrate in kbps.

  --video-bitrate         The video bitrate in kbps.

  --video-width           The video width, if known, for signalling.

  --video-height          The video height, if known, for signalling.

  --video-frame-rate      The video frame-rate, if known, for signalling.

  --channel-id            Required. The channel ID.

  --data-channel-label    The data channel label.

  --region                The local region.

  --user-id               The local user ID.

  --user-alias            The local user alias.

  --device-id             The local device ID.

  --device-alias          The local device alias.

  --client-tag            The local client tag.

  --client-roles          The local client roles.

  --connection-tag        The local connection tag.

  --no-audio              Do not process audio.

  --no-video              Do not process video.

  --audio-codec           (Default: Any) The audio codec to negotiate with

  --video-codec           (Default: Any) The video codec to negotiate with

  --gateway-url           Required. The gateway URL.

  --application-id        Required. The application ID.

  --shared-secret         Required. The shared secret for the application ID.

  --log-level             (Default: Error) The LiveSwitch log level.


The render verb lets you render remote media from a LiveSwitch server to a named pipe.

  --audio-pipe              The named pipe for audio.

  --video-pipe              The named pipe for video.

  --client                  Use a named pipe client.

  --audio-clock-rate        (Default: 48000) The audio clock rate in Hz. Must be
                            a multiple of 8000. Minimum value is 8000. Maximum
                            value is 48000.

  --audio-channel-count     (Default: 2) The audio channel count. Minimum value
                            is 1. Maximum value is 2.

  --audio-frame-duration    (Default: 20) The audio frame duration in
                            milliseconds. Minimum value is 5. Maximum value is

  --video-format            (Default: Bgr) The video format.

  --video-width             The video width.

  --video-height            The video height.

  --media-id                The remote media ID.

  --connection-id           The remote connection ID or 'mcu'.

  --audio-bitrate           The audio bitrate in kbps.

  --video-bitrate           The video bitrate in kbps.

  --channel-id              Required. The channel ID.

  --data-channel-label      The data channel label.

  --region                  The local region.

  --user-id                 The local user ID.

  --user-alias              The local user alias.

  --device-id               The local device ID.

  --device-alias            The local device alias.

  --client-tag              The local client tag.

  --client-roles            The local client roles.

  --connection-tag          The local connection tag.

  --no-audio                Do not process audio.

  --no-video                Do not process video.

  --audio-codec             (Default: Any) The audio codec to negotiate with

  --video-codec             (Default: Any) The video codec to negotiate with

  --gateway-url             Required. The gateway URL.

  --application-id          Required. The application ID.

  --shared-secret           Required. The shared secret for the application ID.

  --log-level               (Default: Error) The LiveSwitch log level.


The ffrender verb lets you render remote media from a LiveSwitch server to FFmpeg.

  --output-args           Required. The FFmpeg output arguments.

  --audio-mode            (Default: LSDecode) Where audio is decoded.

  --video-mode            (Default: LSDecode) Where video is decoded.

  --audio-encoding        The audio encoding of the output stream, if different
                          from audio-codec. Enables transcoding if audio-mode is
                          nodecode or ffdecode.

  --video-encoding        The video encoding of the output stream, if different
                          from video-codec. Enables transcoding if video-mode is
                          nodecode or ffdecode.

  --keyframe-interval     (Default: 60) The keyframe interval for video, in
                          frames. Only used if video-mode is nodecode.

  --video-frame-rate      The video frame rate in frames per second, if known.
                          Only used if video-mode is nodecode.

  --media-id              The remote media ID.

  --connection-id         The remote connection ID or 'mcu'.

  --audio-bitrate         The audio bitrate in kbps.

  --video-bitrate         The video bitrate in kbps.

  --channel-id            Required. The channel ID.

  --data-channel-label    The data channel label.

  --region                The local region.

  --user-id               The local user ID.

  --user-alias            The local user alias.

  --device-id             The local device ID.

  --device-alias          The local device alias.

  --client-tag            The local client tag.

