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May, 2017

Application Insights Analytics with OpenSchema

This sample shows how to implement an Azure Monitoring and Analytics solution at large scale with Application Insights Client SDK pipeline leveraging Application Insights Analytics with OpenSchema and 3rd party services for real-enough-time dashboards.

Sample Applications

The Visual Studio solution provides two sample console applications.

  1. SampleApp.ConsoleAppCore: .NET Core App
  2. SampleApp.ConsoleApp: .NET Framework App

Both console apps reference the Sample.OpenSchemas assembly, which shows how to implement custom schemas with Application Insights OpenSchema and leverage the custom extensions in the Microsoft.AzureCAT namespaces.

Building the sample

  • The solution is built with Visual Studio 2015 and requires the .NET Core SDK. Modify global.json for the version you install.
  • Open the .sln solution file in Visual Studio 2015.
  • Select configuration solution platform of x64, not Any CPU.
  • Build All.
  • If the SampleApp.ConsoleApp build with errors, just Build again to get it to resolve assemblies. This is a known issue with combined use of .xproj and .csproj. If references need to be updated, the .csproj will have to be manually edited when referencing any .xproj.
  • Copy the appsettings.json.clean to appsettings.json, then replace each {{Secret-Key}} with your values. Specifying these values assumes you have created an Application Insights application which gives you an Instrumentation Key.
  • See below for further Configuration details.

Microsoft.Extensions.Logging - ILogger

Logging uses the Microsoft logging extensions to provide the base logging functionality, we add additional custom logging extensions to populate our event telemetry objects, and then pass them into the custom pipeline built with the Application Insights Client SDK. See either Program.cs in SampleApp.ConsoleAppCore or SampleApp.ConsoleApp project to create and use an ILogger.

Application Insights pipeline customization

The sample implements a custom pipeline that extends the standard Applications Insights Client SDK. The custom pipeline includes enrichment properties to the event object and adds the following processor sinks to support the following target services:

  • Application Insights for Aggregated Metrics
  • Application Insights OpenSchema custom schemas (LogOpenSchema, ExceptionsOpenSchema, TimedOperationOpenSchema)
  • Elasticsearch uses the custom schemas (LogOpenSchema, ExceptionsOpenSchema but not TimedOperationOpenSchema)
  • Graphite for Aggregated Metrics

Query and Analytics

To view the events written to the above target services use:

  • Application Insights Analytics to view
    • Aggregated Metrics (customEvents schema which is one of the default schemas in Application Insights)
    • OpenSchema data sources (custom schemas created by you, 3 are provided in the sample: LogOpenSchema, ExceptionsOpenSchema, TimedOperationOpenSchema)
  • Elasticsearch uses Kibana to view events
  • Graphite uses Grafana to view events


An appsettings.json file is required for each application. Replace these values with yours in the sections for ApplicationInsights and TelemetryProcessorSinks.


"ApplicationInsights": {
    "InstrumentationKey": "{{Secret:AIInstrumentationKey}}",
    "TelemetryServiceEndpoint": "",

    "InMemoryPublishingChannel": {
      "maxBacklog": 1000,
      "maxWindowCount": 500,
      "windowSize": "00:00:15"

    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "SampleAppCore": "Information"
Field Values/Types Required Description
InstrumentationKey "{{Secret:AIInstrumentationKey}}" Yes Application Insights application instrumentation key.
TelemetryServiceEndpoint url Yes Default Application Insights endpoint.
InMemoryPublishingChannel JSON No Task DataFlow buffer block max sizes and timers.
LogLevel JSON No Category names and their logging level.


Field Values/Types Required Description
maxBacklog Integer No Buffer size of events for Application Insights.
maxWindowCount Integer No Batch size of events before events are processed.
windowSize Integer No Timer window size in HH:MM:SS format before events are processed.


One or more CategoryNames with their respective logging level.

Field Values/Types Required Description
Category Name Trace,Debug,Information,Warning,Error,Critical,None No Default is the default category name with default of level Error.


