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Allow players to spawn bomb trucks which can be detonated by RF frequency


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Bomb trucks are modular cars that can be detonated to create a large explosion.

  • Bomb trucks explode when destroyed, or when detonated via RF broadcasters
  • Each bomb truck type has a separate permission, per-player limit, cooldown, explosion settings and optional RF receiver
  • Spawning a bomb truck auto assigns its RF frequency to match an RF transmitter being held, on your belt, or elsewhere in your inventory
  • Players with permission will be automatically given an RF transmitter if they don't have one when spawning a bomb truck

This plugin is designed to be a more balanced alternative (or supplement) to airstrikes. Players can see a bomb truck coming, so they can kill the driver, destroy the truck before it gets to their base, or even steal the bomb truck for their own use since bomb trucks cannot be locked.


This plugin depends on Spawn Modular Car 5.0.1 or newer. The integration will work out-of-the-box without any configuration or permissions in that plugin.


  • bombtruck -- Spawn the "default" bomb truck.
  • bombtruck <truck name> -- Spawn a named bomb truck.
  • bombtruck help -- List bomb trucks you are allowed to spawn, your current utilization and cooldown for each if applicable.
  • givebombtruck <player> <truck name> -- Spawn a bomb truck for the target player. If truck name is not provided, "default" will be used. Bomb trucks spawned this way do not contribute to player limits or cooldowns.

The bombtruck command also comes with the built-in aliases: bt and boomer.

The fuel system and engine modules of bomb trucks cannot be edited at a modular car lift. Instead, each bomb truck spawns with fuel and engine components.


  • bombtrucks.spawn.<name> -- Allows spawning a bomb truck of the given name. Must match a bomb truck name from the configuration file.
  • bombtrucks.freedetonator -- Automatically gives the player an RF transmitter whenever they spawn a bomb truck, automatically assigning the RF frequency matching the bomb truck.
    • Only applies when spawning a bomb truck that has an RF receiver attached, and if the player doesn't already have an RF transmitter in their inventory.
  • bombtrucks.give -- Required to use the givebombtruck command.


Default configuration:

  "BombTrucks": [
      "Name": "default",
      "CooldownSeconds": 3600,
      "SpawnLimitPerPlayer": 3,
      "AttachRFReceiver": true,
      "Modules": [
      "ExplosionSettings": {
        "Radius": 5.0,
        "BlastRadiusMult": 1.0,
        "DamageMult": 4.0,
        "DensityCoefficient": 1.0,
        "DensityExponent": 1.8,
        "Speed": 10.0
      "EnginePartsTier": 3
      "Name": "Nuke",
      "CooldownSeconds": 10800,
      "SpawnLimitPerPlayer": 1,
      "AttachRFReceiver": true,
      "Modules": [
      "ExplosionSettings": {
        "Radius": 15.0,
        "BlastRadiusMult": 1.0,
        "DamageMult": 6.0,
        "DensityCoefficient": 1.0,
        "DensityExponent": 1.6,
        "Speed": 10.0
      "EnginePartsTier": 1
  "NoEscapeSettings": {
    "CanSpawnWhileRaidBlocked": true,
    "CanSpawnWhileCombatBlocked": true

BombTrucks contains a list of bomb truck definitions. You can add as many as you want. Each one has a separate permission, cooldown and per-player limit.

