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A command line interface/development version for a dungeon, rogue-lite app I plan on fleshing out into a web application later on. This version delves into the technical aspects of the application (backend) while utilizing a simple CLI to operate (frontend).


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PathFinder_CLI | Develop

A command line interface/development version for a dungeon, rogue-lite app I plan on fleshing out into a web application later on. This version delves into the technical aspects of the application (backend) while utilizing a simple CLI to operate (frontend).

Quick Start

To run the application, start by opening up the directory ../path/to/adventure_cli/ and then type dotnet run into your CLI. Your CLI should prompt you on what to do next.

Design Outline

User Stories

This section goes over all the functionalities that critical for the User's experience. This can include how the user interacts with the CLI, quality of life (QOL) features, and even basic necessities (e.g. dumping out the available commands, checking stats, using items, etc.).

  • Users are prompted with, at most, 5 different choices that are prepended with numbers. These choices depend on the type of room that the user is in. For instance, if the user is prompted with two different paths, then the user will be prompted with 2 different choices on their screen (e.g. 1.) Go Left 2.) Go Right). Below are some static pre-made choices the user could make
    • Combat Choices:
      • 1. Attack
      • 2. Dodge/Defend
      • 3. Spells
      • 4. Inventory
      • 5. Flee
    • Adventuring Choices -- these choices will be completely dependent on the dungeon/room event the user is in.
    • Shop Choices:
      • Sell
        • <Inventory Item 1>
        • <Inventory Item 2>
        • (where N is the max. space in a user's inventory)
      • Buy
        • <Shop Item 1>
        • <Shop Item 2>
        • (where N is max. number of items in the shop)
    • Level Up Choices:
      • Strength
      • Dexterity
      • Intelligence
  • Users also have access to general commands such as:
    • save
    • exit
    • inventory
    • stats
    • use < item >


DecisionNode : INode

Our implementation for a Node is going to follow the structure used to build an N-ary tree. In other words, each Node in our tree will have N amount of children, where the relationship is strictly parent-to-child.

Each node will contain information about the setting, and contain a set of enums of the possible following rooms.

Each node will act strictly as the decision-maker/controller for our player. We can think of this design as each node being its own minicontroller on how the player traverses through the game.

DecisionNode Structure

private HashSet RoomSet No No List of enums that have been used in constructing our list of Rooms for this decision node.
private LinkedList Rooms No No List of constructed rooms that a user will pass through if they decide this path
public RoomEvent[] PossibleEvents Yes Yes List of all possible events that could occur in the Rooms of this path
public bool CanSkip Yes Yes Describes whether the user can ignore this path, and move on to the next decision node
public DecisionNode Next Yes Yes The next node in our graph that will traverse our user farther down the path (moreso than if they chose the dungeons path
public INode Current Yes Yes The current Node the user is in -- by default is pointing at head of Rooms

DecisionNode Methods

private void ConstructRooms void Called when the node is initialized; Randomly generates a set of rooms given a list of RoomEvent enums.
private void ToNextRoom void Called when the user enters the next room; Points Current to Current.Next
public DecisionNode SkipToNext void Returns the next decision node this node is pointing at



An entity acts as a blanket class for any items, objects, or characters that a player can interact with. Each entity should have an ID number, a name, and should describe whether the entity is interactable or not (if the user can use any verbal commands on an object).

Some Entities that are derived from this class are:

  • CharacterEntity.cs
  • PlayerEntity.cs
  • Equipable.cs
  • Consumable.cs

Entity Structure

public int _Id Yes No The Id of this entity
public string _name Yes Yes The name of the entity
public bool _interactable Yes Yes Describes whether a user can perform actions on the entity

CharacterEntity : Entity

A CharacterEntity is any entity that a user can interact with verbally or combatively, and additionally is used to create the user as well. This includes NPCs, Enemies, and the Player itself. Every entity should include an Id, Name, interactable bool, level, stats, and inventory. These data for each entity can be found on the CharacterData table on our database.

Some CharacterEntities that are derived from this class are:

  • PlayerEntity.cs
  • EnemyEntity.cs
  • NonPlayerEntity.cs

CharacterEntity Structure

public int _Id Yes No The Id of this entity
public string _name Yes Yes The name of the entity
public bool _interactable Yes Yes Describes whether a user can perform actions on the entity
public int _XP Yes Yes The total, current amount of XP this entity has
public int _level Yes Yes The level calculated by dividing _XP by 100
public Stats _stats Yes Yes A Collection of Stats that this entity has (Skills, ArmorClass, SpellSlots, etc.)
public Inventory _inventory Yes Yes The inventory of the entity; contains an assortment of Items (consumable, armor, weapon, etc.)

CharacterEntity Methods

public void printNameAndLevel void Prints the _name and _level of this CharacterEntity
private void printStats void Prints every Stat and Stats variable of this entity.
public void printInventory void Iterates and prints the CharacterEntity's inventory.



Stats is a list of a CharacterEntity's basic attributes such as HP, XP, level, Skills, ArmorClass, Speed, and SpellSlots. In the most basic sense, Stats acts as a datasack for an entity's basic attributes.

Stats Structure

public int _maxHP Yes Yes The Maximum HP this entity can have
public int _HP Yes Yes The Current HP of this entity
public int _XP Yes Yes The total, current amount of XP this entity has
public int _level Yes Yes The level calculated by dividing _XP by 100
public Dictionary<string, Stat> _skills Yes Yes A dictionary of an entity's basic skills (Str, Dex, Int)
public int _armorClass Yes Yes The ArmorClass rating is based purely on Strength + AC of Armor (e.g. Plate has +5 AC, Leather has +3 AC)
public int _speed Yes Yes The speed is based purely on dexterity (Dex. Modifier of 1 gives +1 Speed)
public int _spellSlots Yes Yes The number of spell Slots is based purely on intelligence (Int. Modifier of 2 gives 2 spell slots)

Stats Methods

public void IncreaseSkill string skillName, int points Increase a skill (Str, Dex, Int) by a certain amount of points
private void UpdateBaseStats void Update other stats variables (armorClass, speed, and spellSlots) based on the modifiers of an entity's _skills


A command line interface/development version for a dungeon, rogue-lite app I plan on fleshing out into a web application later on. This version delves into the technical aspects of the application (backend) while utilizing a simple CLI to operate (frontend).






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