  --client-roles          The local client roles.

  --connection-tag        The local connection tag.

  --no-audio              Do not process audio.

  --no-video              Do not process video.

  --audio-codec           (Default: Any) The audio codec to negotiate with

  --video-codec           (Default: Any) The video codec to negotiate with

  --gateway-url           Required. The gateway URL.

  --application-id        Required. The application ID.

  --shared-secret         Required. The shared secret for the application ID.

  --log-level             (Default: Error) The LiveSwitch log level.


The ndirender verb lets you render remote media from a LiveSwitch server to NDI®.

  --stream-name               (Default: LiveswitchConnect) Name of the NDI

  --audio-clock-rate          (Default: 48000) The audio clock rate in Hz. Must
                              be a multiple of 8000. Minimum value is 8000.
                              Maximum value is 48000.

  --audio-channel-count       (Default: 2) The audio channel count. Minimum
                              value is 1. Maximum value is 2.

  --audio-frame-duration      (Default: 20) The audio frame duration in
                              milliseconds. Minimum value is 5. Maximum value is

  --video-format              (Default: I420) The video format. Currently only
                              I420 is supported.

  --video-width               (Default: 1920) The video width.

  --video-height              (Default: 1080) The video height.

  --frame-rate-numerator      (Default: 30000) The frame rate numerator

  --frame-rate-denominator    (Default: 1000) The frame rate denominator

  --media-id                  The remote media ID.

  --connection-id             The remote connection ID or 'mcu'.

  --audio-bitrate             The audio bitrate in kbps.

  --video-bitrate             The video bitrate in kbps.

  --channel-id                Required. The channel ID.

  --data-channel-label        The data channel label.

  --region                    The local region.

  --user-id                   The local user ID.

  --user-alias                The local user alias.

  --device-id                 The local device ID.

  --device-alias              The local device alias.

  --client-tag                The local client tag.

  --client-roles              The local client roles.

  --connection-tag            The local connection tag.

  --no-audio                  Do not process audio.

  --no-video                  Do not process video.

  --audio-codec               (Default: Any) The audio codec to negotiate with

  --video-codec               (Default: Any) The video codec to negotiate with

  --gateway-url               Required. The gateway URL.

  --application-id            Required. The application ID.

  --shared-secret             Required. The shared secret for the application

  --log-level                 (Default: Error) The LiveSwitch log level.


The log verb lets you log remote media frame details from a LiveSwitch server to standard output (stdout).

  --audio-log             (Default: audio: {duration}ms
                          {encoding}/{clockRate}/{channelCount} frame received
                          ({footprint} bytes) for SSRC {synchronizationSource}
                          and timestamp {timestamp}) The audio log template.
                          Uses curly-brace syntax. Valid variables: footprint,
                          duration, clockRate, channelCount, mediaStreamId,
                          rtpStreamId, sequenceNumber, synchronizationSource,
                          systemTimestamp, timestamp, encoding, applicationId,
                          channelId, userId, userAlias, deviceId, deviceAlias,
                          clientId, clientTag, connectionId, connectionTag,

  --video-log             (Default: video: {width}x{height} {encoding} frame
                          received ({footprint} bytes) for SSRC
                          {synchronizationSource} and timestamp {timestamp}) The
                          video log template. Uses curly-brace syntax. Valid
                          variables: footprint, width, height, mediaStreamId,
                          rtpStreamId, sequenceNumber, synchronizationSource,
                          systemTimestamp, timestamp, encoding, applicationId,
                          channelId, userId, userAlias, deviceId, deviceAlias,
                          clientId, clientTag, connectionId, connectionTag,

  --media-id              The remote media ID.

  --connection-id         The remote connection ID or 'mcu'.

  --audio-bitrate         The audio bitrate in kbps.

  --video-bitrate         The video bitrate in kbps.

  --channel-id            Required. The channel ID.

  --data-channel-label    The data channel label.

  --region                The local region.

  --user-id               The local user ID.

  --user-alias            The local user alias.

  --device-id             The local device ID.