AggMetrics, Graphite, ElasticSearch, OpenSchema


	"name": "AggMetrics",
	"classAssembly": "Microsoft.AzureCAT.AppInsights.AppInsightAggMetricSinkFactory, Microsoft.AzureCAT.AppInsights.Sink.AggregatedMetric, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
	"maxBacklog": 10000,
	"maxWindowCount": 1000,
	"windowSize": "00:00:15"
Field Values/Types Required Description
name "AggMetrics" Yes Aggregated Metrics from ILogger.LogMetrics extension.
classAssembly Implementation Yes ITelemetryProcessorFactory returns ITelemetryProcessor.
maxBacklog Integer No Buffer size of metric events to be aggregated.
maxWindowCount Integer No Batch size of metric events to be aggregated before events are processed.
windowSize Integer No Timer window size in HH:MM:SS format before events are processed.


	"name": "graphite",
	"classAssembly": "Microsoft.AzureCAT.AppInsights.AppInsightGraphiteSinkFactory, Microsoft.AzureCAT.AppInsights.Sink.Graphite, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
	"server": "{{Secret:GraphiteServer}}",
	"port": 2003,
	"maxBacklog": 1000,
	"maxWindowCount": 1000,
	"windowSize": "00:00:05",
	"EventTelemetryProperties": [
	  "MachineName"	]
Field Values/Types Required Description
name "graphite" Yes Aggregated Metrics from ILogger.LogMetrics extension.
server "{{Secret:GraphiteServer}}"" Yes Replace with server dns name, "".
port Integer No Port to write metrics to Graphite (default 2003).
maxBacklog Integer No Buffer size of metric events to be aggregated.
maxWindowCount Integer No Batch size of metric events to be aggregated before events are processed.
windowSize Integer No Timer window size in HH:MM:SS format before events are processed.
EventTelemetryProperties JSON array No Prefix properties to build the Graphite metric name.


	"name": "elasticsearch",
	"classAssembly": "Microsoft.AzureCAT.AppInsights.AppInsightElasticSearchSinkFactory, Microsoft.AzureCAT.AppInsights.Sink.ElasticSearch, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
	"indexnamebase": "{{Secret:ElasticSearchIndexBase}}",
	"elasticsearchurl": "{{Secret:ElasticSearchUrl}}",
	"port": 9201,
	"username": "{{Secret:ElasticSearchUsername}}",
	"password": "{{Secret:ElasticSearchPassword}}",
	"maxBacklog": 1000,
	"maxWindowCount": 1000,
	"windowSize": "00:00:15",
Field Values/Types Required Description
name "elasticsearch" Yes Elasticsearch telemetry processor sink.
classAssembly Implementation Yes ITelemetryProcessorFactory returns ITelemetryProcessor.
indexnamebase "{{Secret:ElasticSearchIndexBase}}" Yes Elasticsearch indexbase, date will be appended to the name (_index).
typename "{{Secret:ElasticSearchTypeName}}" No Elasticsearch type name (_type).
elasticsearchurl "{{Secret:ElasticSearchUrl}}" Yes Elasticsearch server, "".
port Integer No Port to batch load data into ElasticSearch (9202).
username "{{Secret:ElasticSearchUsername}}" No Elasticsearch user name, if not provided user id and password won't be used.
password "{{Secret:ElasticSearchPassword}}" No Elasticsearch password, default is none.
maxBacklog Integer No Buffer size of events to be sent elasticsearch.
maxWindowCount Integer No Batch size of events before events are processed.
windowSize Integer No Timer window size in HH:MM:SS format before events are processed.


