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Dynamics CRM PowerShell Library

Project Description

PowerShell CmdLet Library for use with Dynamics CRM Organization. Manage Metadata and content, and administer the organization.

CRM PowerShell Library is a collection of PowerShell Cmdlets for working with Dynamics CRM.

Connect to your on premises CRM using Windows Authentication, Claims Based Authentication or IFD. Or connect to CRM Online (Dynamics 365) by specifying the Region. List and select an available organization, and you are ready to go.

Work with Metadata

View, Add, Edit, and Delete Metadata like Entities, Attributes, Relationships, OptionSets and Keys.

Work with content

Retrieve, Add, Edit, Associate, Disassociate and Delete records in any entity. Attributes & FormattedValues are available as named properties on the result.


Manage Business Units, Teams, Users, Roles, etc. Also manage processes like workflows, manage language packs, or invoke any available CRM request.

Customization and Solutions

Manage WebResources, and Translations. Manage and Publish solutions and components.

Plugin Registration

Register, update and unregister plugins, steps, images and serviceendpoints.

Supported Version

The library uses the Dynamics CRM SDK for interaction with Dynamics CRM. Dynamics CRM 2011 and up are supported. Parameters for the Cmdlets are automatically updated based on the Organization and loaded SDK version.

Getting Started

To get started using the PowerShell with Dynamics CRM:

Download the latest release ( and run

Import-Module AMSoftware.Crm.psd1


Install the latest version from the PowerShell Gallery (

Install-Module AMSoftware.Crm

Connect to Dynamics CRM

To connect with Dynamics CRM use Connect-CrmDeployment and Connect-CrmOrganization.


Connect-CrmDeployment -Region crm4 -Credential (Get-Credential)

On Premises

Connect-CrmDeployment -DiscoveryUrl ''

NOTE: If no credentails are provided the current Windows Credentials are used. Add -Credential (Get-Credential) to provide other credentials.

Now you can connect to the organization using Connect-CrmOrganization.

Connect-CrmOrganization -Name 'mycrmorg'

NOTE: Name can by the uniquename, the displayname, or the weburl of the organization.

The get all the available commands use Get-Command -Module 'AMSoftware.Crm'.


PowerShell CmdLet Library for use with Dynamics CRM Organization. Manage Metadata and content, and administer the organization.



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  • C# 98.3%
  • PowerShell 1.7%