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This application is built using .Net Core 3.0 so the .Net Core 3.0 SDK needs to be installed.

Docker will need to be installed if you would like to run the app in the Docker container.

If you are running Windows you may need the Windows SubSystem for Linux

Running the application

Build and run locally

First clone the source code from GIT.

Restore the NuGet packages. Run the following command in the root of the project.

dotnet restore

Publish a stand-alone executable for the project. Run the following command in the root of the project. You may need to change the OS if you are using a different OS.

Windows 10

dotnet publish hackernewsscraper -r win-x64 -c Release --self-contained


dotnet publish hackernewsscraper -r ubuntu.18.04-x64 -c Release --self-contained

OSX (Untested)

dotnet publish hackernewsscraper -r osx.10.11-x64 -c Release --self-contained

You should be able to run the HackerNewsScraper.exe from \bin\Release\netcoreapp3.0\win-x64 folder in the command line. Execute and alter the command appropriately for the OS that the applicatio will run on. You need to use --post switch with a number between 1 and 100 to determine the number of posts to output.

.\HackerNewsScraper.exe --posts 42

Pull and run from Docker

Docker must be installed locally A Docker Hub account is required. You can create one here

First login to Docker Hub

docker login

Pull the image from Docker Hub

docker pull james2509/hackernewsscraper

Run the application from the image

docker pull james2509/hackernewsscraper



Build and Run Docker image

To build and run the docker image you will first need to publish the HackerNewsScraper application. After that you will need to build a docker image (the Dockerfile is checked in to source) and then you can run it. The following commands need to be run in the root of the application.

dotnet publish HackerNewsScraper -c Release

docker build . -t hackernewsscraper -f Dockerfile

docker run -it hackernewsscraper --posts 12

Publish image to Docker Hub

To create and publish the container to Docker hub (you will need a Docker account and need to be logged in). Run the following commands.

Login to Docker

docker login

Get Image Id

docker images

Tag image

docker tag {image id} {docker hub user id}/hackernewsscraper

Push image to Docker Hub

docker push {docker hub user id}/hackernewsscraper

Pull and Run image from Docker hub

Login to Docker

docker login

Pull image

docker pull {docker hub user id}/hackernewsscraper

Run image

docker run -it {docker hub user id}/hackernewsscraper --posts 12


No description, website, or topics provided.






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