	"name": "OpenSchema",
	"classAssembly": "Microsoft.AzureCAT.AppInsights.AppInsightBlobSinkFactory, Microsoft.AzureCAT.AppInsights.Sink.Blob, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
	"InstrumentationKey": "{{Secret:AIInstrumentationKey}}",

	"BlobPublisher": {
	  "StorageAccounts": [
	  "BaseContainerName": "{{Secret:BaseContainerName}}"

	"BatchBuffer": {
	  "maxBacklog": 10000,
	  "maxWindowCount": 1000,
	  "windowSize": "00:00:15"

	"BlobSinkBuffer": {
	  "memoryBufferBytes": 20485760,
	  "bufferFlush": "00:00:05",
	  "useGzip": true

	"SchemaIdList": {
	  "LogOpenSchema": {
		"Id": "{{Secret:LogOpenSchemaId}}",
		"TransformOutput": {
		  "name": "LogOpenSchema",
		  "classAssembly": "Sample.OpenSchemas.BlobSinkToOpenSchema, Sample.OpenSchemas"
	  "TimedOperationOpenSchema": {
		"Id": "{{Secret:TimedOperationOpenSchemaId}}",
		"TransformOutput": {
		  "name": "TimedOperationOpenSchema",
		  "classAssembly": "Sample.OpenSchemas.BlobSinkToOpenSchema, Sample.OpenSchemas"
	  "ExceptionsOpenSchema": {
		"Id": "{{Secret:ExceptionsOpenSchemaId}}",
		"TransformOutput": {
		  "name": "ExceptionsOpenSchema",
		  "classAssembly": "Sample.OpenSchemas.BlobSinkToOpenSchema, Sample.OpenSchemas"
Field Values/Types Required Description
name "OpenSchema" Yes Application Insights OpenSchema telemetry processor sink.
classAssembly Implementation Yes ITelemetryProcessorFactory returns ITelemetryProcessor.
InstrumentationKey "{{Secret:AIInstrumentationKey}}" Yes Application Insights application instrumentation key.


Field Values/Types Required Description
StorageAccounts "Array of Azure Storage Accounts" Yes Array of Azure Storage Accounts.
BaseContainerName "{{Secret:BaseContainerName}}" Yes Blob container name, unique per hour.


1 or more Azure Storage Accounts

Field Values/Types Required Description
AccountName "{{Secret:BlobPublisherStorageAccountName1}}" Yes Azure Storage Account Name.
AccountKey {{Secret:BlobPublisherStorageAccountkey1}} Yes Azure Storage Account Key.


Field Values/Types Required Description
maxBacklog Integer No Buffer size of events to be written to memory buffer (BlobSinkBuffer).
maxWindowCount Integer No Batch size of events written to memory buffer.
windowSize Integer No Timer window size in HH:MM:SS format before events are processed.


Field Values/Types Required Description
memoryBufferBytes Integer No Max memory buffer size in bytes of blob to be written and ingested (imported) into Application Insights OpenSchema.
bufferFlush Integer No Timer window size in HH:MM:SS format before memory buffer is flushed.
useGzip Boolean No Zip the blob, default is false.


For each custom OpenSchema (LogOpenSchema, TimedOperationOpenSchema, ExceptionsOpenSchema), enter the GUID as the Id from the Azure portal for the Application Insights OpenSchema Other Data Sources:


Field Values/Types Required Description
Id "{{Secret:LogOpenSchemaId}}" Yes Schema Id GUID from the OpenSchema Other Data Sources.
TransformOutput JSON Yes Transform (ITransformOutput) implementation to convert EventTelemetry to OpenSchema.


Field Values/Types Required Description
Id "{{Secret:TimedOperationOpenSchemaId}}" Yes Schema Id GUID from the OpenSchema Other Data Sources.
TransformOutput JSON Yes Transform (ITransformOutput) implementation to convert EventTelemetry to OpenSchema.


Field Values/Types Required Description
Id "{{Secret:ExceptionsOpenSchemaId}}" Yes Schema Id GUID from the OpenSchema Other Data Sources.
TransformOutput JSON Yes Transform (ITransformOutput) implementation to convert EventTelemetry to OpenSchema.


Field Values/Types Required Description
name String Yes Schema class name matching LogTypes (LogOpenSchema, TimedOperationOpenSchema, ExceptionsOpenSchema).
classAssembly Implementation Yes Transform (ITransformOutput) implementation to convert EventTelemetry to OpenSchema.


Using this samples assumes you are familiar with the general topics of monitoring, diagnostics, and analytics for Azure applications:

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