  --device-alias          The local device alias.

  --client-tag            The local client tag.

  --client-roles          The local client roles.

  --connection-tag        The local connection tag.

  --no-audio              Do not process audio.

  --no-video              Do not process video.

  --audio-codec           (Default: Any) The audio codec to negotiate with

  --video-codec           (Default: Any) The video codec to negotiate with

  --gateway-url           Required. The gateway URL.

  --application-id        Required. The application ID.

  --shared-secret         Required. The shared secret for the application ID.

  --log-level             (Default: Error) The LiveSwitch log level.


The record verb lets you record remote media from a LiveSwitch server to a local pair or files.

  --output-path           (Default: .) The output path for the recordings. Uses
                          curly-brace syntax. Valid variables: applicationId,
                          channelId, userId, userAlias, deviceId, deviceAlias,
                          clientId, clientTag, connectionId, connectionTag,

  --output-file-name      (Default: {connectionId}) The output file name
                          template. Uses curly-brace syntax. Valid variables:
                          applicationId, channelId, userId, userAlias, deviceId,
                          deviceAlias, clientId, clientTag, connectionId,
                          connectionTag, mediaId

  --media-id              The remote media ID.

  --connection-id         The remote connection ID or 'mcu'.

  --audio-bitrate         The audio bitrate in kbps.

  --video-bitrate         The video bitrate in kbps.

  --channel-id            Required. The channel ID.

  --data-channel-label    The data channel label.

  --region                The local region.

  --user-id               The local user ID.

  --user-alias            The local user alias.

  --device-id             The local device ID.

  --device-alias          The local device alias.

  --client-tag            The local client tag.

  --client-roles          The local client roles.

  --connection-tag        The local connection tag.

  --no-audio              Do not process audio.

  --no-video              Do not process video.

  --audio-codec           (Default: Any) The audio codec to negotiate with

  --video-codec           (Default: Any) The video codec to negotiate with

  --gateway-url           Required. The gateway URL.

  --application-id        Required. The application ID.

  --shared-secret         Required. The shared secret for the application ID.

  --log-level             (Default: Error) The LiveSwitch log level.


The intercept verb lets you forward audio and/or video packets to a specific destination IP addreress and port to allow for lawful intercept via packet tracing.

  --audio-port            The destination port for audio packets.

  --video-port            The destination port for video packets.

  --audio-ip-address      (Default: The destination IP address for
                          audio packets.

  --video-ip-address      (Default: The destination IP address for
                          video packets.

  --media-id              The remote media ID.

  --connection-id         The remote connection ID or 'mcu'.

  --audio-bitrate         The audio bitrate in kbps.

  --video-bitrate         The video bitrate in kbps.

  --channel-id            Required. The channel ID.

  --data-channel-label    The data channel label.

  --region                The local region.

  --user-id               The local user ID.

  --user-alias            The local user alias.

  --device-id             The local device ID.

  --device-alias          The local device alias.

  --client-tag            The local client tag.

  --client-roles          The local client roles.

  --connection-tag        The local connection tag.

  --no-audio              Do not process audio.

  --no-video              Do not process video.

  --audio-codec           (Default: Any) The audio codec to negotiate with

  --video-codec           (Default: Any) The video codec to negotiate with

  --gateway-url           Required. The gateway URL.

  --application-id        Required. The application ID.

  --shared-secret         Required. The shared secret for the application ID.

  --log-level             (Default: Error) The LiveSwitch log level.

Loopback Example

Open the LiveSwitch Demo in a web browser and join a channel. Take note of the channel-id from the join dialog and the connection-id from the console output.

