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Creating Maps
For Non-Developers:
1. Download the latest release of the IAT410 project here:
2. Open up the scene Game.unity in your Unity program
3. Start by giving your map scene a new name using "File->Save Scene As..."
4. The scene already contains some tiles that are attached to a "MapManager" in a rough map grid pattern, you should replace these tiles when making your own map but make sure they are children of the "MapManager" and that you keep to the same pattern (rough estimates are fine, the code will clean it up for you).  It may be easier to just drag the prefab tiles to the screen in the place they should be, and then later attach them to the MapManager.
5. In order to add tiles to the scene, look in the Assets->Prefabs->Tiles folder and drag any of the available tile prefabs to the "MapManager".  Other than coordinates, do not change anything about the tile!
6. Once you have all your tiles on the MapManager (or at any point in the process), you can test whether the map 'snaps' properly by pressing Play.
7. To get your map back to developers, send us both of your scene files ("YourMap.unity" and "YourMap.unity.meta") and we will include it in the code repo

For Developers:
When importing a new Map Scene (or creating your own), ensure the following conditions are met:
1. There is an invisible sprite called "MapManager" with the "MapManager" script attached to it
2. ALL of the tiles are attached to the "MapManager" sprite as child objects
3. The background map is attached to the "MapManager" sprite and is aligned with one of its tiles centered on (0, 0)
4. There is an orthographic Camera object named "Main Camera" and it is tagged as "MainCamera"
5. There is an invisible sprite called "CameraManager" with the "CameraManager" script attached to it

Unity Setup
Unity Version: 4.5.2f1
Download link:

Unity File Hierarchy:
--- Images [These are for Raw images only, not prefabs/animations]
------- Tiles
------- Sprites
----------- AntUnits
----------- Food
--- Prefabs [These should be the prefab versions of the Images folder, with same set of subfolders plus a few extras]
------- Tiles
------- Sprites
----------- AntUnits
----------- Food
-------- Managers [These will be for 'invisible' objects that manage groups of other prefabs]
--- Scripts [All scripts will be in C#, and subfolders can be created as necessary]
--- Scenes [The actual .unity project scenes that will hold the finalized map designs]

Git Setup
Git Version: 1.9.4
Download link:

Master [This is for Release Code ONLY]
Develop [Branched from Master.  This is for QA-ready code, and is the first branch/location where developers will combine their code bases]
yourName [Branched from Develop.  This is your personal branch, you can do whatever you want with it, but it is recommended that you use this in order to split in to multiple branches for ease of developing multiple features. Example branches are yourNameFeatureOne and yourNameFeatureTwo, where they both branch from yourName.]


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