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This project contains the code samples for the forthcoming book ASP.NET MVC 6 Recipes by John Ciliberti. 

If you run into any issues running the samples or have a question, please feel free to post your question here and I will try to answer it as soon as I can. 

I will continue to update these samples as the ASP.NET MVC framework evolves and will be augmenting the content with blog posts that cover the new features as they are released. I hope this approach will help you to get the most out of your investment in my book. 

The best way to download the samples is to use the git command line tools to clone the repository. This will make it easy to get the latest version of the samples and will even allow you to fork or submit changes. 

To clone this repository you will need to download the Git command line tool. If you are on Windows running Visual Studio 2015, this tool has been included and can be run from your Visual Studio command prompt. If you are not using Visual Studio you may download Git at 

Once Git is installed, you may clone the repository by typing the following command at the command prompt: 

git clone 

You can then download updated copies of the samples by doing the following: 

1.Open up a command or terminal window 

2.Navigate to the directory where you have cloned the sample code 

3.Enter the following command: 

git pull origin 

I hope you will find the samples helpful. 


Happy coding: 




Contains source code for examples for ASP.NET MVC 6 Recipes which will be available in January 2015






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