Open a terminal and run lsconnect render with the following arguments:

  • --gateway-url
  • --application-id my-app-id
  • --shared-secret --replaceThisWithYourOwnSharedSecret--
  • --audio-pipe my-audio-pipe
  • --video-pipe my-video-pipe
  • --channel-id (the channel ID from your web browser)
  • --connection-id (the connection ID from your web browser)
lsconnect render --gateway-url --application-id my-app-id --shared-secret=--replaceThisWithYourOwnSharedSecret-- --audio-pipe my-audio-pipe --video-pipe my-video-pipe --channel-id {CHANNEL_ID} --connection-id {CONNECTION_ID}

You should see logs indicating that:

  1. A renderer client has been registered.
  2. The remote connection has been found.
  3. A renderer connection has been connected.

lsconnect render is now waiting for either:

  1. An exit signal (e.g. Ctrl+C)
  2. The remote connection to disconnect.

Either of these will result in a graceful disconnection from LiveSwitch.

Open a new terminal and run lsconnect capture in a new console tab with the following arguments:

  • --gateway-url
  • --application-id my-app-id
  • --shared-secret --replaceThisWithYourOwnSharedSecret--
  • --audio-pipe my-audio-pipe
  • --video-pipe my-video-pipe
  • --channel-id (the channel ID from your web browser)
lsconnect capture --gateway-url --application-id my-app-id --shared-secret=--replaceThisWithYourOwnSharedSecret-- --audio-pipe my-audio-pipe --video-pipe my-video-pipe --channel-id {CHANNEL_ID}

You should see logs indicating that:

  1. A capturer client has been registered.
  2. A capturer connection has been connected.
  3. The audio and video pipes are connected. (You should see this in the first console tab as well.)

lsconnect capture is now waiting for an exit signal (e.g. Ctrl+C), at which point it will gracefully disconnect from LiveSwitch.

Check your web browser! You should see your camera echoed back as a new connection!

Using FFmpeg

FFmpeg can read from and write to the named pipes that lsconnect creates. The process is slightly different for Windows and Linux.

ffmpeg always runs in the client role, so make sure your lsconnect capture command uses the --server flag.

.NET Core on Windows uses Windows named pipes. Use \\.\pipe\{name} (e.g. \\.\pipe\my-video-pipe) to identify a pipe to FFmpeg on Windows.

.NET Core on Linux does not use Linux named pipes (FIFOs). Unix domain sockets are used instead, so use unix://tmp/CoreFxPipe_{name} (e.g. unix://tmp/CoreFxPipe_my-video-pipe) to identify a pipe to FFmpeg on Linux.

FFmpeg Loopback Example

Let's put ffmpeg between lsconnect render and lsconnect capture.

Open the LiveSwitch Demo in a web browser and join a channel. Take note of the channel-id from the join dialog and the connection-id from the console output.

Open a terminal and use lsconnect to render to pipes named audio-in and video-in:

lsconnect render ... --audio-pipe audio-in --video-pipe video-in

Open a new terminal and use lsconnect to capture from pipes named audio-out and video-out:

lsconnect capture ... --audio-pipe audio-out --video-pipe video-out --server

Note the --server flag!

We are now waiting for a client connection from ffmpeg to these pipes.

Finally, open another terminal and connect audio-in to audio-out and video-in to video-out using ffmpeg:


ffmpeg -y -f s16le -i unix://tmp/CoreFxPipe_audio-1 -f rawvideo -video_size 640x480 -pix_fmt bgr24 -i unix://tmp/CoreFxPipe_video-1 -f s16le unix://tmp/CoreFxPipe_audio-2 -f rawvideo unix://tmp/CoreFxPipe_video-2


ffmpeg -y -f s16le -i \\.\pipe\audio-1 -f rawvideo -video_size 640x480 -pix_fmt bgr24 -i \\.\pipe\video-1 -f s16le \\.\pipe\audio-2 -f rawvideo \\.\pipe\video-2

Audio and video should now be flowing!

s16le indicates signed, 16-bit, little-endian PCM.

pix_fmt should match the --video-format used by lsconnect capture and lsconnect render.

bgr24 indicates 24-bit BGR images and rawvideo indicates raw media frames without headers.

FFmpeg RTSP Example (Simple)

Let's use ffmpeg to inject a live RTSP stream into LiveSwitch using the ffcapture verb.

Open the LiveSwitch Demo in a web browser and join a channel. Take note of the channel-id from the join dialog and the connection-id from the console output.

