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Star Fox 64 Score Tracker

The Star Fox 64 Score Tracker is a tool I created for the Star Fox 64 score running Discord community HIT + 64. The program is heavily inspired by the speedrunning tool LiveSplit and is intended to not only be used for personal tracking but to be incorporated into streaming layouts to provide viewers with an indication of how well a run is going.

Whats New?

Last Updated: 11/16/2019

  • Added a MIT License.
  • Added an About tab to the options window that includes a copy of the license.
  • Fixed an oversight that would allow the creation of nameless comparisons.
  • Made it so that exiting the dialogue for selecting the name of a new comparison cancels the creation of that comparison rather than submitting it.

How to update?

The tracker will always be backwards compatible with previous config and score tracking files. Simply replace the executable of the file you are currently using with the new one linked above and it will function with all of the same files generated by the old copy of the program.

Running on Linux

This program is written in C# which is a Microsoft programming language and doesn't really port super well to other operating systems. This program is however tested and compatible with mono for linux. The package you need on Debian / Ubuntu based systems is mono-complete and the command to run the program assuming you cant just opening from your file browsing program is mono SF64ScoreTracker.exe



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