  • Name -- The name of the bomb truck. This will generate a permission like bombtrucks.spawn.<name> and allow it to be spawned with bombtruck <name>.
  • CooldownSeconds -- The number of seconds the player must wait before spawning another bomb truck of that name. Cooldowns are persisted across server restarts but not across wipes.
  • SpawnLimitPerPlayer -- The maximum number of bomb trucks of that name that each player is allowed to have in the world at the same time. Players can still effectively steal bomb trucks from other players regardless of this limit.
  • AttachRFReceiver -- Whether to attach an RF receiver to the first cockpit module. The initial frequency is random but can be changed by interacting with the RF receiver. Broadcasting the frequency will detonate the bomb truck. Multiple bomb trucks can be set to the same frequency to detonate them simultaneously.
  • EnginePartsTier (1, 2 or 3) -- The quality of engine components that will be automatically added to the bomb truck's engine modules.
  • Modules -- List of module item short names for modules to place on the car. Item short names can be found on the uMod item list page.
  • ExplosionSettings -- Settings to tune the bomb truck's explosion.
    • Radius -- Increase with caution. Radius of the overall explosion in meters. Increasing this will increase the number of individual rocket explosions according to the Density* settings, as well as the time for the overall explosion to complete (which is also affected by Speed).
    • Speed (Minimum 0.1) -- Speed at which the explosion propagates in meters per second. For example, with Radius: 20 and Speed: 10, the overall explosion will take 2 seconds to complete.
    • DensityCoefficient (Minimum 0.01) -- Simple multiplier on the number of individual explosions for a given Radius. Applied after the calculation takes into account DensityExponent.
    • DensityExponent (1.0 - 3.0) -- Increase with caution. Exponential rate at which the number of individual explosions will scale by Radius. Recommended to adjust by incremental decimal values like 0.1 while experimenting.
      • Setting to 1 will maintain a consistent number of explosions per second, but will drastically reduce the density of explosions per meter as the overall explosion moves outward. This is great for client performance but the visuals aren't very good for big explosions.
      • Setting to 3 will quickly increase explosions per second as the overall explosion moves outward, in order to maintain a consistent density of explosions per meter. Warning: This will heavily lag or freeze clients for anything but a very small Radius (e.g., 5m).
    • DamageMult -- Damage multiplier of each individual rocket explosion. Recommended to increase this while you are reducing explosion density so that you can maintain a similar overall damage output.
    • BlastRadiusMult -- Blast radius of each individual rocket explosion. Only affects the radius at which nearby objects are damaged, not the visual radius of the explosion. Raising this can cause explosions to destroy objects clearly outside of their visual blast radius, which may look strange to players. Raising this is only recommended if you are having performance problems and want to reduce the number of individual explosions via the Density* and Radius settings while maintaining a similar overall blast radius.
  • NoEscapeSettings -- Integration settings with the No Escape plugin.
    • CanSpawnWhileRaidBlocked (true or false) -- Whether to allow players to spawn bomb trucks while they are raid blocked.
    • CanSpawnWhileCombatBlocked (true or false) -- Whether to allow players to spawn bomb trucks while they are combat blocked.


  "Generic.Error.NoPermission": "You don't have permission to use this command.",
  "Generic.Error.BuildingBlocked": "Error: Cannot do that while building blocked.",
  "Generic.Error.Cooldown": "Please wait <color=red>{0}</color> and try again.",
  "Command.Spawn.Error.NotFound": "Truck <color=red>{0}</color> does not exist.",
  "Command.Spawn.Error.TooManyOfType": "Error: You may not have more than <color=red>{0}</color> of that truck.",
  "Command.Spawn.Error.Mounted": "You cannot do that while mounted.",
  "Command.Spawn.Error.NotOnGround": "You must be on the ground to do that.",
  "Command.Spawn.Error.Generic": "You cannot do that right now.",
  "Command.Spawn.Success": "Here is your bomb truck.",
  "Command.Spawn.Success.Frequency": "Detonate it with frequency: {0}",
  "Command.Help": "<color=orange>BombTruck Command Usages</color>",
  "Command.Help.Spawn.Default": "<color=yellow>bt</color> - Spawn a bomb truck",
  "Command.Help.Spawn.Named": "<color=yellow>bt {0}</color> - Spawn a {0} truck",
  "Command.Help.LimitUsage": "<color=yellow>{0}/{1}</color>",
  "Command.Help.RemainingCooldown": "<color=red>{0}</color>",
  "Command.Spawn.Error.RaidBlocked": "Error: Cannot do that while raid blocked.",
  "Command.Spawn.Error.CombatBlocked": "Error: Cannot do that while combat blocked.",
  "Command.Give.Error.Syntax": "Syntax: <color=yellow>givebombtruck <player> <truck name></color>",
  "Command.Give.Error.PlayerNotFound": "Error: Player <color=red>{0}</color> not found.",
  "Lift.Edit.Error": "Error: That vehicle may not be edited.",
  "Lock.Deploy.Error": "Error: Bomb trucks may not have locks.",
  "Unclaim.Error": "Error: You cannot unclaim bomb trucks.",
  "AutoTurret.Deploy.Error": "Error: You cannot deploy auto turrets to bomb trucks."



  • Called when a player tries to spawn a bomb truck.
  • Returning false will prevent the default behavior.
  • Returning null will result in the default behavior.
object CanSpawnBombTruck(BasePlayer player)


Allow players to spawn bomb trucks which can be detonated by RF frequency