Open a terminal and use lsconnect ffcapture to connect a live RTSP feed:

lsconnect ffcapture ... --input-args="-rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://"

Audio and video should now be flowing!

FFmpeg RTSP Example (Advanced)

Let's use ffmpeg to inject a live RTSP stream into LiveSwitch using the capture verb.

Open the LiveSwitch Demo in a web browser and join a channel. Take note of the channel-id from the join dialog and the connection-id from the console output.

Open a terminal and use lsconnect to capture from pipes named audio-rtsp and video-rtsp:

lsconnect capture ... --audio-pipe audio-rtsp --video-pipe video-rtsp --server

Note the --server flag!

We are now waiting for a client connection from ffmpeg to these pipes.

Open a new terminal and use ffmpeg to direct a live RTSP feed to these pipes:


ffmpeg -y -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp:// -map 0:0 -f s16le -ar 48000 -ac 2 unix://tmp/CoreFxPipe_audio-rtsp -map 0:1 -f rawvideo -video_size 240x160 -pix_fmt bgr24 unix://tmp/CoreFxPipe_video-rtsp


ffmpeg -y -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp:// -map 0:0 -f s16le -ar 48000 -ac 2 \\.\pipe\audio-rtsp -map 0:1 -f rawvideo -video_size 240x160 -pix_fmt bgr24 \\.\pipe\video-rtsp

Audio and video should now be flowing!

Screen share from Windows

lsconnect ffcapture ... --input-args="-f gdigrab -framerate 30 -i desktop" --no-audio

Screen share from macOS

Get the device index for the screen to share:

ffmpeg -f avfoundation -list_devices true -i ""

Replace "2" with your device index from above:

lsconnect ffcapture ... --input-args="-f avfoundation -i \"2\" -r 30 -vf scale=1536:960" --no-audio

Stream an MP4 file

Sample file taken from here: Note that -stream_loop -1 plays the file on a loop, -r 30 indicates 30fps and -vf scale=640:480 scales to 640x480. You may need to tweak these depending on your file and output requirements.

lsconnect ffcapture ... --input-args="-stream_loop -1 -i test.mp4 -r 30 -vf scale=640:480"

Broadcast an RTMP stream from OBS

Assuming a 1920x1080@30fps screen capture stream from OBS out to an RTMP server, you can direct that stream to LiveSwitch efficiently. The video-mode is noencode so ffmpeg acts as a passthrough, forwarding the RTP packets through to lsconnect without decoding or modifying them. Because of this, we have to declare the video-encoding, which from OBS is typically h264. By declaring both a video-encoding and video-codec, we are also forcing transcoding, which allows us to respond to keyframe requests as remote clients access the feed more efficiently than can be done by relying on the OBS feed alone. In this case, we are selecting vp8 as the video-codec to negotiate with the LiveSwitch server, which is efficient and broadly supported by WebRTC clients.

If we know the video-width, video-height, and/or video-frame-rate ahead of time, it is helpful to declare them so this information can be signalled to the LiveSwitch server to assist with bitrate estimation and bandwidth adaptation. The video-bitrate can also be set if desired.

lsconnect ffcapture ... --input-args=-i rtmp://{server}/live/obs \
  --video-mode noencode --video-encoding h264 --video-codec vp8 \
  --video-width 1920 --video-height 1080 --video-frame-rate 30 \
  --video-bitrate 3000

Stream from LiveSwitch to an RTMP server (e.g. YouTube)

You can stream the content in a LiveSwitch channel to an RTMP server. The following is an example of how to stream to YouTube's RTMP server.

lsconnect ffrender ... --output-args="-f flv rtmp://<YouTube Stream Key>"

Using NDI®

For Windows: You'll need to install the NDI® Runtime found here: Add the runtime directory to the Path environment variable. Default: C:\Program Files\\NDI 4 Runtime\v4

For Mac: You'll need to install the NDI® SDK found here:


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NDI® is a registered trademark of NewTek, Inc.